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Posted (edited)
Hiya! THAT little dude is the Gakken 1/20 scale diecast Ride Armor. No articulation to speak of except in the arms, head and knees. Still nice for a display piece. According to the box art, there's 2 more in the series, I think, the other 'standard' suit and the Fuuke-type. Bought it in HK back in '02. Here's a closer shot next to the 1/20 scale 'Studio Nue original design' Powered Suits by Kaiyodo:

Oh, you like Genesis Climber MOSPEADA eh? Me too!

PS- I just realized I had that diecast MOSPEADA figure locked away in a box, you're right, it is a nice display piece. Don't mind the Ride Armor background, it used to be my Misc Macross display but I decided to ice that for a while.

Anyone got advice where I can get free webhosting. I know nothing about websites and don't care to learn but I feel bad dumping my pictures on MW







Edited by jenius

JB0, I thought your POV on quoting images was...

  JB0 said:
A. don't quote large pics, and B. keep all the pic quoting to a single page(if it's on the same page, it doesn't take anyone's bandwidth for the extra images).

Was it necessary to quote such a large image?


Jenius, that's a really wonderful Mospeada collection... Is the bike with the unpainted figure in front of the 1/20 figure also diecast? Part of the same series?

Meanwhile, since a fellow TBDX'er requested shots of the old SEGA Real Models of Virtual-On mecha, here's something else that's 'non-Macross' to share with you guys...


RNA Temjin vs DNA Temjin


RNA Viper-II vs DNA Viper-II


Arphamd vs Fei-Yen (Guile vs Sakura?)


RNA Raiden vs DNA Raiden (my favs)


Full line-up...


Team shot.

Jenius, that's a really wonderful Mospeada collection... Is the bike with the unpainted figure in front of the 1/20 figure also diecast? Part of the same series?

Yes Sir, to my knowledge it is the only other 1/20 figure produced. There were plans for at least one other but I don't think it ever made it past the prototype and press-release stage.

Very nice additional pics!

  bsu legato said:
MIB, no less! Awesome find, Agent ONE!


Other than my biceps, it is my greatest posession. Interestingly enough, the red and white on the box somehow remind me of Southern Cross.

  bsu legato said:
Your collection could definitely use more Southern Cross, A1. But then again, don't we all need more Southern Cross?


Yes, I also know we ALL need to post more in the Southern Cross thread.

  jenius said:
is the Labor Core a custom or a model?  The paint job looks really nice.


As the name implies its a custom. Its an Ingram's head on top of a Armored Core mecha. :lol:

And ironically, an Ingram is a Labor....and the custom DOES look like some kinda laborer.

Drifand: Nice GUndam! Those extra bits are all customised?

  wolfx said:
  jenius said:
is the Labor Core a custom or a model?  The paint job looks really nice.


As the name implies its a custom. Its an Ingram's head on top of a Armored Core mecha. :lol:

And ironically, an Ingram is a Labor....and the custom DOES look like some kinda laborer.

Drifand: Nice GUndam! Those extra bits are all customised?


Eh, not for the Gundam, no. That's a real 1/100 DX Musha Gundamcloth Command Gundam! 100% TOY from the mid 90s. :-)

And yeah, the blue fella is a custom - body from several of the 'blue variant' Front Mission Wanzers, plus a spare 1/60 Ingram 2 head from the old Bandai kit. That 'lunchbox' thingy is supposed to be some kind of explosive-impact 'brass knuckle'...

Come on guys, share more good and interesting mecha!

  Poonman said:
  drifand said:
Eh, not for the Gundam, no. That's a real 1/100 DX Musha Gundamcloth Command Gundam! 100% TOY from the mid 90s.  :-)

thats a hell of a toy! :o


You guys like their mechas with big guns. :lol:

But yeah i admit, that toy despite plasticky look , is real cool! B))

Come on guys, share more good and interesting mecha!

I wish I could, unfortunately I only collect Macross and MOSPEADA gear... and even that makes my wallet sob. Very nice toys you got there. Would you believe I've never even seen a single episode of any Gundam series? I've seen almsot no anime other than what you can see on Adult Swim and my childhood stuff. Most the childhood stuff I don't even remember any more (a la Orguss, Captain Harlock, that era). So sad... I need to get Netflix and a ton more free time.

  Sebastian said:
Some more pics of theCommand Guncrap.  This one have some small changes,

Mine is hugly, but it is a cool toy.


That took some coljones! Very gutsy, like a cross over with the MSV Full Armor Gundam. :-)



Only the coolest Battle Armor in Battletech, the Kanazuchi, an assault armor. These guys are practically my favorite model of all time....

The only Battle Armors I like more are the Ride Armor from MOSPEADA (god I love my Gakken) and the Man O' war Steam armor from WARMACHINE. I'd psot up pics of my MoW figures but I don't have any pics right now.


Well, actually the toy was super yellowed... so I had to paint it. Later I got "reative" and modified some parts like the rocket laucher that now is attached to the backpack instead of the shoulder, weapons and some other thingies. Still need to wheather him and fix here and there... not my best work I must say :( but still looking better than all yellowed.

  drifand said:
  Sebastian said:
Some more pics of theCommand Guncrap.  This one have some small changes,

Mine is hugly, but it is a cool toy.


That took some coljones! Very gutsy, like a cross over with the MSV Full Armor Gundam. :-)


Posted (edited)

Anybody got any DUST items?? Those things look close to "real",

as in could be sitting in some wharehouse in Russia.

Edited by orguss01
  orguss01 said:
Anybody got any DUST items?? Those things look close to "real",

as in could be sitting in some wharehouse in Russia.


Yeah, but those were a bit disappointing. Not really toys but more like oversized 'gaming pieces'. At 1/24 scale, hardcore RPG'ers must have thought the makers were bonkers. Seems to have died a quiet death...




Posted (edited)
Eh, not for the Gundam, no. That's a real 1/100 DX Musha Gundamcloth Command Gundam! 100% TOY from the mid 90s.  :-)


Drifand, do you have any idea where one could find a command Gundam?

That thing is awesome but I can't find any kind of listing on HLJ, defunct or otherwise. :(

edit: All I could find on yahoo japan is 2 x boxed Knight Gundams, one for 23'000 and one for 5'000. Is it worth 5k yen?

Further edit: I found some more & cheaper to boot. The ZZ one looks like loads of fun but was misisng parts so I've asked celga to bid for a boxed and complete samurai armour MkII starting at 1'500yen.

I saw, Knight Gundam, MKII, Zeta and ZZ, couldn't find one of those command ones though. :(

Edited by Fort Max

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