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The Weinstein Company and Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that they will join forces to distribute the first all-CG-animated movie in the long and phenomenally successful history of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" franchise. The announcement was made today by Jeff Robinov, President of Production, Warner Bros. Pictures, and Harvey Weinstein of The Weinstein Company. The as-yet-untitled picture will be released early in 2007. The movie will be directed by Kevin Munroe from his own screenplay, developed in consultation with Turtles co-creator Peter Laird. The film will be produced by Thomas K. Gray and Galen Walker. The executive producers are Francis Kao, Peter Laird, Gary Richardson and Frederick U. Fierst. Worldwide merchandising rights for the movie will be exclusively represented by 4Kids Entertainment, Inc. The two studios acquired the worldwide movie distribution rights from Imagi Animation Studios, who had obtained the production and distribution rights from the Mirage Group, which owns, nurtures and manages the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" property.


somehow I'm guessing this ISN'T the movie that was supposed to take the Turtles back to their mirage studio roots (IE, very dark and very violent)... I'm not wholly opposed to a CG movie... but if we can expect more of what we saw in the third TMNT movie (which was only good for the occasional one-liner), I'm not sure that I would be interested...


Can't tell if they're going for "realism" like the first TMNT movie, or just "the current cartoon in semi-realistic CGI".

Hardest TMNT catch-phrase/word to spell: "Gnarly".


I liked the comic book, so when the TV show came out my childhood was raped, AND I WAS STILL A KID!!

Mass market TMNT was dorky.


Well, my childhood reached it's peak of turtleness with the first film. Gotta love how they translated cowabunga in Spain: "¡de puta madre!" (kinda like "F* great!"). When your a kid and your heroes use cuzz words you laugh your butt off :D


yeah, I was hoping this one would be like the comics where it was very dark and they all wore one color, red. Oh well, hopefully this wont disappoint.


"Ninja kick the damn rabbit" Michaelangelo in the first movie. I oppose the cgi look, since I was always a fan of the original costumes, and they still work as far as realism today, they made it more believable. Anywho the movie well definitely suck since it is hooked up with 4kids, but the new cartoon is entertaining and isn't a childish as I thought it might be, if they can make it like the new toon it may be good.

  Zentrandude said:
its got 4kids on it so its expected to be realy kiddy like for 8 year olds.


Possibly, but take Batman Begins, it has alot of Kiddie crap toys and merchandising that has NOTHING to do with the movie, which to me was pretty dark.



that's why it's entirely possible that this movie may rock... but it could also suck the monkeys pole.

-Jeremy (who thought the first movie was "¡de puta madre!" )


ok, I'm 24, grew up on Ghostbusters and TMNT...

today? still love the two... however, I fell in love with the new cartoon. Looking at the logo on that poster, it's the new TMNT logo, so, if the quality level from toon to toon translates to movie to movie, we're in for some quality stuff here...


I loved the first and second movie....well first movie more than any of the triology. The third movie when I was a kid made me puke after seeing it in theaters, it had horrible costumes, the only original human character around was Casey Jones :(


I don't know... yeah, I know the comic books didn't have much of it, nor does the new cartoon... but to me, I was in elementary school when the Turtles were big. And Turtles without Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, the Technodrome, and the Turtle Van... just isn't the same.

Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:
I don't know... yeah, I know the comic books didn't have much of it, nor does the new cartoon... but to me, I was in elementary school when the Turtles were big.  And Turtles without Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, the Technodrome, and the Turtle Van... just isn't the same.


You're right, it's BETTER ;) (and I STILL liked the original cartoon)

(and for what it's worth, there WAS a "dimension X" in the mirage studios comics.. complete with a race of creatues like krang... call the "Utroms" I think. they ALL used robot bodies to get around, although they were more human from what I remember. They might not have had Bebop and Rocksteady, but they DID have Triceratons, Cerebrus the Aardvark, and Fugitoid!

Besides.. what's NOT to like about actually getting to see part of April O'Neil's boobs? ;)


Edited by Skull Leader

TMNT ruled back in the day, and I'm talking my day when the original comic came out. I could never stand the animated series, and the first movie was as close to the original as it was going to get. And that's all I have to say about this.


I dragged my old TMNT comic collection up from my folks house (not finished moving stuff into my house yet) so I could re-read some stuff. the issues that Kevin and Peter did were excellent, but once they started letting guest artists do storylines, pencils, and inks, things would start straying from the formula. Then Kevin and Peter would do another issue (which would rock), and the formula would repeat. Basically, if you want to look at the original Mirage lineup, read up through issue 25 or so (plus the 4 individual turtle comics... each turtle had one of his own), and then read the "City at War" series. Everything else varies from "extremely dark" (a two issue set where the turtles aren't even named, they ALL use Ninja-to (Ninja swords), and they look decidedly more turtle-like in the face), to "incredibly stupid" (picture Ren & Stimpy style artwork)

And for the record, the reprint of Issue #4 has one of the greatest paintings ever done of the Ninja turtles (used in several posters at the time and also used as the Boxart for the NES game)... I have this version but I STILL wanna find the original.


  Noriko Takaya said:
TMNT ruled back in the day, and I'm talking my day when the original comic came out. I could never stand the animated series, and the first movie was as close to the original as it was going to get. And that's all I have to say about this.


Yes... that truly is one of the best paintings. I wish I could find it in desktop size!

  Max Jenius said:
  Noriko Takaya said:
TMNT ruled back in the day, and I'm talking my day when the original comic came out. I could never stand the animated series, and the first movie was as close to the original as it was going to get. And that's all I have to say about this.


Yes... that truly is one of the best paintings. I wish I could find it in desktop size!


Which one?

I have some of the comics I could scan.. They are somewhere in my attic.

  Agent ONE said:
  Max Jenius said:
  Noriko Takaya said:
TMNT ruled back in the day, and I'm talking my day when the original comic came out. I could never stand the animated series, and the first movie was as close to the original as it was going to get. And that's all I have to say about this.


Yes... that truly is one of the best paintings. I wish I could find it in desktop size!


Which one?

I have some of the comics I could scan.. They are somewhere in my attic.


I think he's talking about the one I put up. I've got this one as well, but no scanner. I guess if you scanned the front and back cover together you could make a desktop out of it, but I'm not sure you could make one out of the cover alone.

Posted (edited)

I like the new tv series because it is has a dark look to it but has humor. I think the only reason people like the old tv series was out of nostalgia. But the fighting and action is not as good.

If the movie is more like the newer tv series in tone I would see it. Shredder actually looks menacing in the new tv series. (kinda like "Big Trouble in Little China" scariness. )

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

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