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you can check this list out for Xbox games on 360. DOA 3 is on the list


  mikeszekely said:

I hope DoA Ultimate runs on the Xbox 360, then. (Actually, I hope they all do.)

I'd be more dissapointed, but it's only what, two weeks?  I have three other launch games to pick up, so that just gives me more time to save for that one.  I still need about $160 to pay off my games, so even with a few more trade-ins, I was kinda hoping to grab one game early.  One game late works okay for me, too.



Barbie Horse Adventures!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!! :D

Seriously, where's my Panzer Dragoon Orta?

That list is much better than I thought it'd be though. I only feel sorry for the moms who buy lil Timmy a 360 Core for Xmas and thinks that he'll be able to play his old games on it without the HDD.


Sigh...I was just told by my online e-tailer that I probably wouldn't be getting my pre-order...Oh well, Kevin, here I come!

you can check this list out for Xbox games on 360.

Microsoft has a weird definition of "best-selling."

Barbie's Horse Adventure, Dinotopia, Curse: Eye of Isis, Kabuki Warriors, Egg Mania, Yourself Fitness, Sneakers, and Volvo: Drive for Life all made the cut.

But you'll notice that Mercenaries, Dead or Alive Ultimate, the entire ESPN 2K5 lineup, Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront II, Soul Calibur II, and none of the Splinter Cell games are on the list.

I'm glad I haven't got rid of my original Xbox.

The folks at Xbox® are working hard to add more of your favorite games to this list, so check back often for the latest updates.

I should hope so.


Everyone's going to have games they wish were on the list. Face it, as awesome as games like Panzer Dragoon Orta or Shenmue II were, they didn't exactly light the retail world on fire.

Of course, neither did Barbie Horse Adventure or a lot of the other games on the list...

Which is why I have a beef with the list. The first Star Wars Battlefront moved they were just stopping in the store for a visit on the way to some kid's house. The Splinter Cell series is one of the most popular 3rd party franchises on Xbox. And yet, neither Battlefront nor any of the Splinter Cells are on the list?

That just doesn't make any sense.

In other news, I did some math today (which I normally try to avoid). Now, I've got the Xbox 360 non-shitty version, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Perfect Dark Zero (regular), Tiger Woods 06, and Dead or Alive 4 on reserve. To pay all of that off, I only need $72.33. Or, looking at it another way, DoA4 was delayed. So if I take it (and its reserve credit) out of the equation, I just need $50.08. Of course, I'm pretty much out of trade ins, though. And, I still think I'm gonna want a second controller, because while most of my friends plan on getting a 360, some might now, and they'll want to play when they come down. My wife will play golf with me, too.


Considering that the Dead or Alive franchise has been pretty much an Xbox exclusive for 4 years and one of the more popular franchises on the system, I'm very surprised that the DOA Volleyball game and DOA Ultimate weren't on this first list of games. Looks like I'll have to keep my Dreamcast DOA 2 just a little longer! :p Until I get some sort of definite Internet hook up for my 360, I'm glad to see it's possible to load the patches to one's computer, burn them to CD, and then load them on the 360.

Talking about DOA 2, when I was borrowing an Xbox from a friend a few weeks ago so I could try out my DOA Ultimate, it was at that time I fired up my DOA 2 on the Dreamcast for the first time in many years to make a side by side comparison. It's approaching 6 years old, but DOA 2 on the Dreamcast was an awesome looking and playing game. This sytem died a very premature death. :(


"Top selling games" should be changed to: "Whatever works decently under emulation without us getting sued or having to pay Nvidea" :lol:

  Gaijin said:
"Top selling games" should be changed to: "Whatever works decently under emulation without us getting sued or having to pay Nvidea" :lol:


As I recall, they'd already worked out a deal with nVidia.

Eh, it's probably a scam to sell more Xboxes this holiday. "Sure, the Xbox 360 plays SOME Xbox games, but not all. At least, not yet. And since the Xbox 360 is in short supply, why not buy an original Xbox to tide you over? Who knows, maybe by the time you can actually get a 360, your favorite Xbox game will work on it."


As lame as the limited backwards compatibility is, it's not as though I was planning on getting rid of my XBox any time soon. I've got more systems than I need already, so why bother trying to cut down now?

As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing is that we'll be able to play Halo 2 properly with the new 360 controllers. Being able to fire, melee and throw grenades without having to take your thumbs off the thumb sticks... I can't wait.

  yellowlightman said:
As lame as the limited backwards compatibility is, it's not as though I was planning on getting rid of my XBox any time soon. I've got more systems than I need already, so why bother trying to cut down now?

As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing is that we'll be able to play Halo 2 properly with the new 360 controllers. Being able to fire, melee and throw grenades without having to take your thumbs off the thumb sticks... I can't wait.


so i don't even have an xbox yet..... but i've been interested in getting xbox games to play on the new 360..... what's this about limited backwards compatibility?? only certain games will work with the new 360???

  kiririth said:
so i don't even have an xbox yet..... but i've been interested in getting xbox games to play on the new 360..... what's this about limited backwards compatibility?? only certain games will work with the new 360???


Yeah, someone posted a list earlier in the thread of compatible games and I'd expect that list to grow in the future, but for the time being not every XBox game is supported. I'd say buy the games you want, and chances are they'll end up being supported or if not... In a year or so, XBox's won't exactly be expensive...


Yup only limited thats retarded they should have all Xbox games work with the Xbox 360. Its lame very lame I bet, they want ya wasting more money and guess what you cant do any file transfers what so ever to the 360 if you have saves on your original Xbox. Hey about the Xbox 360 Stations with the Samsung screens, dont ya think Microsoft just sends them like that and if the store tampers with it, like something bad happens :lol: ? But why is every station the same and why do they have it that early? My "spoiled" friend purchased the Omega Pack from Gamestops website I was like :( all over the place I asked why and he said he can use as much money as he wants I'd talk more but it would be outa topic. Im getting one soon though not on the launch date since some of them tend to have hardware errors of some sort. Hey mikeszekely does Gamestop take work permit applications if your 15, the permit allows it though but one of the reps told me only if your 16, but I though your allowed to get a job if your below 18 with a permit is it store restrictions?

  mikeszekely said:
  Gaijin said:
"Top selling games" should be changed to: "Whatever works decently under emulation without us getting sued or having to pay Nvidea" :lol:


As I recall, they'd already worked out a deal with nVidia.

Eh, it's probably a scam to sell more Xboxes this holiday. "Sure, the Xbox 360 plays SOME Xbox games, but not all. At least, not yet. And since the Xbox 360 is in short supply, why not buy an original Xbox to tide you over? Who knows, maybe by the time you can actually get a 360, your favorite Xbox game will work on it."


Yeah in June...it was just for laughs. ;)

Posted (edited)

I was reading somewhere that the reason there are so many odd games on the first backwards-compatibility list is that once they had worked out the emulation for certain "big" games, they found that other, smaller games worked also (maybe they were made with the same game engine, or whatever). That's why games like Barbie Horse Adventure are on the list.

Me? I'm pissed that the Star Wars Battlefronts, the Splinter Cells, and the Brothers in Arms series aren't ready yet, but the way Microsoft is talking, they are constantly adding new games to the list.

Plus they said that they've been pressuring developers of current-gen XBOX games to now include the backwards compatibility from the start, so you'll be able to play Half Life 2 on launch day (upscaled in widescreen 720p)!

Edited by bobman

At least in my case, I've never owned an original Xbox, so basically the only set of games I can't play are my DOA Ultimate set, but eventually I might add a few more Xbox 1 games to my collection like DOA 3 (currently compatbile) and Metal Slug 3 (currently not compatible).

Anyway, just a little over a week to go and I'm pretty psyched (I can finally play my copies of Halo 1 and 2 without borrowing someone's system!). Just got to decide how much more stuff to trade off and what exactly to get with that credit...


I just got a call from Gamestop, they told me I'm 19 out of 24 who are on the list to get the Xbox360. They'll hold it for 1 day if I don't show up on Midnight release, which I told 'em I would diffenetly show up.

But phew, 19.....out of 24, that is cutting it close.


Might not pick up my 360 after all. Still debating on whether to drop over half a grand on launch day to play some games or landscape the yard :D

  Gaijin said:
Might not pick up my 360 after all.  Still debating on whether to drop over half a grand on launch day to play some games or landscape the yard :D


Buy the 360, then sell it to some desperate parent for double. Landscape your yard, and have enough left over to buy another 360 once supply catches up with demand.

I just got a call from Gamestop, they told me I'm 19 out of 24 who are on the list to get the Xbox360. They'll hold it for 1 day if I don't show up on Midnight release, which I told 'em I would diffenetly show up.

But phew, 19.....out of 24, that is cutting it close.

Ha ha! Guess who's first on his store's list... And that honestly has nothing to do with the fact that I'm an employee, but rather the fact that I was the first to plunk down some money for it.

Our store may not do a midnight sale, so you might want to double check with yours. Gamestop is kinda realizing that it's a waste of payroll to open late to sell 20 consoles that will go just as fast at 10:00am.

Hey mikeszekely does Gamestop take work permit applications if your 15, the permit allows it though but one of the reps told me only if your 16, but I though your allowed to get a job if your below 18 with a permit is it store restrictions?

Labor laws differ from area to area, so it's possible to get a work permit at 15 in some places, and not in others. As a rule, Gamestop doesn't hire unless you're 16 or older, and to be honest, we usually run our store with just two people at a time, and can't afford schedule problems, so we actually prefer 18 and up.

OT rant, though, you really don't want to work for Gamestop, unless you think 4-8 a week on minimum wage is enough, you like sales goals with no incentives, and/or think getting fired for not meeting said sales goals is alright. Seriously, the only reason I'm still in the company is because they made me a manager, and even then I can't wait for something better to come along. Gamestop is seriously the worst company I've ever worked for, and I worked for Ames. Yeah.


When they called me up they asked if I was going to show up at Midnight, I told 'em I would try....its more then likely a yes even if I have a job by that time.....I would just have to wait on getting it hooked up after work by then........otherwise yeah I'd go and they want me too. But if I don't show up they'll hold it till the 23rd.

Hey mikeszekely does Gamestop take work permit applications if your 15, the permit allows it though but one of the reps told me only if your 16, but I though your allowed to get a job if your below 18 with a permit is it store restrictions?

Labor laws differ from area to area, so it's possible to get a work permit at 15 in some places, and not in others. As a rule, Gamestop doesn't hire unless you're 16 or older, and to be honest, we usually run our store with just two people at a time, and can't afford schedule problems, so we actually prefer 18 and up.

OT rant, though, you really don't want to work for Gamestop, unless you think 4-8 a week on minimum wage is enough, you like sales goals with no incentives, and/or think getting fired for not meeting said sales goals is alright. Seriously, the only reason I'm still in the company is because they made me a manager, and even then I can't wait for something better to come along. Gamestop is seriously the worst company I've ever worked for, and I worked for Ames. Yeah.


Yah got a point thier, but it seems like the most decent job in my area the mall is just ugh, I aint going thier :huh: ...How did ya become store manager? I know like 50 people that became store manager Im starting to understand why I should not work thier. Is electronic botique a good place to work at? Just any damn job to get out of the house and use the advantage of making money and save it before I go to college. Anyways back to topic is the XBox 360 worth I heard alot of people are just happy with thier Xbox, I cant believe my "spoiled" friend is spending $2000 on the Omega Pack at Gamestop <_< . I'm a desperate kid :( ...


My local Wal mart 360 kiosk finally has it hooked up "correctly"...saw a kid playing COD...was pretty nice....would look great on my 50" screen at that res. :D

  Hikuro said:
I just got a call from Gamestop, they told me I'm 19 out of 24 who are on the list to get the Xbox360.  They'll hold it for 1 day if I don't show up on Midnight release, which I told 'em I would diffenetly show up.

But phew, 19.....out of 24, that is cutting it close.


19 of 24? I couldn't have cared less if I had gotten mine or not (seems like I won't now), but all of these tales speaking of bungled pre-orders is just ridiculous...

  mikeszekely said:
OT rant, though, you really don't want to work for Gamestop, unless you think 4-8 a week on minimum wage is enough, you like sales goals with no incentives, and/or think getting fired for not meeting said sales goals is alright.  Seriously, the only reason I'm still in the company is because they made me a manager, and even then I can't wait for something better to come along.  Gamestop is seriously the worst company I've ever worked for, and I worked for Ames.  Yeah.


Copy that. I've got a friend who is a store Manager for Gamestop as well and he couldn't even stop telling me reasons why not to join up with the company; they've got so much turn-over that maybe they should start installing revolving doors in their stores...

...How did ya become store manager?

I got laid off from Ames the same year I finished college. I was friends with some of the people there, so I was offered a job where I'd just work maybe a Saturday here and there so that I could get a discount, and so that I could still say that I was employeed while I looked for something better.

Unfortunately, I also happened to graduate less than a year after 9/11, so there wasn't much in the way of opportunities. I wound up staying at Gamestop longer than I'd originally planned. What's more, I was a better at both cashiering and customer service than any other non-manager they had. Next thing I know, I was doing 20-25 hour weeks, and that during the slow periods.

Then one day, for whatever reasons, I'd come to a point where everyone ahead of me had either quit or been fired. At first, the DM was going to hire outside, but I argued with him, and next thing I knew, I was running the store.

Is electronic botique a good place to work at?

Probably not, since Gamestop bought them. By March of 06, their stores will conform to our policies. What's more, if you became an EB employee now, by the end of 06, you could be a Gamestop employee.

Just any damn job to get out of the house and use the advantage of making money and save it before I go to college.

Honestly? I made a lot of friends and actually have some good memories from Ames, even if the company did drive itself into the ground. I've heard some bad things about Wal-Mart, but if you have a K-Mart or a Target, I'd try there. It'll suck at first, but if you do good, once you turn 18 you could get a department. Mine was, naturally, Electronics.

Anyways back to topic is the XBox 360 worth

I suppose it depends. A lot of people could probably get by without one... at least until Halo 3 hits. But, despite the derisive remarks by Sony that are constantly being parroted by their fanboys, the Xbox 360 is next-gen, and by the end of 2006, people who are happy with their Xbox will either upgrade out of necessity or be digging through dump bins for some used game they haven't played yet.

Or maybe you're like me. I'm a technophile, and have a tendency to buy stuff because it's new and/or cool. I mean, I already have an Xbox, a PS2, a Dreamcast, a GBA SP (the new kind with the better screen), the Gameboy Micro, the DS, and the PSP. I know, I'm missing Gamecube. I had one since launch, but I recently sold it to a friend who wanted it for RE4, because I hadn't touched it forever. If I have a hankering to play a GC game, it'll have to wait until I pick up a Revolution.

Oh, as for older systems, I've been gaming since my Magnavox Odyssey. I've just sold off most of my older systems. Unlike some of the other members, I'm not much of a retro gamer, so if there does happen to be an older game I want to play, I'll emulate.

19 of 24? I couldn't have cared less if I had gotten mine or not (seems like I won't now), but all of these tales speaking of bungled pre-orders is just ridiculous...

Maybe, but when you've had it preordered since July, I think if you were me you'd rather have it on launch date instead of waiting until Feburary or what ever and find out you might not even get it then.

If it ever ended up that they gave mine away by mistake I'd not only tell them to gimme my money back but I'd expect them to find one to replace it.

I've been hard ass on stuff like that before.

I remember I bought .Hack VOL3 for the PS2, it had no DVD. I told 'em "How can you NOT have the DVD with the game?" "Cause we count the DVD as a seperate item." "Okay, listen, that DVD is APART of the game, if you wanna know what's going on, you HAVE TO HAVE THE STUPID DVD! Give me the DVD, or you loose your sale, and then I'll wanna take to a manager and let him know how stupid this is." "But we don't have the DVD anymore." "Then you better go find it cause if I don't have it by the end of the day I'll talk to your manager, and I'll go look elsewhere for the game, AND get the DVD with it."

^_^ wouldn't you know, she found it.

Posted (edited)

Seems all the BestBuy's around me are getting around 40, usually a 30/10 premium/core split. Of the few numbers I've seen, I'm seeing much higher numbers for BB than Wal-Mart. Was like that for the PS2 launch as well (at least here).

And the powerpack is HUGE. And the system apparently runs hot. Sigh--my XB is the hottest (literally) "thing" I own after my car, it heats up my room more than central heating and about a 3-foot zone around where it sits. If the 360 is even hotter...

BestBuy X360 allocations, store by store, and some pics: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/board/showpos...&postcount=1397

Edited by David Hingtgen

I got ANOTHER call from Gamestop, now, I understand greatly when the automated machine calls letting me know an order is arriving soon. But honestly......why call a WEEK before it arrives?..........I like it better when its a day before.

Oh well, I gotta go into town today after I get my morning stuff done to check up on a job and go to GS and finish off some stuff.

  Hikuro said:

Maybe, but when you've had it preordered since July, I think if you were me you'd rather have it on launch date instead of waiting until Feburary or what ever and find out you might not even get it then.

If it ever ended up that they gave mine away by mistake I'd not only tell them to gimme my money back but I'd expect them to find one to replace it. 

I've been hard ass on stuff like that before.

Which is exactly my point. I personally don't care if I don't get mine until next year, but alot of hardcore blokes out there preordered AND prepaid eons ago and I hear that some of them may not even get their systems...that's what's ridiculous to me...

Posted (edited)
  David Hingtgen said:
Seems all the BestBuy's around me are getting around 40,  usually a 30/10 premium/core split.   Of the few numbers I've seen, I'm seeing much higher numbers for BB than Wal-Mart.  Was like that for the PS2 launch as well (at least here).  

And the powerpack is HUGE.   And the system apparently runs hot.  Sigh--my XB is the hottest (literally) "thing" I own after my car, it heats up my room more than central heating and about a 3-foot zone around where it sits.  If the 360 is even hotter...

BestBuy X360 allocations, store by store, and some pics: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/board/showpos...&postcount=1397


Wow-thanks for the info! I can only imagine the long lines of sleeping bags piled outside of the stores on that day..

Edited by myk

Thanks for the info, David :)

  David Hingtgen said:
Seems all the BestBuy's around me are getting around 40,  usually a 30/10 premium/core split.  Of the few numbers I've seen, I'm seeing much higher numbers for BB than Wal-Mart.  Was like that for the PS2 launch as well (at least here). 

And the powerpack is HUGE.  And the system apparently runs hot.  Sigh--my XB is the hottest (literally) "thing" I own after my car, it heats up my room more than central heating and about a 3-foot zone around where it sits.  If the 360 is even hotter...

BestBuy X360 allocations, store by store, and some pics: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/board/showpos...&postcount=1397



went to GS, paid for EVERYTHING 150 some odd dollars worth, but originally I paid for the same game twice till I looked at my reciepts I got stashed in my car and went "WTF?!" came back, switched it over to Elderscrolls which is in March..............................god dammit.

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