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  Keith said:
While I'd love a remake of Snatcher, one that expands into the mission into Russia after the initial story, I don't blame the Metal Gear series for it not happening. For some strange reason, Kojima just doesn't seem interested. Maybe he's waiting for standards on sex & nudity to lighten up again so he can ecchi it up more than the original.


Supposedly, Kojima wasn't entirely happy with Snatcher or Policenauts so he's probably just not very interested in either of those titles. Not to mention, MGS brings in the big bucks.

Posted (edited)

Somewhere between very intrigued and very annoyed.

It seems that Kojima is zealously committed to the cause of denying us the ability to play as Solid Snake set in present time ever again -- you know the one that we'd fallen in love with through all of the original Metal Gear games up to the meager first part of MGS2.

Instead, we're forced to play either a blonde androgynous wannabe, his genetic predecessor from the 70's, or him as an old ailing fart. Three major titles without "real" Snake as the main star. And no, turn-based card games on a portable don't count.

Argh. *shakes fist at Kojima*

Unless it's another one of Kojima's feints, and we do actually get to play as the more familiar Snake somehow. Well, I can hope.


Edited by Sundown

I never really got the animosity towards Raiden... sure he isn't Snake, but I think a new protagonist he doesn't do a bad job... it WOULD help if Konami had used an English voice actor who sounded closer to his Japanese one (gruffer and actually sounded like a man).


it WOULD help if Konami had used an English voice actor who sounded closer to his Japanese one (gruffer and actually sounded like a man).


Do you know that the seiyuu for the Japanese Snake is also Optimus Prime/Convoy in the TF Jap version and Anival Gato MSG0083.

  Black Valkyrie said:
Do you know that the seiyuu for the Japanese Snake is also Optimus Prime/Convoy in the TF Jap version and Anival Gato MSG0083.


I was talking about Raiden...

But that I did not know.. hmm.. gotta pull out my 0083 and listen to Gato's voice again...

  Akilae said:
I never really got the animosity towards Raiden... sure he isn't Snake, but I think a new protagonist he doesn't do a bad job... it WOULD help if Konami had used an English voice actor who sounded closer to his Japanese one (gruffer and actually sounded like a man).


The only thing I didn't like about Raiden, was that he'd constantly be complaining about how he wasn't qualified to do whatever he, and only he, HAD to do to save the day. It really got on my nerves. :blink: That and all I remember doing from that game was freezing bombs. :lol:

  Gaijin said:
For the non believers that think the trailer was just CGI:



From what I recall, Sony did that before with some of the PS2 tech demos. Had the demos actually running on SGI machines, but using a PS2 controller to move the camera around.

I'm not saying that is the case this time. I can fully believe the PS3 will be capable of this caliber of graphics if it has a $400-500+ price tag attached, with Sony taking a major cost hit.

  Hikuro said:
Can I say its actually about time they made him an old guy? They talk about him during the cold war era, and they make these video games seem like its 2015 or something and it looks like he hasn't aged a bit....now we get this.

I admit the only game I ever played was MGS for the PS1....but still......I just don't get it.


You probably should play the other two games before making these kinds of statements. Naked Snake (aka Big Boss) is not the same person as Solid Snake from MGS 1, 2, 4.

  Ed.Coli said:
Is it me, or does Snake look more like Solidus than Ocelot? Eyepatch, gray hair, moustache, funky suit...


It would make sense for him to look like Solidus, since he too was a Big Boss clone, one who'd aged faster for some reason...but th at mustache, I still say Ocelot!

  Keith said:
  Ed.Coli said:
Is it me, or does Snake look more like Solidus than Ocelot? Eyepatch, gray hair, moustache, funky suit...


It would make sense for him to look like Solidus, since he too was a Big Boss clone, one who'd aged faster for some reason...but th at mustache, I still say Ocelot!


But Otacon refered to him as Snake. And Snake smokes, but Ocelot assumedly doesn't. And its not his hand acting up on him when he's going epileptic-like. I guess you are goin on the "Liquid Snake took over his body" theory eh?

There's no reason why Solid Snake can't have a moustache now can he? :p

  Keith said:
The reason is that it looks silly on him, he looks much better with a beard!


You're saying he didn't look silly with the mullet in MGS2? :lol:


Not as silly as he looks with that mustache....I'll get over it, but damn, his regular facial hair would have worked.


Like like this could be another Z.O.E. 2 style game.

The AI better be ramped-up quite abit as well as the story. Every problem should have no less then 5 different solutions and several different usable characters. Multi-player is a complete must-have(for nearly ALL PS3 games). Only thing that I should be even remotely required to read better only be text based messages written on a computer screen or paper. ANY dialogue that I have to read automatically gets the game a failing grade, ok except maybe the Star Wars copycat screen in the beginning. ALL possible with 25-50 gigs of disc room.

The real ass kicking this is that ALL of this imagery is on alpha development kits! Just wait till the REALLY polished 2nd year PS3 games come out!!! :o


I'm not really fond of the MGS series, the contrived character motivations and wonky b-movie plot with Liquid's hand taking over Ocelot's body really put me off.

However, I dig the old-Snake idea. There's something just innately enjoyable about watching a 70-year old badass massacre an elite fighting force then get chased around by robots.


I'm not sure I understand. The basic character motivations in Metal Gear stories, on in any story involving people, are survival and the need to obtain power-what's contrived about that?

  myk said:
I'm not sure I understand.  The basic character motivations in Metal Gear stories, on in any story involving people, are survival and the need to obtain power-what's contrived about that?


same priciple as the bond movies you want the underdog hero armed with his/your brain and a pocket knife to win against the super big boss and billions of anon grunts with the iq lower of a rock with a descent but steadly getting stronger mini-bosses that should be equal in the hero's strength. oh and cool gadgets becuase everyone loves rockets shooting out of a object that looks like an orniary pen.

now that I think about i just described about nearly all games. :lol:

  chrono said:
Only thing that I should be even remotely required to read better only be text based messages written on a computer screen or paper. ANY dialogue that I have to read automatically gets the game a failing grade, ok except maybe the Star Wars copycat screen in the beginning. ALL possible with 25-50 gigs of disc room.


And to think, at one point in history reading was a respected skill. :rolleyes:

  Radd said:
I'm not really fond of the MGS series, the contrived character motivations and wonky b-movie plot with Liquid's hand taking over Ocelot's body really put me off.

I have to admit, the MGS story has taken a real turn for the worse when they started in on that hand-over-body bit. Especially once I got suckered by Splinter Cell and it's much more reality-based story.

But I dig the idea about the Big Boss clones. That was cool.


Actually the Liquid-Ocelot thing has an explanation if you play MGS3.









Ok Ocelot, unknowningly is the son of the Boss(the joy) and the sorrow. The sorrow has the ablities to channel the dead, and take there capablities into battle. Our Old Friend Ocelot seems to have inherited some of that power and is now channeling liquid through the hand. Not very realistic, but given the scope of the metal gear games, the explanation fits. Thank you Kojima i can sleep at night now. heh.:)


I finally figured out who new-old-fart-Snake reminds me of:

The threeway bastard love child of:

Sam Fisher


Nick Fury


and J.J. Jameson


Kind of ironic and a little sad that Snake now resembles Sam Fisher in look and gear, when MGS was in fact the original and Splinter Cell the derivative. There was that early MGS4 video spoofing Splinter Cell by having Snake carry around his weapon slung on his back like Sam and one of the characters using the distinctive 3-lens nightvision goggles from Splinter Cell. I'd thought that Kojima was mocking Splinter Cell in light jest, but MGS4 actually takes design steps that make it resemble Splinter Cell more instead of moving in a different direction.


Posted (edited)

Yeah, Kojima really covered his ass by making The Sorrow Ocelot's father :)

Edited by Keith
  myk said:
I'm not sure I understand.  The basic character motivations in Metal Gear stories, on in any story involving people, are survival and the need to obtain power-what's contrived about that?


Go back and watch the end of MGS2 again, start around the time Raiden and Solidus have their little showdown. If that doesn't make my complaints clear, I suspect there's nothing I can say that will.

I got nothing against Big Boss clones, but when you pull a Lucas and make every single major character interwined and related in some fashion.. In Metal Gear Solid, Ocelot was just another boss, a hired hand, a merc that fit the required naming convention for all the bosses. He happened to have a bigger part in the story than some of the others, but still. He has a neat bit at the end of the game, and the story moves on. I would have had no problem, and in fact been overjoyed, to see them make him a continuing character with a bigger part in the story, but...the hand? Ok, so then his dad was Big Boss (making him something of a brother to the twin Snakes, remember keep it in the family) and his mom was a psychic who could channel the dead, so this explains the hand thing?



    Obviously planned or calculated; not spontaneous or natural; labored: a novel with a contrived ending.


Nah Ocelot isnt related to the snakes in any way other than his part in the story. His mom, the boss wasnt psychic ether, it was his dad, the sorrow who was the psychic, again playing MGS3 is recomended here. As for the hand itself, In MGS3 you'll notice, Ocelot, admires Big Boss, quite a bit, and by Having liquids hand grafted to him, mabie he feels psychologicly that he has a part of big boss with him, keep in mind Big boss is supposed to be the greatest soldier who ever lived. or mabie just liquids hand was the one most readly availble? :D


It's pretty apparent by the end of 3 that Ocelot has some Snake envy. In 1 he poses as Liquid's lackey, all the while spying for Solidus, and while he was shy a hand, there's no doubt he jumped for joy at the opportunity to take Liquid's.

  Keith said:
It's pretty apparent by the end of 3 that Ocelot has some Snake envy. In 1 he poses as Liquid's lackey, all the while spying for Solidus, and while he was shy a hand, there's no doubt he jumped for joy at the opportunity to take Liquid's.


And if his perverse obsession with the Snakes are as perverse as you guys make it sound, God knows what he does with Liquid's hand in the john's..... :blink:


Poor Snake... we knew him well. MGS1 and 3 rocked. Part 2 was..er.. blagh ;0

I feel sorry for Snake... he's still trying to pull that McGuyver look at 60 when instead he should try to go for the "older but still badass" look of Sam Fischer from Splinter Cell.....

  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

New trailer out.


The story seems to be set in a future world where wars are no longer fought based on ethnicity, hatred or resources. They sound more to be like contests. This is a world where everything is controlled and regulated. Combatants on the battlefield have nanomachines in them, that control every aspect of them from emotions to battle performance. In other words, war has become a huge movie setup by a director....and this is the tone of the new MGS 4.

I can see where Kojima is going with this, however hokey it may sound. But story aside, from the trailers:

The new mass production metal gears are confirmed to have organic MG Ray-like legs. Raiden chops one off and blood spurts out.

Raiden looks kickass.

Liquid Snake seems to have fully assimilated Revolver Ocelot. Roite....

Snake is OLD.......tired, and just wants to die. Phooey. This sounds like the end of Snake.

Snake hasn't lost his right eye.

Returning casts are

Naomi Hunter (from MGS one)

Colonel Ray Campbell (MGS one and the MG games before that)

Meryl Silverburgh (MGS one, now member of the new FOXHOUND, still looks young)

Liquid Ocelot (All MGS ,Liquid snake apparently took over Ocelot's body)

Raiden (MGS 2,looks badass)

Otacon (MGS 1,2 looks older and haggard)'

all that and no Mei Ling. BLEH!

Edited by wolfx

The 15 minute trailer is amazing. I'm glad that Snake gets to keep his eye too... and the Metal Gears are nuts.... I'll have to check out the PSP MG trailer later... does that mean that you don't play as Snake?


Is the 15 minute trailer the one they showed when this thread was created? The one where Snake scans the battlefield and talks to Otacon? If not, is there a downloadable version cause my streaming SUCKS. :(

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