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PREDATOR REMAKE, Terrific now my childhood


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I don't like being negative about things and always perfer to see something before I judge but this just seems like a really, extremely bad idea. Though I'm not surprised by it though. Predator, while a bit dated still holds up extremely well, same for Alien and Aliens. There is no need for a remake. They would be better off making a Predator 3. Why in the hell would they do a remake?

That's the thing that makes no sense to me. You already have a built in fan based for Predator. The first one is clearly the most popular, though I didn't think Pred 2 was that bad but the whoel urban setting took some getting used to. You risk a LOT more with a remake though and I thought Hollywood was about playing it safe? That's what I don't get. You create a HUGE chance of disappointing people by doing a remake since nearly the entire fanbase young and old clearly remember Predator or have the dvds. It's not like people don't remember it or it's been a hundred years since it came out. Can you just imagine the backlash toward the director or studio that will take place if this poo bombs the way it appears it will be? Word how bad it is, if it is, will spread like wildfire. Do they honestly think they can improve on it or do they not even care but want to make an action film without even looking at why it was so popular to begin with. It brings me back to the question of why would they even do this?

I bet they looked at the Pred movie and saw guns, explosions, guys with shirts and figured that was why it was popular while ignoring every thing else that actually made it good.

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That's the thing that makes no sense to me. You already have a built in fan based for Predator. The first one is clearly the most popular, though I didn't think Pred 2 was that bad but the whoel urban setting took some getting used to. You risk a LOT more with a remake though and I thought Hollywood was about playing it safe? That's what I don't get. You create a HUGE chance of disappointing people by doing a remake since nearly the entire fanbase young and old clearly remember Predator or have the dvds. It's not like people don't remember it or it's been a hundred years since it came out. Can you just imagine the backlash toward the director or studio that will take place if this poo bombs the way it appears it will be? Word how bad it is, if it is, will spread like wildfire. Do they honestly think they can improve on it or do they not even care but want to make an action film without even looking at why it was so popular to begin with. It brings me back to the question of why would they even do this?

My bet?

They're pretty sure a 3rd movie will be brushed aside is "Man, Hollywood can't make good movies anymore. They need to quit trying."

But a remake people will EXPECT more of the same. After all, it was good the first time, why not the second?

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I just always ask myself: Why a remake?

Why can't these people just make a sequel? Rather than remake predator, why can't they just make "predator 3: similair to the first"? I mean, the Japanese have been doing it with anime for years... the chinese have been doing it with HK action movies for decades... both of them very successfully.

Is it that American directors have this yearning need to "fix" other people's work? Do they just see something and say to themselves "I could have done it better" and then proceed to try? Why can't people just make something similair but not the same? There is no honor lost in making a sequel to a sequel. That logic has kept Firday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, "Living Dead", Hellraiser and the Puppet Master franchises rolling right along. They are all basically the same darn movie over and over but rather than remake the original they simply make another. Is it because they are all horror movies that people don't want to remake the originals? Is it because everything but horror is somehow seen as "high art" that has to constantly be remade?

If I where a billionare I'd remake Citizen Kane with dope dealers, machine guns, T&A and explosions just to piss Hollywood off. Perhaps if someone slaughtered one of their sacred cows they'd realize how other people feel when they constantly remake movies.

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If I where a billionare I'd remake Citizen Kane with dope dealers, machine guns, T&A and explosions just to piss Hollywood off. Perhaps if someone slaughtered one of their sacred cows they'd realize how other people feel when they constantly remake movies.


Hell, let's find sponsors!!! B))

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They NEED to remake an Alien 2 or Aliens 2.

Aliens 3 and 4 should be officially disassociated with the canon and franchise.


that thought is even worse, i like the first 2 Aliens movies even more then I liked Predator,


Ah, read carefully. I said remake Alien 2 or Aliens 2. No fim ever existed with that title.

It was



Aliens 3

Aliens 4.

So my point was to cut 3 and 4 out of the timeline and continue with Alien 2 or Aliens 2.

edit : Ah, maybe 'remake' wasn't the right choice of words. MAKE Alien 2 or Aliens 2.


Actually, if you want to get that technical, it was:




Alien: Ressurection aka Alien 4

none of them ever had the plural title except Cameron's.

but I totally agree about the reboot after Aliens.

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.... I mean, take something WITH The Oak and remake it WITHOUT The Oak?

For Sale: One large town in Southern California, comes complete with it's own morons

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If I where a billionare I'd remake Citizen Kane with dope dealers, machine guns, T&A and explosions just to piss Hollywood off. Perhaps if someone slaughtered one of their sacred cows they'd realize how other people feel when they constantly remake movies.


Hell, let's find sponsors!!! B))


I get the strangest feeling that would almost work if the intent was fully made ahead of time.

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What someone should start doing is taking a crapass movie and try to remake it into something good or cheesy.

Try to remake Event Horizon into something good. It had potential but turned out to be crap.

I'm for aiding in a remake of Citizen Kane. Can I be a script writer? :D

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This movie needs zombies that run!

And the guvernator! Or something close to the guvernator.

It also needs Liam Neeson in a badass role.

And lots of gore. Needs a chainsaw. And lots of moral dilemmas without it having to be pc where if the person kills an innocent person they have to die (or making so that the person gets killed off because it is revealed that they are a meany).

Oh and over the top cg. The entire movie has to be filmed with blue-screen. :p

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The thing I don't get is why do they think it needs a remake? When it was done it was done with technology that still hasn't been topped. There was nothing that has been outdated. I can understand them doing old movies like War of the Worlds or Dracula but Predator? I can even understand them remaking the whole Star Wars Franchise. Maybe Predator is not 2 Fast and 2 Furious enough for todays audiences, which makes me too damn old for this sh!t.

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It just goes to show how stupid these hollywood people have gotten.

this thing's aimed for the younger, incredibly shallow & stupid audience.... *sigh*

and next thing we'll hear is Uwe Boll's gonna direct  :lol:

now THAT would be the complete train wreck we'll all be waiting for :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


That will be the day I put the barrel of my .45 in my mouth and pull the trigger.

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Late to the thread here, but damn, what a tremendously bad idea. Good game Hollywood! (*cough*).

They should just film Predator 3, set in perhaps the "Aliens" Colonial Marines era. Make the story somewhat similar to the AVP original comic, only without the Aliens.

They really screwed up AVP in my opinion.

AND NEVER EVER TOUCH ALIENS. That movie is one of the greatest of all time. If anything, re-release it to theaters as the extended cut with a cleaned up print.

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No remake, Predator 3 would be the way to go. I would have it futuristic, earth forces with power armor have turn the tables on the Predators and board a Predator mothership to take their technology back to Earth. But a new breed of Predator shows up to put the humans back in their place.

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.... I mean, take something WITH The Oak and remake it WITHOUT The Oak?

For Sale: One large town in Southern California, comes complete with it's own morons


I totaly aggree with CROM.

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Kane sounds like the kinda guy that'd carry a plasma bazooka, don't you think?


A bazooka named Rosebud.


Nah, too girly.

How about Bloodrose?


No, that's the name of his battle ax.

I think Kane also sounds like he should chomp on a cigar. And suck blood.

How about Battlefield Earth and Starship Troopers?

Well Battlefield Earth is actually already a remake of sorts. Except the original epic runs several thousand hours and costs viewers several hundreds of thousand dollars before they get the story straight. It's got a bit of a cult following though.


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Kane sounds like the kinda guy that'd carry a plasma bazooka, don't you think?


A bazooka named Rosebud.


Nah, too girly.

How about Bloodrose?


No, that's the name of his battle ax.

Of course. How silly of me to forget that.

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I thought about it a while... But it still makes no sense. First of all the orig isn't that old, and second, why remake a movie thats so perfect? It would be like remaking the Godfather.

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All the truly great movies have monkies running around doing things.

There's 2001. The Eastwood movie where hes not the killer cowboy. Planet Of The Apes. I'm sure there are more.

Definitely if you guys are making movies, you need monkeys.

And Monica Bellucci naked armed with kneepads and Chapstick.

(Not near the monkeys though. I don't want the film to be crass or anything...)


I know you are just joking...but none of those movies have monkeys in them.

Apes: yes, monkeys: no.

One of my pet peeves.

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Kane sounds like the kinda guy that'd carry a plasma bazooka, don't you think?


A bazooka named Rosebud.


Nah, too girly.

How about Bloodrose?


No, that's the name of his battle ax.

Of course. How silly of me to forget that.


and kane be played be the wrestler kain or kane however its spelled and his zany sidekick would be dane cook

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If I where a billionare I'd remake Citizen Kane with dope dealers, machine guns, T&A and explosions just to piss Hollywood off. Perhaps if someone slaughtered one of their sacred cows they'd realize how other people feel when they constantly remake movies.


Hell, let's find sponsors!!! B))


And it be primarily(if not all) in CG.

As soon as the Oak buys a grave, he's going to be rolling in it. :angry:

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With all the prequal stuff lately, Mel Brooks should make Spaceballs Episode Zero.

Citizen Kane the remake needs Jay and Silent Bob in it also. And Kane has to be played by Will Smith since it is a remake. Or Vingh Rames. It also needs a predator in the movie, but not one of those pussy predators from AVP, but a mean one that doesn't take poo from nobody. Or get Mel Gibson to play Kane.

Also need to get a part for Quintin Tarantino and Cheech Marin in the movie.

Yeah needs phased plasma pulse rifles, rpgs, sonic electronic ball-breakers, nukes, knives, and most importantly... Sharp sticks.

Oh yeah, Kane has to be a half-vampire, zombie virus-infected, cybernetic organism, drug using gangster. In every scene he has to be sucking on a cigar, a cig, or weed.

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Alien 5


just make this already. And make it an R rated movie. Horror, drama, symbols of death and despair, panic, suspense.

I want to see a movie that will make my heart beat so loud that it scares the living poo out of me even after I have left the theatre. I think that is the missing ingredient in today's movies. Really how scary was it when you saw the predator rip the spinal column and brain out of that dead indian guy's corpse and scrapped all the poo off it to make a skull as a trophy?

Or how the predator skined the bodies alive and you couldn't even see it when it attacked?

These are scary things.

Or in aliens when the marines ran out of ammo and the sentry gun just stops before emptying because the aliens have had enough as they systematically test each path to get to the humans using thier intelligence and cutting the power as well as being generally much more agile than the humans? That is suspense. Although they marines had the tech, they are soo losing hope of surviving if they think they can fight a herd of those aliens up close.

If alien 5 was made and it beat aliens as the best sci-fiction horror movie I will be very happy. It's been a long time since I have seen a movie top aliens in terms of suspense and truly made me scared and frightened.

Butr I swear to god do not commercialise it and make it like some kind of music video or put cheesy stunts in it like the resident evil movie or I will not see it. I don't want a superhero, or a lone gunmen kicking ass or attitude and one liners. I want to see people dying and only getting out because they realised they had no chance in hell of winning. Remember the alien is a symbol of the inevitability of death. Everyone and everything dies. You can run but the grim reaper (alien) will eventually claim you when your time is up. I felt that when I watched the old horror sci fi movies. I never expected anyone to get out because it was realistic. The audience should feel like crumbling to thier knees in despair and crying if they go to see an alien movie. But they can't quite pull this off unless they DO make it graphically violent, and DO make it as real as they can, putting characters that anyone can relate to in these situations. If it isn't R rated, doesn't have graphic deaths which are painful and unpleasant to see (like the limbs being chopped off or having someone's face melt from acid like in aliens) it might not have that impact that I expect from horror where I'm expected to feel sorry for the character that gets eaten, killed, mutilated, burnt, cocooned, impregnated, with their chest ripped opened, killed by thier own people out of mercy etc.

You'll note that in predator, the tough guy was no match for the predator toe to toe. That's why it was so scary. You'll note in terminator, Kyle Reese was ill equiped to take down the terminator. That's why it was so scary. It was also very dark (unlike the sequel which to me was more like an action movie) and you had the fear that the main characters if they did not keep running they would inevitably die. (just like the marines in aliens whose weapons were practically usless when thier ride home was taken out and thier ammo was low - there is no way they would be able to hold out forever - so the mission wasn't to bug hunt but to get the fart out of there. The hunter becomes the hunted.)

I guess a lot of people want to see a light at the end of the tunnel and a happy ending but I want to see a tradegy with mass death with only a tiny hope. Because its the alien that should be respected as a perfect killing machine. (not the main character)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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LowViz you should play zombie mod for Counterstrike Source.

The terrorist team are zombies that can only use knives. But they have 500hp, and fast regeneration.

Even if the teams are even at the beginning of a round, it's always a bloodbath with the counter-terrorists panicking, running all over the place, and getting swarmed.

You may start out with a para with 300 rounds of ammo and a deagle, but the ammo goes by quickly. When the zombies are bot controlled, they're stupid and can't plan ambushes while someone is running from the horde. When there are human controlled zombies, no place is safe.

It's suspenseful when you're playing on a dark map, like dracula, and you're the last human left, and there's a horde of zombies that are out for your blood.

Even if you're sticking with a group, things get hairy. It takes 4 direct awp hits to the head in a row to take down a zombie, and most people don't have the nerves and skill to get four hits in one after another.

It's worse when the server is set to anti-camp. Where if you camp in high spots, like boxes, your guns get thrown away from you, and if you stay still, you get slapped across the server and lose like half your life.

As for Alien 5.

Give me Alien 5: Contamination Earth.

Ignore the events of Alien 3 and Ressurection. Have a story where the aliens get down onto earth and start to take over and kill everyone and everything. The only safe havens are colonized planets (which have closed their doors to earth ships), space stations, and colonies on the moon.

Earth and everyone that doesnt get off is doomed. And whats worse are the people that are evacuating with people who are hosts to embryos.

Have the story follow some last survivors who are trying to get their way off the planet and survive the roaming hordes of aliens who come at night, in the darkness.

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I still think they should make a prequel and sequel of sorts, have it take place between Alien and Aliens even make the film visually identical and bring back Bishop to show continuity, no goofiness or silly stunts make it just like the first 2 films in terms of style and soundtrack. After the events of of Alien 1 it is realized by Earths Military that the planet Ripley landed on had a alien life on board it, intrigued by the possibilities of a new life form the military occupies and builds their colony to learn and study it. During the process of building and capturing the Alien, have the Aliens overwhelm the military personal and colony and a desperate last stand of humans against them and the newly discovered Alien Queen. This of course will lead into the events of Aliens where they bring back Ripley and have her take the military team back to the colony to do what they did in the second film.

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It would take some slight tweaking to do.

But it could be really freaking cool. You know that most of the colony is screwed. Who knows maybe a character or two might make it off the planet and escape.

Or do an alternate replacement story for Alien 3. Rather than kill off Hicks and Newt, continue the story and skip the prison planet crap. Have it be kind of like in those books that were based on an old script for Alien 3, where they make it back to Earth only to find out that the aliens were brought back and escaped before they could make it back.

They could do a different Alien Versus Predator film. Predators go hunting aliens for trophies. Things screw up and go bad, they crashland on a planet with a colony of humans that are trying to get the hell off because something similar to LV426 is happening, and the aliens are wiping them out. Predators start hunting everything, and steal the ship the humans were going to use, and get the hell off the planet, leaving the humans to die.

Subtitle the predators when they talk in their language.

Put in the stuff that made the old movies good. Moody, dark, creepy, and leaving much to the imagination. None of this IN YOUR FACE, overly cg, super-matrix action, hard rock crap.

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Wow, it's hard to believe that before long, it will have been 20 years since the original film! Holy Crap! Well, I know one thing---they sure as he-- won't get my money if they remake this classic. As far as I'm concerned, without Kevin Peter Hall [may he rest in peace], the Predator ain't sh-t. I wish I could get a screen cap pic of the scene where the Predator takes off his mask for the final fight and squares off with Arnold in the swamp. Those ain't stilts that he's standing on when he dwarfs Arnold [or was it his stuntman?]; he really did tower over Dutch like that. If Arnold is the Oak, then truly KPH was a Giant Redwood! He definitely was what made the Predator one of film's greatest monsters.

Any attempt to remake Predator will only be greeted with this movie fan's scorn and contempt!

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