Mechamaniac Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 I may be way off here, but I think these types of sales should be off limits. I have seen alot of "make me an offer, or PM me with a bid" threads in the For Sale section lately. Most of the old timers around here are not guilty of this. When I want to sell something, I prepare it, take and post pics, and decide on a price etc. I don't haggle, or try to work some silent auction crap. Most of the other people that have been here for a while handle their sales in similar fashions. IMHO, that's the way it ought to be. Personally, I think those threads are inherently dangerous since we have just recovered from a rash of rip offs in the For Sale section. Bottom line, if you want to auction your stuff, take it to Ebay. I'm just hoping some people will agree with me, and if there's enough, perhaps we can take care of these threads once and for all. I feel totally safe buying from the For Sale thread, and have done so MANY times in the past 4 years. I'm just trying to make sure it stays that way for everyone. Thanks for reading my ran Quote
nightmareB4macross Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 (edited) I totally agreee with Mechamaniac. The puspose of the sale thread it to come forth and sell an item with a set price. If people wish to fish around for better prices, by silent bidding, then they should do it on E-Bay. I think what has happened here is that since many people have now caught wind of the "Best Offer" funtion on E-Bay, people are now trying to do the same on the sale threads as well. Personally, I don't like it. If you wish to make a straight up sale, then just post a pic of the item and a price attached to it. Otherwise, please use another media to get the best price for your item. After all, none of the threads head as "Best Offer" only "For Sale". two cents. (that is my offer) Edited June 4, 2005 by nightmareB4macross Quote
robokochan Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 I also agree. Auctions should be for auction sites. Not to mention the fact that even if you do list an item on eBay, you can advertise it in the Auctions section. I understand you then have to pay eBay fees....but what can you do. Rob Quote
ChristopherB Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 First of all, just because someone says "make me an offer" does not mean that they can't be trusted. The fact is, the seller is one of two things: Honest or Dishonest The method by which he sells by is irrelevant, because you can be screwed over just as easily by someone that states a fixed selling price. We can all list plenty of examples of people that have been taken advantage of, but I submit that the majority were via set price listings. If someone is here to rip people of, that is what they will try to do. All I'm trying to say is that it doesn't make sense to automatically associate "make me an offer" with a higher probability of theft/dishonesty. I'm an "old timer" and I've sold a ton of items here on MW, primarily via set price. I recently listed several items via (1) thread and allowed people to make me an offer on the items. Guess what, the customers got a fair price, and all of my items sold for an amount I was happy with. It worked out flawlessly, there was no bidding or anything of the sort. No one was screwed over or taken advantage of. Second of all, there is a difference between "make me an offer" and eBay. Just because you say "make me an offer" doesn't mean people are going to bid against each other. I might have a certain price in mind for an item, but I'm willing to take less, but wouldn't mind more, who wouldn't mind making a profit. The person makes an offer, and we go from there. It's a win - win situation for both people. Even when I provide a set price, people still PM me with offers. That's human nature my friend. It's also called "Haggling." Honest people should have the option to decide if they want to set a price or invite offers. Don't paint "make me an offer" with such a broad brush that it is related to being ripped off, or an auction. Auction sites charge fees, MW doesn't, auction sites allow "reserves", "Buy it Now" and hundreds of other differences. I strongly disagree with the suggestion that requiring sellers to set a price is going to somehow stop or even mitigate the possibility of people being taken advantage of. It's the seller you have to worry about, not his selling method. You're going after a branch of the tree, not the root of the problem. All buyers have to do is use common sense and check references or don't buy from that person. I seem to recall that the majority of the bad sales had nothing to do with people making offers, but rather sellers taking money and not sending the item. I challenge someone to research the bad sales and back-up their assertion with some facts. Otherwise, 9 out of 10 rip-offs are related to paid items not being mailed. How do you propose to fix that, but closing the 'For Sale" section? Maybe honest people like me sometimes wan't to sell only to MW fans, maybe we don't really like eBay or feel like losing money to their fees? As an honest established seller, I have a right to sell via set price or make me an offer. Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 (edited) I think the practice that these folks are requesting be halted is not the "make me an offer" sort of selling but the "I'm not telling you a price, you have to guess at it and the seller picks and chooses the one he wants". I know I've sold things on here with the request for people to just "shoot me a price" but that was usually the case when I had something that I just wanted to get rid of and did not care what price it sold at. Generally in those instances I would jump on the first offer and sell. I personally think the people who post something for sale and then pick through a series of offers looking for the best one are a tad devious... they are doing nothing "Wrong" mind you as it is pure capitalism in effect, but it easily angers people trying to buy. Imagine that someone posts something for sale you really want and just says PM me with your offer. You are "First" to post in the thread and first to send a PM with a valid offer... only to find out someone else gets it for an undesclosed amount. It sort of chaps your hide. Then again asking the mods to police a private sale section is asking them to increase their authority and possibly take personal responsability for private sales. Claiming "go to ebay" could be said for everything offered for sale on this site. I guess the final answer is the one I use when I see business dealings or prices I don't like at stores: walk away. No one is forcing you to buy. If someone appears to have shady business practices or performs certain sales tricks that you don't like, just ignore them and move on. If and when someone gets ripped off THAT becomes a public issue that would require action by the hive mind. Edited June 4, 2005 by JsARCLIGHT Quote
Agent ONE Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 I don't see a huge problem with it. I don't like it, but I can't say I can stand against it. When somebody does that kind of thing, and its something I want, I just ignore it, I just don't play that silent auction game. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted June 4, 2005 Author Posted June 4, 2005 In response to what some people have said, I will amend my original statement. I don't have a problem with the "make me an offer" stuff when they pertain to certain (usually high ticket) items. If you have something vintage, or something you plain just don't know the value of, then I say "make an offer" is OK. My main complaint is against those who would use this place as a fee less Ebay, and those that show up with the sole purpose of selling in mind. Quote
ChristopherB Posted June 5, 2005 Posted June 5, 2005 JsARCLIGHT, You made some really salient points, and I agree with everything you said. Which is kinda scary for me. Mechamaniac, Thank you for the clarification. I had a feeling that you were referring to the "other type" of make me an offer threads. Best wishes to all, Christopher Quote
EXO Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. If I don't like it, I stay away from it. Putting more responsibilites on the mods on the way the sales are handled kinda makes the site responsible for what happens. As far as I know Sean gave us the space to make deals on the only rule that it's Buyers Beware and gives up any responsibility. It opens up a lot of oppurtunities for people to try to take advantage, but it seems like the people here are too savvy to get taken advantage of anyway. If they send the money for a silent auction then they were willing to pay that price. It doesn't set the market price at all because its up to the parties to reveal what the cost of exchange was. Quote
Agent ONE Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. ... We should make that into a T-shirt... Quote
yellowlightman Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. ... We should make that into a T-shirt... Quote
BoBe-Patt Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. ... We should make that into a T-shirt... aaahhhhahahaha nice one. Quote
Hurin Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I'm going to brief, as a special treat to everyone: Sellers are people too. Sometimes they want to get as much as possible for their item. Sometimes they don't want to use Ebay. If a seller is dishonest, he'll be dishonest no matter what type of sale he carries out. If someone doesn't like how a seller is doing things, well, don't buy anything! If someone doesn't like a certain type of sale because it tends to make the item more expensive or allows someone who wants it more to pay more. . . I can't say that I see that as a bad thing. To the seller, that's a good thing. Stop Communism! H Quote
EXO Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. ... We should make that into a T-shirt... Bedazzled! Quote
Mechamaniac Posted June 6, 2005 Author Posted June 6, 2005 I'm going to brief, as a special treat to everyone:Sellers are people too. Sometimes they want to get as much as possible for their item. Sometimes they don't want to use Ebay. If a seller is dishonest, he'll be dishonest no matter what type of sale he carries out. If someone doesn't like how a seller is doing things, well, don't buy anything! If someone doesn't like a certain type of sale because it tends to make the item more expensive or allows someone who wants it more to pay more. . . I can't say that I see that as a bad thing. To the seller, that's a good thing. Stop Communism! H No, not communism, we live in a modocracy Y'see, I brought up a point which I felt strongly about, and others expressed their opinions, which succeeded in changing my point of view on part of my issue. Clearly, I'm in the minority here, so I will take my feelings, and shove them down, and let them fester until..... J/K. Seriously, it's cool, I just wanted to find out how everyone else here feels about this kind of stuff. Now I know, so I will step down off my soapbox. Quote
Agent ONE Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 I agree with AgentOne the most. ... We should make that into a T-shirt... DUDE!!!! I SO love that!!!!!!!!!!! If only pics could go in sigs. YLM gets a gold star for the day. Quote
Mechamaniac Posted June 6, 2005 Author Posted June 6, 2005 Y'know, AgentONE kind of looks like Richard Simmons in the face a little... Seriously, it's a pretty darned good resemblance!! HOLY CRAP! AgentONE is Richard Simmons' son!! Quote
Hurin Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Y'know, AgentONE kind of looks like Richard Simmons in the face a little...Seriously, it's a pretty darned good resemblance!! My Dear Lord! You're right! H Quote
JsARCLIGHT Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Wow, this thread went down a very weird road a few miles back. Quote
Agent ONE Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Y'know, AgentONE kind of looks like Richard Simmons in the face a little...Seriously, it's a pretty darned good resemblance!! My Dear Lord! You're right! H We are like brothers. I have actually met Richard Simmons in person. I think he is gay. (the picture is just to remind you all how I look JUST like Richard Simmons, I have no cule who the guy is... Just some drunk brit I met in London.) Quote
Mechamaniac Posted June 6, 2005 Author Posted June 6, 2005 With a shirt like that?, he's got to be gay! Quote
orguss01 Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Well the way i see it it can be bad for buyer in two ways... Example 1...Lowball Backlash... Low viz for sale make me an offer..... offer made.. PM back from seller:::::"Dude, $X, for a low viz? are you kidding?".. ??? seller offended , buyer pissed cuz no idea how much to offer, keep guessing good $price???? Example 2...Floating price point Offer made...."You are first to PM, butttttt i got a higher offer from X (non existant mmber/ not even involved) if you can do a little bit better it is yours" All the while X thinks he has got it locked due to his good offer...and maybe an encouraging PM from seller.. Keep guessing price???? I dont like that form of sales either, I would rather see an outrageous $price, as a baseline, with OBo Then maybe if someone PMed witha slightly lower price than posted no one is offended.. the seller can always say "i am holding out for price posted but will give you a PM if nothing happens...." I guess the "shoot me an offer" method just requires more communication and honesty....something newbs dont realize/respect sometimes.... Quote
Chowser Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Example 2...Floating price point Offer made...."You are first to PM, butttttt i got a higher offer from X (non existant mmber/ not even involved) if you can do a little bit better it is yours" All the while X thinks he has got it locked due to his good offer...and maybe an encouraging PM from seller.. Keep guessing price???? I dont like that form of sales either, I don't like that either, I would say if someone posts something for sale in make me an offer, then everyone should just post their offer so everyone else knows that someone actually offered so much and not be wondering if this is like an ebay scam with seller's friends/fake accounts bidding up the price. Also, if someone doesnt want to use ebay because of the fees, monkey's got a cheaper auction site. I've mainly been staying away from ebay for selling because of their fees and I just set my prices and if no one wants it, someone usually makes an offer and we haggle at it. Also, if someone does do the making an offer through pm, then once you are told you have it, I would post it in the thread that sale was finalized, payment sent, etc. just to prevent multiple people from paying the same person for the same items... Oke guys, greatings. bye now! Quote
promethuem5 Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 It appears that Richard Simmons isn't the only one...... Quote
do not disturb Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 well i agree with alot of th statements and i've brought this up before and it got shot down by a number of people. if you/i or anyone else sees, "make me an offer", "or best offer", just avoid the thread altogether. once the seller realizes that no one wants to play that game, he'll either post his asking price, leave, or take it to ebay. i view these type of FS threads the same way i view ebay's reserve auctions.....i don't play that game, i'll wait for the next one. Quote
eugimon Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 I gotta agree, these types of auctions are just shaddy... I think we should away with them. Quote
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