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Attention all FUTURAMA fans!

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Got this quote from a futurama site:

"Well, I spoke to David X.Cohen because we did promos for a new Futurama compilation and he said that they did have talks with the top guys at FOX and they were extremely impressed with the sales of the Futurama DVDs. The idea was to make a Futurama movie right to DVD and then a 2nd and a 3rd. That's what's being discussed. Fox is trying to figure out a budget for the whole project, and it sounded like David X. was very jazzed!

I would love more than anything to do that show again. I thought it was best experience on every level... creatively, voice-wise, writing, animation and the laughs. The laughs. Writers and performers that respected each other. "

God I hope this happens!!!! First Family Guy, now maybe Futurama, all we need next is Firefly....which if the movie does well may just happen! Fox may yet make up for "some" of thier sins!!! :lol: What pisses mr off though is Fox had/has the nerve to say that both Family Guy and Futurama failed to pull in the numbers they wanted but then did amazingly well on CN, TBS, and DVD sales. Maybe if those Knucleheads at Fox would give those shows steady/decent time slots they would've done better, instead of either constantly moving one around so you never new when it was on or putting one on in a time slot that was ALWAYS being pre-emted for Football!


Edited by Dobber
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Firefly and Family Guy have been revived (FF in movie form), it was about time Futurama did also. Maybe we'll see Wonderfalls as well some day too.

Edited by Gaijin
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Not sure how to post an actual link, but this is the site:


Cinescape was also reporting this and said that it has come from a reliable source.

Sounds good to me!


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There's a silver lining to Futurama having been canceled.... they did that fantastic final episode, where Fry trades his hands with the Robot Devil... Has to be one of the most touching, hilarious, and overall great animated episodes of anything that I've ever seen.

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