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Ace Combat Zero


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Not really about Ace Combat:Zero, but about Ace Combat.  :D 

I opened my email this morning to find that Namco wanted me to take a survey on Ace Combat, for an upcoming game...Ace Combat 6 for PS3, most importantly I was asked several questions about online play! You play a mercenary, open ended, 16 players in online combat. If you got any questions I'll answer what I can remember.


i thinkingf about the new controller movement system in the controller in ps3 in would be pretty good for ace combat 6 as the movement of the controller whould move the aircraft but the only problem is that it would be hard to get used to and the movements whould not sensitive or over senstive as you would like

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I'm a Supreme knight! Ace combat Zero its much more entertaining than its predecessor. No doubt about it.

I couldn't use the SW while using the USB controller. Has anyone noticed this yet?

Edited by vlenhoff
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I like ac0 better than 4 and 5. Its got the mercenary feel of part 2, the AI is a lot better and more aggressive, the VERSUS mode is surprisingly fun and I couldn't believe it myself, but a TON better than 4's versus mode. Ya know its actually worth VERSING in this regard.

The assault record is brilliant. So much backstory in that darn thing alone. Its funny how some of the aces you massacre become loan sharks and some are characters from 5.

Overall this seems like a true successor to part 2 in regards to gameplay and paths. I LOVE the ace style thingamajig.

Color schemes are no longer suspect like they were in 5/.(look at the F-4G SP scheme......what a disgrace to one of the most venerable jets ever).

The replays are a tad bit better than 5, suttle differences but it does make a difference, you really gotta sit down and watch it to notice though.

Enemies on expert actually give me a hard time, this wasn't so in 4 and 5, I had to put 4 and 5 on ace for me to get a challenge. Experts already giving me a challenge in 0.

I just wish 0 had some of the unique planes that 5 did, I miss the YA-10B, F-16 blk 60(I know i know its ugly but its unique), tornado F3 and ECR, S32, MIG 1/44, and F-4X/G. And I question why they brought the Falken and X-02 back and NOT the XFA-27 from 2, arguably the most popular special plane of all the ace combats.

The fact that you can SWITCH special weapons like in 4 is a great comeback, it was sorely missed in 5. I also like how my wingmen have dedicated planes. I think PJ is a tool though.With the return of swap weapons you can use maximize use of such planes such as the typoon, F-16XL, F-15STMD, and F-14D, planes limited to just one special ability in 5. This games lets the planes truly become multirole in respect to special inventory.

I find the music very majestic and appealing. The cinematogrophy for stages such as mayhem and all are well done as well. Its good that its a self contained story that can stand alone even if it does tie into 5.

Also this is fairly suttle but anyone noticed that the galm symbol on the F-20's knight scheme is much more regal than on its other schemes? They made it more royal so to speak, fitting that its a knight scheme as well.

All in all I think this is the best ps2 ac yet. And guys the versus mode is surprisingly good, I suggest trying it! Theres even a realism match where you are limited to 6 missles and 2 specials each with infinte gun. The landscape is a city. THAT is a challenge(especially when most are so used to using the missles). Very fun. Blows 4's versus modes out of the water by far!

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I just started the game in expert mode. I haven't noticed the difference jet. I'm a crude killer with the USB controller. I hope we can use it fir the PS3 version. I also hope it is online. I need to destroy you all! :D

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Does the US version of the game have English subtitles or not?

Reason I'm asking is that I have the Japanese version. While the audio on the Japanese version is all in English, the subtitles are in Japanese. My problem is that I can only play at night after my son goes to sleep and I have to keep the volume down low so as not to wake him, which means I don't get to hear what's being said.

If the US version has English subs, I might bite the bullet and order it.


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Does the US version of the game have English subtitles or not?

Reason I'm asking is that I have the Japanese version. While the audio on the Japanese version is all in English, the subtitles are in Japanese. My problem is that I can only play at night after my son goes to sleep and I have to keep the volume down low so as not to wake him, which means I don't get to hear what's being said.

If the US version has English subs, I might bite the bullet and order it.



English subs in the US.

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Although I'm playing the Japanese version, I've been using this FAQ, which is based on the US version as differences are usually minimal between US and Japanese versions, but it seems like some (but not all) planes are unlocked differently.

The FAQ above mentions that you get the F-16C after completing mission 4. Well, I'm on mission 13 and still don't have the F-16C available to buy. Not that I care, as I use the Typhoon pretty much exclusively. :lol:

Another difference is that the FAQ mentions that you have to complete the campagn twice to unlock the X-02 Wyvern. In the Japanese version, it unlocked on mission 2 IIRC, although of course after only two mission there was no way I could afford to buy it.


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Although I'm playing the Japanese version, I've been using this FAQ, which is based on the US version as differences are usually minimal between US and Japanese versions, but it seems like some (but not all) planes are unlocked differently.

The FAQ above mentions that you get the F-16C after completing mission 4. Well, I'm on mission 13 and still don't have the F-16C available to buy. Not that I care, as I use the Typhoon pretty much exclusively.  :lol:

Another difference is that the FAQ mentions that you have to complete the campagn twice to unlock the X-02 Wyvern. In the Japanese version, it unlocked on mission 2 IIRC, although of course after only two mission there was no way I could afford to buy it.



If you have ac5 saved on the same memory stick u are using, then it shows up on mission 2. I was surprised it showed up right away but its similar on both us and japanese versions(I have us)

Mission 4 is split into 3 different missions. I believe Costner(the one you have to beat) is the last one.

The typhoon is much more capable in the game than the F-16C. When I bought the typhoon, I used it in most of my missions since at the time, it was simply the best and most versatile/capable fighter I had purchased.

btw im on my 4th playthrough and STILL havent bought every plane. Still this plane is enjoyable!

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Planes are unlocked by shooting down their aces, basically. The F-16C was among the very last plane I ever got, annoyingly. I think the F-16C rocked in this game--it had extremely typical and useful weapon options---AMRAAM, 2,000 pounder, and HARM. I usually buy the F-16 as soon as possible (as my first upgrade from the base plane).

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If you have ac5 saved on the same memory stick u are using, then it shows up on mission 2.  I was surprised it showed up right away but its similar on both us and japanese versions(I have us)

The typhoon is much more capable in the game than the F-16C. When I bought the typhoon, I used it in most of my missions since at the time, it was simply the best and most versatile/capable fighter I had purchased. 


Yeah, I have AC5 saved on the same memory stick.

Typhoon should realistically be more capable than the F-16C and 99% of other real planes as well, with the exception of the F-22.

Looking forward to getting to fly the Gripen in AC0 as well as I liked it in AC5. I generally prefer to play Euro planes rather than US (or Russian) planes, with the exception of the A-10 or occasionally the F-22.


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btw im on my 4th playthrough and STILL havent bought every plane. Still this plane is enjoyable!


Even though I love the Ace Combat games, I usually only play through them once and then perhaps repeat a few specific missions that I enjoyed.

I have little interest in unlocking every plane, especially the fictional ones. As long as I get the Typhoon, Tornado, A-10 and Gripen I'm happy! :lol:

Neither do I have any interest in winning every medal or getting an S grade on every mission. I'm just not that hard core a player I guess :D

Still, I'm enjoying AC0 so much, I may just play through it twice.


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A few things I'd like to see in the next Ace Combat game:-

1) More realistic speeds. In AC5, I had the A-10 up to 800kts (or whatever the unit of speed measurement is). Just a tad unrealistic me thinks.

2) For those real-world planes which use helmet mounted sights and can make off-boresight missile shots, I'd like to see this ability added. In game terms this could work by allowing you to lock on to an enemy plane that is anywhere on screen (rather than just in the HUD as at present) with your basic missiles, as long as it is in range.

3) Add a mission builder. I've been saying this for years. Having the ability to create your own missions, by choosing terrain, number and type of enemy, time limit etc would greatly increase the long-term playability of the game.

4) Slightly increase the range of weapons, especially the basic missiles and guns. They are too short ranged IMO.

5) Add the ability to create your own unique color scheme for your planes.

6) Most planes have a sufficient number of hardpoints that they should be able to carry 2 different types of special weapons. Although, the quantity of each should be less than if only 1 type of special weapon is carried.

7) I'd like to see planes with chaff, flares and perhaps towed decoys (for those real world planes that have them). Of course the number of these counter-measures should be finite.

8) On the fence about having fuel. IIRC, didn't AC1 have fuel?


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AC2 had fuel, but you could spend the whole mission in afterburner and not be even close to running out.

Speed: AC has always made the planes closer to each other, evened things out. Thus the F-15 isn't notably faster than most others, and the F-117 and A-10 aren't as slow as they should be. What the "speed" indicator really should be is "acceleration". Or "power to weight ratio". The F-117 and Harrier have approximately the same speed, but VERY different power ratios and acceleration characteristics. Same with the F-4 and Flanker. The YF-23 should out-accelerate ANYTHING, with a very high power ratio.

If you really want, add altitude effects. The Tornado will easily outrun everything at low level, but really sucks up high. The F-4 won't be in its element until high up, but will match most anything when it is.

Possibly: weapons load affects speed/handling. Thus, huge bonuses for internal carriage and small missiles, vs tons of high-drag bombs all over. No dogfighting with your F-15E when you're loaded for tank-plinking.

Finally, almost-real planes I really want:

F-111H. F-111B with the F-111F's engines and mods. Carrier based interceptor with Phoenix missile carriage. And DAMN fast. (outrun an F-15 under all conditions AFAIK, because the F-111F can)

F8U-3N Crusader III. It's like the F-8, but with Sparrows. And potentially Mach 2.9----with a fixed intake. (2.4 for certain, 2.6 very likely, 2.9 was what they wanted)

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Weapon load effects would be nice, except since most planes almost never run out of missiles/bombs/whatever, well... unless you fired off everything in a pretty big hurry, you'll be stuck with the same handling characteristics throughout the game, and the way AC missions are structured, it would suck if you only had your cannon when those aces pop up late mission :-p

I never really figured out altitude effects weren't in the game (except for the stalling at extreme altitudes)... was always waiting for the F-4 to start handling better when I took the battles higher, lol

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I think they should diversify a bit. Experiment with new game concepts in the Ace Combat setting.


Ace Combat: Ace of Aces Volleyball! Extreme!

With superb 3D sweat-on-skin-in-the-sun textures! Realistic muscle tone! 500 different collectable dog tags and sunglasses! Custom trunks sizes - from "Baggy" to "Speedos"! 30 playable ace pilots - all male!

Its just like the beach volleyball scenes in Top Gun!

Coming soon!


Edited by F-ZeroOne
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Knight does give you some pretty cool color schemes though. Makes the F-20 and F-15E look awesome in that game.

Graham if you like blowing up yellow targets, wait till ya unlock the Morgan....and the MPBM....my god that weapon is awesome! Its a mini GUIDED nuke. I shot Gelb 2 with it head on for kicks and he and whoever else was in that city got PWND hardcore.

And I unlocked the gauntlet mission last night and fought mobius 1...lost too. He's a madman shooting off 4XMAA every other minute. He must have unlimited salvoes of that damn weapon.

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A few things I'd like to see in the next Ace Combat game:-

5) Add the ability to create your own unique color scheme for your planes.



That I'd LOVE to see, and whats wrong with knights eh? Pride, Chivalry and Honor all the way! Plus we get some kick ass schemes for our planes(and chicks dig knights too:P :lol: ) .

Edited by Flaming Guantlet
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Knight Aces aren't really that knightly. The only thing you have to do to reach that status is avoid all other targets and go just after the important ones. The cowardly pilot who just wants to do the minium that is required for a mission and to avoid all other dangers becomes the Knight. The Soldier shootd whoever is in their path and the Merc looks for houses and tents.

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The cowardly pilot who just wants to do the minium that is required for a mission and to avoid all other dangers becomes the Knight.


Cowardly, no. Doing the bare minium...well mama always did scold me for being lazy :p . I don't see how blowing up yellow targets is cowradly. AA and SAMs are dowright scary when playing in Expert difficulty so I always take 'em out(that and I've always hated SAMs) and other green targets. To be serious though the downside is that knight aces don't recieve as much pay than the other 2 for more than obvious reasons.

Also is it me or do some of the voices not match the actors' mouths during the interview sequences? I can't help but feel they don't sync well.

-Edit for spelling.-

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What's the name of the plane that looks like a YF-19 with fold booster that you have to fight in mission 18?

He never hits me with his punny laser or psychedelic missiles (whatever, they are supposed to be), but boy is it difficult to shoot him down within the time limit.


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What's the name of the plane that looks like a YF-19 with fold booster that you have to fight in mission 18?

He never hits me with his punny laser or psychedelic missiles (whatever, they are supposed to be), but boy is it difficult to shoot him down within the time limit.



The Morgan.

BEst thing to do is use a fast fighter. Keep getting in gun range, gun him off, but make sure only to fire once he stops his turning. Just get in pretty close when you want to fire the missles. He dodges most of the missles you fire at him.

When he starts using the MPBM, he is usually vulnerable for a few minutes after lofting it.

And the last part you have to fight him head on only. Takes 6 head on missle shots to kill. The qaam comes handy for that part.

BUt whatever you do make sure you are using a fast fighter. I used an EA-18G and got pissed so I used a YF-23 and owned him afterwards.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
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My method for setting up head on attacks is simple:

Turn the other way. If he breaks left, break right. If he goes high, go low. So long as you always go in the opposite direction, after 180 degrees of turning (assuming he continues the turn) you'll always end up head-on.

To gain a few seconds/separation, accelerate during the first half of the turn, and brake during the latter half.

I've still used the F-15C for most of times I've won.

For the first forms, just keep a close eye on him---his mini-nukes leave a pretty distinctive trail, and he of course pulls off to avoid his own blast radius---watch for him to launch them, then go after him---he's very easy to hit the moment before they explode. Also keep watching after each "stage"--the radar won't lock on, and he's invincible for a few secs, but he'll be very vulnerable the moment the next "stage" starts---if you've kept on his tail all the while, you can unload the moment you're allowed.

Edited by David Hingtgen
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The Morgan to me is a pushover in all difficulties except Ace difficulty. After 2-3 times beating the game I kinda memorized his moves and reaction to my attacks. What used to be a chore became a yawning affair.

Don't get me wrong, he is still a potent adversary. I rank Mobius 1 in The Gauntlet as the toughest enemy in the AC0. Keep in mind that I was flying a MiG-29 against them so my experience is different from others.

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According to the battle records, I'm still missing quite a number of aces.  I know different aces appear depending on the pilot class (Merc, Soldier, Knight), but does it also depend on game difficulty?


Yeah it does. Check this link out on how to find them. It sure helped me so I hope it will you.

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The Morgan to me is a pushover in all difficulties except Ace difficulty. After 2-3 times beating the game I kinda memorized his moves and reaction to my attacks. What used to be a chore became a yawning affair.

Don't get me wrong, he is still a potent adversary. I rank Mobius 1 in The Gauntlet as the toughest enemy in the AC0. Keep in mind that I was flying a MiG-29 against them so my experience is different from others.


I used an F-14D.....I think the key to beating him is just turning hard and always remember where he is. That and brake and increase your turn radius the minute he tries to turn away from you. Thats how I got him.

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According to the battle records, I'm still missing quite a number of aces.  I know different aces appear depending on the pilot class (Merc, Soldier, Knight), but does it also depend on game difficulty?


Yeah it does. Check this link out on how to find them. It sure helped me so I hope it will you.


I didn't even know there was an XB-70 in there-thanks for the link!

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Finished the game last night on normal difficulty in my trusty Typhoon as a Mercenary Ace.

Started playing though a second time on Hard. Going to try playing as Soldier Ace.

AC0 is a great game. I had no desire to replay AC5 after completing it, but I really want to replay AC0.


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