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BTW Captain of the SDF-1 Macross, that's one really nice looking picture of Lux u got there :lol:


Speaking of fanservices...

Can someone do a gif of Ramius in the captain's chair when an explotion rocks the ship? :p

I was reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and this kind of caught my attention, though I'm sure they're not related in anyway.

Klein faction = German Conspirators, a small group of military officers trying to boot out a mad man.

Andy Waldfeld = Erwin Rommel, famed high ranking officer who sides with rebel faction, gained fame/infamy fighting in the deserts on North Africa.

  Druna Skass said:
Andy Waldfeld = Erwin Rommel, famed high ranking officer who sides with rebel faction, gained fame/infamy fighting in the deserts on North Africa.

Rommel wasen't a traitor, he only was accused of being one in times when if you weren't kissing Hitler's butt 24/7 the SS would consider you to be a "problem" :angry:

But the story does in fact have a lot of ties with the events of history :p History will repeat itself watch out :blink::crazy: emoticon how much I miss u :(

Posted (edited)
  NoSuchFile said:
  Druna Skass said:
Andy Waldfeld = Erwin Rommel, famed high ranking officer who sides with rebel faction, gained fame/infamy fighting in the deserts on North Africa.

Rommel wasen't a traitor, he only was accused of being one in times when if you weren't kissing Hitler's butt 24/7 the SS would consider you to be a "problem" :angry:

No he didn't full co-operate with Stauffenburg and the other conspirators but he did give them his support and agreed to help them if they pulled off their coup. He would have a big part after the conspirators arrested Hitler, I think the conspirators were going to make him Germany's temporary leader until they got thing set up and running. In fact the reason he committed suicide is because Hitler caught on that Rommel was going to help the conspirators. He could either kill himself and Hiter would give him a state funeral, or go to trial which would put his family in danger.

Edited by Druna Skass

the only one i would deem a traitor in the party would be himmler, he surrendered without the go-ahead from the party, they should have killed him when they were killing the leaders of the brownshirts


Its been a while since I checked out Gundam Seed. Can anyone tell me which group has done the best job of subbing it? [AJ] or [Ani-Kraze] or [sI & Aoshi & AG]? I'm leaning towards downloading the AJ version since the files are smaller then the other two.

  Effect said:
Its been a while since I checked out Gundam Seed. Can anyone tell me which group has done the best job of subbing it? [AJ] or [Ani-Kraze] or [sI & Aoshi & AG]? I'm leaning towards downloading the AJ version since the files are smaller then the other two.

It should be noted that Bandai has told the fansubbers to stop subbing SEED due to Bandai's announcement of releasing the anime in 2005. Fans were upset about it because the subbers end at around episode 42, which is a cliffhanger. So the fansubs continued (discretely) to provide the last episodes to finish the story.

Anyways, now back to fansubbing...

[sI & Aoshi & AG] a.k.a. SEED Fansubs are the best Gundam SEED fansubs not only for being the most accurate than anyone but also for the picture quality. Sure, the non-Japanese names are very Englinized but leaned strongly to get the names right. They did episodes 1-26 and then episode 45 until Bandai told them to stop.

Anime-Kingdom and HaroHaro are tied for second place in subbing SEED. Anime-Kingdom was created in response of SEED Fansubs slow schedule, so they did where they left off to sub episodes 27-42. HaroHaro was created to continue where AK left off and did 43-50.

AnimeJunkies [AJ] is to be avoided unless it's a last resort. While the files are small, their SEED translations are riffed with translation errors. Download from them unless you can't find the others.


What type of translation errors? Do you mean they dont' translate word for word but take what the original japanese dialgoue and just reword it so it flows better but means the same thing? Something like that I don't really mind as long as its a good rewording to be honest but some peole consider this to be a translatio error. Or is it something else?


Well Well! , a nice SEED discussion.

my thought of SEED 49 - 50

Pro :

Isaac is a damn killer, he iced both Shani (Forbidden) and Crot (Raider) , and he did it looking COOL! :p , for the first time i saw the beautiful Duel kicking some serious ass.

Shani (Forbidden) Death, VERY COOL!, the 2nd best death of the series (Mwu death in 1st, and Nicol in 3rd) , first off getting his PS-shield smashed by BUSTER , and then having his arms cut of and the second later getting impaled by DUEL.....awsome, a good ending for the 2nd best baddie.

Crot (Raider) Death, Buster got kicked in the arse by Providence´s funnels, Isaac goes to help, Crot (now insane from the drugs he was fed with by the Blue cosmos scientists) comes and gets BLASTED by Duel using the buster-rifle :p

Providence, turned out to be the second best suit of the series, always loved Funnels, and ive always loved the NT-1 (which i thought it resembled the most, the colors where nice to), i liked the backpack alot, seamd to be the ideal ramp for Funnels

Rau Le Kruuze, the ULTIMATE baddie, had the 2nd coolest suit, said some VERY VERY TRUE things while giving Kira the fight of his life, his death was alot like Shanis and Nicols, getting scewerd on Freedom´s spear....the scene where the helmet cracks and the mask gets torn of was nice!, i didnt care to much about never seeing his face, i do think that he never intended to survive the last fight (throwing away his drugs and saying all those things)

Fllay death , it was an awsome scene that made me think of MSG once again! :p , oh jolly!. it was sad

Kira finnally getting his arse kicked again, for the second time we saw him get a royal beating, but ofcourse he won <_<

Justice self destruct, was a very cool scene that came out of nowhere...i remember i was VERY shocked seeing Providence,Justice and Freedom get blown to "smitheriens"... Kira of course survived miraculousley, Strike Rouge also survived.

Mwu La Fraga death, OMG!!!! THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SERIES!!! , he got the death he "deseved" , diving infront of the mighty LowenGreen (The mother of cap-ship lasers) , and dying with "im the guy that makes the impossible, possible" as his last words.

Azrael and Nataru death, VERY nice!, finnaly azrael gets what he deserves :( , i pitty Nataru tho .... didnt want her to die...


Cons :

Oruga (Calamity) death, WAY to easy, i couldnt never imagine him dying THAT easy, sure he was outnumbered, and up against 2 METEOR-units, but he had the biggest of the 2nd generation Gundams, i thought hed put up MUCH more of a fight.

Astray trio killed of, MAN!, wasnt that FAST?!, sure we never got to know them but suddenley they where all killed off in 5 minutes , one being impaled by a Zaft unit....very icky!!.

Freedom and Justice stopping all nukes from hitting PLANT, cmon?! , all of them?!, sure they had the S.E.E.D , and sure they had the METEOR-units ... but all of them?!, it must have been up to one hundred nukes flying, and they where all stopped....i didnt like that....

there are alot of other cons....but i gotta get up for school in 3 hours , so ill leave it like this....


  estacado06479 said:
the only one i would deem a traitor in the party would be himmler, he surrendered without the go-ahead from the party, they should have killed him when they were killing the leaders of the brownshirts

Not only that, he also tried to seize the reigns of power by getting Reich Marshal Goering (Hitler's sucessor) arrested and out of the way.


Personnaly I don't mind to see natarle being killed in 49, it's the way she died that I find a bit tooooo cruel <_<

Mwu's death was something alright, I would have prefered for him to stay alive but he got killed in a very heroic way, that's doing justice to the character he was :(

Oruga's death sure was cheap but his gundam wasen't made to fight high speed targets and he faced the 2 fastest units ever produced in this war, he didn't have a chance to start :rolleyes:

The all nuke missile destruction isn't all that impossible since those morons fired the missiles in groups, blow one up and the other missiles near it blows up with it, stupid way to attack :p

Flay is dead, lets celebrate, :yoshi: <-- oh yeah, this one dosen't work now <_<

Patrick killed by some guy, we don't know who he was but we don't care, he will go down as the guy who killed Partick :rolleyes:

Can't wait until the start of SEED 2 B)


Afte rewatching the finale 2 more times, I'm in the camp now that Kurueze is dead. The beam saber punched into the cockpit, pushing the door aside, and you can tell when his helmet glass breaks that his mask is pulled off by the vacuum. The blade itself didn't touch him though, it was off to his side. The no helmet issue and then getting plowed by the genesis beam would mean that if he were to survive then it would be the most miraculous escape ever. Kira at least managed to get away from the center of the blast, and look what happened to Freedom. Kurueze caught it head on. We'll see what happens next time I guess.

I could not help but feel sorry for Fllay towards the end. They actually managed to kind of turn her into a tragic character.

I'm not sure if they'll use the same cast specifically for the next show. Most, probably, but a few I think will go to cameo status if anything, or change roles slightly. It'll be harder for Ramius to be captain again if she end up a mommy for instance. Leave Bartfeld in charge. It's a long time to speculate though.

  Druna Skass said:
I wonder if that guy will have a roll in SEED2...

Who knows, maybe they'll put his name in the histoty books as one of the great heroes of the Plant VS Earth war :p

  NoSuchFile said:
  Druna Skass said:
I wonder if that guy will have a roll in SEED2...

Who knows, maybe they'll put his name in the histoty books as one of the great heroes of the Plant VS Earth war :p

The guy that shot Patrick is dead too. He was shot first for questioning firing Genesis at Washington (figures they would make Washington the Pacific Alliance HQ), and he pulled out a gun and shot Patrick to try to stop him.


And personally, I rather like that Asuran didn't have to kill his father, like most people expected. It's good to see the even the common soldier could see that killing half the planet was a bad thing. It's not the kind of thing you'd see from the Zeonists, who would gleefully scream, "SIEG ZEON!" while shooting Earth.

Of course, the Alliance is a lot more ruthless than the Federation was. While the Alliance happily used doomsday weapons, the Feddies would have just sat around with their thumb up their... yeah.


hmmm it seems SEED 2 and the 'UCish" show wont be anytime soon.


SEED 2 No More? by Chris 11:00 P.M. EST

Some new information regarding the supposed Gundam SEED 2 was posted to the GML the other day by Neo-Era. Here is the original post:

In another Nikkei article about the Chief Gundam Officer, it's now mentioned that the next Gundam tv series after SD Gundam Force won't be for another 2-3 years. Looks like all bets for exactly what the next tv series will be (including SEED 2) are off. I'm sure new Gundam OVA's and movies aren't ruled out though.

Given this new information, I've decided that it's best to take down the SEED 2 information page for the moment. If its existence is indeed confirmed, it will return.

  bob joe mac said:
hmmm it seems SEED 2 and the 'UCish" show wont be anytime soon.


SEED 2 No More? by Chris 11:00 P.M. EST

Some new information regarding the supposed Gundam SEED 2 was posted to the GML the other day by Neo-Era. Here is the original post:

In another Nikkei article about the Chief Gundam Officer, it's now mentioned that the next Gundam tv series after SD Gundam Force won't be for another 2-3 years. Looks like all bets for exactly what the next tv series will be (including SEED 2) are off. I'm sure new Gundam OVA's and movies aren't ruled out though.

Given this new information, I've decided that it's best to take down the SEED 2 information page for the moment. If its existence is indeed confirmed, it will return.

2-3 years...yeah that sounds about right. Between X, Turn A, and Seed, there was about a 3-year gap. Probably best to give any potential production staff time to work on other stuff.


Here's some particularly bad examples from various projects by them:

-Macross Zero, Skull Squadron is translated as Scar Squadron.

-Also in Macross Zero, they translate AFOS as Air Force, despite AFOS appearing on screen in BIG ENGLISH LETTERS.

-Someone already mentioned Nazca in SEED being translated as Nascar.

-The best would be the "mass naked children events" from GitS: SAC. Maybe someone could dig up a screenshot of that.

  bob joe mac said:
hmmm it seems SEED 2 and the 'UCish" show wont be anytime soon.


SEED 2 No More? by Chris 11:00 P.M. EST

Some new information regarding the supposed Gundam SEED 2 was posted to the GML the other day by Neo-Era. Here is the original post:

In another Nikkei article about the Chief Gundam Officer, it's now mentioned that the next Gundam tv series after SD Gundam Force won't be for another 2-3 years. Looks like all bets for exactly what the next tv series will be (including SEED 2) are off. I'm sure new Gundam OVA's and movies aren't ruled out though.

Given this new information, I've decided that it's best to take down the SEED 2 information page for the moment. If its existence is indeed confirmed, it will return.

That sucks. I was waiting some new non-SEED series for 2005, I guess thats out of the question. <_<

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