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I’m curious and wanted to ask what would members consider to be their top 5 hardest to find Macross items. List in order of 1 to 5, 1 being your Holly Grail and 5 being a difficult find. More than 5 is ok. List any type of Macross related item except for animation cels. Most cels are usually only one of a kind.

You can also list the same for Southern Cross, and Mospeada items too.

Posted (edited)


1. the walking minmay-doll.

2. the bandai 1/55 Strike VF-1S

3. a Metal Siren (macross-II)

4. a Gigamesh (macross-II)

5. the CM series-1.


obtw, your current nickname-handle is rather offensive to some of us here in this particular macross-board. just so you're aware of that.

Edited by treatment
  treatment said:

1.  the walking minmay-doll. (do you mean the windup model kit, or did they really make a doll that walks)

2. the bandai 1/55 Strike VF-1S

3.  a Metal Siren (macross-II) (Resin kit or toy?)

4. a Gigamesh (macross-II) (Resin kit or toy?)

5. the CM series-1.



Oh also add what type of item it is.

Posted (edited)
  SaveRobotech said:
Oh also add what type of item it is.


Toys they are. :p

edit: oh yeah, models too.

Edited by Sumdumgai
  treatment said:

obtw,  your current nickname-handle is rather offensive to some of us here in this particular macross-board.  just so you're aware of that.


I'm not here to cause trouble, but it’s been my nickname for some time now on other forums. I've never heard of an animation inspired nickname to ever offend anybody. Well unless it's been from Disney's Song Of The South. I'm curious which part would be taken Offensive the Save or the later?

My nickname is a message but its not geared toward anybody on this forum.

Anyways back to the subject.


1. 1/72 I.H.P SWA-XI "Schneeblume" Variable resin kit (My fav VF, should have been used in Mac Zero as the VF-0).

2. John Moscato's 1/32 "Legioss" Variable resin kit (dead project :( )

3. 1/100 Liquid Stone YF-19 Variable resin kit.

4. 1/100 S.H.E VF-5000B "Star Mirage" Variable resin kit.

5. 1/100 S.H.E VF-4G Varaible resin kit.

The König and the Garland were on my list but Yamato made the first, and is developing the second :lol:

By the way, welcome to Macrosworld.


Anyone who is offended by your handle should get off the net. ;)

Even though I think Robotech is an abomination now that I've seen what it was before it was bastardized.

I'd say the holy grail is the Gold Book. It's a book, by the way.

Posted (edited)

1. Macross Leather Jacket

2. IMAI 1/100 Tomahawk model, DYRL box

3. Macross Arcadia video game

4. Almost anything on page 117 and 118 of TIA #3 Macross

5. Yamato 1/48 VF1A Mastercard editon

To me, most of the stuff already named is cool, expensive, and much sought after, but to me, the Holy Grails are the productions stuff that you only see in magazines or once on eBay and spend years trying to find. And usually don't find :)

I would not put prototypes, artwork, or animation cels in this catagory.

Oh, and your nickname is not offensive to me, SaveRobotech.

Edited by Totoro242

I'm surprized no one mentions this ultra rare items...

Basara's Vibrating Microphone

Lead Based Zentradi Face Painting Kit

Yellow Dancer 1:1 Love Doll with Interchangable Partst


The VF-1S plush doll. A certain person here has that and scores of other hard to find stuff.

The Macross helmets are pretty scarce too, which said fellow has as well.


1. Original Mint Tread fighter from Mospeada

2. 1/55 Ostrich (I'm too lazy to sand and paint the conversion kit I have)

3. 1/55 Elintseeker (Again too lazy to get to my conversion kit)

4. Taka Large Macross

5. CM series 1 minmay doll. (I'd even take a bootleg)

Although after making this I guess either a full size working Valkyrie, Alpha, or cyclone would surely bypass any of the above. :D


I would buy a nite of passion with MGREXX's mom. Actually, what am I sayin' she would pay me for that.

Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
I want one of these Mastercard 1/48 VF-1A, who has pics?


I want this :o Its a 1J, but it is a credit card exclusive.


Edited by valk1j
Posted (edited)

What trips me out is that the original poster (SaveRobotech) is from Japan according to his profile, yet he wants to "save Robotech" instead of Macross.

Edited by Hurin
  Hurin said:
What trips me out is that the original poster (SaveRobotech) is from Japan according to his profile, yet he wants to "save Robotech" instead of Macross.


Yeah he's full of crap.

  jwinges said:
1.  Original Mint Tread fighter from Mospeada

2.  1/55 Ostrich (I'm too lazy to sand and paint the conversion kit I have)

3.  1/55 Elintseeker (Again too lazy to get to my conversion kit)

4.  Taka Large Macross

5.  CM series 1 minmay doll.  (I'd even take a bootleg)

Although after making this I guess either a full size working Valkyrie, Alpha, or cyclone would surely bypass any of the above.  :D


Yes... The full-scale VF-1J Millia tops my list easily.

  jwinges said:
1.  Original Mint Tread fighter from Mospeada

2.  1/55 Ostrich (I'm too lazy to sand and paint the conversion kit I have)

3.  1/55 Elintseeker (Again too lazy to get to my conversion kit)

4.  Taka Large Macross

5.  CM series 1 minmay doll.  (I'd even take a bootleg)

Although after making this I guess either a full size working Valkyrie, Alpha, or cyclone would surely bypass any of the above.  :D


Your first item isn't a Macross item.

  Agent ONE said:
  Hurin said:
What trips me out is that the original poster (SaveRobotech) is from Japan according to his profile, yet he wants to "save Robotech" instead of Macross.


Yeah he's full of crap.


:huh: Since it's a habit of most people to insinuate and assume things, I'll apprise you of my situation.

I’m 32 and just moved to Tokyo this past July. Originally I’m from Southern California, and like many of you have seen Robotech first then learned about the whole Mac, SS, and Mospeada truth later.

I’m might end up living here for the next three years to possibly longer. I started this topic so I have some idea of what items to keep a look out for since I work in Akihabara and go to Nakano Broadway every weekend. Figured I could help my fellow Mac and RT fans find their Holly Grails, because I know it’s getting harder and harder to find these items in the States.

But I guess I’m full of “Crap†so maybe I should just forget it? <_<

B)) I’m probably one of the only fans who likes both versions of the show. I’m on the fence when it comes to which one is better. I love and hate both entities for things they have done and are doing to both properties.

  SaveRobotech said:
  Agent ONE said:
  Hurin said:
What trips me out is that the original poster (SaveRobotech) is from Japan according to his profile, yet he wants to "save Robotech" instead of Macross.


Yeah he's full of crap.


:huh: Since it's a habit of most people to insinuate and assume things, I'll apprise you of my situation.

I’m 32 and just moved to Tokyo this past July. Originally I’m from Southern California, and like many of you have seen Robotech first then learned about the whole Mac, SS, and Mospeada truth later.

I’m might end up living here for the next three years to possibly longer. I started this topic so I have some idea of what items to keep a look out for since I work in Akihabara and go to Nakano Broadway every weekend. Figured I could help my fellow Mac and RT fans find their Holly Grails, because I know it’s getting harder and harder to find these items in the States.

But I guess I’m full of “Crap†so maybe I should just forget it? <_<

B)) I’m probably one of the only fans who likes both versions of the show. I’m on the fence when it comes to which one is better. I love and hate both entities for things they have done and are doing to both properties.


If you are really in Tokyo then you can tell me what is written on the roof of Narita Int. Airport.

  Agent ONE said:
If you are really in Tokyo then you can tell me what is written on the roof of Narita Int. Airport.


A :rolleyes: kihabara is nowhere near Narita first of all. I never been back to Narita since I arrived, and when I arrived here I left Narita from the train that is connected to the inside of the airport so I've never seen the outside of it other than the tar mat.

Here is what I can see from one of the windows in the building I work in.


  Sundown said:
  JB0 said:
Yes... The full-scale VF-1J Millia tops my list easily.

Doesn't have to be a VF-1J. Full-scale Millia would do nicely also. I'm not picky.



I like my girls a little more down-to-Earth.

In that their heads aren't 15 feet above it when they're sitting down.

  SaveRobotech said:
:huh: Since it's a habit of most people to insinuate and assume things...

You have to understand, the board gets a fair # of die-hard Robotech supporters that come here just to troll.

So people tend to automatically assume the worst of anyone showing a particularly strong pro-HG sentiment, whether it's a justified assumption or not.


Not that support for HG is a popular POV to start with, but it's not automatic cause for lynching. You'll take far more abuse for liking the wrong Macross productions than you will for liking Robotech.

Posted (edited)
  JB0 said:
"strong pro-HG sentiment"


There isn't nothing "pro-HG" in my nick name. The key word is Save.

I don't want to have to keep adding replies to posts. Here is my response to the reply below this one.

All this attention over a nickname, I'm flattered. :)

In a perfect world I would rather have Mac over RT too, but that’s not how history happened. Neither of the two entities are going away, so either learn to live with it or keep up the none productive sarcasm.

I'm my perfect world there would never be an anime dubs of any kind, only sub version. That is the closest way "Macross can be appreciated in its pure form". Or learn Japanese if you want it to be in pure form. :D


Edited by SaveRobotech
  SaveRobotech said:
There isn't nothing "pro-HG" in my nick name. The key word is Save.


I think what you're not taking into account however, is that about 95% of the people here think that Macross would be better off if Robotech would disappear. If Harmony Gold somehow, some day, would suddenly announce that it is divesting Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada of the artificial Robotech continuity (it no longer being necessary since it was only introduced due to American broadcast requirements), let "Robotech" die, and then do an adult-oriented dub and release of Macross without all the strained links into the other two unrelated series and kidd-ified dialogue, a lot of people here would be thrilled.

Now, that will never happen. But, "saving" Robotech is the last thing most people here want to do. We'd rather see Robotech disappear so that Macross can be appreciated in its pure form without all the confusion, misconceptions, and mangled continuity that is inherent with tacking on two unrelated series.


Neither of the two entities are going away, so either learn to live with it or keep up the none productive sarcasm

I rather enjoy the non productive sarcasm.

The guy seems to be able to take the usual antics without having a hissy fit. Thats something to be proud of.

As for him offering to help fellow fans get rare item in Japan. I checked his IP Adresse it is from Japan. I will remind people here you give money to people at your own risk.

  Roy Focker said:
I will remind people here you give money to people at your own risk.


Yup. That hobo on the street never DID pay me back.

I think he spent it on booze.


My Holy Grail

The Macross Special #3 on Laser Disc

I have the other 2 (Macross Special 2 first episodes and Macross Lynn Minmay Special) but the 3rd special, it's really hard to comeby (even on Yahoo Japan).

If you ever come across this Laser Disc, let me know


Posted (edited)

I just visited Asobit in Akihabara just yesterday, mostly looking for GunPla.

May I know which store you're working in?

I saw many Macross relic in most Akihabara toy shops, I wonder if I could take some picture of them?

My holy grail? Currently not macross, but I'm desperately searching for the LoGH minature kit from Yellow Submarine :rolleyes: .

For the Macross thingy, probably is the resin kit of the Sentinel carrier from VFX-1, I believe I saw one on display in Akihabara (forget which store). :ph34r:

Edited by Morpheus
  Morpheus said:
May I know which store you're working in?


I don't work for a store, I work for a privately owned digital art school in Akihabara known as Digital Hollywood. It's in the new Daibiru building right next too the JR station Electric Town exit side. Can't miss it the tallest building in Akihabara. Come by if you want to visit.


LOL, Hurin totally ignored the "stay on topic of the thread" line and went right back to derailing.

Hey, you know what I think are pretty rare, the jokemachines for DYRL.

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