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I'm glad I missed this announcement at AX. who knows what I would've felt. I definately didn't expect to hear this after getting home. Though given their dealings with HG, it's not too big a surprise.

From ANN

ADV Films announced that they have a license to release the original Macross TV series in North America and will, for the first time ever, produce an English dub for Macross....

...ADV Films has updated us on their possible Macross dub, informing us that they hope to dub Macross in English, however it isn't a sure thing yet.

Whether or not Macross is dubbed in English depends on ADV being able to secure the necessary material from licensors...

Well that explains Animeigo's discontinuation of the DVDs. Given all the work that they put into the show I'm sure this feels like a punch to the gut.

So now ADV has Robotech and all of the shows that make it up. Man do I need to finish getting those boxes while I can.

As for a dub, while it might broaden it's audience(though usually dub-only fans tend to also avoid anything that "looks old"), it'd be kind of weird. Didn't HG stop Animeigo from dubbing it because they didn't want it to conflict with Robotech? I seem to remember hearing that.

I wonder if they'll bother retranslating it.


Well, Animeigo's contract was up after 3 years, and they decided not to renew. We all suspected this, but now it's offered at RT.com's store for about $130.


I don't know if this is true with anyone else, but once I see anime with the original japanese voice actors, I can't stand any kind of dubbed version of it. I'm not gonna buy this stuff. :lol:

Posted (edited)
  Wesker99 said:
I don't know if this is true with anyone else, but once I see anime with the original japanese voice actors, I can't stand any kind of dubbed version of it.  I'm not gonna buy this stuff. :lol:


I probably will buy it for three reasons:

1. I'd be interested to see how they handled it transfer-wise (I love Animeigo dearly, but they've got a ghosting problem on a lot of their discs)

2. I do like the cool info booklets that were on the Mospeada/Southern Cross discs.

3. From all I've heard, ADV's discs seem to be more robust (i.e. none of the cracking issues) than Animeigo's. I'd probably keep the Animeigo set as the "good china," for lack of a better term, and watch the ADV set more frequently.

The dub idea sounds interesting (although bloody unlikely if HG has anything to say about it, given their past stands on dubbing the three shows). But let me say this...I will pull out my trusty 2x4 of learnin' © ® (p) if they let Tony Oliver or Reba West anywhere near the studio. Hopefully, they might be able to (as someone on ANN had suggested) coax Mari Ijima back into the studio to be the dub voice for Lynn Minmay.

Edited by Pat Payne

yeah, I might pick it up as I still have my original animeigo set sealed :blink::D:p:lol:

  Wesker99 said:
I don't know if this is true with anyone else, but once I see anime with the original japanese voice actors, I can't stand any kind of dubbed version of it.  I'm not gonna buy this stuff. :lol:


It's called imprinting. It happens to me too. It's not so much that I can't stand it, it just sounds wrong. Doesn't always happen though. I saw most of Robotech first, and prefer the original actors. Saw Cowboy Bebop dubbed first, and like both.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there not some mention of HG specifically NOT wanting an english dub of Macross, back when the Animeigo discs were in the works?

  bsu legato said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there not some mention of HG specifically NOT wanting an english dub of Macross, back when the Animeigo discs were in the works?


I seem to recall the same thing. Something about Robotech already being the English dub.

  bsu legato said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there not some mention of HG specifically NOT wanting an english dub of Macross, back when the Animeigo discs were in the works?


That may be true, who knows. Some companies do it all the time. Say no then, but yes now. The reasons: Fans want it and the market has changed :ph34r: .


ADV having picked this up shouldn't be a bad thing because ADV has the ability to better promote and distribute Macross then Animeigo did. Having a separate English dub track should help draw in more people to check out this great classic.

Hopefully we will get a bunch of new artwork for the DVD's and boxes and get some new extras, too (whether it be DVD content or other stuff).

  Apollo Leader said:
ADV having picked this up shouldn't be a bad thing because ADV has the ability to better promote and distribute Macross then Animeigo did.  Having a separate English dub track should help draw in more people to check out this great classic.

Hopefully we will get a bunch of new artwork for the DVD's and boxes and get some new extras, too (whether it be DVD content or other stuff).


Well, if we're lucky they'll keep Animeigo's subtitles, otherwise we'll get the usual half-assed hack work that ADV normally does.

  bsu legato said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but was there not some mention of HG specifically NOT wanting an english dub of Macross, back when the Animeigo discs were in the works?


I think you're wrong. It was more due to monetary concerns. They spent so much on the restoration, and most of us purists who were planned to buy it didn't want a dub anyway, so...


Harmony Gold is probably pretty much financially on the rocks. From the sound of things, they're really throwing everything they have into this new series (which, consequently isn't much). Given all that, they probably feel that they have every excuse to milk their beloved cash cow yet one more time. A new english dub? If it will rake in the money so they can keep playing in their little retard sandbox for a little longer, so be it.

I don't know if I'd buy it or not. I guess it's kind of up in the air for me.

  Wes said:
I think you're wrong.  It was more due to monetary concerns.  They spent so much on the restoration, and most of us purists who were planned to buy it didn't want a dub anyway, so...


And the same goes for Mospeada and Southern Cross too, I suppose? No, I'm certain I remember this being addressed at the time. JELEINEN's recollection of the same thing convinces me that I didn't just imagine it.

Now on the other hand, as far as double dips go this isn't too terrible. At least they're keeping Macross in circulation, even if it is in some "New and Xtreeeem" ADV edition. Can we expect a re-released and for-the-first-time-ever dubbed Mospeada in the near future?


I will probably get this. Didn't I hear somewhere that when Animeigo lost the liscence, that all their work goes to HG (subs, restoration, etc.). If this is right then the ADV discs will probably be very similar to the Animeigo ones. The sub will probably be the same one.


I heard that too BSU. So I definitely think there was at least the rumor.

I'd be surprised if ADV resubbed it. They might change some lines, but they'd be foolish to dedicate man power to translating something a superior subtitling company already did. One of Animeigo's translators whom worked on Macross works for ADV now too.

Chances are they'll release it in some 6 disc boxset. I doubt they'll put too much effort into it. All the hardcore fans have the Animeigo release, so they'd have to provide some premium extras or something to hope to get them. The dub would be to market to the diehard "dub-only" crowd. Probably lots of reference to Robotech and plugs hailing it as a true classic to try to stir up interest in something most fans avoid. How well does a twenty year old show sell to the Adult Swim crowd?

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
How well does a twenty year old show sell to the Adult Swim crowd?


I recall them trying with Mobile Suit Gundam... didn't last more than a few months, IIRC.

Pretty sure ADV would put this on The Anime Network though

Posted (edited)

Check this if you want the Animeigo release ..


I feel kinda blessed to have these cuz never wanted to put money only into HG bank accounts..at least you will be supporting Animeigo along with HG....and give Animeigo props for the translation and hard work....

If they did dub it would they hire the same actors??and bring back the freaakin Minmae song...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edit-Confuzed ADV w/ Animeigo...opps

Edited by orguss01
Posted (edited)

So we were only supporting HG with the Animeigo release? How do you figure that? I take it you mean the recent boxset. :huh:

Edited by Mercurial Morpheus
Posted (edited)

I can confirm that HG blocked the dubbing effort.

They had a big BS explanation about how it would confuse people to have two diffrent dubbed versions.

Still disappointed that all Animeigo's work is all getting passed off so someone that put no work into it can reap the benefits. Betting Animeigo won't even be credited with the remaster.

Edited by JB0
Posted (edited)

EDITED LAST POST , thanx for making me think twice guys...make more sense now?

Well from the boxset art we saw @ the CON there was no mention of AnimEigo !!

(well at least not large enough to see like the HG symbol on the box..prob little blurb on side of box... HARMONY GOLD

.Animeigo did a little work on this serries :))

Kinda like buying a TAkA just cuz it is Taka, when the Bandai is the same.

Kinda like giving homage to the original...kinda??

  JB0 said:
Still disappointed that all Animeigo's work is all getting passed off so someone that put no work into it can reap the benefits. Betting Animeigo won't even be credited with the remaster.


Edited by orguss01

Ok, I see now, we're both right. Thank you Internet Archive

All episodes will be unedited, uncut, as shown on Japanese TV, from new digital masters, with usual AnimEigo subtitling and copious liner notes. This is a subtitled-only set. There will be no english-language dubbing for two reasons; (1) it would be very expensive, and (2) Harmony Gold does not want there to be two different dubbed versions of Macross.

I only remembered the first part.


A little off-topic, but first off, welcome back, Macross World!!

Now to get back on-topic. Pretty much the only thing that would make me buy the ADV dub of Macross would be if they were able to get Mari Iijima to dub the English voice of Minmay. Other than that, I'm sticking with my AnimEigo bosxets.

Posted (edited)
  Wes said:
Ok, I see now, we're both right.  Thank you Internet Archive
All episodes will be unedited, uncut, as shown on Japanese TV, from new digital masters, with usual AnimEigo subtitling and copious liner notes. This is a subtitled-only set. There will be no english-language dubbing for two reasons; (1) it would be very expensive, and (2) Harmony Gold does not want there to be two different dubbed versions of Macross.

I only remembered the first part.


Between the fact that ADV didn't dub MOSPEADA or Southern Cross, and the fact that dubbing is a routine practice as opposed to an extravagant expense, I'm inclined to believe 1 was only mentioned so it didn't look like they were saying "Don't blame us, we WANTED to do it right..."

It's generally a bad idea to look like you're badmouthing your employer/licensor. Even when you are.

Edited by JB0

Bear in mind, these are the same people who told fans that "There would be no remastering of Robotech." And of course, we all know how well they kept that promise. :lol:

  JB0 said:
Betting Animeigo won't even be credited with the remaster.


Harmony Gold has stated that AnimEigo will be credited with the subtitling and remastering job, and the original liner notes which appeared with the originals will be included with the ADV release. This is going to be funny, as ADV's competitor may be included on their packaging.

  Noriko Takaya said:
  JB0 said:
Betting Animeigo won't even be credited with the remaster.


Harmony Gold has stated that AnimEigo will be credited with the subtitling and remastering job, and the original liner notes which appeared with the originals will be included with the ADV release. This is going to be funny, as ADV's competitor may be included on their packaging.


Oh, good.

I'm quite pleased to be proven wrong.

  bsu legato said:
Bear in mind, these are the same people who told fans that "There would be no remastering of Robotech." And of course, we all know how well they kept that promise.  :lol:


Thought it was an uncut, director's cut, extended edition, etc. that they said was out of the question.


Not that it matters, they still did it.


Looks like MacrossWorld came back online just in time for some BIG news about the franchise. First Tatsunoko's bought out and now this ADV thing. I'd like to be happy about what's happening, but I'm feeling very uncertain about all this. I can hope for positive results, but this looks pretty grim given the past history of these companies involved.

  Pat Payne said:

3. From all I've heard, ADV's discs seem to be more robust (i.e. none of the cracking issues) than Animeigo's. I'd probably keep the Animeigo set as the "good china," for lack of a better term, and watch the ADV set more frequently.

I'm sorry to pull this off topic, but what is this cracking issue with the Animeigo DVDs? I haven't been keeping up with the latest Macross news like I used to so I'm in the dark about this issue. I bought the Animeigo box set when it first came out, but I haven't watched them in a while. I've been getting the urge to watch the series again, but I'd like to know more about this cracking issue before I do. I don't have the ability to make backups of my DVDs at the moment (ancient computer with no DVD drive). I'd like to know what the cracking is about before I put the originals in the DVD player and turn them into dust! Any info would be appreciated.

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