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Posted (edited)

Anyone playing MGO? Im the Sh1t online I can get a headshot from a mile away... thats what seperates the 1337$ from the n00b$... goodluck luck b1tchs my name is burningorb catch me online and you can kiss your a$$ goodbye!

Edited by transfan52

Son of a bitch I was kicked from a game.

I was laggy? BS. From my end it look like I was moving pretty fast. Tested my connection just now it seemed suitable.


You looked fine when I saw you, no jumping or anything. I think they were just being b!tches. Good game though, we all actually hung & and won a few rounds. Only problem I had was hearing your mic, most of the time you sounded like something out of Star Fox :)


bah, its no use, I keep getting disconnected from game :( my internet connection must really suck, I tried all the solutions you gave me still no joy. The longest I've been in a match was 5 mins, with two kills this time enemies not friendlies :lol:


When you first log into the game, it does a thing where it says adjusting port settings. I think if you select no there, you may be able to manually switch ports (I keep forgetting to try it, so I forget), but try playing with the settigns there, and you may have better luck.

  transfan52 said:
Anyone playing MGO? Im the Sh1t online I can get a headshot from a mile away... thats what seperates the 1337$ from the n00b$... goodluck luck b1tchs my name is burningorb catch me online and you can kiss your a$$ goodbye!

Just abit cocky aren't we... or are you kidding? Anywhoo from my eyes you were fine roy, like keith said those guys were just being annoying. People should really ask why before just randomly voting yes in MGO.

Posted (edited)

Nope.... none whatsoever :lol: (look back 2 pages) Another fun fact/hint put in the code deskyhstyl in extras and you get a free long barreled Desert Eagle for single player, it's pretty good and suprisingly acurate for a handgun with unbelevable recoil.

Edited by dizman

I started playing the game yesterday. I'm in part 2.

The game is spectacular in every aspect but the most impressive part for me is the sound.

Real time multi chanel sound environment is just incredible. First time I experienced that in a video game.

My 7.1 sound system is in heaven and my subwoofer just love this stuff.

  CAIN MKII said:
I started playing the game yesterday. I'm in part 2.

The game is spectacular in every aspect but the most impressive part for me is the sound.

Real time multi chanel sound environment is just incredible. First time I experienced that in a video game.

My 7.1 sound system is in heaven and my subwoofer just love this stuff.

Yeah the sound is exceptional in this game but remember Skywalker sound did the audio editing for this game and thats what makes it sound so good. Everything sounds just right and even at low speaker volumes the speech comes through so clear and just loud enough to hear. The sound is very important in this game and adds so much more depth and life to it. I guess that's why they hired skywalker sound for the sound and voice editing.


ok, took forever, I only got EAGLE which is perform 150 headshots or more. Guess I shot alot of people.

Total Play Time 16:42!!!! How much of that is the game being paused so I can feed the kids or change a diaper? who knows.

haha, I'll try online next and will see if I can catch you guys on there.



Just beat act 3 and now act 4 is such a sweet surprise. Kojima san sure know how to take care of his fans.

I love this game.


I really do hope it turns out that there's a hidden/unlockable demo theater, or cinema select ilke in MGS 2 & 3. A few parody video's wouldn't hurt either.


How come so many guys playing the game swear and call eachother N**ger? Most of them sound like White Kids to me trying to talk like they are Gangsters.


Ha yeah its pretty funny, guess they want to sound tough over the mic. Speaking of mics yours was alittle scratchy and I found it pretty hard to hear ya.


They seriously need to upgrade the voice chat in the game. It seems entirely random who you'll be able to hear, and who you won't be. And it's usually not who you want to :)


And I have their official mic.

Yes the results of who hears me and who I hear fluctuates. Gets real boring listening to the white kids acting like gangsters. I might return mine today.


You get that crap in most any online game nowadays, that's why I don't even bother putting a mic on anymore. No one listens anyway. You've got people trying to be tough gangsters, you have little kids trying to swear like the big boys. etc.

I haven't even bothered to sync up my headset to the PS3 yet.


LOL re so right! Everyone's a toughguy behind their firewall....

If you think it's bad on MGO you should bring a bar of life boy if you ever play Socom!

I'm in a clan already, but maybe we can set up a war between my clan and the SMS skull squadron. :)

Send me a PSN friend invite, and if you want I'll try and coordinate some matches. My PSN is XxSITHappensxX, the clan I'm in is the Kontract Killaz.

  Roy Focker said:
And I have their official mic.

Yes the results of who hears me and who I hear fluctuates. Gets real boring listening to the white kids acting like gangsters. I might return mine today.

Doesn't seem to be a mic issue from what I can tell, seems to be a software issue.


Well I decided to return it anyways. Only a 30 day return policy at Best Buy. If that problem is fixed and the kids playing it grow up maybe I'll try a mic again. I also read it sucks when to use it with a phone. In theory the mic is fun but doesn't work out that way.

Speaking of Best Buy how much hassle do I have to go through to return a $40 headset? Walk in a guy puts a sticker on my item. I go to the returns and ask the reason.

"It is unreliable" that my excuse. They tell me that's not an excuse. If it doesn't work that is. I don't start screaming but their policy talks only about a receipt and packaging being required. Nothing about the reason. In reply I tell them, it is unreliable and inferior. I want to get something else here can I do that? If did want cash were they gonna say no? I've spent a couple grand with them these last few years now I'm gonna get hassled for trying to return a $40 headset when I'm following their policy?

Ever notice that in Best Buy a sales person will approach you in 5 seconds in every department you enter? Yet when you go to pay. There is only one at the register?

  Roy Focker said:
Well I decided to return it anyways. Only a 30 day return policy at Best Buy. If that problem is fixed and the kids playing it grow up maybe I'll try a mic again. I also read it sucks when to use it with a phone. In theory the mic is fun but doesn't work out that way.

Speaking of Best Buy how much hassle do I have to go through to return a $40 headset? Walk in a guy puts a sticker on my item. I go to the returns and ask the reason.

"It is unreliable" that my excuse. They tell me that's not an excuse. If it doesn't work that is. I don't start screaming but their policy talks only about a receipt and packaging being required. Nothing about the reason. In reply I tell them, it is unreliable and inferior. I want to get something else here can I do that? If did want cash were they gonna say no? I've spent a couple grand with them these last few years now I'm gonna get hassled for trying to return a $40 headset when I'm following their policy?

Ever notice that in Best Buy a sales person will approach you in 5 seconds in every department you enter? Yet when you go to pay. There is only one at the register?

Approaching the customer in every department is a loss prevention strategy. They do that so you know that they know you're there... the idea being that if you know that they know that you're there, you're less likely to steal something. And yeah, there's always one person at the register. The ONLY BB I've ever been to where that wasn't the case was the one at the Metro Pointe in Costa Mesa, CA. That one always seems to have multiple people ringing.

I don't like to use the mic either... I just don't need to hear shrill voiced 12 year olds screaming and running off their mouths. It's bad enough sitting there watching them "teabag" my dead body.


Got though Act 3 last weekend. I heard about the "White Room" so I gave it a go. My pals who haven't got the game considered the photos I took as a good incentive to get it ;)

It's bad enough sitting there watching them "teabag" my dead body.

They did that to me as well in a game with dizman. I wasn't dead but laying in ambush. I should have shot them.

Posted (edited)

I finished the game today.

I've got the eagle rank and in the reward list got the hawk, inchworm, hyena and tarantula too.

What an incredible experience. The boss fight at the end of stage 4 was just f**king awesome.

Now I'm ready for another replay.

This is the most incredible game I ever played.

Bad side: musics and songs weren't as great as in MGS 2 and 3.

The ending sucks compared to previous episode.

The indestructible Raiden sounds like a joke after he blocked the warship all by himself.

But man I love this game. ^_^

Edited by CAIN MKII

I stopped dealing with Best Buy after they decided they needed to take a "rubbing" of my credit card, despite the fact that it went through with the slide, compute charged it, and I signed the receipt. I promptly told them where they can stick their rubbing, and had the transaction refunded (since they wouldn't let me leave with my items if I didn't let them take a rubbing).

Suffice it to say, I'm quite done with their idiocy.


I finally reached 3rd level a couple of days ago. I was actually in the top 3 slots on the begineer lobbies. Once you're at 3rd level you loose access to the begineer lobbies and you become fresh meat for others.

I've notice on issue with the online mode. I'll get killed. Normally I'm sent back to select weapons but some times, I get killed and it will skip the weapon select ready/screen. I'll morph at a new location and die upon arrival. First I assume maybe it is a lag but it skips the weapon select screen.

Posted (edited)

Yeah Best Buy does kinda sucks, they always push the top of the line BS on ya and are hell with taking nearly anything back (I usually tell them it's busted if they ask a reason). I have a mic but I never use it for obvious reasons, typings easier and while its a hassle more people can understand you. Oh and you gotta love when some 10 yr. old yeabags ya, omg you just broke my spirit by putting your fake crotch in my fake face.

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Edited by dizman
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey it's been month. Don't hide the spoilers.

Big Boss lives? I guess it is the ultimate surprise. Didn't play the prior games but from my understanding he was pretty dead. Funny he shows up and dies after giving a 3 hour speech.

Posted (edited)

Is anyone here going to get the MGO expansion pack? It includes 3 new maps, unlockable clothing (should be free), a new gamemode (also should be free), and the ability to choose to be a female soldier (who cares). For $15 I'll probably buy it, just wanted to know what you guys think. Oh and the Big Boss is alive thing I was kinda guessing would happen, although it threw me with the first set of credits.

Edited by dizman

nope, not going to pay. I haven't payed for much more enjoyable online experiences (cod4) and I certainly won't pay this much money for such little content.

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