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I currently have any Enterprise project that has been in the works for years. The person I have doing the lighting is very busy and I've told him this was low priority but I would like to see in finished someday. Here are a few in-process pics to show you what I'm talking about.




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That is a VERY clean looking Galaxy Class Starship. Wow.

Is that a 1/625 scale model? B))

Sorry I can't help with the nacelle recasting though....can't wait to see the finished product.

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My light person also had this to say...

"Something to note is that originally, with the engine grille (which should be clear) cast in brass (which is not clear!) they left a gap to allow light spill around the perimeter of the grilles; that will need to be addressed somehow, either by adding ledges to the newly-molded parts or adding it to the nacelle halfs. Whatever is easier!"

I think it shouldn't be too hard to add the material to the recasted parts myself but I'm looking for a recaster that would be willing to help with this project. As I've told my light person, there is NO rush. I just want the job done right. I have a few names in mind and a few that owe me favors but I'm not sure if they are available. If you have tips or suggestions PLEASE post. If you want to help recast this part PLEASE PM me. After I have a recaster I'll put them in touch with my light person and I can get you the part to start playing with.

Thanks everyone,



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Is that a 1/625 scale model?  B))


Good question. I'm not at home at the moment and I don't recall the exact scale. I'll look it up and get back to you.

If I remember correctly these are the guys that made this model.


It was offered by them for less then a year back in 1995 or 1996. After that it was available from these guys:


for about 3 times as much.

It's a very hard model to find much info about on line. I've looked before and never been able to find any references to it.


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