mpchi Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 On the contrary, I actually enjoyed the codecs & long cinematics just as much as the gameplay. Quote
kung flu Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 This game is brilliant, just like all the previous metal gear games, sure mgs 2 was a bit of a let down cos of the girly man raiden, but the game over all was still great to play. Kind of sad that MGS 4 could be the last in the series, i have always enjoyed the story telling and characters. Good to see how these characters have matured since the first mgs, there are moments in the game that really makes me think back to the days when i first played the series and moments that almost brings a tear to my eyes. Finally a game i can enjoy on my PS3, which has been gathering dust for a while now. :lol: Quote
Roy Focker Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Think of this video game not as a video game but an Interactive Cgi Movie Experience Now some one pay me a billion dollars from creating that term!!!! Current playing 3 Part. Sorta guessed who "she" was. I didn't know that "they" were the creators of "them". Auto-Aim works good on level ground. I turned it on and kicked more ass then before. Shooting two guys at once. Aiming is best suited when your ambushing or they are above or below you. Auto is also good against the CQC and knife players. Just walk backwards and autofire. If you try to aim they'll kill before you have the chance to fire. Bob's Big Boy + Boss Hog > Big Boss Quote
Sergorn Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 kung flu said: This game is brilliant, just like all the previous metal gear games, sure mgs 2 was a bit of a let down cos of the girly man raiden, but the game over all was still great to play. I'm probably in the minority but I loved Raiden in MGS2. In fact I'd argue the game just wouldn't have been -that- good if you hadn't played Raiden. The whole brillance juste came from the fact that you *don't* play Snake. I mean really the last part of the game inside Arsenal Gear when you fight alongside Snake is sheer brillance and one of the most thrilling moments of the series IMO, and that just wouldn't have been possible without playing someone other than Snake. The main problem with MGS2 IMO is that it just have *way* too much Codec. I don't mind codec per se (as a matter of fact, I think MGS4 don't have enough)... but I mind when you 5-10 mn codec communications between two characters that are standing side by side in the same FREAKING ROOM Especially since after Twin Snakes, MGS3, and MGS4 it seems pretty obvious that the whole "nano comunication" thing was just a cheap way to reduce the cost of rendering long cutscenes. Oh and yeah I'd really wish they had done a "definitive version" of MGS2 that would have put back the scenes of Arsenal Gear rampaging through Manhatan -Sergorn Quote
Roy Focker Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Okay I demand one specific spoiler. Yes or No answer will do. I don't want the details. Does anyone grab Raiden's crotch in this? Quote
eugimon Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 the interactive CGI movie experience sums up the game pretty well... only, I want better voice actors. Snake's is decent enough, but I die a little inside whenever Otacon tries to emote. Quote
transfan52 Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 eugimon said: the interactive CGI movie experience sums up the game pretty well... only, I want better voice actors. Snake's is decent enough, but I die a little inside whenever Otacon tries to emote. Dude theyre the same voice actors as in all the other MGS games at least most of them are, only a few characters voices were changed in the game but most of the integral characters kept the same voice actors. Quote
eugimon Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 (edited) transfan52 said: Dude theyre the same voice actors as in all the other MGS games at least most of them are, only a few characters voices were changed in the game but most of the integral characters kept the same voice actors. dude, did you not read where I said I've never played an MG game before? And I don't care if they're the same actors since the dawn of time, they still suck. Well, not all of them, mostly otacon Edited June 17, 2008 by eugimon Quote
transfan52 Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 eugimon said: dude, did you not read where I said I've never played an MG game before? And I don't care if they're the same actors since the dawn of time, they still suck. Well, not all of them, mostly otacon So in other words your only playing this game because its possibly the only worth while game on PS3? Quote
mpchi Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 eugimon said: dude, did you not read where I said I've never played an MG game before? And I don't care if they're the same actors since the dawn of time, they still suck. Well, not all of them, mostly otacon Voice actors in the MGS series varies in quality, ranging from some being very good to very bad. Here are my takes on the ones I can think of out my head: Very Good (very natural): Paramedic, Eva(MGS3), Meryl, Major Zero, Campbell, Emma, Naomi (MGS1), Fatman Good (decent job overall): Snake, Ocelot, Master Miller, Vamp, the Black Guy(Fatman's mentor) Average (a bit over acting at times): Otacon, Liquid, Boss Not Good: Rose, Solidus, Fortune Bad (just can't really act): Raiden (MGS2), Ninja (MGS1, very annoying voice but got a new voice in Twins Snake and improved) But I haven't play through MGS4, so not sure if some voice actors improved or not. Hope Raiden did. He was pretty bad in MGS2, with lines sounding soooo stiff like reading. He got better towards the end of MGS2, but still. And I actually like Raiden as a character. Just his voice is bad. The Japanese version has a much deeper voice. Quote
eugimon Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 transfan52 said: So in other words your only playing this game because its possibly the only worth while game on PS3? feh, don't forget about pixel junk monsters. Quote
transfan52 Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 "HUH?! What was that noise?" Anybody who played MGS 1 knows where that came from. Quote
kung flu Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I finished it in solid normal mode and got inchworm, no eagle for me says its awarded to sneaky players who crawls alot or something, which is how i played it. Funny moment was when i was crouching and sneaking behind a enemy, when snake decides to tap his sore back giving away my position. I'm playing through it again to get more Drebin points. Quote
RDClip Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Anyone know why the flintlock gun costs 1,000,000 points? Anyone buy it yet? Quote
Sergorn Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 mpchi said: Very Good (very natural): Paramedic, Eva(MGS3), Meryl, Major Zero, Campbell, Emma, Naomi (MGS1), Fatman Good (decent job overall): Snake, Ocelot, Master Miller, Vamp, the Black Guy(Fatman's mentor) Average (a bit over acting at times): Otacon, Liquid, Boss Not Good: Rose, Solidus, Fortune Bad (just can't really act): Raiden (MGS2), Ninja (MGS1, very annoying voice but got a new voice in Twins Snake and improved) Funny how we can get a very different feeling from the voices For me : Solid Snake, Naked Snake, Liquid, The Boss, Solidus, and Ocelot (both young and old), ranks definitly amongst the best voice acting of the entire series - eck amonst the best voice acting ever heard in a videogame even. And they really have a voice that strikes you, and a strong charisma that just stems straight from their voices. Anyway I think for the most part Metal Gear Solid's acting is pretty much top notch for every games. It's the kind of games that make me wonder why the hell US dubs of anime are so crappy when they can creat such high quality VA in videogames. I must say I really liked Raiden's voice personally - high pitched, but it fit the character in MGS2. I won't spoil MGS4 but I'll just Quinton Flynn is amazin in this voice and the voice pretty much evolved in the same way the character did. I'll agree with Gray Fox in MGS1 though, I really don't like his original voice (not to mention it was the same as the Darpa Chief), while he really is awesome in the remake Some of the actors really outsone themselves in MGS4 though - if there was an oscar for videogames, David Hayter would reserve deserve it because his interpreation of Old Snake is nothing short of outstanding. -Sergorn Quote
ly000001 Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Working my way through Act 4 now. Even though I've heard the MGS1 ending theme "The Best Is Yet to Come" a million times, hearing it just as Reveal hidden contents the heliport at Shadow Moses came into view sent shivers up my spine Quote
ly000001 Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 RDClip said: Anyone know why the flintlock gun costs 1,000,000 points? Anyone buy it yet? I can't find the articles I saw about it on Kotaku or Joystiq, but IIRC, Reveal hidden contents it creates tornadoes that suck up the enemies in their vicinity. Quote
dizman Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 (edited) Im workin on getting the flintlock now, gonna buy it when Drebin does his half price sale. As for Roy's question..... sadly no. Reveal hidden contents Act4 was was a big nostalgia trip..... I loved all the flashback sequences. Also dont forget to look under the truck at the helipad and equip what you pick up. Edited June 17, 2008 by dizman Quote
Gaijin Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 ly000001 said: Working my way through Act 4 now. Even though I've heard the MGS1 ending theme "The Best Is Yet to Come" a million times, hearing it just as Reveal hidden contents the heliport at Shadow Moses came into view sent shivers up my spine Me 2. Quote
mpchi Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Sergorn said: Funny how we can get a very different feeling from the voices For me : Solid Snake, Naked Snake, Liquid, The Boss, Solidus, and Ocelot (both young and old), ranks definitly amongst the best voice acting of the entire series - eck amonst the best voice acting ever heard in a videogame even. And they really have a voice that strikes you, and a strong charisma that just stems straight from their voices. Anyway I think for the most part Metal Gear Solid's acting is pretty much top notch for every games. It's the kind of games that make me wonder why the hell US dubs of anime are so crappy when they can creat such high quality VA in videogames. I must say I really liked Raiden's voice personally - high pitched, but it fit the character in MGS2. I won't spoil MGS4 but I'll just Quinton Flynn is amazin in this voice and the voice pretty much evolved in the same way the character did. I'll agree with Gray Fox in MGS1 though, I really don't like his original voice (not to mention it was the same as the Darpa Chief), while he really is awesome in the remake Some of the actors really outsone themselves in MGS4 though - if there was an oscar for videogames, David Hayter would reserve deserve it because his interpreation of Old Snake is nothing short of outstanding. -Sergorn I rated them more on their acting, and less on their "prettiness" of the voices. If you are talking about just their voices, almost all of them are very good to excellent. They fit their character pretty good. Just that the acting talent varied among them, with some have more stiff unatural lines than others. The good ones always have me immensed into the story and action, while the not so good ones will lift me from the fiction for a second thinking "that sound stiff" or "man, he tried too hard"...etc. Like Solidus for example. His voice is cool and deep, but often times he read them like a real loud mouth bad guy typically from saturday morning cartoon acting. We already know he is a bad guy. He doesn't need extra juice in the voice to make it so. Sometimes less is more, especially if you want it to be realistic. But yeah, overall, the MGS franchise has very good voice acting as a whole, compare to other games or anime show. Quote
Sergorn Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 (edited) mpchi said: I rated them more on their acting, and less on their "prettiness" of the voices. Oh I rated them on both Yeah some character have great voice with some not so stellar acting at times (Otacon comes to mind - I love Christopher Randolph most of the time, but it tends to feel forced when he does the crying ). But I don't necerrilly needs the acting to be "realistic" especially with a story like Metal Gear Solid who doesn't aims to be. Take Solidus for instance - yeah he overacts, his acting if often over-the-top... but IMO it just *fits* the character - I'd even argue he's meant to sound like a cliched evil character - I meant Solidus ain't exactly subtle. I loved it. It's the same with Liquid... Cam Clarke pretty much goes all out when he does Liquid... but that's what makes the character so freaking brillant (Indeed most of the time I tend to find Cam Clarke to be rather flat as an actor like in Jade Empire or that Robotech game... but as Liquid ? I love him). (*) But I'd actually have a hard time pointing some trully poorly acted lines from the characters I named. I could name some voice acting that I greatly enjoyed as a whole but with some obious quirk (Tidus and Yuna in FFX come to mind)... but nay not here. Also the voice is perhaps more important than the acting in certains ways. I mean if the voice just doesn't fit with the character - it's over : even if the actor offers his best acting ever it just won't work. If the voice just *fit* with the character and feels natural to him, it can be enough to forget some clunky lines. (*) Speaking of which the interpretaion of Patric Zimmerman is nothing short of outstanding in MGS4 - he really does manage to *sound* like Liquid. -Sergorn Edited June 17, 2008 by Sergorn Quote
mpchi Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Sergorn said: Speaking of which the interpretaion of Patric Zimmerman is nothing short of outstanding in MGS4 - he really does manage to *sound* like Liquid. Yeah. Looking forward to this. Surprised me a bit that in the U.S. version, its the him that plays Liquid Ocelot, instead of Liquid's actor. The Japanese version uses Liquid's original voice instead. But logically, it makes a bit more sense on the U.S.'s choice. I am surprised that all the characters have English lip-synching too! Just having an entire new set of facial animation for all cinematics in the US version is just mind boggling! That is some huge effort on localization. Quote
Sergorn Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 mpchi said: Yeah. Looking forward to this. Surprised me a bit that in the U.S. version, its the him that plays Liquid Ocelot, instead of Liquid's actor. The Japanese version uses Liquid's original voice instead. But logically, it makes a bit more sense on the U.S.'s choice. I am surprised that all the characters have English lip-synching too! Just having an entire new set of facial animation for all cinematics in the US version is just mind boggling! That is some huge effort on localization. Yeah the Japanese version used Liquid's voice actor for Liquid Ocelot, but that's because the voice actor for Ocelot passed away in early 2006 unfortunately. Kojima always intended for Liquid Ocelot to have Ocelot's voice instead of Liquid's in MGS4. Reveal hidden contents And indeed while I was somewhat disheartened to hear that Cam Clarke wouldn't be coming back (he really *did* steal the show in MGS2) - after playing the game I must admit it just wouldn't have made much sense. -Sergorn Quote
RDClip Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Just finished in about 17 hours with Lobster and Scorpion ranks. Lobster cause i played pretty much the first 1/2 of the game in the crouching position and scorpion because of a 300 kill count. Anyway, this really is Kojima's masterpiece. The story was awesome, but totally not predictable at all. Mostly everything was explained and wrapped up nicely. It brings all the past games in the series in perspective and complements them very well. So, MGS4 has officially taken the title of my favourite and the best game i've played. On a side note: Reveal hidden contents anyone think that Johnny looks an awful lot like young snake? Too bad, I always Snake to have that ending. Quote
Isamu Starkiller Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 I noticed that about Johnny too! I'm at the fight against Reveal hidden contents Vamp in the MG Rex hanger I think I need to use CQC and the Reveal hidden contents siringe , but I haven't had any luck so far. Please PM me with what I need to do, thanks Quote
Wes Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 You all might enjoy this: shameless promotion of another game Quote
eugimon Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 I thought that clip was pretty funny. The bit with the eye patch at the end was great. Quote
transfan52 Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 eugimon said: I thought that clip was pretty funny. The bit with the eye patch at the end was great. But eugimon your not a true mgs fan because you never played the other 3 dont even talk in this thread like you know what your talking about. Quote
eugimon Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 transfan52 said: But eugimon your not a true mgs fan because you never played the other 3 dont even talk in this thread like you know what your talking about. LOL. Let me see if your hat fits... but your screen name is a tranny and your avatar is a gundam, so you don't even have the right to talk in this whole board, so shut the frak up and go ask your mommy for your glass of milk because it's nap time for you little boy. Quote
transfan52 Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 eugimon said: LOL. Let me see if your hat fits... but your screen name is a tranny and your avatar is a gundam, so you don't even have the right to talk in this whole board, so shut the frak up and go ask your mommy for your glass of milk because it's nap time for you little boy. LOL good come back... too bad it doesnt phase me though... NE way after finishing the game for the first time tonight I think its quite possibly the best game ive ever played. The story is so deep and is applied to the real world which makes it even better. This is the sole reason I bought a PS3 and I have no regrets. Quote
Keith Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 eugimon said: LOL. Let me see if your hat fits... but your screen name is a tranny and your avatar is a gundam, so you don't even have the right to talk in this whole board, so shut the frak up and go ask your mommy for your glass of milk because it's nap time for you little boy. Makes total sense, check out Primes head, he's totally a rip of the RX-78! The more I think about this game, the more I want a Snatcher remake. Quote
Roy Focker Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Played with Dizman last night for short spell. That some strange results with the knives. Did you guys know that our master of the blade is already level 3? That means he's ranked high enough to start a clan... Quote
Jeremy007 Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 (edited) eugimon said: LOL. Let me see if your hat fits... but your screen name is a tranny and your avatar is a gundam, so you don't even have the right to talk in this whole board, so shut the frak up and go ask your mommy for your glass of milk because it's nap time for you little boy. eugimon, its pretentious douchebags like you why i stopped coming around here. You try to ruin for everyone if they dont share your opinion. Face it, you are not always right...stop trying to force your opinion around and stop belittling others for having a different opinion. If someone says something that you dont agree with, you feel the need to shoot them down. Honestly, are you that desperate for attention? Does it make you feel like a big man to put others down? So what if someone is a gundam fan or a transformers fan...even on a macross board, people are allowed to like other anime's besides Macross. dont waste your time typing whatever you consider to be a well thought out, witty, sarcastic comment...keep it to yourself...its not funny, but if it makes you feel better to put someone down via a keyboard, by all means...insult me big man. You are absolutly pathetic. Mods...feel free to ban me if you want, this place is just as bad as Newsarama. There is no free thought here....just pure keyboard mob-mentality Edited June 18, 2008 by Jeremy007 Quote
mpchi Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Jeremy007 said: eugimon, its pretentious douchebags like you why i stopped coming around here. You try to ruin for everyone if they dont share your opinion. Face it, you are not always right...stop trying to force your opinion around and stop belittling others for having a different opinion. If someone says something that you dont agree with, you feel the need to shoot them down. Honestly, are you that desperate for attention? Does it make you feel like a big man to put others down? So what if someone is a gundam fan or a transformers fan...even on a macross board, people are allowed to like other anime's besides Macross. dont waste your time typing whatever you consider to be a well thought out, witty, sarcastic comment...keep it to yourself...its not funny, but if it makes you feel better to put someone down via a keyboard, by all means...insult me big man. You are absolutly pathetic. Mods...feel free to ban me if you want, this place is just as bad as Newsarama. There is no free thought here....just pure keyboard mob-mentality Think those two were just joking around. Relax. Just finished Act 1 (yeah, I am slow). Then got myself a M60E4. Man, was that gun sweet with pretty much no reload necessary....for a long time. Makes my former favorite SCAR seem so inferior now. Love the scream of Snake when firing. "Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!" Quote
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