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  Keith said:
Royright in 2008!


Shadup yo mouth! We all know M7 fans would vote for Nader, or Michael Jackson (if he were running).


No, we wouldn't bother voting at all, knowing the whole system is a sham government run by illuminati-esque old men who want to horde the worlds oil for themselves, and stomp out alternate forms of power.

  Keith said:
No, we wouldn't bother voting at all, knowing the whole system is a sham government run by illuminati-esque old men who want to horde the worlds oil for themselves, and stomp out alternate forms of power.


Thats right, go and smoke some dope on election day you hippie. I'll take care of EVERYTHING for you.


No need, the crazy old money men will take care of everything for the both of us, including your illusion of control.

  Keith said:
No need, the crazy old money men will take care of everything for the both of us, including your illusion of control.


Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.

  Agent ONE said:
  Keith said:
No need, the crazy old money men will take care of everything for the both of us, including your illusion of control.


Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.



  Agent ONE said:
  Keith said:
No need, the crazy old money men will take care of everything for the both of us, including your illusion of control.


Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.


Said he'd come and get it himself, buyt he's stuck in the bath tub again.

  JB0 said:
  Agent ONE said:
  Keith said:
No need, the crazy old money men will take care of everything for the both of us, including your illusion of control.


Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.


Said he'd come and get it himself, buyt he's stuck in the bath tub again.



  DeathHammer said:
I remember reading somewhere that Leonard Nimoy really really really hated being Spock. That he was some kind of classically trained actor who got typecasted into a role he wanted to break out of. I think I read that when I was reading about Wrath of Khan, which I guess explains why Nimoy croaked in the movie. I know he came back for a guest shot on DS9, so he must have resolved some feelings about it all. God knows it took Shatner forever to break his Kirk typecast ( then again he'll probably be typecasted as the wacky Denny Crane the rest of his life. )


I think that both Mari and Nimoy enjoyed their roles (and certainly didn't mind being paid for it) but that it was the fans and the incessant association with the roles that did it for them. Nimoy, IMHO, became the host of the "UFO, conspiracy, bizarre illogical s#!7" show "In Search Of" expressly to distance himself from Spock. (BTW, Shatner was classically trained -- got his start as an understudy to Christopher Plummer in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre -- while Nimoy was a character actor who got his start in B-movie serials like "Radar Men from the Moon" and TV shows like "Perry Mason." I don't think he was classically trained hough.) IIRC, Nimoy asked for a pile of money for ST1, a great death scene for ST2 and the director's chair for ST3. A funny thing happened on the way to ST4, though -- he began to like the character of Spock. Even named his early '90s autobiography "I AM Spock," a reference to another he had written in the late '70s titled "I'm Not Spock."

The same thing with Mari, as well. She seems to have liked the experience of Macross (must have at least a little, else she wouldn't have jumpped at the chance to join ADV's dub cast) but was tired of being seen as NOTHING but Lynn Minmay. Someone who has a successful singing career with many acclaimed albums under her belt -- even to the point of being asked to score an old silent film, and yet is still seen only as the actress from a television show she did 20-some-odd years ago? It'd make anyone a little resentful.

Shatner doesn't seem to care, on the other hand. He's almost like Adam West (Batman) and Bill Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy) in embracing the characters he's played -- although, thankfully he refrains from ever putting the old gold velour shirt on. He seems to be having a blast playing Denny Crane, and how many 70-something actors get a chance to thoroughly re-invent their careers with such a meaty role that doesn't include being a grandpa?

  Pat Payne said:
IIRC, Nimoy asked for a pile of money for ST1, a great death scene for ST2 and the director's chair for ST3. A funny thing happened on the way to ST4, though -- he began to like the character of Spock. Even named his early '90s autobiography "I AM Spock," a reference to another he had written in the late '70s titled "I'm Not Spock."

Actually, Nimoy began to come to terms with Spock during the production of 3.

He only agreed to do it if they'd kill Spock, but before production was over he had explicitly asked for them to insert a hook where they could bring him back later. Hence the mind meld with McCoy and the Genesis Planet funeral.

Shatner doesn't seem to care, on the other hand. He's almost like Adam West (Batman) and Bill Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy) in embracing the characters he's played -- although, thankfully he refrains from ever putting the old gold velour shirt on.

He tried. It tore. :p

He seems to be having a blast playing Denny Crane, and how many 70-something actors get a chance to thoroughly re-invent their careers with such a meaty role that doesn't include being a grandpa?

And I'm having a blast watching him have a blast playing Denny Crane.

  JB0 said:
He only agreed to do it if they'd kill Spock, but before production was over he had explicitly asked for them to insert a hook where they could bring him back later. Hence the mind meld with McCoy and the Genesis Planet funeral.

That's kind of interesting...the way I'd heard it was that they had had some test screenings with the more somber "Spock dies. Period." ending, and that when they saw the intense fan reaction to the testers (people were apparently doubled over with grief leaving the test screenings), they hurriedly went back and reshot parts of the sequence to include the mind-meld with the arrangement being that if they went back and did part 3, Nimoy'd get to helm it as a means of luring him back.

  Agent ONE said:
Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.


Are you sure he didn't call because he missed you?

  Keith said:
  Agent ONE said:
Hey dude, Michael Moore called, he wants his retartedness back.


Are you sure he didn't call because he missed you?


Wow, did you write that comeback yourself or did you have help? BTW: I love how you just took my quote out and left YOUR comment out of the quote, I guess you are ashamed of your own sissy-pansy-ass comments. Thats yet another reason for all of us to point at you and laugh.

  Agent ONE said:
Wow, did you write that comeback yourself or did you have help?

I went to the future and had you write it, for only you are macho enough to spew out such inaneness.

BTW: I love how you just took my quote out and left YOUR comment out of the quote, I guess you are ashamed of your own sissy-pansy-ass comments.  Thats yet another reason for all of us to point at you and laugh.


Or maybe I'm just not wasting bandwidth, but then we'll have ot leave that for future generations to decide. Menstrating much lately?

  Keith said:
  Agent ONE said:
Wow, did you write that comeback yourself or did you have help?

I went to the future and had you write it, for only you are macho enough to spew out such inaneness.

BTW: I love how you just took my quote out and left YOUR comment out of the quote, I guess you are ashamed of your own sissy-pansy-ass comments.  Thats yet another reason for all of us to point at you and laugh.


Or maybe I'm just not wasting bandwidth, but then we'll have ot leave that for future generations to decide. Menstrating much lately?


HAHAHA!!! EVERYBODY, join me in laughing and pointing at Keith!!!

Posted (edited)
  Agent ONE said:
HAHAHA!!! EVERYBODY, join me in laughing and pointing at Keith!!!


Is that how you woo'd michael moore?

Edited by Keith
  Keith said:
  Agent ONE said:
HAHAHA!!! EVERYBODY, join me in laughing and pointing at Keith!!!


Is that how you woo'd michael moore?


enough dude, Im starting to feel sorry for you


Hey, if Steve is posting in this thread, maybe he can answer a question I have about the dub; What happened to HG's promise that there wouldn't be a dub of Macross? IIRC, it was....well, because Robotech was the "official" dub. Comments?

Or am I not supposed to remember that, just like we weren't supposed to remember HG's position that Robotech itself wouldn't be getting a remaster. Hey, while I'm at it, should I start saving my pennies for the inevitable Mospeada dub?

  bsu legato said:
Hey, if Steve is posting in this thread, maybe he can answer a question I have about the dub; What happened to HG's promise that there wouldn't be a dub of Macross? IIRC, it was....well, because Robotech was the "official" dub. Comments?

Or am I not supposed to remember that, just like we weren't supposed to remember HG's position that Robotech itself wouldn't be getting a remaster. Hey, while I'm at it, should I start saving my pennies for the inevitable Mospeada dub?


Only if it comes with Love Live Alive and even that is "meh" at best. This is all just a tad too late.
  pfunk said:
enough dude, Im starting to feel sorry for you


Is that your way of bailing out a1?

  Keith said:
  pfunk said:
enough dude, Im starting to feel sorry for you


Is that your way of bailing out a1?


not really, A1 knows I wouldnt bail him out, hes a big boy (not talking muscles or hieght), I was worried about you getting ripped a new one/saving face and this topic going tangent


Sweet christ. When the hell did liking macross 7 turn into a political debate!? This topic isn't even about macross 7, michael moore, or liberal / conservative views! Cut the crap and get back on topic!


2) would you do a duet with michael bradley?

I hope she does answer this one. And I hope she says, "Why the $*#% would I do that?"


My response is who the @#* IS Michael Bradley?

  Pat Payne said:
My response is who the @#* IS Michael Bradley?


Isn't that the guy that did the music for Lancer in RT the new Generation?

  Agent ONE said:
  Pat Payne said:
My response is who the @#* IS Michael Bradley?


Isn't that the guy that did the music for Lancer in RT the new Generation?


google search: (just to let you guys know I am not a retard and I don't go to RT sites)


  pfunk said:
not really, A1 knows I wouldnt bail him out, hes a big boy (not talking muscles or hieght), I was worried about you getting ripped a new one/saving face and this topic going tangent


Hasn't happened yet, but it's nice to know you care....


I find it ironic that there is more buzz about the Macross Dub, than about the new Robotech series!!

I have high hopes for the new RT series, it will finally be an original story instead of a rewrite of existing anime.

However, considering how much of a niche, voice acting is in North America, finding quality voice actors who are commited to the work as opposed to ones who are "just waiting for their big break in hellywood", is pretty tough.

Voice actors are treated with much more reverence in Japan compared to North America, therefore more actors are inclined to be proud to be voice actors in Japan. Not like here.

I have high hopes for the dub, since ADV has a reputation of going back to the "source studios" to make sure it's translations are acurate to the story as opposed to some of the drek we've all had to endure over the years.

I first discovered Macross through Robotech (however I was an anime fan long before that, I was just too young to know how to get the japanese stuff). I didn't fully appreciate Macross until I got a copy of DYRL from a fan clubs sub on VHS and I was hooked! Ironically I hadn't seen the whole series until recently when I bought the Animeigo remastered DVD set and well I don't need to tell you guys how good the show is...

Yes I was around when the only way to get anime was through fan club networks and Japanese contacts--very old school! No DVDs, no web downloads, no commercial releases of any unbastardized anime to be found anywhere except in certain circles. Back when "US Manga Corps" was a group of US soldiers stationed out of a base in Florida with friends stationed in Japan getting them the "goods" and then the group fan subing the material for trading within the community. It is one of the very few companies to survive from the infancy era of anime in North America.

I still own one of the first printings of "Macross Perfect Memory" as well as the "Macross Portfolio" from those days.

So seeing a faithful dub of Macross after all these years and to see HG finally wake up and realize that there is more money to be made giving anime fans what they want than what they don't want, is very gratifying.

I suspect, there are deals in the works with the Anime Network to air the Macross dub as well as DVD sales, etc... ADV and HG are going to make a fair bit of cash off this one, to be sure...

  Keith said:
  pfunk said:
not really, A1 knows I wouldnt bail him out, hes a big boy (not talking muscles or hieght), I was worried about you getting ripped a new one/saving face and this topic going tangent


Hasn't happened yet, but it's nice to know you care....


last word

Posted (edited)
  DeathHammer said:
How much do voice actors make?

Maybe dubs by US actors arent great because the pay isn't great ( Is it? Is Jack Angel sitting on a yacht now getting BJs from supermodels while sniffing coke off their D cups?) and it doesn't attract a higher level of talent.


No, SAG actors get the union "scale" rate.

It isn't like a contracted amount like "stars" (TV/Movie) get which is substantially more and is often re-negotiated after the show is a hit.

It's a niche type of acting really. Stage actors need to be seen on stage, film and TV actors generally want to be seen as well (it drives up the 'ole paycheck the more successful movies/shows you are seen in.), while voice actors aren't seen at all. Few have distinctive enough voices that they can be recognized like Allison Keith of ADV. Thus in North America it has become a "job" like soap opera work. Nothing that will make you rich, but a steady paycheck as an actor.

Unlike Japan where their voice actors have the same fanbases as live action stars.

Edited by Zinjo
Posted (edited)

What gets me is when I start hearing the same voice in other shows. (shouldn't a VA try to change thier voice to suit a unique character?) Like you might hear the voice of yugioh in some hentai anime. Hahah I laughed my ass off whenever I hear it. Because the image of the character who I first hear the voice from, comes into my head which shouldn't be there.

And another thing: I was just watching G gundam recently, and the guy who plays the ninja doesn't even make an effort to mask his voice so when you finally see the surprise..











...that he is really the main character's bro,








*end spoiler - actually to hell with it, I didn't spoil anything*

...it is no surprise at all because the voice is so recognisable and obvious that you wonder why none of the other characters knew the ninja's real identity. Maybe it is time more money was spent on quality. And to all existing VA: don't just play yourself FFS. Have more than one type of voice like an actor would play more than one type of role. Much better that way.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Which is why I think For the Most Part Dubbed VO Actor are no talent hacks.

I mean look some of them go to conventions as featured guest. They have a fan following for their voice. Each one seem to be a specialist. Meaning one just does young teenage girls and another specializes in doing big strong brutes. Yes I see the joke in here too. Either they a specialists in one type of voice or lack the talent to due anything else. Then there is a possible that when ever they are hired the employer wants them to use that voice only.

What ever it is it always sounds the same!

  Roy Focker said:
Which is why I think For the Most Part Dubbed VO Actor are no talent hacks.

I mean look some of them go to conventions as featured guest.  They have a fan following for their voice.    Each one seem to be a specialist.  Meaning one just does young teenage girls and another specializes in doing big strong brutes.  Yes I see the joke in here too.  Either they a specialists in one type of voice or lack the talent to due anything else.  Then there is a possible that when ever they are hired the employer wants them to use that voice only.

What ever it is it always sounds the same!


eh, its still better then the godzilla days,,,,,shal I even mention clash of the bionoids :blink:


Just curious how many Macross Worlders posted some questions for the Mari Iijima interview.

I was pretty suprised how few have posted so far... also, a fair number of the questions posted (especially those thinking Mari knows anything about or has any serious opinion on Mospeada, Southern Cross, or their Robotech incarnations) are down right scary or laughable. :blink:

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  Roy Focker said:
Compete ha!  He's no competition against the Royight wing agenda.


"DRoyight et mon Dieu..." :p

(example of treppenwitz, that...)

Edited by Pat Payne

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