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I would rather see this headed back to tv than more movies... I thought the movie really had to sacrifice a lot of the character interactions that made the series so great...


Great...first no marketing ( the 20 million marketing figure is dead wrong btw). And now they want to doom the DVD release with this piece o crap art. Seriously...WTF is this???????


  Gaijin said:
Great...first no marketing ( the 20 million marketing figure is dead wrong btw). And now they want to doom the DVD release with this piece o crap art.    Seriously...WTF is this???????


Buffy/Hot girl fans are automatically solid sell to mainstream cover.

Just like the movie posters...

Posted (edited)

What in the HELL is that?!?! I guess that's a reaver horde in the center, but MY GOD that is a FUGLY cover :angry:

ETA: even Joss doesn't like it. On the official board:


Serenity Cast/Crew

Posted: 03 Nov 2005 11:19 am

Post subject: DVD art


Guess what else I'm not the boss of.

Edited by uminoken
  justvinnie said:
Why does it look like the Serenity blew up two ships at once on that cover???



"It's just Serenity."

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Posted (edited)
  DeathHammer said:
the 20 million marketing figure is dead wrong btw

Curious, if you know, what was the marketing/advertising/non production/etc costs?

Looks to me like the way they are setting up the DVD and poster art, that they want you to believe Summer Glau is 'Serenity', assuming the strategy is to attract people who have no idea about the TV show or the ship's role on the series. Notice Glau is cleaned up in the DVD art. Looks like the 'hot chick' angle is being pushed. This might draw in casual Buffy fans out there who don't know much about Firefly but might give a Whedon movie featuring an ass kicking angst ridden Buffy clone a chance.

- Space battle shown on DVD art I guess to push the action aspect of the movie.

- Torres shown to add in another hot chick/draw in African Americans

- Fillion shown to draw in the swooning girls and Han Solo wannabes

I'm guessing Whedon knows that the hardcore fans will buy the movie even if it was in a plain brown paper wrapper. The DVD art has to be angled at the non Firefly fans/casual sci fi crowd/fringe movie renters.


Supposed to have been 6-8 million in advertising worldwide. Going on how my theater didn't even have the film poster until after...I'm guessing 6 million lol.

I know what Uni is trying to do with the art...but it still is a craptacular layout and design. Looks like someone who just discovered Photoshop yesterday did it.

Joss isn't happy with the art either but...oh well. Next year we'll get the "Shiny Edition" with extras galore...

edit: rechecked...45 million total...$39 million production...6 million in marketing, promo, advertising, websites etc.

Edited by Gaijin

Good point....

I'm getting this version and the shiny version if there is one. Though, Joss said the theatrical cut is his intended cut so that probably rules out an extended director's cut version...

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got to see Serenity a couple of weeks ago while on holiday in UK.

Great movie. Definitely my favorite movie of this year and for me beat out the other movies I wanted to watch this year, included Land of the Dead (my 2nd fav his year), SW Ep III (mediocre CGI snoozefest), Batman Begins (huge plot holes) and the hugely disappointing Devils Rejects.

Already preordered the Serenity DVD and can't wait to watch it again and again and again.

Definitely hope we get a sequel movie or 3.

My only minor complaint is that Serenity tied up far too many of the threads from the TV series. I would of liked a bit more stuff left open ended.


Guest Bromgrev

Not a bad little movie, I thought. Enough that I went out the next week and bought the series on DVD (ok, so it was half-price, sue me). Now I'll finally be able to find out what all these loose ends where that were tied up in the movie.


I don't think the DVD sales will be strong enough to continue the franchise. But I'm also hoping that I'm so wrong. Definitely the best scifi movie of the year.

  Graham said:
  >EXO< said:
Definitely the best scifi movie of the year.


Not just best scifi movie, but best movie of the year IMO.



For me too.

  • 4 weeks later...

Oh yeah. I saw the adverts on Cinescape and IMDB. Dec 20th for Serenity. I just hope it's a decent release. If they put out a bare bones edition with nothing on it, there's no way I'm going to buy a copy. They'll just release a special edition 4 months later and I'll be pissed (Sin City anyone? :))

  Mr March said:
Oh yeah.  I saw the adverts on Cinescape and IMDB.  Dec 20th for Serenity.  I just hope it's a decent release.  If they put out a bare bones edition with nothing on it, there's no way I'm going to buy a copy.  They'll just release a special edition 4 months later and I'll be pissed (Sin City anyone? :))


Well, it will have a commentary track and deleted scenes at the very least. I believe there some other bonus bits, but I can't recall what they are off the top of my head.

  Mr March said:
Oh yeah.  I saw the adverts on Cinescape and IMDB.  Dec 20th for Serenity.  I just hope it's a decent release.  If they put out a bare bones edition with nothing on it, there's no way I'm going to buy a copy.  They'll just release a special edition 4 months later and I'll be pissed (Sin City anyone? :))


Y'know anybody who reads dvdnews.com, dvdjournal.com, thedigitalbits.com or a million other upcoming dvd reports would know that the extended version of Sin City was coming and skipped the first one.

There are many, many examples of overtly evil double-dipping and it always bugs me when one of the few companies to come out and say "hey - we're doing a special edition in a few months", like Sin City or LotR gets crapped on by fans who felt they weren't informed enough. What else should the studio do? Send out people to Best Buy to keep fanboys from buying the barebones?

Some people (Blockbuster renters) want a quick, barebones release. At least with some movies you actually know a better version a few months later.

Okay, soapbox aside - I haven't heard any reports of a bigger, better version of Serenity than the Dec. 20 release. I imagine since it didn't do Sin City business at the box office, they'd only do a better version if the Dec 20 version sold incredibly well.

  JELEINEN said:
  Mr March said:
Oh yeah.  I saw the adverts on Cinescape and IMDB.  Dec 20th for Serenity.  I just hope it's a decent release.  If they put out a bare bones edition with nothing on it, there's no way I'm going to buy a copy.  They'll just release a special edition 4 months later and I'll be pissed (Sin City anyone? :))


Well, it will have a commentary track and deleted scenes at the very least. I believe there some other bonus bits, but I can't recall what they are off the top of my head.


Just picked it up. The DVD has enough special features for the type of film it is. Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, A Featurette about bringing Firefly to the big screen, and Commentary by Director Joss Whedon (my favorite). Definitely worth picking up.

  Blaine23 said:
  Mr March said:
Oh yeah.  I saw the adverts on Cinescape and IMDB.  Dec 20th for Serenity.  I just hope it's a decent release.  If they put out a bare bones edition with nothing on it, there's no way I'm going to buy a copy.  They'll just release a special edition 4 months later and I'll be pissed (Sin City anyone? :))


Y'know anybody who reads dvdnews.com, dvdjournal.com, thedigitalbits.com or a million other upcoming dvd reports would know that the extended version of Sin City was coming and skipped the first one.

There are many, many examples of overtly evil double-dipping and it always bugs me when one of the few companies to come out and say "hey - we're doing a special edition in a few months", like Sin City or LotR gets crapped on by fans who felt they weren't informed enough. What else should the studio do? Send out people to Best Buy to keep fanboys from buying the barebones?

Some people (Blockbuster renters) want a quick, barebones release. At least with some movies you actually know a better version a few months later.

Okay, soapbox aside - I haven't heard any reports of a bigger, better version of Serenity than the Dec. 20 release. I imagine since it didn't do Sin City business at the box office, they'd only do a better version if the Dec 20 version sold incredibly well.


Let's do something different this time and ALLOW facts to get in the way of the preaching shall we. I never did purchase the bare bones Sin City DVD upon first release. Second, I did know about the Recut-Extended Sin City edition before the first DVD was released (Rodriguez said as much, before any posting on those DVD websites). And lastly, it's a consumer right to protest how and in which way the products we buy are released and whether or not we purchase them. That's how products improve and the consumer influences the demand.

There, that's much better. Now we can all continue our regularly scheduled thread playing well with others.


Picked up the paperback novel of Serenity a while ago. Actually surprisingly good for a movie novelisation.

My Serenity DVD is currently on the way from Amazon, together with BSG - season 2.0. :D



Best Buy has a deal for $10 off when you purchase Serenity and either BattleStar Galactica season 1 or season 2.

  Golden Arms said:
Best Buy has a deal for $10 off when you purchase Serenity and either BattleStar Galactica  season 1 or season 2.


It's on the Suncoast DVD's too...Wal-Mart will get you a free copy of the Hulk DVD in a 2 pack. Odd pairing.


Ugh! Stop making me want to buy it! I'm gonna wait for the Super Deluxe uber duper version! I'm happy with my Serenity Visual Companion Book for now... really... I am! :(:ph34r::wacko::unsure:

Posted (edited)
  uminoken said:
I declare, best outtake reel ever! :D


TRAPPPPPP!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Gaijin
  Mr March said:
Let's do something different this time and ALLOW facts to get in the way of the preaching shall we.  I never did purchase the bare bones Sin City DVD upon first release.  Second, I did know about the Recut-Extended Sin City edition before the first DVD was released (Rodriguez said as much, before any posting on those DVD websites).  And lastly, it's a consumer right to protest how and in which way the products we buy are released and whether or not we purchase them.  That's how products improve and the consumer influences the demand.

There, that's much better.  Now we can all continue our regularly scheduled thread playing well with others.


Then why say "Sin City, anyone?" as if the producers did something bad by releasing a barebones release when it was widely announced (as you yourself knew) that a better edition was coming?

It just doesn't make sense.

If you're going to complain about something, actually make the point of what you are complaining about and people might understand you. I detest the "double-dipping" bonanza on DVDs, I merely suggested that Sin City was a bad example.

Saying "Terminator 2: Extreme Edition anyone?" might have actually made sense.

No offense towards you was ever intended. And thatnks for the rudimentary understanding of supply and demand.

If playing well with others means not making sense, then by all means, rock on.


I like Serenity so much that I have no problem with buying the initial bare-bones DVD release and then also buying the uber-super-extended-recut-directors-cut-remixed-unrated-special-dance-mix edition when it invariably comes out.

I want Joss Whedon to make more Firefly movies, so the way I look at it is, if I can support the franchise by buying more of the DVDs there's a greater chance that a sequel will get the green light.


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