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I think you might be mistaking what your ingrained ideal of what Macross should be with what everyone's ingrained ideal of Macross should be. I was just tossing out some opinions but you've got it in your head that I'm suggesting we torch the series.

Nope, I think you're mistaking your idea that everything should be updated to suit whatever current fads are in place, with the idea that things should be left as they were made and appreciated for what they are.

Some people do care about the dubs, there are some people who hate reading subtitles and hearing a language they don't understand, they just won't do it no matter what you do. And even if they violate some sense of the purity of the show for you or other guys, every dollar they spend counts as much as ours.

Those people are stupid, and shouldn't be watching a series that was made in another language if they don't want to hear that language & read subtitles.

I think you love the Macross franchise. I think the other guys here do too. I know I do. We don't have to agree on everything, all that matters is that every DVD/toy/merch you buy helps to support the franchise we enjoy and vice versa. As long as cash registers are ringing and more ways for us to enjoy Macross come out of it, thats all the agreement two fans really need for a series they love.

To the contrary, if a series has finished its run, had some enjoyable quality stuff come out, and has pretty much had its story wrapped up in a satisfactory manner, then there's no need for constant sequels & spin-off's to keep those registers ringing. Sometimes enough is enough, and too much is unnecessary.

As for riling people up, dude you've been gunning for me the past few days in this thread and a few other threads. I'd wager if I started another thread with a less than popular opinion ( I seem to have quite a few these days), you'd gun for me there too. If you want to bust my balls for being the new guy, then so be it. If you want to flame me for calling you on it, so be it. Its one thing to lay out bait, its another to accuse a dude of what you are doing yourself.

I haven't been gunning for you, I've just dissagreed with damn near everything you've said. It's nothing personal. If you're too sensative about your opinions to take criticism, then don't share them. Otherwise, stop whining & stick to the topic! That's just the nature of these things, not everyone is going to agree with you, doesn't automatically mean they hate your existence.

  yellowlightman said:
Well, don't bother providing any evidence to the contrary or anything. That would be silly.


His evidence is that if the other guy had watched any substancial amount of Gundam, he'd realise how inane what he was saying was.


Does anyone here think that Macross Zero might get a dubbed release here in the US? Seriously, I think it would generate interest in the original series if they were to show a modern version first.


Some people do care about the dubs, there are some people who hate reading subtitles and hearing a language they don't understand, they just won't do it no matter what you do. And even if they violate some sense of the purity of the show for you or other guys, every dollar they spend counts as much as ours.

I say that excuse used so often and it's still as stupid as day one. What idiot can't focus on the images on the screen and dialog at the same time? I never had that problem. My attention is taken up by both but I don't suffer from missing out on either. Only idiots that might have this problem are poor readers. Some people don't even want to hear Japanese? They love to see the Japanese pictures but not the Japanese language. Those are some pretty crappy racists. True their dollar are a worth as much as ours and even more. The vast majority are stupid or at least that what most importants of forgein movies etc think. The more you dumb it down the more attention you get.

Really is it worth trying to make some thing that appeals to everyone at the expense of the art itself?


This whole subtitling vs. dub issue reminds me of my Venezuelan friend who, hearing a couple of kids at the local video store whining about "Hero" being subtitled in theatres instead of dubbed like the Jackie Chan films, pounced on them for being spoiled Canadian brats. She proceeded to "educate" them (in her own inimitable manner) that the rest of the world had to deal with subtitles most of the time, so they should just shut up and deal with it or stay away. There were some colourful comments thrown in about their IQ and reading level too, but they wouldn't be polite to reproduce here. :lol:


I can see only one good reason for dubbing. . . if you want the title to break out of its niche and become more mainstream. Most people in the U.S. abhor subtitling unless it's for a cool alien language from the other side of the galaxy.

Now, why HG has decided to suddenly re-dub Macross is anyone's guess. I doubt they really think that Macross --as dated as it is-- can become wildly popular again in its own right.

Personally, I don't understand why people get pissy about there being a dub as long as the Japanese (w/ english subtitles) is also included. More choice is always good. A dub would only bother me if it supplants the subtitles on the DVDs.

Posted (edited)
  Keith said:
His evidence is that if the other guy had watched any substancial amount of Gundam, he'd realise how inane what he was saying was.

Psst. Let's not confuse "assertion" and "rhetoric" with "evidence". :p Evidence would constitute the plot elements and character analyses of the main characters in several Gundam features that showed that they weren't angsty, whiny teenagers. I would count 0080 amongst those that didn't feature a whiny, angsty kid... but that might be why I like it especially over the other Gundams that I've seen.

Wait... actually, the male protagonist was kind of whiney. But at least he wasn't a whiney NewType who was in actuality uber. He was just some schmoe who didn't particularly want to be there in that war.

  Keith said:
Nope, I think you're mistaking your idea that everything should be updated to suit whatever current fads are in place, with the idea that things should be left as they were made and appreciated for what they are.

I hardly think he's trying to enforce his ideas upon everyone else. That's just a tad unfair. He's merely open to alterations that some others might better enjoy. I myself wouldn't mind watching a Macross dub if it were good along with an updated score, which is one of the things that still makes me wince even when I'll readily admit that the original Macross is far better than Robotech. No one is saying to burn the original Macross and make it unavailable for viewing. No one is being Lucas here.

Some people like options, and some people like updates, but I know providing that sort of thing is heresy to some, unless it's something sanctioned by Kawamori himself-- ie, DYRL with its updated SDF designs, Mac 7 updating Macross with mystical pseudoscience and 90's J-Pop, and Mac 0 updating Macross with CG. Kawamori in effect reinvents and updates Macross at every turn-- in a way that actually turns many original SDF fans off-- the exact thing that you seem to stand against. Sure, he didn't update the original masterpiece (thank goodness), but he did show that he wasn't above following fads and redefining Macross's continuity.

Those people are stupid, and shouldn't be watching a series that was made in another language if they don't want to hear that language & read subtitles.

Err, I didn't know intelligence was somehow correlated to personal preference when it comes to subs and dubs.

Fact is: reading subtitles is an entirely different experience from intently watching the animation while listening to the dialogue.

The reason I would rather read subtitles and listen to the original voice actors is because dubs by and large stink. The acting is usually crummy and many of the subtle meanings are lost. The dialogue is often either forced because the original dialogue doesn't translate well into a different culture or translators take way too many liberties in the translation and inject too many pop-culture references that are quickly dated. However, if a dub was both faithful, natural, and well-acted, it would present an experience much closer to what a native speaker experiences from the original than I would from trying to read dubs.

So I would rank the experiences as follows:

1. Watching a film/animation in the original language, and understanding the language.

2. Watching a film/animation dubbed into a language I can understand-- with superb voice acting and a faithful but culturally relevant translation.

3. Watching a film in the original language with subtitles.

4. Watching a mediocre dub, or any dub that falls short of the original in drama, emotion, or meaning.

Seeing as how I don't understand Japanese, and how there are currently few dubs that would qualify under 2 according to my extremely high standards, I would by and large prefer 3-- subtitles-- when it comes to watching anime. But if dubs actually existed of such a calibre that they qualify under 2, and would provide me with roughly the same experience a Japanese viewer would have (albiet in a different language) instead of having to watch something with my eyes spent at the bottom 3rd section of the screen parsing text a good part of the time, I would gladly watch them.

But maybe that's just because I'm stupid.

I haven't been gunning for you, I've just dissagreed with damn near everything you've said. It's nothing personal. If you're too sensative about your opinions to take criticism, then don't share them. Otherwise, stop whining & stick to the topic! That's just the nature of these things, not everyone is going to agree with you, doesn't automatically mean they hate your existence.

He's hardly whining. He is however noticing and voicing some things that some of us have gotten used to around here, and being new, he's much more keen in seeing and calling out the "I'm right, you're wrong, therefore (and largely because) you're stupid" mentality of what passes for discussion in these forums.

Civil disagreement is one thing. Knee-jerk criticism is a whole other. The former actually cares about the opinions and thoughts of the one they're engaging in dialogue with-- with hopes that their own views will be heard and perhaps even accepted in turn. The latter is simply content in being "right" and in bashing everyone else over the head who happens to disagree, sometimes pinning unflattering and false motivations upon them for the views they hold and why they express them. Encountering large volumes of disagreement might even make them feel special, as they become signs that they're the few who really know how it is.

Been there and done that, so I know the allure and rewards of having unpopular views that we're convinced are absolutely right. I suppose some of these rewards might be those that come naturally from sticking to our guns about things we care about-- but I don't think the freedom to be inconsiderate, over a 20 year old animation of all things, is something any of us are particularly entitled to. *shrug*


Edited by Sundown
  Roy Focker said:
I say that excuse used so often and it's still as stupid as day one.  What idiot can't focus on the images on the screen and dialog at the same time?  I never had that problem.  My attention is taken up by both but I don't suffer from missing out on either.  Only idiots that might have this problem are poor readers.  Some people don't even want to hear Japanese?

I know I'm hardly a poor reader, but with subtitles, I simply can't focus on characters' facial expressions as intently or admire the visuals as much as I'd like. I have no problem listening to Japanese, but even subtitles rarely convey the eloquence and delivery of the actual dialogue by the actual actors-- unless they're worked over really well by real writer types. Most subtitles would be considered poorly written dialogue if they'd showed up as is in a script.

And then there's the realism factor for me. When watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes, it just strikes me really, really odd that both the Galactic Empire and the Free Planet Alliance-- with characters that were very German, very French, very British, or very Chinese-- would all be speaking Japanese. That just seems off. Same reason that it makes more sense to hear the characters speak English in the MGS series than it does for them to speak Japanese.

Really is it worth trying to make some thing that appeals to everyone at the expense of the art itself?

Nope, but art for the artist's sake alone is mastabatory. (I didn't make that up.) There's a fine balance to be made, but it needs to be made with a target audience in mind. And sometimes, letting an artist do his own thing without direction from those who are skilled at giving such guidance results in something that is actually in the end, less artistic.



I for one am glad a dub is coming out. Macross will be more accessible to the average person and thus maybe more products will follow. Hoping this will happen is somewhat fleeting, but there is the possibility of more international releases.

Sadly, it is true that most people will not watch subtitles. This is not a phenomena exclusive to anime. The vast majority of people will avoid ANY film that is in a foreign language. There are three rules about marketting modern film (with very few exceptions) that will see people avoid viewing of the product:

1. Foreign language/subtitles

2. Black and white

3. Old re-releases

The vast majority of people put little to no effort into what they watch. You must understand, by your very nature as a viewer of anime, you are the exception...not the rule. You have gone beyond mainstream viewing and tastes and as you watch anime you distinguish yourself from the average consumer of popular culture. Naturally, it goes without saying that while you personally may have no problem with subtitles, most do. Even many of your fellow anime fans dislike subtitles.

Given the choice between formats (a foreign film in subtitles versus a foreign film with dubbing), the average viewer will most often choose the format requiring the least effort.

  Mr March said:
The vast majority of people put little to no effort into what they watch.  You must understand, by your very nature as a viewer of anime, you are the exception...not the rule.  You have gone beyond mainstream viewing and tastes and as you watch anime you distinguish yourself from the average consumer of popular culture. 

You are... Nerds++!

And by making a programming joke, I default myself into the category of nerd, so no offense.


The mainstream market isn't going to buy Macross with a dub, they aren't going to give a sh!t since it's a 23 year old show with archaic animation (ranging between awesome & terrible for its time). That very same mass market who loves dubs also hates old animation, check and mate!

  Keith said:
The mainstream market isn't going to buy Macross with a dub, they aren't going to give a sh!t since it's a 23 year old show with archaic animation (ranging between awesome & terrible for its time). That very same mass market who loves dubs also hates old animation, check and mate!


ANd the hardcore subtitles crowd too! Don't forget them! My god, Bandai is making a huge mistake with this! We better tell them this isn't going to sell before it's too late! :rolleyes:

  Keith said:
The mainstream market isn't going to buy Macross with a dub, they aren't going to give a sh!t since it's a 23 year old show with archaic animation (ranging between awesome & terrible for its time). That very same mass market who loves dubs also hates old animation, check and mate!


whow man, you been to best buy latelly?


Actually yes, just picked up Panda-Z & Vol 1 + Box of Godannar, didn't notice anything 23 years old though.


I for one am glad a dub is coming out. Macross will be more accessible to the average person and thus maybe more products will follow. Hoping this will happen is somewhat fleeting, but there is the possibility of more international releases.

Do you really want the average person (or in this case tje average anime fan) to embrace Macross? The average fan is for the most part stupid and uneducated who by judging by the anime that can be found on Cartoon Network or at mass retailer likes a lot of crap. Really let's say Macross is made more accessible and appeals more to what the average fan goes for. Yes there might be more international releases that are made more accessible and heck maybe new products that are made to be more accessible at the start. Sure you could end up with more Macross but is the cost worth it?

The vast majority of people put little to no effort into what they watch. You must understand, by your very nature as a viewer of anime, you are the exception...not the rule. You have gone beyond mainstream viewing and tastes and as you watch anime you distinguish yourself from the average consumer of popular culture. Naturally, it goes without saying that while you personally may have no problem with subtitles, most do. Even many of your fellow anime fans dislike subtitles.

Given the choice between formats (a foreign film in subtitles versus a foreign film with dubbing), the average viewer will most often choose the format requiring the least effort.

Which explains why a forgein films that has subtitiles only or doesn't have a well know face to American audiences has limited release and doesn't become avaliable to all until the DVD release. Then again the same thing goes for English speaking movies that aren't meant to be mass marketed block busters. Not every film has to be about making a butt load of money. Sure Studios would like that but they still make there art house films as well. More audience equals more money it does equal good quality.

Remember my self hating anime fan club thread? I have a very low opinion about the anime masses. Anyone that thinks Macross or the classics should be made more mainstream friendly should be Agent One's Door Knob.


At least anime hasn't gone the way the US has on foreign films.

"OMG! This ring movie is doing good in Japan! Let's remake it for the US! OMG! La Femme Nikita is awesome, but it has French people in it, so let's remake it! OMG! This Red Dwarf TV series is doing good in Britain and it's got an audience in the US! Let's do a remake for the US!"

I fear that it will soon become this:

"LOL!!!!11111oneoneone Naruto iz TeH L33T! Cartoon Network will remake it for US audiences with animation like from Powerpuff Girls or Samurai Jack! Let's rape Full Metal Alchemist and remake it into something cooler! We'll give the kid glasses and make him look like Harry Potter, and we'll have HG be in charge of it! Pink skin for everyone and hackjob story! Maybe we can even get them to mix Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, and Bleach!!!111oneone"

Posted (edited)
  Roy Focker said:
Do you really want the average person (or in this case tje average anime fan) to embrace Macross? The average fan is for the most part stupid and uneducated who by judging by the anime that can be found on Cartoon Network or at mass retailer  likes a lot of crap. Â  Really let's say Macross is made more accessible and appeals more to what the average fan goes for. Â  Yes there might be more international releases that are made more accessible and heck maybe new products that are made to be more accessible at the start. Â  Sure you could end up with more Macross but is the cost worth it?

That is the most nakedly elitist argument I've ever heard. That's, once again, saying that anime should be this little closed preserve with just us and our 28th generation fansub tapes sitting out in the AV room of the student union. So now, we should put a border up around Macross fandom to keep the riff-raff out? How 'bout an electrified fence? How about forcibly removing the discs from those who buy it that we don't think are worthy? I'm sorry, but it sounds asinine and elitist to say that "this is for us. go get your own." Maybe I should be telling people not to read George Orwell or Plato or William Shirer because they like John Grisham, Barbara Taylor Bradfield and Steven King, all of whom I feel are highly overrated.

And "stupid and uneducated" because they prefer what they're watching? Please. Maybe they have IN OUR OPINION bad taste in anime, but it doesn't mean they're knuckle-dragging trogolodytes or are going to suddenly start using the Macross discs as coasters.

"Is the cost worth it?" You make it sound like we're prostituting our country or morals rather than merely embracing the wide release of a FRICKIN' 22-YEAR-OLD TELEVISION SHOW, granted, one near and dear to our hearts. Personally, I see nothing wrong with bringing Macross to the masses.

Remember my self hating anime fan club thread?  I have a very low opinion about the anime masses. Â  Anyone that thinks Macross or the classics should be made more mainstream friendly should be Agent One's Door Knob.

Fine. Let's lock them in a hermetic vault and make sure that only those who know the secret handshake see them. Jeezus Kerisht. I don't like a lot of the recent crop of anime brats either, but I WILL NOT, EVER, say that we should deny something to somebody just because they "aren't us." If that makes me a doorknob, than so be it.

Edited by Pat Payne
  Keith said:
The mainstream market isn't going to buy Macross with a dub, they aren't going to give a sh!t since it's a 23 year old show with archaic animation (ranging between awesome & terrible for its time). That very same mass market who loves dubs also hates old animation, check and mate!


This same market's also been eating Robotech up.

It's possible that, ignorant of the truth, they'll ignore the Macross DVDs anyways because Robotech is "the dub version of Macross."

It's ALSO possible that they're curious about the show's origins and WILL buy real Macross once a dub is available.


GO elitism! :D

Screw the stupid uneducated/unintelligent tasteless massess and mainstream crap!

The cost is not worth it! SAVE US FROM MAN-FAYE!!!!!

  Roy Focker said:

Do you really want the average person (or in this case tje average anime fan) to embrace Macross? The average fan is for the most part stupid and uneducated who by judging by the anime that can be found on Cartoon Network or at mass retailer  likes a lot of crap.  Really let's say Macross is made more accessible and appeals more to what the average fan goes for.  Yes there might be more international releases that are made more accessible and heck maybe new products that are made to be more accessible at the start.  Sure you could end up with more Macross but is the cost worth it?


Which explains why a forgein films that has subtitiles only or doesn't have a well know face to American audiences has limited release and doesn't become avaliable to all until the DVD release.  Then again the same thing goes for English speaking movies that aren't meant to be mass marketed block busters.  Not every film has to be about making a butt load of money.  Sure Studios would like that but they still make there art house films as well.  More audience equals more money it does equal good quality.

Remember my self hating anime fan club thread?  I have a very low opinion about the anime masses.  Anyone that thinks Macross or the classics should be made more mainstream friendly should be Agent One's Door Knob.


I think the nature of Macross is such that popularity can be improved by more exposure, but I seriously doubt the franchise will create another "Evangelion" or "Gundam" anime explosion among the 12-25 fan crowd. I can see more accessible Macross product accompanied by a modest increase in the international (or north american) fanbase. I don't see much beyond that. A few more websites, some more adverts, a few comic books, the occasional blog...that's about it.

Anime is unique in that it translates better (by better, I mean more acceptable, not necessarily of good quality) in dub format than any other visual medium. Subtlety of performance is a trait lost from most animation simply becuase of the limitations of the artform. Thus, the generalized facial expressions in most anime can feature substituted dialogue with far less impact than a live action performance. Hence why dubbing in live action is frowned upon.

I'm well aware of the opinions of many here regarding dubs. In my opinion, you're welcome to maintain a seperatist, segregation mind-set for as long as you want. If you don't want anyone else to share your interests, that's your problem. But this behaviour does not persuade and I'm a person who encourages people to try. If I have to put up with a new dub of Macross and hordes of diehards acting stroppy about it, that's a small price to pay for more Macross merchandise, Yamato's easier to obtain, and a region one release of Macross Zero/Macross 7/Flashback 2012.

There is little to fear and so much to gain, and I am thankful this new release of Macross is not up to the Macross fans. Like I've always said, fandom wouldn't exist, if it were up to the fans.

  Pat Payne said:
I don't like a lot of the recent crop of anime brats either, but I WILL NOT, EVER, say that we should deny something to somebody just because they "aren't us." If that makes me a doorknob, than so be it.


Eloquence. Will you marry me?

The only thing we have to lose from having Macross made more accessible through a dub or say (dare I even mention) an updated score is our own sense of being some imaginary elite. That we're some special group of folks whose anime preferences somehow indicate our intelligence and personal brilliance rather than our aesthetic sense, upbringing, and cultural values.

Our desire to deny other folks from enjoying much of what we enjoy simply because they're "average" and don't belong does happen to indicate something beyond our personal tastes-- it indicates how willing we are to bank our self worths on a Japanese TV show made over 20 years ago.

The original Macross that we hold dear wouldn't somehow be lost or be made unavailable. It might actually be on the very same disc as the dubs, and we'd still be able to watch them over and over to our hearts' delight. We have nothing to lose-- except the priviledge of feeling entirely special about ourselves. Is that really such a gastly "cost" to us?


  Black Valkyrie said:
I wouldn`t mind checking the new Macross dub, just to compare it with rt.  If it succeeds (which I doubt) you think they`ll release more merchandise.


THAT depends on getting the legal tangles unravelled. Once you can get BW and HG to play noce, then we can have Yammies flowing into the US.


What I'm saying has nothing to do with elitism, just leave it the f^ck alone-ism. If everyone in the world loved Macross, then great. If they don't, then great. But if someone is going to watch it, it should be on its own merrit, subtitled, not dubbed.


Wait, you don't want that hologram card? With a little tape (on the back) it makes an awesome lid for the box.

  Keith said:
What I'm saying has nothing to do with elitism, just leave it the f^ck alone-ism. If everyone in the world loved Macross, then great. If they don't, then great. But if someone is going to watch it, it should be on its own merrit, subtitled, not dubbed.


With all due respect, I disagree. There is still elitism in that statement, IMHO. What you're saying is that if people don't want to watch the show in the original Japanese like WE do, then they shouldn't watch it at all. But at any rate, my outburst wasn't really directed at your comments, Kieth, it was at Roy's ill-chosen "let's keep the hoi polloi and their grubby meathooks off of our pure Macross" nonsense.

Posted (edited)

I can't but help thinking of The Comic book guy from Simpsons. :D

Although I think everyone has thier thing they are a fan of and don't want changed just to appease the unwashed. We all have a bit of the comicbook guy inside us. (ie where you start to treat common things like some piece of rare art that absolutely can not be messed with or the masterpiece loses its value)

Still, no matter what happens, if macross doesn't get new fans this series will wither away and die, something that is evident with younger generation already. (ie see the thread about the guy who can't find any macross fans in his club)

Here's what I think: As long as you get what you want, and the masses get what they want: STFU you h4ters!!1 Companies don't love you, they love the money you give. More fans = more widespread apreciation. More widespread apreciation = increased chance somebody will want to know more about the series. More interest in the history = more people carrying on the support for more of macross.

It's a slow conversion process where, when they are ready, they will finally see and apreciate it for what it is, on its own merit.

Don't get me wrong I couldn't care much for the dub myself, but think of the children people.. When you were little how interested in reading were you really? Reading means more effort. And most little kids are lazy. If you want the gundam kids to start buying those macross valks instead, make the release as widely appealing as you can. Common sense.

No offense to the "sub only" crowd. At one time I was in total agreement with what they were saying. It was only when they started with the: "having more options is bad" line of thinking that I started to question thier logic. Having more options is always better FFS. This is why some people find the thought of buying dvds appealing in the first place. More features and useless stuff crammed onto something means they feel extra special for having all that in thier collection.

And also on rare occassions there are some little enhancements in some areas with dub. Like the sound effects in macross plus, the extra background music in macross II (when ishtar is leaving earth and Hibiki is saying goodbye for example) and certain music in Robotech. (eg the battle music when valks are scrambled. Heavy Rock/Metal is much cooler and more fitting for a war setting, imo although I totally agree none of this makes up for crap VA, crappier singing, less range in music and overall repetition, and any changes and butchering done to the original - but remember that's probably only because the western side doesn't treat voice acting as a serious profession like the japanese where they are worshipped like rock stars or something do they?)

I think if there was more tolerance, and both people could get what they want, there would be no reasons to have these kind of "purist vs the masses" wars because both sides can get a chance to make an unbiased opinion by being provided for options to have both. Yeah people have crap taste at first, but over time they refine it and look back at the crap they watched and laugh.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
Posted (edited)

If Bandai wants and can risk it let them, I wish them the best of luck. And if they even do a remake better yet. If people here want to be elitists have registration at MW be closed and kick out anybody that can’t recite the dialogues of the series.

Yes, kids generally like shiny stuff, which generally is bad, but some of them happen to see decent/good shiny stuff and a percentage of this kids then wants to see only good stuff and end up seeing good old stuff. This happens whit books and movies alike. Remember that we were kids in the 80’s and we also saw a bunch of crap along with the good stuff.


Ups... don't know what made me say Bandai :blink::huh:

Edited by Twoducks
Posted (edited)

Personally, I think that translating anime into english via any means ruins the artistic integrity of of the anime. Who's to say that they are getting the subtitles right or truly reflecting the tone and nuances of the dialog? Anyone who wants to enjoy anime the proper way should learn Japanese. Otherwise, you're just not appreciating it on its own "merits."


Edit: I was going to leave it smiley-less and let y'all just figure it out. But some clown will always get the wrong idea. So, yes, people: That's sarcasm.

Edited by Hurin

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