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  HWR MKII said:
May i have permission to make a model of that yellow fighter aircraft? I like the design it has an old world quality to it. Your a great visual designer.


Thank you HWR MKII :D I like the idea of retro style SF - in fact Wings of Honneamise was the first (and IMO still the best) movie I saw that featured a completely different yet familiar world where everything down to door bells and money was newly invented! This one fired my imagination and it still does, even more than star wars or anything that jumped the retro train ever since.

The yellow plane was an idea I had for a scratchbuilt model, but as I never had the time to build it, I thought doing a painting with the plane and its supposed surrounding was just as good without taking too much time.

So if you want to make a model of the plane I´d be really excited. It is actually an honor that you consider my drawings worthy of trying your skills on them and I´d love to see my plane in three dimensions! But don´t forget to post pics ;)

Guest Bromgrev

So is that yellow plane from the film or from your imagination? Memory's a bit hazy, it's been years since I've watched Honneamise. I have to agree that retro-SF has a special appeal. Have you done any Maschinenkrieger models?

  Bromgrev said:
So is that yellow plane from the film or from your imagination? Memory's a bit hazy, it's been years since I've watched Honneamise. I have to agree that retro-SF has a special appeal. Have you done any Maschinenkrieger models?


The plane is from my own imagination, the honneamise designs were all canard- winged like the japanese Kyushu Shinden fighter of WWII.

I wanted something that could fit within the "look" of the film but I went with a more conventiomal plane design but with strange looking engines and a bubble cockpit like on the Gunship in Nausicaä. The yellow is supposed to be a prototype colour similar to real japanese planes in the ´40s.

HWR MKII has expressed interest in making a model of the yellow plane - maybe even as a kit - I´m very excited about it, now you´re the second MW who is asking about the design.. ;)

What I "stole" from the WoH movie is the railway station beneath the plane, it is based on the hangars and factory buildings they had in the movie.

What I also liked were all the airships and balloons over the cities, maybe I´ll get the brush out again and add some more to the picture...

I also liked last year´s "Sky Captain" movie for the designs, but still WoH stands out in that it is supposed to be taken seriously.

Maschinenkrieger.....Bromgrev I hate myself for having my basement full of them but not having built even one <_< I WANT to have them all on my shelf but I never find enough time to build. The only one that I got half finished is one of the planes - the one with an actual cockpit instead of the PKA in front. I spiced up the cockpit and spent hours just to paint the pilot. I was very fond of it, don´t know why I haven´t finished it, guess this should be one of the first on my "to build"-list <_<

Posted (edited)

The Oberth kits are IN!

All arrived safe and sound all the way from Deutschland!

I examined one of the packages and OMFG!

This model is better than most of the garage kits I have from Wonderfest.

It comes in a perfect little box, custom artwork on the label (I mean come on), hand drawn instructions (in English no less), not to mention the model itself.

Perfectly cast, hardly any bubbles and flash to be found, fit is perfect and the sculpt is just brilliant (not to mention assembly is idiot proof, no questions where parts go).

In fact it's all so perfect I've decided to keep them all and build myself an Oberth armada Muhawhawhawhaw!

Jusk Kidding, I'll send these out ASAP.

Honneamise you absolutley have to bless us with another kit, please please please!

Edited by Grayson72

Chad I´m soo relieved... why am I always so nervous when a parcel is underway :blink::huh::unsure: ?

Must have something to do with the german postal "service", they suck big time while getting more and more expensive! They once lost a small packet on its way to a part of Cologne 6km away from where I live!

But NO international parcel/letter/etc ever got lost on its way and I´m very happy that this one is no exception. I really hope to see some built examples of the Oberth in the near future, maybe my own one will not be the first one finished cause I don´t have much time these weeks...

I will definitely try to continue with Macross kits in the future! Making the Oberth was a very pleasant experience with so much input and support from the members here... kinda different from the usual work I do with deadlines pressing.. <_<

While I´m not yet decided on what to do next, as you might have noticed, HWR MKII wants to make a master kit of the yellow plane from my painting so this might result in a kit. Even though this is not a Macross subject, I hope some of you will like it as I do, I am totally excited about it :D


I still wish you'd make an ARMD the same scale as the Oberth. There's gotta be someway to break it up so it's doable.

  Grayson72 said:
I still wish you'd make an ARMD the same scale as the Oberth.  There's gotta be someway to break it up so it's doable.


I've been wanting to do a ARMD kit for quite a while now. Probably in 1/1500 scale (which would make it about 12" long). Mainly because, if I made it any longer, the mold for the main deck piece wouldn't fit in my pressure pot.

But then again, it'll be the movie version, not the TV one. So there wouldn't be much point in putting them together anyway :p


ARMD is still an issue for me although I´m only interested in making the TV Version.

While I have the same pressure-pot-size-problem as Valkyrie, I´m working on a way out of that by maybe CNCing the flat side walls and decks instead of making solid cast pieces.... and I still want to go micro-size and make some Valks and Lancers to fit alongside the big ships!

Posted (edited)

All but one of the kits has been shipped this AM. They went out USPS priority mail flat rate with delivery confirmation. It should only be a few days now before you all have your kits in your hot little hands.

I've updated the order list, check page 2 of this thread.

Ranger I'll hold on to your kit until I hear from you.


Edited by Grayson72
Guest Bromgrev
  honneamise said:
ARMD is still an issue for me although I´m only interested in making the TV Version.

While I have the same pressure-pot-size-problem as Valkyrie, I´m working on a way out of that by maybe CNCing the flat side walls and decks instead of making solid cast pieces.... and I still want to go micro-size and make some Valks and Lancers to fit alongside the big ships!


Sounds like the way to go. The ARMD is basically cuboid, so it would be an ideal test subject for a CNC/casting hybrid. It would also eliminate the need for reinforced industrial shelving to display that beast.

Anyway, curing a solid lump of resin that big is bound to do bad things to global warming ...


This has to be one of the finest resin kits I've bought to date. This kit is impeccable! Please do another kit in 1/72 honneamise and I will buy it!



  THOR said:
This has to be one of the finest resin kits I've bought to date.  This kit is impeccable!  Please do another kit in 1/72 honneamise and I will buy it!




Really really awesome isn't it, I'm totally in awe.

Yes a 1/72 QF-3000 Ghost would be awesome.


Got mine today too. Very nice kit! I'm pretty impressed with the casting job too.

The resin isn't quite what I'm used to working with. It's a bit harder than most resins I've seen before. At first, it reminded me of a couple taiwanese recasts that I have, which are cast in a very hard and brittle resin. Horrible stuff to work with.

But I quickly realised that the Oberth casts are nowhere NEAR that bad. Even though the resin isn't what I'm used to, it's still very good stuff. The resin is slightly flexible in the thin pieces, as it should be, and it still shaves very well with a knife. So I've got no complaints. It just freaked me out a little at first :p

I'm kinda curious though, some of the small parts are a slightly different color from the rest of the kit. Is there any particular reason why?


I got my kit yesterday too. Thanks guys on a job well done. And thanks Grayson for the extra grocery bags! :p

I didn't have much time to look over the kit, but it looks great!

Honneamise, you have a lot of talent. I'll be looking for your next project! ;)


The resin colour changes by adding different powders like aluminium (grey) for extra strength and styrene (white) for weight and cost reduction. Almost no manufacturer uses plain resin (which is a creamy tan) but in cases like Verlinden they have means to keep the mixtures perfectly constant.

There is no rule for the amount of filler to be added, it is just that if I add too much white powder, the resin thickens and cannot flow properly, or if I use too much alu it gets very heavy. I only use small amounts of the stuff to avoid making the resin to brittle or too soft.

Even though it might look a little different I think the resin (from Ebalta, Germany) is comparable with the Verlinden etc. stuff meaning it should be quite hard yet easy to work with but not too easy to break.

I hate the porcelaine-like stuff that breaks when you look at it too long! :angry: The worst material I ever had is the stuff they use at Warp/Comet miniatures, London. It looks like green pasta, it breaks so easily I have hardly ever seen a kit with non-broken parts, if you need to heat it it will NOT bend instead you will see your fingerprints imprinted on the surface! Funny stuff, I bought several of their kits but after building - and breaking- one I found out there are better ways to ruin my nerves! <_<

By the way Chad has there NEVER been a (TV series) Ghost kit???? I´d love to build one but I thought there had already been one..

  Grayson72 said:
In fact it's all so perfect I've decided to keep them all and build myself an Oberth armada Muhawhawhawhaw!



I'll help you build 'em.

Posted (edited)

Nope never a TV's series Ghost kit, which is quite unbelievable. You would really do it justice. If you're seriously considering it please make it in 1/72 to go with the rest of the model series.

The only Ghost kit ever produced was the Ghost from Macross Plus which is a totally different aircraft.

Please please please! This is probably at the very top of my wishlist. I know a lot of people would want this baby.

First pic is of the X-9 Ghost from Macross Plus

And the second is of the QF-3000 Ghost from the original TV series



Edited by Grayson72
  Grayson72 said:
Nope never a TV's series Ghost kit, which is quite unbelievable.  You would really do it justice.  If you're seriously considering it please make it in 1/72 to go with the rest of the model series. 

The only Ghost kit ever produced was the Ghost from Macross Plus which is a totally different aircraft.

Please please please!  This is probably at the very top of my wishlist.  I know a lot of people would want this baby.

First pic is of the X-9 Ghost from Macross Plus

And the second is of the QF-3000 Ghost from the original TV series


This has been one of the top requested kits on Macrossworld for years.

1/72nd scale please. :D


I thought I make it in 1/67, fits the Revell ARC-170 fighter..... :rolleyes:

Just kiddin´, there is NO way other than 1/72!!!! Maybe ´48 but I´d like something that fits my own shelf too :)

  Grayson72 said:
So are you gonna do it then?


Well it is quite a poular subject, it should fit my pressure tank and I wanted one since the 80´s when I watched the 1st/2nd episode of Macross for the first time... If I can gather enough lineart and screenshots to make a plan out of it -which shouldn´t be too difficult- I´d say this is the one!! :D:D


Woohoo, if you pull this off you'll make my dreams come true. I'm gonna have to order a minimum of 3 maybe 5.

Posted (edited)

Ok did some digging and scanning, here's a shot of the Ghost from the original TV series. Also here's a scan from one of my art books of the craft at 600DPI but I had to reduce the size to get it on here.


Edited by Grayson72

Thank you for the scans Chad!!!

I´ve also found the lineart in my Miyatake Design book. Next to these "finished" linearts there are some early sketches of the thing, slightly different with only one fin on the back but otherwise similar overall.

What´s interesting is there is a man standing besides the plane for scale, and if I measure correctly the Ghost is not longer than about 8 meters. I always thought it was about the size of a manned fighter but it´s obviously smaller. Makes sense since the new, "old" Ghost for the VF-0 is pretty small as well.

In 1/72 that will be about 11cm. Are there any published stats which contradict or confirm this size? I can only find artwork but no hard facts so far...

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