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Something that struck me when I watched Macross Plus again was the 4th episode flashback with Guld walking in on Isamu and Myung.

I'm a little unclear here.

Was this back in their high school era?

Were Guld and Myung together and Guld caught Isamu/Myung cheating?

Or did Guld just have feelings for Myung and snapped when he lost out and realized she liked someone else?

Did Guld rape her?

In his twisted memories of that situation, did he delude himself into thinking Isamu raped her and he walked in and saved her?

I'm not sure if one of the writers/art books explained it better later and you guys might know.

Thanks in advance.

  DeathHammer said:
Was this back in their high school era?


Were Guld and Myung together and Guld caught Isamu/Myung cheating?

Can't remember if they were together. Isamu and Myung were just having a heart-to-heart talk when the incident happened.

Or did Guld just have feelings for Myung and snapped when he lost out and realized she liked someone else?

Did Guld have feelings for Myung? Obviously. Refer to my previous statement. Did he snap? Yes.

Did Guld rape her?

It's unclear. But Guld did physically assault her (He threw her into the dresser and ripped her shirt, but beyond that, is unclear).

In his twisted memories of that situation, did he delude himself into thinking Isamu raped her and he walked in and saved her?

Yes. Again, we don't know if it was rape. But he did believe Isamu assaulted her.

  DeathHammer said:
Something that struck me when I watched Macross Plus again was the 4th episode flashback with Guld walking in on Isamu and Myung.

I'm a little unclear here.

Was this back in their high school era?

Were Guld and Myung together and Guld caught Isamu/Myung cheating?

Or did Guld just have feelings for Myung and snapped when he lost out and realized she liked someone else?

Did Guld rape her?

In his twisted memories of that situation, did he delude himself into thinking Isamu raped her and he walked in and saved her?

I'm not sure if one of the writers/art books explained it better later and you guys might know.

Thanks in advance.


Funny you should mention this. Most if not all those questions were debated back in this thread quite a long time ago. And I just brought that thread up in the "myth" thread currently running.

But, IMHO:

Was this back in their high school era?

Well, it was when they were a lot younger. But I'm not sure if I'd call it High School.

Were Guld and Myung together and Guld caught Isamu/Myung cheating?

The general consensus is that they Guld and Myung weren't together. . . but Guld definitely had feelings for Myung and felt betrayed when he mistakenly thought that they were gettin' it on and/or having an intimate moment.

Did Guld rape her?

What's actually on the screen would lead me to say no. But reasonable people can disagree about this. The narrative shows Guld catching a glimpse of his engraged self in a mirror and coming to his senses. But others have argued that this is merely a dramatic device and that a rape did take place, we just aren't shown it in the flashback. I'd argue that the mirror is a plot device that stops Guld from going through with it while making it clear that he fully intended to do so before stopping himself.

I'd suggest reading above and below that post that I linked. It's really covered in a lot of detail in there, from a lot of different angles.


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