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We have a name and release date for the first disc:

"Macross vol. 1: Upon the Shoulders of Giants". Interesting, and somewhat fitting, I guess...

Release date, Jan. 10.


By "improved subtitles", I wonder if this means we'll see more literal, unreadable crap like the MOSPEADA translation was.

I have my boxset, thanks.


Improved subtitles? WTH? The Animeigo translation was one of the best subtitling productions of any anime I've ever seen. Good luck trying to one-up them!

  Mr March said:
Improved subtitles?  WTH?  The Animeigo translation was one of the best subtitling productions of any anime I've ever seen.  Good luck trying to one-up them!


They will probably throw in some bad language, kids love the swear words.

  Mr March said:
Improved subtitles?  WTH?  The Animeigo translation was one of the best subtitling productions of any anime I've ever seen.  Good luck trying to one-up them!


ADV's "improved subtitles" means they'll prolly now put in the :

Kyun! Kyun!

instead of teh funnay

Woosh! Woosh!

(or whatever the heck it was) from the Animeigo-subs. :lol::p


Over on AoD, ADV has announced the remaining English cast for Macross and surprise, surprise, it's mostly ADV regulars like Hillary Haag, Monica Rial, Chris Ayres and Chris Patton. I'm not a big fan of ADV's dub casts, but at least it ain't Tony "I can't act my way out of a wet paper sack" Oliver. B))B))B))

Here's the link -- scroll all the way to the bottom.


I know everybody seems to hate Tony Oliver, but you know, I thought he was one of the better actors actually. His portrayal of "Rick" was very different than Hikaru though. When I saw the original Macross some years back, it dawned on me that Hikaru wasn't nearly as ponderous, and he was a bit more of a turd. However, I don't care about Hikaru that much as a character... What really upset me was how Robotech changed Max and Roy... Max became Leonardo, and Roy became a mentor (actually giving "Rick" advice, instead of making fun of him all the time- plus, he was less of a womanizer as well). But in terms of acting, I thought Tony Oliver was pretty good. Reba West is the one that should really be the topic of everyone's negativity towards the Robotech cast.

. I'm not a big fan of ADV's dub casts, but at least it ain't Tony "I can't act my way out of a wet paper sack" Oliver.   

And that's coming from someone who didn't know original Macross art from Tommy Yune.........interesting..........very interesting.

I don't see what the big deal is about ADV's dub cast......they stick with what they got. Atleast you get Mari as Minmay once again, shouldn't that make everyone just a tad bit happier over the rest of the cast?

And that's coming from someone who didn't know original Macross art from Tommy Yune.........interesting..........very interesting.

[meekly] My lawyers won't let me talk about that anymore...[/meekly] :D Although in my defense, have you ever heard Oliver attempt to play Lupin III?

I don't see what the big deal is about ADV's dub cast......they stick with what they got. Atleast you get Mari as Minmay once again, shouldn't that make everyone just a tad bit happier over the rest of the cast?


Nothing's inherently wrong with ADV's dub cast. Personally, I just prefer some other casts, such as the Cowboy Bebop cast. The acting on the ADV dubs I've heard seems to be a little "over-perky" at times and a little unnatural. But nothing horribly bad.

Posted (edited)

True Tony Oliver was very different from Hikaru, unfortunately, he wasn't very different from a super-hammified Luke Skywalker.

I'm so far out of the dub loop, I have no idea who any of those people (except Tiffany Grant) are.

Edited by Keith

Sometimes its hard to know who certain people are in dub projects. Many go by other names to either make the industry look bigger, or so fans wouldn't haunt them and tell them they suck or their wonderful and stalk 'em.

I've got alot of friends who are in the official Voice Acting industry and they say sometimes companies recommend you change your name around or completely to throw off others so they can't go "THAT PERSON SUCKS!" And start boycotting the anime.

  Hikuro said:
Sometimes its hard to know who certain people are in dub projects.  Many go by other names to either make the industry look bigger, or so fans wouldn't haunt them and tell them they suck or their wonderful and stalk 'em.

I've got alot of friends who are in the official Voice Acting industry and they say sometimes companies recommend you change your name around or completely to throw off others so they can't go "THAT PERSON SUCKS!" And start boycotting the anime.


Not only that, but since VA jobs are (or were) usually non-union, if the person is a member of SAG or AFTRA, they often do the jobs under an assumed name to avoid flak from the union.


"rick" wasnt that bad in the dub, the problem comes from us being enlightened by his hory froatingness's original work.

Hikaru, was much more ,lets just say confident, as evidenced by episode 1 of macross with him flying into south ataria and fokker giving him poo for it. Atleast inititally in the series. And come to think of it Hikaru strikes me as the most "normal" charicter in all of macross. But then again the viewer is supposed to somewhat identify with what hikaru is going through, throughout macross.

Fokker and max tho, were the most changed. Roy went from Our favorite badass womanizing drunken skull leader, that gave hikaru sh!t, yet guided him along the way, kinda you would expect a real "big brother" to do. to a cookie cutter Gi joe esque, not so drunken womanizing skull leader, but still retained just a wee bit of the badassedness Skull leader. Infact Roy's death in Roboattech was almost completely out of charicter for "roboattech Roy" now that i think about it.

Max on the otherhand, went from badass womanizing space pilot, to whimpy no balls leonardo. totally diffrent charicters when compariing roboatech to macross.

and i think this is something ADV should seriously look at when dubbing macross. Its very important for them to forget the roboatech charicterisations in order to do macross properly(if you call dubs that). What makes Macross great, other than the VF-1 are its charicters, and they should attempt to get the performances to atleast be like the original charicters.

I wont be doing the double dipping thing myself(the animeigo dvds are good enough), but i would like to pick up atleast one of the disks to hear mari doing Minmei in english, just for the sheer weridness factor that alone makes this project quite intresting. Lets hope it brings more macross fans into the fold.


I personally think Arnold Schwarzenegger should do all the voices except Minmay.


I think the worst problem with "Lick Hunter" in the RT dub is all the extraneous dialog that the writers cram into his mouth. Not a scene goes by where we're not clubbed over the head with the most mundane or blindingly obvious factoid and opinion, all courtesy the tried and true RT voiceover. Tony Oliver might have been tolerable in smaller, "Hikaru" sized doses, but with Row-Boat-eech verbal diarreha he wears out his welcome fast.

Posted (edited)

After switching over to a sub preference in 2001, I'm not all that familar

with most of ADV's recent stable. Especially given that I can't watch some

of their recent dubs like Steel Angel Kurumi due to all the changes they

make. My sister still has me watch some though. Though even she's starting to get dissatified.

Some names are familar though.

Misa - Monical Rial. I'm only really familar with her Hyatt voice, which I

liked. I know she's one of their big names now, but I'm just not familar

with her work. None of it comes to mind, which tells me she's either largely

forgetable, or very good at masking her voice (a talent sadly non-existant

in almost all american VAs) Seems like a generic choice. She seems to have the range though, so this is a "wait and see."

Roy - Brett Weaver. I actually like his work in some things, notably

Sorcerer Hunters. If he tones it down a notch, I could see him in the role.

Probably the best choice in the whole list outside Minmay.

Shammy - Hilary Haag. Horrible choice. Why do they keep giving her cute

characters when she has a very gravelly/nasel voice? She's not bad, but I just can't see this working.

Kim - Kira Vicent Davis. I hated her work on Nadesico, and can't remember

her in anything else. She might be ok as Kim though. Another "wait and see".

Laplamiz - Tiffany Grant. I've actually liked Grant's work in a lot of thing

except, ironically, her most known work, Asuka. I can't stand her as Asuka.

She should work well.

Kakizaki - Jason Douglas. One of my sister's favs, I've liked him in some

roles. How he'll do in this remain to be seen.

Most of the other choices are names I either don't recognize, or one's I do

but can't place. I think of this as a good thing, as I've noticed that I

tend to like their unknowns(at least unknown to me). It's the people that are popular that often bug me for whatever reason. In the end, most of the casting isn't bad, except for a few mismarks. Depending on the performances(which tend to be the same from title to title sadly), this could be decent. There's are a few potential good casts. Besides I'm sure most of us will treat it more as a curiousity than a viable viewing option anyway.

Edited by Mercurial Morpheus
  Hikuro said:
I've got alot of friends who are in the official Voice Acting industry and they say sometimes companies recommend you change your name around or completely to throw off others so they can't go "THAT PERSON SUCKS!" And start boycotting the anime.


Changing names doesn't always help. I ran into the guy who dubbed Spike in Cowboy Bebop (and Heartbreak 1 in Ace Combat 5) at a supermarket checkout. Someone in line commented on what he had, he replied to them, and I immediately recognized his voice. Funniest thing was that he said he's never been recognized before.


Here's the official cast list of the English dub:

Mari Iijima (Well, we all know her by now.) as Lynn Minmay

Monica Rial (Haruka in RahXephon, Kirika in NOIR) as Misa Hayase

Vic Mignogna (Kurz in Full Metal Panic!, Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist) as Hikaru Ichijo

Andy McAvin (Mason in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Kimura in Azumanga Daioh) as Exedol Folmo

Brett Weaver (Nabeshin in Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemy, Goh in Godannar!!) as Roy Focker

Chris Ayres (Kei in Gantz) as Lynn Kaifun

Chris Patton (Ayato in RahXephon, Sousuke in Full Metal Panic!) as Maximilian Jenius

Christine Auten (Priss in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Sakaki in Azumanga Daioh) as Claudia LaSalle

Hilary Haag (Super Milk-chan, Teletha in Full Metal Panic!) as Shammy Milliome

Illich Guardiola (Isshiki in RahXephon, Kato in Gantz) as Kamjin Kravshera

John Gremillion (Kunugi in RahXephon, Nigel in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040) as Britai Kridanik

John Swasey (Gendo in Neon Genesis Evangelion (Director's Cut), Elder in Chrono Crusade) as Captain Bruno J. Global

Kira Vincent-Davis (Nyu in Elfen Lied, Osaka in Azumanga Daioh) as Kim Kabirov

Luci Christian (Chidori in Full Metal Panic!, Mikura in Mezzo) as Milia Fallyna

Nancy Novotny (Madlax, Ren in Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu) as Vanessa Laird

George Manley as Lynn Shaochin

Greg Ayres (Kaworu in Neon Genesis Evangelion (Director's Cut), Toga in Gravion) as Loli Dosel

Jason Douglas (Harada in Mezzo, Leon in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040) as Hayao Kakizaki

Kelly Manison (Naga in ADV's Slayers releases, Great Will of the Macrocosm in Excel Saga as Lynn Feichun

Mark X. Laskowski (Boss in MazinKaiser) as Warera Nantes

Tiffany Grant (Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion, Kim in RahXephon) as Moruk Laplamiz and Yotchan

Xero Reynolds as Conda Bromco

Changing names doesn't always help. I ran into the guy who dubbed Spike in Cowboy Bebop (and Heartbreak 1 in Ace Combat 5) at a supermarket checkout. Someone in line commented on what he had, he replied to them, and I immediately recognized his voice. Funniest thing was that he said he's never been recognized before.

It helps till you've done roles that appear on a single popular cable channel where your the host, and many of the shows you've performed in are constantly being shown. I remember last year hearing him doing 7/11 radio and tv commericals going "DAMN THAT'S STEVEN!"

He's probably ranked on there as one of the most used and popular voice actors of anime and television, I believe the guys actually been on live action tv shows but I can't recall.

Vic Mignogna (Kurz in Full Metal Panic!, Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist) as Hikaru Ichijo

Don't get me wrong, I like Vic, he's a nice guy, alot of my fellow VA's have met him and say he's just great to talk too. I think his role as Edward in FMA is great.

But some reason......I just can't pin him down as Hikaru......than again I don't really see myself as Hikaru when I do my fan projects. But still I'm willing to give him a shot for a few episodes.

John Swasey (Gendo in Neon Genesis Evangelion (Director's Cut), Elder in Chrono Crusade) as Captain Bruno J. Global

That'd be interesting to see, his voice work reminds me of that one guy who was in the STNG movie, where he played the crazed doctor soren wasn't it?

I liked his performance in EVA, should be interesting to see.

Tiffany Grant (Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion, Kim in RahXephon) as Moruk Laplamiz and Yotchan

Interesting choice, I can see it sort of.......but honesetly I havne't come across an ADV produced anime that didn't have Tiffany Grant in it cause she's married to one of the producers....I don't think I have one ADV done anime where she wasn't in the damn thing in multiple characters....

Almost the same with that one girl who played Nene in Bubblegum Crisis 2040....she's in EVERYTHING.


Never watched most of those animes that these VO are credited to. However it seems a vast majority of them did voices in the same animes. Does this mean it will sound just like all the other dubbed jobs that these VO did together? Do they have any range?

Will it sound like everything currently dubbed but with Mari?

  bsu legato said:
I think the worst problem with "Lick Hunter" in the RT dub is all the extraneous dialog that the writers cram into his mouth. Not a scene goes by where we're not clubbed over the head with the most mundane or blindingly obvious factoid and opinion, all courtesy the tried and true RT voiceover.  Tony Oliver might have been tolerable in smaller, "Hikaru" sized doses, but with Row-Boat-eech verbal diarreha he wears out his welcome  fast.


This is pretty much exactly how I feel about Tony Oliver's work in RT. His voice isn't bad. His acting isn't bad. . . the dialogue is bad because they're trying to squeeze in too much "Superfriends exposition" (as I call it).

Just picture anything Superman does in Superfriends. . . he always explains it for the semi-retarded kids out there:

Superman: "Now, to use my super-strength to bend this girder into a hook, and use it to snare that rocket!"

Rick Hunter: "Now, I'll just use my lasers to cut a hole through the wall."

There is none of that in SDF:Macross. They trust the audience to understand basic plot points and what the characters are feeling. Between all the exposition put into Rick Hunter's mouth and that long-winded narrator who explains in excruciating detail what every single character is thinking, was thinking, or will think in the next episode, it just makes the audience feel like a bunch of idiots. . . which is how American cartoons treat their audience (because they think kids can't follow even basic plots).

Best example (and I know I've posted this before): In episode (post-rain of death), Hikaru stands in a field of flowers among the devastation. . . and for a minute or two, there is nothing but music, and flowers. In RT, they've got Rick Hunter going on and on. . . an on about every basic plot point that had taken place up until that point. . . in that rushed manner that is all too common and largely the fault of the (re)writers, not Tony Oliver.

Rant over.


  Hurin said:

Rick Hunter:  "Now, I'll just use my lasers to cut a hole through the wall."



I actually say that to myself as I take a crap every day. I actualy chant it.

Posted (edited)

so is it then better to get the animeigo or wait around for this come out?

i thought about getting the animeigo but then saw that this was coming out?

what to do?

Edited by Macross73
  Agent ONE said:
  Hurin said:

Rick Hunter:  "Now, I'll just use my lasers to cut a hole through the wall."



I actually say that to myself as I take a crap every day. I actualy chant it.


I say it while peeing. Taking a crap just seems more like a missile strike.

so is it then better to get the animeigo or wait around for this come out?

i thought about getting the animeigo but then saw that this was coming out?

what to do?

Considering ADV will only release 4 episodes a volume and it'll take about 4 months or so before another volume is released, your better off with AnimEgo, they're done, but discontinued selling the product.

But that doesn't mean you can't find the DVD's.

I don't like the subbing font AnimEgo uses, but its readable, its bold, and its not done in a color that blends in with anything in the background like some groups who have to change a letter or an entire word so it doesn't get blended in with the animation.

Plus, you might save yourself more money getting AnimEgo's than ADV's...no doubt because ADV will have Japanese and English subs, it'll be between 14.99-29.99 pending where you go (just stay away from suncoast).

  JB0 said:
  Agent ONE said:
  Hurin said:

Rick Hunter:  "Now, I'll just use my lasers to cut a hole through the wall."



I actually say that to myself as I take a crap every day. I actualy chant it.


I say it while peeing. Taking a crap just seems more like a missile strike.


I quote Arnold whilst I uninate.

  DeathHammer said:
I quote Arnold whilst I uninate.


Carl Weathers as the head of FEMA ( The Master of Disaster......Management)?



Thats awesome! Take the rest of the day off, if your boss asks, just tell A1 said its ok.

Posted (edited)

You know the scary thing is if your boss did let you have the day off cause of A1......you know world domination is a glint in SOMEONES (not saying WHO) eye.


ADR Director: Matt Greenfield

I believe that's who Tiffany Grant is married too.......and he produces or directs ALOT of ADV projects............................................like Evangelion.......................

Edited by Hikuro
  Hikuro said:
You know the scary thing is if your boss did let you have the day off cause of A1......you know world domination is a glint in SOMEONES (not saying WHO) eye.

Regardless of vacation status, it's a glint in MY eye...

  Hikuro said:
so is it then better to get the animeigo or wait around for this come out?

i thought about getting the animeigo but then saw that this was coming out?

what to do?

Considering ADV will only release 4 episodes a volume and it'll take about 4 months or so before another volume is released, your better off with AnimEgo, they're done, but discontinued selling the product.

But that doesn't mean you can't find the DVD's.

I don't like the subbing font AnimEgo uses, but its readable, its bold, and its not done in a color that blends in with anything in the background like some groups who have to change a letter or an entire word so it doesn't get blended in with the animation.

Plus, you might save yourself more money getting AnimEgo's than ADV's...no doubt because ADV will have Japanese and English subs, it'll be between 14.99-29.99 pending where you go (just stay away from suncoast).


Actually, it'll be 6 episodes on the first volume, and 5 episodes on each subsequent volume (for a total of 7), and average release schedule is every 2 months (sometimes sooner).

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