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My favourite aircraft design from Macross! This is the beautiful 1/72 Club M version offered by the honourable Valkyrie last year, with extra kudos to TSP for making a perfect canopy for me and Anasazi37 for the decals.



Looks like you could hop in and take a ride (if you could get past the guards)!


That´s perfect!!! That is not a nicely built plane model against a cloud backdrop - this is better than the real thing! You really know how create a convincing scene with great athmosphere! Easily the best "art" shot of a model kit I have seen so far.

But I want to see more of this beauty, please post some detail pics of the VF-4 as well!! I love the design and what you made of it.

Posted (edited)

You´re an artist, great work, rivals (or -athmosphere-wise- even surpasses) the work of Hidetaka Tenjin I dare say!

Edited by honneamise
  Less than Super Ostrich said:
I didn't know anasazi was doing decals for this... is this something new or was this a one-off project for anasazi?


I just used his set for the clear Hase valks. I wanted the lo-viz decals for a "pure" paint scheme so the colours wouldn't distract from the design.



Very cool pics man. Photography of any kind is not my strong point, but you mangaed to present some very inspiring images.




hey Electric, is there something you have to do to get a larger pic of them? I tried clicking, new tab and new window. just wondering. I would love to see the Yukikaze in a larger mode.

Posted (edited)

I'd hate to sound like an idiot, but I've never heard of "Sentou Yousei Yukikaze" before. How old or new is this? Those mecha have just instantly impacted something in my "mechanical-loving heart". I've seen those things before, but never knew they were from some series. Please share some light here ^ ^.

Edited by Spatula
Posted (edited)

Hey spatula, yes Yukikaze was from another OVA series. I have some of them, the mecha designs are awesome but I really couldn't make any sense out of the show. Very strange.

If you search on HLJ.com for Yukikaze it'll bring up all the models available.

Edited by Grayson72
Posted (edited)

From what I've read in forums, the series is about Earth being invaded by aliens that 'materialize' in the atmosphere with attack aircraft and the defending Earthlings use super sophisticated fighter aircraft that poses an AI that is near sentient. I think part of the story's drama is a pilot trying not to loose his himself with his aircraft's (the Yukikaze) AI.

That's the gest of what I get. Please, others feel free to correct me.

Edited by Aurora-7

Thanks Aurora, the second part about the pilot not loosing himself is what I wasn't getting.

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