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Posted (edited)

i never finished the game so might be missing some knowledge, as for story id probly give it a 3/5 it was there, it was understandable but the story wasnt that great and there plenty of unanswered questions, however, for the visuals, i would give it a 10/5 the fights were just about the most amazing thing ive seen, extremely fast but fluid and well planned, when/if it comes outin theaters here i will see it just because this needs to be seen on a big screen it was just amazing, the unrealistic but amazingly cool fighting of anime , yet appearing more real than anything out of matrix 2 or 3 :p:D:lol:;)B))

Edited by NERV

Sephiroth was beaten too easily.

It took an entire group to take him down at the end of the game. That Cloud took him down alone was a big omgwtf hax!

When he sprouted that wing, I thought that it was over for Cloud. Boy was I dissapointed.

  Sumdumgai said:
Sephiroth was beaten too easily.

It took an entire group to take him down at the end of the game.  That Cloud took him down alone was a big omgwtf hax!

When he sprouted that wing, I thought that it was over for Cloud.  Boy was I dissapointed.


Cloud is at Level 99 without his materia, and Sephiroth remains at level 80 or whatever it was before he dies in..... :lol:

Like all FF games, the hard bosses are never the final bosses. Its always some hax boss like Emerald Weapon or something...where you need equally hax materia to defeat. :rolleyes:

  Radd said:
Either AC was a contrived mess, or FF7 was an example of very poor storytelling, introducing themes and ideas that were meant to be ignored by the person playing the game. Possibly both, as even if FF7 did have an ending that lended itself to sequels, there's things that remain unexplained in AC.


Does Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children leave a lot to be explained...yes, it was purposely created that way. This is not directed soley at you, but it seems to me that a lot of people who have viewed the film fail to understand that the Advent Children movie is only one part of a massive compilation project.

FFVIIAC is not the original game simply made into a CGI movie sequel. Since AC's basic storyline was built on the foundation already established by the Final Fantasy VII game, most of the characters and their backgrounds were already well known from before; which is one of the many reasons why character developement in the CGI movie was limited. As for characters like Kadja that were created specifically for the AC series, their backgrounds are/will be explained in other media formats that make up the whole Advent Children compilation. This includes spin-off games (Dirge of Cerebus, Before Crisis, etc.), videos and other media like Last Order: Final Fantasy 7 (OVA) and FFVIIAC Prologue "On the Way to a Smile" (magazine short story). All of these will tie in together to culminate in the FFVII: AC CGI movie which focuses heavily of action sequences. It's kinda like how "The Matrix" trilogy is not meant to be viewed as stand alone movies...they are supported by "The Matrix" video games and "The Animatrix" OVA compilation that build character development; they enabled the movies to introduce new characters with little to no background and focus more screen time on the action (which is what the majority of the target audiences really wanted anyway). View AC in this light, and you will begin to understand why it was scripted the way it was.

If you only watch the FFVIIAC CGI movie and base your judgement soley on it, then you will undoubtedly miss out on a lot. You will find that there is a lot left to be explained. Unfortunately, the original FFVII game and AC CGI movie may be the only parts of the compilation that get released in the US. Just know that playing the original game and watching the movie won't be enough to get the full story.

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Woah there Sephiroth, my complaint is that for AC to even exist as a sequel, story elements from the game must be ignored. In the game Tseng died, yet he's back in action for AC. Rufus died in the game, sure they explain it away as he was simply injured in the Weapon attack and decided not to make a reapperance until AC, but that just kills the impact of the scene from the game.

The game had heavy themes of transcendence, mentioning that the Ancients wished to go the Promised Land, and later when it's explained that the Promised Land is not a physical place, but more another level of existance within the life stream. Combine that with dialogue from the game explaining how Holy would wipe out mankind, and how dangerous people were to the planet, repeated imagery of Aerith 'pulling' Cloud up, and even Cloud saying that they were going to see Aerith. Finally, at the end of the game we see a Midgar, abandoned, with no traces of a current human civilization. They repeat this scene for the beginning of AC, then step back in time 498 years to a Midgar full of people rebuilding. Unless they plan to wipe out humanity in a far less meaningful way in the FF7 franchise they decided to build ater Sakuguchi left, there's massive plot holes that make AC impossible as a sequel. If they do plan to write humanity a new and different end once the money runs low, that wreaks of poor storytelling and a blatantly drawn out franchise just to rake in the cashmonies.

  Radd said:
Woah there Sephiroth, my complaint is that for AC to even exist as a sequel, story elements from the game must be ignored. In the game Tseng died, yet he's back in action for AC. Rufus died in the game, sure they explain it away as he was simply injured in the Weapon attack and decided not to make a reapperance until AC, but that just kills the impact of the scene from the game.

The game had heavy themes of transcendence, mentioning that the Ancients wished to go the Promised Land, and later when it's explained that the Promised Land is not a physical place, but more another level of existance within the life stream. Combine that with dialogue from the game explaining how Holy would wipe out mankind, and how dangerous people were to the planet, repeated imagery of Aerith 'pulling' Cloud up, and even Cloud saying that they were going to see Aerith. Finally, at the end of the game we see a Midgar, abandoned, with no traces of a current human civilization. They repeat this scene for the beginning of AC, then step back in time 498 years to a Midgar full of people rebuilding. Unless they plan to wipe out humanity in a far less meaningful way in the FF7 franchise they decided to build ater Sakuguchi left, there's massive plot holes that make AC impossible as a sequel. If they do plan to write humanity a new and different end once the money runs low, that wreaks of poor storytelling and a blatantly drawn out franchise just to rake in the cashmonies.


Sorry, I misread your prior post. I think I read someone else's reply about the lack of character development of the new characters and what not and got it confused with you saying things were left unexplained.

Your points above are some of the plot holes I noticed, but didn't think too much about them until now. They are all very valid points that I hope will be resolved within the other FFVIIAC pieces. I agree that it cheapens and invalidates a few of the most dramatic scenes that were in FFVII, but if we left the story to end just as it appeared in the last few frames of game (along with consideration of all the dialogue throughout the game that pointed to that conclusion)...then you are right, there would be no reason for AC to exist. End of story, literally. That was the true, intentional ending of that epic story...but it was the majority of fans that demanded a sequel, a return to the world and characters of FFVII that players grew to know so well...I can't fault SE for not wanting to disappoint their fans (and make a 'lil money, too :p ). AC is definitely not without its flaws, but I'm very happy to see it finally released after all this time. I gotta ask though, if you were given the opportunity, how would you have continued the story with respect to the source material and avoid the plot holes mentioned?


Actually, from what I understand, Tseng dying was apparently a translation error. And I'm of the school that never subscribed to the theory that all humanity was whiped out at the end of the game, didn't make sense then, doesn't make sense now. Midgar being reclaimed by nature is one thing, but do you honestly think Aerith would have joined with the life stream just to kill everyone off? Hell no. Besides which, there wouldn't have been a pointi n showing an escape scene, they could have just as easily sufficed with everyone accepting their fate inside the crater. Add to that the children's laughter at the end of the credits, etc, and I honestly don't think we were meant to believe that the planet killed everyone off to save itself.


Sephiroth, ANY piece of animation (regardless of it's function) should be able to stand alone without needing outside help to complete a story. This is what kept Macross DYRL from being a GREAT anime instead of just a pretty good one (you almost HAD to have had the TV series to really understand what's going on)

That said, AC didn't even accomplish that. It raised more questions than it answered.

People go on and on about how BIG the ending to FFVII (the game) is and how despite the fact that it doesn't give any closure, it's still some kind of great ending.... I'm sorry, this is so much of what the bull leaves behind him on the road... That's a piss-poor explination for bad storytelling plain and simple. You build these characters to epic levels and then don't even explain what happened (It's a FUNDAMENTAL of good storytelling to provide closure). I know AC was originally conceived as basically an extended ending for FFVII... it shouldn't even have been needed in that context. The game should've told you everything you needed to know. As a result, AC is spent filling a kind of double-duty as a resolution to the first story while trying to provide something new.

the AC story unto itself isn't bad (minus the fact that Kadaj and his gang aren't really explained very well), but it tries to do too much in too little time, as a result it suffered.

  Sumdumgai said:
Sephiroth was beaten too easily.

It took an entire group to take him down at the end of the game.  That Cloud took him down alone was a big omgwtf hax!


Not really. Sounds like what happened when I finished the FF7 game. Killed Sephiroth with my first attack using Clouds ultimate limit break attack (whatever the hell that was).


Meh, awesome movie, new pinacle of CG, and whether you knew what was going on or not, a sh!tload of fun.

  Keith said:
Meh, awesome movie, new pinacle of CG, and whether you knew what was going on or not, a sh!tload of fun.



  Keith said:
Meh, awesome movie, new pinacle of CG, and whether you knew what was going on or not, a sh!tload of fun.


Eyecandy of the first rate. I won't argue with that.

  Keith said:
Actually, from what I understand, Tseng dying was apparently a translation error.

Quite possible, I suppose.

And I'm of the school that never subscribed to the theory that all humanity was whiped out at the end of the game, didn't make sense then, doesn't make sense now.

I disagree, however you seem to be thinking about it the wrong way. Holy would have killed humanity outright. This doesn't happen. Instead, Aerith pulled humanity up towards what the Ancients were seeking, transcending them to another plane of existance. It's a happy ending, not tragic.

People go on and on about how BIG the ending to FFVII (the game) is and how despite the fact that it doesn't give any closure, it's still some kind of great ending.... I'm sorry, this is so much of what the bull leaves behind him on the road...

I thought the story had plenty of closure. The thing is, the end of the game is explained, through scenes, visuals, and dialogue over the course of the game. The end cinema is just the culmination of what has already been explained to the gamer since arriving in Cosmo Valley.

People who weren't paying attention to the story progression and dialogue in the game itself, who were expecting the end of the game to be explained at the end and not earlier, believe the ending to be open ended and with no closure.

I gotta ask though, if you were given the opportunity, how would you have continued the story with respect to the source material and avoid the plot holes mentioned?

I wouldn't. No addition to the story past what's in the game can really add to it, only detract and diminish. To close up the plot holes you'd have to do another FF7 movie or game that basically retreads what already happened once in the original game.

However, if I had to create some kinda story to make more money out of FF7 I'd probably have gone entirely with prequels and side stories that take place before the end of the game's story. Stuff like Last Order.

Posted (edited)

OK so I got Last Order...cool but too damn short.

It literally is a replay of one of the flashbacks in the game with some Turks thrown in there. However I really really liked the animation and look forward to more like it.

Edited by Zor Primus
  • 3 weeks later...
  Dean said:
Have ya guys even playeed FFVII fully? If you didnt none of the movie would make much sense to you...And besides its Squares first animated movie, the graphics are nearly RL, old characters come back, an intresting story. No one should be complaining as Square is working on multiple projects at the same time like Final Fantasy XII, Remake of FFVII, FFXI, and the other new FFVII games. Iam happy with what they have done and respect thier work. Im not saying ya guys are dumb and stupid for your thinking but should realy appreciate it, if ya do good then if ya dont think twice buddy.


i just picked this up yesturday.

animation: a++, though the lifelikedness + motion cap made it eerie at times.

story: wtf? confusing as hell. You had to play the game to probably understand most references. I played it, but that was 10 years ago?

action: a+++ 10x better than the bigbudget american movie

i really wished they were more clear on the storyline

i appreciate the film cuz i played the game, but crits like these are supposed to help the filmmakers. Film is expensive, and if they can't make it right, then no one else will fund a future film like it.

take for example final fantasy american movie. If you tried to pitch another final fantasy movie with the same look but better story, no network exec will even want to touch it since the first one flopped.

  • 7 months later...

I know this is a very old thread. Just wanted to share some thoughts.

I just watched this on DVD for the first time ... wow. I was never a FF game player, so I went in with no expectations. But I do own the first FF - Spirits Within movie on DVD, which I like a lot. While the storyline for FF - Advent Children was confusing, after some research on the internet, I think I got the gist of it. But man, the animation and action was AMAZING!!! Woooeeee.


Posted (edited)

Yeah. If anything Square-Enix could just turn into an animation/cg studio (them not doing the story though since they are hit or miss at that at times) and just watch the money come pouring in. They just get better and better at it.

Edited by Effect

Here's my two cents --- I bought this movie for the helluvit at a game crazy store as soon as it got released. It was the last copy available, and I had no idea what it was but I had money to burn so I bought it. My wife likes it even better than I do, but man, I wish they'd come out with more movies like this. Screw the story, I didn't really need one with so much eye candy flying around. That's a sad thing to say coming from someone who used to be a screen-writing major in college, but I just can't help it. Cloud - I'm not sure who the hell you are but Geezus I hope I never piss you off!

Screw the story, I didn't really need one with so much eye candy flying around.

That sums up AC pretty well.


If they do, please let me know. I'll be in line for a copy of whatever it is. That stuff's cooler than anything Jackie Chan's put out.


I hope they put better writing into it, rather than cranking out sequels to a game the ending of which wrote out the possibility of sequels entirely.

  Sumdumgai said:
I'd like to see a retelling of FFVI or IV as a series.


as much as i'd like to see FFvi again, i'm not a fan of the style Square has adopted at this point.

They've seemed to sacrafice all hints of the steam-punky-ness that i loved so much in ffvi in favor of the typical sleek "so advanced it just looks wierd" technology.

Imho they've made things look bizare for the sake of it. the characters costumes look like bad japanise raver costumes. sleve from this out fit, shirt from this out fit, on pant leg, one shorts leg and all hair straight up!

i would really hate to see what current square would do to my beloved ffvi characters...


This is off-topic, but sorta related: has anyone seen Starship Troopers Chronicles on DVD? Before you start making fun of me, the animation is awesome and the stories are actually pretty good!! Moreso than the movies. They use the production design from the movies and build some story content from the original book. Give it a try.

My 2 cents.



You know, I wonder. Was this the same studio that did FF:TSW and Flight of Osiris? As I recall that was an American studio based in Hawaii.

  Radd said:
You know, I wonder. Was this the same studio that did FF:TSW and Flight of Osiris? As I recall that was an American studio based in Hawaii.


It was the same studio but they are in Japan and not American based at all. They do all the Final Fantasy video game cut scenes.

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