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  Knight26 said:
  MGREXX said:
It's the Beta fighter and Cyclones.

As if we should believe anything you said, oh wait you think you're some kind of all knowing God, lol.

It's called common sense.

As for the rest of you, I knew you were jealous of mighty MGREXX but this just makes me blush!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Posted (edited)
  MGREXX said:
  Knight26 said:
  MGREXX said:
It's the Beta fighter and Cyclones.

As if we should believe anything you said, oh wait you think you're some kind of all knowing God, lol.

It's called common sense.

As for the rest of you, I knew you were jealous of mighty MGREXX but this just makes me blush!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's not jealousy, it's surprize that you still bother to open your yap. No one believes a word you say anymore. For good reason (i.e. you're full of crap).

Edited by Anubis
  Anubis said:
  MGREXX said:
  Knight26 said:
  MGREXX said:
It's the Beta fighter and Cyclones.

As if we should believe anything you said, oh wait you think you're some kind of all knowing God, lol.

It's called common sense.

As for the rest of you, I knew you were jealous of mighty MGREXX but this just makes me blush!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's not jealousy, it's surprize that you still bother to open your yap. No one believes a word you say anymore. For good reason (i.e. you're full of crap).



Cyclones and Betas in ALL colors would be nice. As a twist though, they should make the Betas compatible with the alphas they've already released. They'd be big as all hell but who on this board WOULDN'T go ape dookie over a well skulpeted combo like that? Then there's the prospect of Cyclones! I've always had nothing but love for these bikes. I'd also like to see a more up to date cyclone version, like a transformable Hiyabusa 1300cc or a GXR 1000 in the same way macross stepped up it's game and made all the mac plus valks.

I use the term good skulpt in howes that Toynami will get this right. With the vf-1's it was pretty much crash 'n' burn. With the alphas it looks like they picked up the rear a bit so if you figure it in mathmatic terms they have a negative and a positive that puts them at an even slate. Mind you, I am only judging their latest items of the pop era (robotech) and then just the vf-1's and alphas. It's faceted point of veiw.

Posted (edited)
  Myriad said:
Super poseable Inbit ... Errr I mean Invid...  To fight your 1/55th Legioss.. Er I mean Alpha....

Some Inbit would be pretty nice to have too, even if they were only super-posable equivalent.

Edited by Anubis

IF it's a Cyclone or Beta I might have to pick up these up.

But knowing HG's quality control I'll probably pass em up. :lol:


Remember that we've all been promised that the Alphas would all be connectable with any Beta fighter that would come out.

If Toynami screws this over and forces all of us to double-dip and get another Alpha, they might well have a riot on their hands.

  yellowlightman said:
  Slugworth said:
It will be called The Robotech Masterbeta.

You win the thread.

Quote of the morning. Excellent. :lol:


If the Shadow Alpha is shipping this week then it would be about time for them to make an announcement about the next Masterpiece release. I think the highest probability os going to be for the Masterpiece Cyclone, Toynami and Robotech have hinted at it in the past, and it doesn't require a ton of engineering like the Beta will, likewise, the Beta has been mentioned mostly as an afterthought and an enticement for people to buy the Alpha releases.

My bet is on Cyclones. However if they do announce Betas I will finally purchase an alpha or two voiding self imposed Toynami/HG boycott.


the key question is, between a masterpiece cyclone and a masterpiece beta, which would you prefer? for me, the answer is obvious: the cyclone wins hands down. here's why:

1. novelty - so far we've been plied with masterpiece jets. would be nice to have a transforming motorcycle - manthing for a change.

2. which unit was more central to the mospeada plot? which one got more screen time in the anime?

3. cyclone looks great in both modes. beta looks a bit crap in fighter mode, no? i understand this is subjective, but i've asked lay people, and they all think the cyclone trumps.

4. the cyclone looks to be an eminently more poseable and playable toy. i fear the beta will wind up like another koenig. not that i don't love that one, though. :)

am finally back in singapore, the amount of toys here (particularly gundams) is ridiculous. how did i survive all those months in new york??? the toynami i-men are going at the local TRU at USD$3 for 3 packs (ie. 6 figures). but i guess they weren't worth squat to begin with.


What about that transforming Invid thingy from Shadow Force? It would make sense for them to produce something to tie in with the eventual release of the new RT.


I'm glad this news cam from ValkExchange so it's has a good chance of coming true. For my 2 cents, I'd like to Beta as well seeing as how the 80s Cyclones can still be bought on eBay, same thing as the Matchbox Hovertanks. But the Beta is nowhere to be seen. Though I do doubt it will be the Beta and it'll probably be the Cyclone. I like the Cyclone, but I would just dig the hook-up of Alpha and Beta to make one mean looking machine.


i'm a big mospeada fan..... i'd love to see a beta link.... but high detailed poseable cyclone sounds quite enticing.... too bad It'd probably be in pieces if u tried to play w/ it too much due to Toycrappies quality.... [why do i keep buying all their products???]

anyone thinking of picking up the masterpiece voltron set??


I am betting on the SDF-1 or the Cyclone. Why? Because Toynami are lazy SOBs. They are gonna steal whatever desogn from the past and make it their own. :p


I am thinking either a revised or new mold VF-1 or the BETA or cyclones. It'd be nice but you guys do know we would have to pay a ton for the BETA right? Its gona be a hella lot bigger than the Alpha!

I was at things from another world while visiting cali last week.....the dude at the counter tried to justify the green alphas tag of 80$ by talking about it being limited and how the BETA was coming out lol.........I just shut my mouth and walked away.*I guess thats what happens when you try to talk down a price at the sony metreon....king of expensive ass merchandise.....gundam store was PRICEY as hell too!*


they need to do southern cross, then get to the Beta and cyclone, ajax would be very sweet, but Im sure it would be a hovertank 1st (ease of transformation)

  pfunk said:
...Im sure it would be a hovertank 1st (ease of transformation)

And because they are SO COOL! :lol:


wow, this is pretty cool news. I'll be finally going to comic con this year so I'll be able to find out what's new with them and see the prototype! ;):p:D:lol:


everyone keeps saying cyclones and beta's(me too) but what about the SDF-1? that could be it.... ot that it would matter since the whole thing would be held together by magnets. :lol:

  haterist said:
everyone keeps saying cyclones and beta's(me too) but what about the SDF-1? that could be it.... ot that it would matter since the whole thing would be held together by magnets. :lol:

Oh, you've got a point with the SDF-1.

It's actually easier for Toynami to re-issue the old Matchbox SDF-1. But then again, I wish they will release the Beta :lol:

Just my 2 cents :)


Toynami has already stated that they wouldn't produce an SDF-1 because they can't sell any variations of it. I doubt a battle-damaged SDF-1 would sell, though another possibility would be a DYRL SDF-1 (Harmony Gold apparently has the merchandising rights to DYRL, just not the film rights) but the DYRL SDF-1 is so different it would require pretty much a entirely new mold. But I wouldn't put it past Toynami to sell a TV SDF-1 with the ARMD-1 & 2 and call it a DYRL SDF-1 :p

A Beta makes a lot of sense, as it could only push more sales of Toynami's current line of Alphas. The only problem is that there are no toys for Toynami to copy off of, unless you count the prototype Gakkens or Lansay Treads. While these guys are rare and expensive, they're unimpressive when compared to other 21st century toys. Dare I say, their designs (the toy design, not the mecha itself) were ho-hum even in the 1980's. IMO, it would be a disservice to the fans who've waited 20 years for a Beta\Tread toy only to be served with something mediocre.

Then there's the Cyclone\Mospeada. Toynami could easily rip-off this design, but anyone who's handled one can tell you that there are lots of small hinges and plastic tabs that could easily break. Given Toynami's poor QC record and corner-cutting practices, ripping off the Gakken toy could prove to be a debacle. Oh yeah, now I remember, Toynami doesn't care how their fans feel. All Toynami sees is $$$

Personally, my money's on an MPC Strike Valkyrie. :p:p:p


My totally unsolicited opinion:

It had better be a Beta/Tread

That is the only thing I would buy at least.

Although I know a lot of people would love to see a cyclone/mospeada.

I can't see anything else being released, as they seem to have had at least some trouble unloading such high profile items as the VF-1 and Alpha so releasing an SDF-1 or hovertank would be a bad idea.

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