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Super Dimension Fortress Macross


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Hi guys,

It's been a long time since I watched the TV series of Macross. I was only 7 years old when I saw the TV series but didn't get to finish it. Last week I was able to buy a Macros DVD Collection TV Series, the "Super Dimension Fortress Macross", and I would say I was impressed with the story line and finally thankful that I was able to finish the 5 Disc DVD containing 36 episodes, after 20 some years of waiting. The 2nd DVD that came with the collection, didn't have captions so I was stuck just trying to figure out what they were talking about because it was all in Japanese language. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie so so so much, and it got me back to being hook as a Macross Fan! In fact I already have 3 toys of the VF-1's one is VF-1J Bandai, and 2 Yamato (1 VF-1S 1/48, and Max VF-1A 1/60).

My question though is, was there any movie later about Hikaru and Hayase getting married? It seems that it was cut-off there during Minmay's farewell to Hikaru, and I wanted to know if there's any conclusion to that story after? A movie or DVD maybe? Gosh, I want to get that movie if it's possible. When I was about 7 years old, I saw the part where Misa Hayase was falling for Hikaru but didn't get to finish it, now I know what happened but I still want to get the further conclusion of Hikaru and Hayase's wedding.

Does anybody know if there was a movie following the "Super Dimension Fortress"?

I also bought Macross Zero but that movie was a pre-quel to Super Dimension I think and it happened 1 year before SDF-1 was created because Focker was still alive at that time.

Any help would be appreciated.



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First off, welcome to MW, Snooze.

There's no actual conclusion to the series in that vein, although the OAV Flashback 2012 does show the launch of Misa's ship the Megaroad. The Marraige was supposed to be, IIRC, included in the TV series, but they hit a budget wall and had to wrap it up with that open-ended ending.

There was a movie, but it was DYRL, a retelling of the TV series' events.

Macross Zero IS a prequel, and happens roughly 2-2 1/2 years before the TV series (around 2007, IIRC.)

Anyway, I hope that answers your questions, and remember, the "Newbie" thread is always there if you need to ask any others. Don't worry, they won;t bite...much :lol:

Have a good one.

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First off, welcome to MW, Snooze.

There's no actual conclusion to the series in that vein, although the OAV Flashback 2012 does show the launch of Misa's ship the Megaroad. The Marraige was supposed to be, IIRC, included in the TV series, but they hit a budget wall and had to wrap it up with that open-ended ending.

There was a movie, but it was DYRL, a retelling of the TV series' events.

Macross Zero IS a prequel, and happens roughly 2-2 1/2 years before the TV series (around 2007, IIRC.)

Anyway, I hope that answers your questions, and remember, the "Newbie" thread is always there if you need to ask any others. Don't worry, they won;t bite...much :lol:

Have a good one.


I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good :(. I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie....

Regarding that Flashback 2012 you're talking about, where did you get it? What's the real title of that movie? I would like to know.



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hehe Well if it helps: they did get married in the Robotech universe (See: robotech II: the Sentinels). :D Just exchange the us names for the macross ones.

They even show a micronised breetai wearing a strange helmet.

Minmay is there at the wedding and I think she even sings at the wedding too. :D

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good :(. I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie....

You have the final conclusion.

Hikaru picks Misa over Minmay, and our heroes successfully repel the assault of the Bodol fleet on humanity.

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I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good :(. I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie....

You have the final conclusion.

Hikaru picks Misa over Minmay, and our heroes successfully repel the assault of the Bodol fleet on humanity.


well, I watched the 36 episodes including DYRL and Macross Zero, but I wasn't happy with the 36th episode because it was an open ending, talk about a cut-off there. And the author no longer wants to re-visit the issue, because their story ends when Hikaru and Misa got swallowed into a black-hole, talk about sad fate, I mean, I wouldn't call it heroes. To me, it's more like a sad story, that leaves your heart bleeding inside. You know....I mean, I was really enjoying the fact that their relationship flourished, only to find out on they end up dying. I don't like sad endings....it makes me angry because they left it open. Now I look at my toys, it just reminds me of the heroes dying and it's depressing, even right now i'm looking at my Hikaru VF-1S 1/48 and I feel angry cause they had a sad ending...I really wish that story would be changed, or re-visted...to give a good ending to the couples. Meanwhile Max and Miriya successfully lived when they were not the main characters of Macross...the SDF series was more focused on the love story between Hikaru and Hayase, but the author cut it off....



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I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good :(. I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie....

You have the final conclusion.

Hikaru picks Misa over Minmay, and our heroes successfully repel the assault of the Bodol fleet on humanity.


well, I watched the 36 episodes including DYRL and Macross Zero, but I wasn't happy with the 36th episode because it was an open ending, talk about a cut-off there. And the author no longer wants to re-visit the issue, because their story ends when Hikaru and Misa got swallowed into a black-hole, talk about sad fate, I mean, I wouldn't call it heroes. To me, it's more like a sad story, that leaves your heart bleeding inside. You know....I mean, I was really enjoying the fact that their relationship flourished, only to find out on they end up dying. I don't like sad endings....it makes me angry because they left it open. Now I look at my toys, it just reminds me of the heroes dying and it's depressing, even right now i'm looking at my Hikaru VF-1S 1/48 and I feel angry cause they had a sad ending...I really wish that story would be changed, or re-visted...to give a good ending to the couples. Meanwhile Max and Miriya successfully lived when they were not the main characters of Macross...the SDF series was more focused on the love story between Hikaru and Hayase, but the author cut it off....




Snooze, you crack me up brah!

I'm sorry I know you're upset over the ending, but after reading your post I can't get this smile off my face.

You really got "into" the love story of the series huh?

This is my opinion.......

Screw the love story! Yeah it was not complete, but how about those Valks fight scenes fpr 36 episodes!?!?

Now that was cool!

Look at that 1/48 VF-1S in front of you, doesn't that toy kick ass!

Perfect transformation baby! You can't beat that!

Buy more Valks Snooze!

Never mind that idiot Hikaru, he should have nailed Minmay at least once and didn't! The only thing that made him cool was that Valk he flew.

Buy his 1/48 Valk, buy Max's valk, buy em all! They kick ass!

The Valks are what make make Macross great!

Welcome to Macross World, and don't get depressed about the ending.

Story, story, yeah yeah yeah.

Perfect transformation 1/48 Valks, Think about those babies and you'll forget all about that depressing love story. ;)

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First off, it sounds like you have a bootleg. I suggest you pick up a copy of the series when ADV re-releases it. Or you can hunt for the Animeigo set. You'll thank us for it later.

You don't like how it ended? Do a fan-fic. The creators of Macross intentionally leave us with open endings. This gives the impression that the there are more stories to tell, and they don't have to be about everybody's favorite Hikaru/Misa/Minmay. In fact, the creators have done 3 series with those 3. They went off into the unknown and have never been heard of since. End of story. Do we need more details? Heck no. There is more Macross than just Hikaru/Misa/Minmay. And as we know, there are more characters than just those 3.

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The characters did save the earth from aliens, so thier usefulness has expired and so who cares if they die?

We were only there to watch them to see what part they have in the war effort. That's how I see it.

After Kamjin's death there were no more threats and all the main bad guys were defeated. End of story.

The good guys still died but thier service left a mark on the others and changed the fate of the human race, becoming memorable events in world history. They are still important to the rest of macross universe, though. (see the flashback episode in macross 7 where they reenact the SWI event)

I'm pretty sure Global's mission to send misa to spread the human race onto as many different planets as possible so that we would never make the same mistake of the PC was a fitting conclusion. (the extinction of the PC is a warning to us to not make war. Which is what the human race was doing constantly before, during, and after the arrival of the ASS. The lesson = love each other)

Sure the love triangle was what everyone was interested in, but on a bigger scale, thier love was merely a tool to get them to care for each other enough so that they would risk thier lives to save each other's asses which would result in saving the human race. Once that was done we can just forget them. Sounds cold but its true.

Same sort of thing happens with macross plus: Guld and Isamu's competition to see who was better, was merely the tool to make them be good enough to save the human race from some mad scientist's crazy plan to use his creation of a synthetic lifeform AI to take control of the world and leave his mark on society.

Without these pilot's messed up lives and need to keep fighting, maybe sharon apple would have had her way with us and history would have been different? The lesson: fighting is good, yes its true love is important, we learn this from SDF:Macross, but Myung was full of crap when she kept stopping the two men from fighting against each other. Healthy competition breeds strong men, stopping them from being too much like pussies and allowing them to use thier abilities to protect people. (the sword can be used for defence too. People will fight and argue for what they believe is right or wrong and to protect something. This is natural and good and has its place, since it brings about freedom for those too weak to defend themselves. The zentradi soldier's inbuilt need to fight isn't ALL evil as we've been led to believe from SDF:Macross, but can be seen as something helpful when used as a force for good.)

So although Guld's and Hikaru's deaths were sad, they being dead is no less heroic imo for what they did while they were alive. (very much why I like the ending of gladiator or braveheart where the heroes die but leave thier mark on little kids or those close to them even after they are gone. Snooze, I would encourage you to watch the 1st season tv series of space battleship Yamato and then the ending of the space battleship yamato 1st movie as another example, very sad, :( but it doesn't cheapen the lives of the heroes by having them die, rather it makes what they did more memorable by showing how important the brave sacrifices they made to pay for the freedom of others while they were alive)

But I think the characters aren't so much as important as the messages in the story and the events those characters took part in. True Max and Milia may have lived through space war I but no way would I consider him or her more of the main characters or necessarily more important than hikaru just cause Hikaru is killed off. (yeah so don't be discouraged by it and go and buy his toy! He still pulled off some crazy stunts and poo in the tv series and the movie that not many other pilots would have been able to pull off)

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oh well...I was really saddened by it. I waited for 30 some years to finish this movie since I was a kid. I never got to watch this movie up until last week and all I end up finding is an open ending.

Seriously though guys, i'm sorry to tell you this but I really got hooked up with the love story, because Japanese women tend to show their love in a subtle way and I love that about them, unlike the way here in North America, its like let's screw now, forget the love, and lets have fun, but Japanese women really get serious about those feelings and they don't joke around about it, and I admired Hikaru's confidence and self-control not screwing Minmay or Hayase, that shows manly to me and gentleman character to me, and I respect that a lot.

I don't know now how the Japanese culture has changed, but to me, back then that's how they are, cause I use to hang out with a Japanese girl.

Regarding the movie, I don't think I have a bootleg, I have 4 kinds of Macross here with me they are as ff:

Macross Zero

SDF Macross Series


Macross II Lovers Again

Where is ADV? What is ADV? I know the Macross II wasn't really something approved by the author so the characters are totally different....

My Jaw dropped when I watched Zero the 5 episodes was freakin!!! I wish all the Macross Series will be re-worked to incorporate CGI, damn, the VF-0 really made me repeat the scene over and over and over...and I was really hooked up, but I didn't like the storyline cause it was more of a fairy tale story than Military/War story...

But seriously though, the reason why I watched Macross, and waited for it for so many years, was not only the Valks, when I was a kid yeah, only the Valks I use to focus on, the love story I wasn't paying attention then cause I was only 7-8 years, but now that i'm in my 30's things change you know, you think of the story and approach it differently. So right now i'm still hurting and quite angry, and it gave me bad dreams after watching that movie, my feelings got so absorbed by the love story...and I don't want to watch it for awhile....cause of the sad ending. I don't know why Kawamori chose to end it that way, i'm sort of angry at him, he got me so hooked on the love story only to find out they died....I wish he would re-visit the story and gave it a good ending for both...like them retiring and being able to live happily and their children taking over the saga cause they were the characters that made macross, Macross.

ahh well, I guess it won't happen so i'll just stop from here on...


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I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good :(. I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie....

You have the final conclusion.

Hikaru picks Misa over Minmay, and our heroes successfully repel the assault of the Bodol fleet on humanity.


well, I watched the 36 episodes including DYRL and Macross Zero, but I wasn't happy with the 36th episode because it was an open ending, talk about a cut-off there.

I don't see how it's an open ending, except in the sense that every show that doesn't kill everyone has an open ending.

And the author no longer wants to re-visit the issue,

Correction: NEVER wanted to. He did DYRL, and said "this story is through."

because their story ends when Hikaru and Misa got swallowed into a black-hole, talk about sad fate, I mean, I wouldn't call it heroes.

But by putting that in the continuity he could tell all the fans 100% definitively that he was never going to do anything with it again. Not just because he didn't want to, but because he killed them off.

Was it mean and spiteful? Maybe. Does it get the point across? Definitely.

To me, it's more like a sad story, that leaves your heart bleeding inside. You know....I mean, I was really enjoying the fact that their relationship flourished, only to find out on they end up dying. I don't like sad endings....

Everyone dies eventually. If you keep begging for sequels, eventually you get death.

it makes me angry because they left it open.

Not really. The show ended on a positive note, laying out humanity's plans for the future. But it also ended with a definitive tying off of all remaining plot threads.

Now I look at my toys, it just reminds me of the heroes dying and it's depressing, even right now i'm looking at my Hikaru VF-1S 1/48 and I feel angry cause they had a sad ending...I really wish that story would be changed, or re-visted...to give a good ending to the couples.

It WAS. But people weren't happy with it, and didn't care that Kawamori was through with it, and kept annoying him for more.

Meanwhile Max and Miriya successfully lived when they were not the main characters of Macross...

And no one kept nagging Kawamori for more Max and Millia. They let him just leave it alone until he wanted to do something more with the characters.

Characters that actually had a lot more room for development due to their back-burner status during the original series.

But even then, they weren't the stars of Macross 7. They were a side story, on the back burner again.


I wanna see a series focus on the bridge bunnies. :p

the SDF series was more focused on the love story between Hikaru and Hayase, but the author cut it off....
Actually, it was the love triangle between Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay.

And Kawamori didn't cut it off, he finished it.


He finished it three times, actually. Last battle of Space War 1, then they needed to extend the show for another season, so Hikaru starts screwign around with the whole Minmay thing and he finishes it again for the final episode, then they do a movie retelling of the story and he finishes it a THIRD time.

All three end with Hikaru turning Minmay away for Misa.

The love triangle was over. It was a line and a point, with no room for any further development. Fact is, a story revolving around a happy couple that just sits there being happy isn't really that interesting.

And it REALLY stretches credibility to make Hikaru have ANOTHER change of heart and start pining after Minmay AGAIN.

Anbd people wonder why I hate sequels...

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What part of America is this? Why haven't I seen any of these women?

Seriously though guys, i'm sorry to tell you this but I really got hooked up with the love story, because Japanese women tend to show their love in a subtle way and I love that about them, unlike the way here in North America, its like let's screw now, forget the love, and lets have fun, but Japanese women really get serious about those feelings and they don't joke around about it, and I admired Hikaru's confidence and self-control not screwing Minmay or Hayase, that shows manly to me and gentleman character to me, and I respect that a lot.

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What part of America is this?  Why haven't I seen any of these women?
Seriously though guys, i'm sorry to tell you this but I really got hooked up with the love story, because Japanese women tend to show their love in a subtle way and I love that about them, unlike the way here in North America, its like let's screw now, forget the love, and lets have fun, but Japanese women really get serious about those feelings and they don't joke around about it, and I admired Hikaru's confidence and self-control not screwing Minmay or Hayase, that shows manly to me and gentleman character to me, and I respect that a lot.


:lol: Both have those. ;)

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In the interview of the macross dvds they mentioned that they got complaints from women and that some of them didn't really like minmay that much because they thought she was a tease.... so there ya go!

People love to bash the guy (OMFG Hikaru is such a sleaze for wanting to bed a beautiful girl as a horny teenager in love, the horror!!111) but never analyse the women on these forums and looking at it from a different perspective. (ie was minmay just taking advantage of hikaru?)

If hikaru really did go all the way with minmay in the belly of the sdf1 I don't see what's so wrong with it? So long as there is no rape and the girl consents, why would hikaru suddenly not be a man for expressing himself and for not waiting till the end of the war (or until misa stepped in) to finally get the girl that he wants in his heart?

I've said it before but I think the reason he didn't go all the way has more to do with shyness and insecurity (understandable cause he is young. Ever gone weak at the knees around somebody you find attractive?) not because he was being polite and gentlemanly. (this is a misconception, that hikaru was always in control of the situation and smooth, actively choosing to wait, rather than unwillingly fumbling or having bad luck and poor opportunities due to circumstances or funny coincidences) He just couldn't come forth with confidence and express his feelings in time before the sudden rescue. And by the time he was getting close; and enjoying it very much, it was too late: her personality changed at the excitement of being saved, and whatever feelings she expressed before suddenly vanished! Had the rescue been 10 minutes late they probably would have been caught humping naked together. :D

On top of this, he overhears the: "He's just a friend.." in the resturant. :rolleyes: Minmay had casually shrugged off the meaning of thier time in the ship together and the countless acts of rescue and now hikaru thinks the only reason she acted the way she does was because he was "just a friend" - ie the comfort guy... and only because "he was there" and there was no one else around, then that's the only reason she behaved that way. (not because she actuallywanted "him", not just random dude with a shoulder to cry on, but him, in particular...and was damn serious about it before the rescue)

I'm not sure if her comment about "just a friend" was just damage control to ward off attention from what everyone knew could have actually happened 10 more minutes later... or... if she was genuinely naive and did not believe hikaru wanted to actually do "it". But I doubt she was that "innocent" as she claimed to the guys in the resturant. I'm pretty certain the gossiping women would be thinking the same as the soldiers in the resturant: "did she do it? She must have. You don't kiss your friends that way".

I can't speak for everyone but if I were hikaru I would be banging my head at the timing of the rescue, wishing they had come at least 10 minutes later.. And I would still be a gentleman for it. There would have been nothing wrong if hikaru had not waited, and instead (after all the role playing of the marriage thing) managed to do the deed.

And the same goes with misa, like hikaru with minmay, part of the reason she needed advice from claudia, was because she had that problem of not expressing herself "in time" before it was too late and the thing you want is gone. No one waits for ever. Claudia was telling misa to hurry up or hikaru would not be there and she would live her whole life with regrets wondering "what could have been?" for sitting on her ass waiting. In the movie it is clear why Hikaru chose misa:

Being a soldier (and not knowing how long the war would drag on) if he were to die at any moment, do you think he would be nearly as close to minmay as he was misa given the time available and spent together?

Hikaru, saving minmay but being distant (and having rsponsibility and chance of dying any moment) is what killed the chance of them going further. Not because hikaru was preferring to wait around patiently.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Seriously though guys, i'm sorry to tell you this but I really got hooked up with the love story, because Japanese women tend to show their love in a subtle way and I love that about them, unlike the way here in North America, its like let's screw now, forget the love, and lets have fun, but Japanese women really get serious about those feelings and they don't joke around about it, and I admired Hikaru's confidence and self-control not screwing Minmay or Hayase, that shows manly to me and gentleman character to me, and I respect that a lot.


Mmmmm... blanket statements about millions of women. How... awesome.

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