F-ZeroOne Posted November 9, 2017 Posted November 9, 2017 (edited) Colin Baker has probably just stuck his fist up in the air and gone "YES!". Edited November 10, 2017 by F-ZeroOne Spelling error. Quote
F-ZeroOne Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 Its not clear from that image, by the way, but the Doctor is now rockin' a couple of pretty distinctive earrings. Quote
Dangard Ace Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 I'm curious to see this take on the Doctor. Haven't watched Broadchurch yet but she was decent as the nurse in Attack the Block. Hope she keeps the hoody style, even if it's only on the jacket. Quote
Mommar Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 My Mom just dismissively said, "Doctor Her", when she saw that image. Quote
azrael Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 Still not ginger. Reveal hidden contents Quote
Hikuro Posted December 26, 2017 Posted December 26, 2017 Kind of sucked. It was an hour and a half of bland. Quote
Mommar Posted December 26, 2017 Posted December 26, 2017 On 12/26/2017 at 3:36 PM, Hikuro said: Kind of sucked. It was an hour and a half of bland. Expand It would have been fine if not for the cringy attempt to make the first Doctor come off in a way he was never portrayed again in the original series. Quote
Dangard Ace Posted December 27, 2017 Posted December 27, 2017 So this is Moffats and Capaldis puttering send off? Not quite as good as Ninth, Tenth or Elevens. At least there was a cameo by a fan fav/hated character. Ties up that loose end. Quote
Mommar Posted December 27, 2017 Posted December 27, 2017 To be honest all of those silly send-offs were overwrought garbage anyway. They used to just off the Doctor and let the new one step in. Not let him give a two hour soliloquy about life featuring every character we met over the course of the run. Quote
azrael Posted December 27, 2017 Posted December 27, 2017 I actually liked Capaldi's monologues. Quote
Dangard Ace Posted December 27, 2017 Posted December 27, 2017 On 12/27/2017 at 3:21 AM, Mommar said: To be honest all of those silly send-offs were overwrought garbage anyway. They used to just off the Doctor and let the new one step in. Not let him give a two hour soliloquy about life featuring every character we met over the course of the run. Expand Ah the old Doctor Who's. "Ah my time has come! And we've no budget for special effects so let's over lay the films and regenerate!" 1 min and fx budget is spent, "here's the new Doctor!" Also you've got to stop watching it at 1/2 speed if you think it's a 2hour soliloquy. The Xmas Specials are only 45min-50mins depending on commercials. Ecclesons send off was him saving the human race at the end of his season, never even made it to the Christmas special. They gave him 5mins and poof Tennant! Tennant had the longest sendoff what with him wandering around for episodes moping before his famous, "I don't want to go!" Kinda made sense since at that time RTD had DW, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith Chronicles all interweaving with each other somehow and that giant crossover! Wooo! Smith....well...actually I don't remember how long his send off was, was it just the Xmas Special or did it include the lead up to the Xmas special? I just wanted the flailly doctor to end. Capaldi's "woe is me schtick, life sucks and I'm tired of saving the universe" after losing Jenna got boring. In between those periods when he was being clever was fun though. Quote
Dynaman Posted December 28, 2017 Posted December 28, 2017 I liked it, a fun little romp for Capaldi's last show. Would have been nice to see Smith doing his Patrick-Troughton Dr. again, perhaps as part of the regeneration scene. Maybe for the next Doctor's sendoff. Quote
Kelsain Posted January 3, 2018 Posted January 3, 2018 Oh good, now that the Xmas special is in the bag, season 10 is on Amazon Prime now. Can finally get caught up. Despite how meh I am about some of the plot lines, I still do enjoy the show, and I do like 12. Quote
Valkyrie Griffon Posted April 26, 2018 Posted April 26, 2018 https://shop.bbc.com/video/shows/doctor-who/doctor-who-tom-baker-complete-first-season-21204.html Classic Doctor Who coming to Blu-Ray!!! Super pumped! Quote
technoblue Posted April 27, 2018 Posted April 27, 2018 On 4/26/2018 at 10:44 PM, Valkyrie Griffon said: https://shop.bbc.com/video/shows/doctor-who/doctor-who-tom-baker-complete-first-season-21204.html Classic Doctor Who coming to Blu-Ray!!! Super pumped! Expand Definitely. Tom Baker will be a good start to the classic series sets. I have Shada on blu-ray already, and love the quality and extra bonus content. Spearhead from Space was phenomenal, since it was shot on film. It would be cool if they do the Pertwee sets after Baker's. Quote
Dynaman Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 A new trailer, I think, for the series. Not really a lot to go on. Certainly better than the teaser trailer I saw a couple days ago where the doctor seemed to have the power to make food reappear. Quote
technoblue Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 I'm digging it. I already have the blu-ray pre-ordered too. Time to go into spoiler free mode. It's going to be a long wait. Quote
F-ZeroOne Posted July 20, 2018 Posted July 20, 2018 On 7/19/2018 at 11:32 PM, azrael said: Awwww. Jodie’s natural Yorkshire-accent. Expand "Lots of planets have a North!"... Quote
technoblue Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 It appears the next classic Doctor Who blu-ray release is Season 19: Peter Davison's debut. Although I was hoping for a Pertwee box set, this is also a very logical choice. https://www.blogtorwho.com/doctor-who-the-collection-season-19-next-for-blu-ray-release/ I'm in. Just waiting for the pre-order links to pop up Quote
Dynaman Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 Anyone else see the "Shada" episodes. Always nice to have more Tom Baker but it was a mediocre story (even for the time) at best. Quote
technoblue Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 Let’s see...I’ve seen Shada on VHS, DVD (twice), and now blu-ray. The story behind the production is actually more interesting than the actual serial, which gives the audience a glimpse of how the Time Lords punish criminals convicted of high crimes. Given the false starts and shenanigans around production, I guess I’m glad Shada wasn’t another Horns of Nimon. It isn’t my favorite Baker story, nor my favorite Adams-penned tale—I agree it is simply ok. It is interesting, according to Wikipedia, that Douglas Adams was vying to make Shada the last Tom Baker story. He wanted it to mark the end to the Doctor’s days of adventure but Graham Williams wouldn’t have any of it. I was also surprised to learn that JNT tried to finish it after the strike was over, when he became showrunner, but Adams just wasn’t interested anymore. Adams had lost faith in the script. Anyway, seeing the completed blu-ray reconstruction with animated scenes and Baker’s closing remarks was nice all the same. Quote
GabrielV Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 On 8/22/2018 at 3:45 AM, technoblue said: It appears the next classic Doctor Who blu-ray release is Season 19: Peter Davison's debut. Although I was hoping for a Pertwee box set, this is also a very logical choice. https://www.blogtorwho.com/doctor-who-the-collection-season-19-next-for-blu-ray-release/ I'm in. Just waiting for the pre-order links to pop up Expand I would have been more interested in another Blu Ray season of Tom Baker, but this is good news too. Quote
technoblue Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 On 8/22/2018 at 4:38 PM, GabrielV said: I would have been more interested in another Blu Ray season of Tom Baker, but this is good news too. Expand I wonder which of Tom Baker's seasons the BBC will choose next for blu-ray? Will they choose season 18 to make the crossover with Davison, or will they choose season 16 (The Key to Time), or season 14 (Sarah Jane's departure and Leela's debut)? There are so many good options from his era. Sticking with first season sets will get tricky once they get around to William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton. Most of Troughton's first season is filled with missing episodes. Hartnell's first season isn't as bad, but you do have the one complete missing serial with Marco Polo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_missing_episodes#List_of_missing_episodes Quote
Dynaman Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Putting Hartnell's first season on Bluray is either going to cost a massive boatload of money or is a total waste of time. The visual quality of the shows are beyond atrocious. Worn out VHS videotape is overkill. Quote
technoblue Posted August 24, 2018 Posted August 24, 2018 On 8/23/2018 at 6:18 PM, Dynaman said: Putting Hartnell's first season on Bluray is either going to cost a massive boatload of money or is a total waste of time. The visual quality of the shows are beyond atrocious. Worn out VHS videotape is overkill. Expand Ha! Yeah, I had some of those VHS tapes. The quality was poor. I think I built up a resistance after recording so many years of out-of-focus over the air Doctor Who. That was even more painful. Still, I thought the DVD restorations were nice. I have the entire region 2 classic DVD collection now, and I think the classic blu-rays are a nice bonus. If they do get to Doctors 1 and 2, I prefer to wait for them to be able to do them justice and give us something special. And who knows? They might find more lost episodes in the meantime, if we're lucky. Quote
Dangard Ace Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 New Doctor Who season has started and it definitely has a different tone from the Moffat era. Creepy, unease, mysterious. Still plenty of running. Jodie’s Doctor is interesting, similar to 10s regen but less swashbuckly. Also doesn’t carry the ultimatum speech like Tennant does cause she’s nice. First episodes finding its legs. Let’s see what the next few do. Quote
azrael Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 I'm waiting for her "I am The Doctor"-moment. Seeing as the antagonist this week wasn't quite the big-threat, it might be awhile.... Quote
F-ZeroOne Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 (edited) Still processing ti a bit; it wasn't exactly an absolute classic of an episode but it did what it needed to do - though I wasn't expecting the ending to take quite the turn it did. The real bright star was, of course... well, the star. It feels like its going to take a bit more time for her to find a settled role (arguably, it took Capaldi a whole season; no reflection on him as an actor, I just think it took time for the writers to settle on... pardon the pun... who he was) but at absolutely no point, right from her entrance, did I feel "This isn't the Doctor" [1]. I need to hear it a bit more, but initial impression is I like the latest reworking of the theme tune; arguably its even more old school than anything from the Moffat era! [1] And just so I'm not misinterpreted, no I don't mean "...because shes a woman". Thats never been a concern of mine; its the character. Edited October 8, 2018 by F-ZeroOne Quote
big F Posted October 8, 2018 Posted October 8, 2018 Well working backwards, the theme music works very well, I am not 100% but im sure I heard somewhere the BBC Radiophonic workshop were on board with it. I heard so many bits of the old themes in there. I liked it. Massive nod to the Tom Baker credits too visually. So I agree a female Doctor works, I saw bits of Capaldi, Baker (both), Pertwee and Tennant\Smith in the character. Im sure that her character will develope. Im interested to see how the story developes considering the end of the episode. Quote
Dynaman Posted October 14, 2018 Posted October 14, 2018 On 10/8/2018 at 3:55 PM, F-ZeroOne said: [1] And just so I'm not misinterpreted, no I don't mean "...because shes a woman". Thats never been a concern of mine; its the character. Expand My concern was not that she was female, it was that they were going to make a big stink about the character being female. They did not do that. Overall it was a very good regen story - far better then Tenent's where he slept through most of the episode, I don't remember Capaldi's at all, and I liked Matt Smith's if only for the girl playing young Amy, she had charisma. Quote
big F Posted October 14, 2018 Posted October 14, 2018 As long as they dont keep banging on "I used to be a man" that will get old quickly. The whole female empowerment thing is fine by me but the current trait of ramming in the face of the populous, is at best a distraction to story lines at worst a complete turn off in the viewing sense. I wonder how long it will be till Holly Weird adjusts its current passion for reboots and filmised versions of TV series and starts a reboot but everyones gender reversed rewrite of all the "classics" Jesus of Nazereth, is Jenny of Nazereth The A team but all strong female rolls instead B.A Baracus is Barbara Anne Baracus and hates boys, not planes. Starbuck is a girl..... Oh wait they did that and it actually worked....... You get the idea Quote
Dynaman Posted October 14, 2018 Posted October 14, 2018 The "I want to be a Ginger" bit from Matt Smith was a bit annoying too. If they keep it to that level or less I'm good. Jodie pulled off the roll though, at no point did I not think she was the Doctor. Quote
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