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The Xbox 360 Thread!

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Good news... for me... looks like I will most deffinitely be getting my 360 tomorrow! B)) Only two stipulations are that I have to be getting two games (already taken care of) and that I get one of those rechargable battery packs for the wireless controller (gonna need 4 in the long run anyway). Should be picking it up at lunch time tomorrow! :)

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^_^ My evening will be consisted of watching the TechTV celebration following about an hour of coffee goodness, than I'll pick up a friend, drive 40 miles to pick up my Xbox, rest of the accessories and remaining game. Come home, and play till the sun comes up or get the sicky tired feeling and pass out while I know my friend is still playing and will be pissed off cause he'll cause all the controls I ordered to die of lack of power recharge.
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After work tonight, I'll try to wait in line at a local store for one (midnight sale). If not I'll get on tomorrow morning at either Target, Costco, Fry's or Best Buy. Best buy has their cheapest bundle set at $700. Bunch of scum.

Anyways, hopefully I'll end up with one and I can play all day tomorrow as I'll be 'working from home' tomorrow =) I'll most likely just be picking up Madden, NBA 2k (gotta love the sweat) and Kameo.

Anyone up for some madden on live?

Edited by Valkyrie23
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You have to buy a bundle? I don't want to drop X amount of dollars on a bunch of games and/or accessories that I don't want...

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Yeah, at least for my Best Buy (Milpitas, CA). For the psp's they required you to purchase 2 games, 3rd party accessories, and a best buy service plan. Prices weren't too bad on those, but they're pushing it this time with the 360. $700?? that's just insane for the 'cheapest' bundle.

You have to buy a bundle?  I don't want to drop X amount of dollars on a bunch of games and/or accessories that I don't want...


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That's seriously lame. I was hoping just to get the system and a game or two. I don't need the "EXTREME XBOX 360 GAMER'S PAK with limited carrying case, bust of Neo's head and whatever else, brought to you by BEST BUY..."


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Yup, I just found out about an hour ago Best Buy is only doing bundles. And many people in line are ticked, because they are advertising it alone, if you called the store today and asked they say you don't need a bundle, and nearly every employee policing the line said you could buy the systems alone.

But the higher-ups in the store are preparing the bundles, and you can only get a bundle. (Silver or Gold).

The thing is---many people waiting in line still don't know that. Only if you go inside and talk to the people at the registers can you get the truth. Plenty of people are upset because 3 hours ago, they were in line all set to fork out 500 for a system and games, but now find out they waited in line for hours for nothing, because they don't have enough cash for the bundle. When I left there still was nothing posted about being sold only in bundles, only if you talked to the right employee would you find out.

There were at least a few people circulating along the line trying to inform people, but they were being countered out by all the BB employees who had wrong info. By the time I left there did seem to be one employee going along the line with the RIGHT info, disappointing a lot of people. Not many people in line had brought 700+, or could charge that much.

From what I gather they were going to circulate a brochure, and you would mark which bundle you wanted and which games from that bundle, then they'd bundle it up in the store, give you a ticket, then when they open the doors you claim your bundle.

(I wasn't going there to get a 360, had no intention of standing in line anywhere tonight, but I just wanted to waste some time at the mall tonight and happened to see the big line forming before I had expected one, so I went on over and talked to people and browsed the HDTV's inside). Sharp Aquos looks nice, especially considering price. Of course, BB's not a good place to evaluate, since the employees always set Contrast and Color to 100, then have half the TV's in the dark and the other half with 500 watt spotlights aimed at them.

Person #1 in line had been there since 9AM, Person #20 or so since 1:30PM. (And he was the only guy I talked to who had enough to get a bundle it seemed)

PS---it seemed nearly every 12-14 year old in line (there were more of them than I expected) was planning on the Core system and nothing more. They all had just enough for it and tax. That's not even half the money for BB's bundle.

PPS---the link I posted earlier with BB's allocation seems accurate, my store did have 40 according to 2 people I talked to. Didn't find out if the 30/10 split was right, but I'm guessing it was since the 40 was right.

PPPS---last thing I heard before I left was that they were only going to sell 20 at launch, and were holding back the other 20 for who knows when.

Edited by David Hingtgen
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Well, no go for Wally World. They had a "secret raffle" that no one knew about in the morning and all 30 xbox's were given away via a ticket to come back and make the purchase at midnight. What a crock. I was at the same store yesterday and they called this morning. They said nothing about raffle tickets given away Mon morning. They all said to come at 11pm. F@ck Walmart and Best Buy. I'll stick with Costco.

Best buy was giving out their "brochures" tonight as well. That $700 minimum bundle only contained the core system and a bunch of junk. Not even a hard drive, and for what? $700???!?!?

I'm amazed there are still ppl in line at Best Buy as we speak

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I guess that's why I do not work at BB, or any of the other game stores anymore... I got sick and tired shoving crap down ppl's throat... saying "that the only way to buy a new console was to buy a bundle." >:(

They usually ensure that you buy the 3rd party brand that the store is usually affiliated with for that particular sale.

Edited by Dangaioh
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In a bit of good news - Perfect Dark Zero gets a solid 9.0 rating from Gamespot.

Guess I know which other game I might get tomorrow to go with RR6 and COD2! :)

As for the situation with some stores forcing people to buy bundles, I would say to make sure to bring all of your Sunday adds with you regardless which store you stand in line. I am looking at Best Buy's add right now and there is NOTHING about a requirement for buying a bunch of extra stuff beyond the system. Didn't find any footnote (at least immediately) talking about the possibility of this being implemented. The only fottnotes pertain to limited quantities. I wonder if this is a Best Buy policy or a per store basis. If enough people make a stink pointing out what is being specifically advertised for in the add, those stores forcing a bundle might cave.

At least in my case, I am only being "forced" to buy two games (bought COD2 on Saturday, which the store i'm getting it from will honor that as being one of my two games, and Ridge Racer 6... might get Perfect Dark Zero, too!) and one of those battery packs for the wireless controller. Looks like I could have come out MUCH worse.

Edited by Apollo Leader
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Ouch, 700 for a CORE system? BTW, I only saw one HD in the whole store. Plenty of controllers, cables, and 3rd party faceplates, but only a lone HD. Kind of surprised it's carded and not boxed.

PS--yes, both Wal-Mart and BB seem to be going completely against what they say when you call them.

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I wouldn't be surprised if buying a bundle for the '360 is mandatory; this was the same situation with the PSP and I'm sure the powers that be are counting on "new console madness" to easily guarantee almost double the retail price on launch day.

People were lining up at 9am in the morning? You have GOT to be kidding me. Maybe I've got it wrong-it's possible that the '360 gaming experience is so astounding that the girls of DOA will leap off of our televisions and into our laps...I better get in line RIGHT NOW!!!!

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The local Best Buy has the Demo unit in the store. Got to see it's game list on a 36 inch HDTV.

I felt utterly and totally disappointed! It's CRAP! The games were simply nasty looking(early ps2 games looked better). I totally hope that they had it hooked up wrong somewhere. I really really really hope they did!!


You can never count on Walmart employees to set up anything correctly. Same goes for Best Buy and so forth. Have you guys ever seen some of the TVs on display? All they do is turn up the brightness and that's about it. The TVs then look crappy as all hell because they aren't properly adjusted for true colors and such. I guarantee you it looked like crap because they didn't do it properly.

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bundle only huh? Best Buy did that last Christmas with the Xbox systems, most places were selling out and they were only selling bundles. The cheapest had a 2 year product replacement warranty, an extra controller, a memory card, and a DVD remote. Which sucked, I bought the stinking bundle, stood outside the store and auctioned off all the extras with the Halo edition Xbox I had in my trunk.

The city next to the one I work at has a Target, and there is a line outside the door, Target had to call the PD to kick people out of the store. I just drove by a half hour ago on my way home, there's at least a dozen people in line, this Target was only going to have 10 systems, and most were picked up by employees.

well, the scalpers have already started.


items are sold out in the country, is what it states



Edited by Chowser
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That's F'd up that they're making you buy the thing in a bundle. F best buy. Last time I bought something there they kept harrassing me to buy their insurance policies and all that other gay crap. I refuse to buy anything from them now. F EM!

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bundle only huh?  Best Buy did that last Christmas with the Xbox systems, most places were selling out and they were only selling bundles.  The cheapest had a 2 year product replacement warranty, an extra controller, a memory card, and a DVD remote.  Which sucked, I bought the stinking bundle, stood outside the store and auctioned off all the extras with the Halo edition Xbox I had in my trunk.

The city next to the one I work at has a Target, and there is a line outside the door, Target had to call the PD to kick people out of the store.  I just drove by a half hour ago on my way home, there's at least a dozen people in line, this Target was only going to have 10 systems, and most were picked up by employees.

well, the scalpers have already started.


items are sold out in the country, is what it states




Those paying anything more than $430 for the full system is a jackass imo. Can't bother to wait for more units to ship in? It's not like MS is going to say "F it, no more systems are going to be shippped."

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ok for all you target officianados, tickets will be handed out between 7-7:30 am. each store has an average of 55 units, 30 bundle, 25 core, 25 hard drives. 1 ticket per person in line.

at my store they had 37 people at 10pm when i left with more on the way.

it looked really sad.

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I just got mine over an hour ago...waited in line the entire 24 who were going to get theirs was there...and it was cold and windy so they opened up early and let us in so we could pick up our accessories and games.

Got home lil after 1 AM, we've played nearly every game and it looks like I can get online ^_^

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People are out of their minds.

These bids are insanity. Who in their right mind would pay a grand for one of these? Worse than that, 1700!!!! :blink:

ebay madness

Edited by Anubis
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I told you that stuff was going on...

Anyway, Gaijin, I am by your standards now a retard. I camped out at a local Target at 11:30pm yesterday and waited until 6am this morning to get a ticket that guaranteed a Core system for me. Get this, they had but 10 premium and 10 cores to be sold-I was number 19, if you can believe that. I will return in a couple of hours and get in yet another line to pay for and retrieve the system. As for games? Fortunately, unlike the forced-bundles, which in my opinion are the "real" retard 360's, I will probably take Need For Speed and Dead or Alive for the irreplaceable experience of watching high definition, impossibly large and gravity defying breasts bouncing about with no end in sight....

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People are nutz. I will wait till next November. It will be a bit cheaper and by then there will be more games and less crazy people.


Ya that's probably what I'll do. Right now there aren't many games for the Xbox 360 that I'm interested in playing. I do like the controller though.

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So I got bit buy the bug last night and decided to wait in line for a 360 at toys R US (its against store policy to take preorders or prepayments,--I've asked). So I get in line about 8am...store opens at 10am and I'm #13. God damn it was cold out there! Turns out the F'ing manager decided to do his own little preorder for friends and was sneaking them out the side of the building. We saw 360's in route to their owners cars starting at 8:30am. In total out of about a hundred people in line only 5 got 360's. A near frickin riot starts. About 20 or so mom's are threatening to sue TRU! I wouldn't be surprised if this turns up on the nightly news here in MN.

The fricken manager even had the ballz to laugh about it that he snuck people in.

I'm still waiting to hear back from TRU corp offices on this.

Hopefully they give me a deal on one.

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The way I always saw it. For those who didn't get a 360, deserve to get one if its been paid in full. If no one completely paid for it, like maybe 100 bucks shy, it gets passed over to someone who did completely pay it off on the list.

If they can't provide one for you, they owe you your money back in full and maybe some slip that says they'll get one as soon as possible or if no one comes to get their Xbox after the allowed time they get it instead.

I was really worried if I was going to get mine or not, my only excuse was "Well I paid for it in full, and I preordered back in July."

Looks like my assumption was right for the most part.

I played with my friend every game until lil past 3 AM, I have to say out of all of the games Call of Duty 2 was diffenetly dah sh!t.

I counted 15 times my friend was killed by granades completely surrounding him and there's never an issue of finding nazis.....they'll come running in groups of 20 :p

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Yes, I managed to pick up my retard pak and am now in the midst of enjoying its retardedness. Xbox is nothing but a consolized PC anyway, but now they remind you of that with a monster ac adapter that is as large as my forearm. In any case, the Target I was at had no more than 4 copies of any of the launch titles (DOA reportedly had only 1 copy in-store) and absolutely no accessories of any type; not even extra faceplates!

Well, this hoopla is about the games, or game in my case, so I must say that Need for Speed is what I'd expect from any modern racer and this latest version does nothing to revoloutionize the genre in regards to graphics, play, sound, etc, although it is only a launch game. I will complain about the soundtrack though: rap and it's hell spawn rap-rock may be what this nation's youth is into, but I swear that blood was oozing out of my ears as I hussled my Fast n Furious rice rocket about town. Where's good 'ol fashioned rock? Probably packed in with the Premium 360 cases...

One more thing, I live in a rather "unfavorable" neighborhood, and I couldn't help but noticing all the Boyz N the Hood staring at me as I walked back to my place....I wonder if they knew what I was carrying? :ph34r:

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One of my frat brothers who went to get one at one of our local wal-mart centers was talking about a guy walking around outside waving his bundle in the air asking for $1500... from the sound of things, more than one person was willing to pay it too. That's absolutely crazy... are we living in such an instant-gratification world where people cannot wait a week or so? With less than 20 titles out on release day (and none of them a "runaway blockbuster"), I don't see why the firsties were so hot to get it.

Granted, I'm saying this knowing full well that I'll pre-order a PS3 when it opens next year, but if I don't get it OPENING NIGHT, I'm not going to fall to pieces (my PS2 isn't going anywhere soon, and even after I get a PS3, it'll only go as far as the girlfriend's house, she only has a gamecube and wants a PS2)

It's going to be interesting to see what technical difficulties arise with the first-run 360s... the outcry is going to be long and loud if something unforseen happens.

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I've actually thought about doing the same as that scalper, although my conscience will always get the better of me. I felt......bad for the anxious eager-to-please parents who had little idea what the '360 was, along with everyone else who had arrived too late to buy one. I must say that the sole reason why I participated in the madness was so that I could say that I did. I've missed every other "live-on-a-sidewalk" event, such as Episodes 1-3, PS2 launch, etc. and I just wanted to see what it was like-I don't think I'll be doing this again...

No accessories anywhere, no blockbuster games in sight....What the heck was the point to all of this?

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The fricken manager even had the ballz to laugh about it that he snuck people in.

I'm still waiting to hear back from TRU corp offices on this.

Hopefully they give me a deal on one.


It's a terminable offense for a variety of reasons: non-employees in the building during off-hours, violation of mandated sales policies, conducting transactions before hours of normal operation, and being a real frakking A-hole...

-If TRU is even remotely serious about enforcing their policies this individual will be out of a job. This may sound cruel, considering that the holidays are upon us, but look at the misery he caused. Besides, I just got fired my job as well, therefor anyone who so much as looks at anyone wrong should be fired too... :p

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My gawd! Those 360's on eBay are insane! Why would a person pay a $1k for a 360 when they are being sold for less than half that. Amazon.com is even worse. There are units in the Marketplace going for $3,000! Are there even any good games upon release? Halo 3 isn't even in development yet from what I understand, so I wouldn't even buy a 360 until a killer app comes out.

Utter insanity.

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My gawd!  Those 360's on eBay are insane!  Why would a person pay a $1k for a 360 when they are being sold for less than half that.  Amazon.com is even worse.  There are units in the Marketplace going for $3,000!  Are there even any good games upon release?  Halo 3 isn't even in development yet from what I understand, so I wouldn't even buy a 360 until a killer app comes out.

Utter insanity.


Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero are both getting solid reviews.

Frankly, it'd almost be worth the money just to play Halo 2 on a proper controller.

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