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  bsu legato said:
Just some random thoughts on the finale:

- Sawyer was too slow on the draw! I figured with his killer instincts he'd have been quicker to throw down on the Others

And I leave you with this .gif I found, taken from the pilot episode. Note the swoopy thing that does a flyby just before the engine blows. Random piece of airborn debris, or something more sinister?

I half expect it to turn out Sawyer is now holding onto the side of the boat that is zipping away. Could he have acted like he was shot to take the others attention off of him?

Also that is a very interesting gif. Where did you find it? Can anyone else confirm that the pilot actually had that in it. I no longer have it on tape and I'm thinking that might have been digitally added in by someone playing around after the fact. Just curious...


  Golden Arms said:
Exo where do you download the show from? The show comes on at a time when I'm not home so I've missed alot of the later eps.

pirate bay, but their not up anymore... most of the links are dead.

  wwwmwww said:
Anyone see the secret scene that was on Good Morning America this morning? I had Tivo tape the final episode and I didn't know about the secret scene till after Good Morning America had aired?

What was the secret scene?

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
What was the secret scene?

There was an ad during the last episode (about 40 minutes in) that said the producers wanted you to see a scene that they didn't have room to include in the final episode and that it would be aired on Good Morning America the next morning. Since I taped the episode I didn't see this ad in time or I would have had Tivo tape Good Morning America. I was hoping someone had put it up on the internet by now but I haven't found it yet if so.


Edited by wwwmwww
Posted (edited)
  Jemstone said:
Whoa whoa whoa.. HOLD IT right there, son. Who the fracking hell are you calling "chickie"?  :angry:

Don't get me wrong, I say "chickie" with the utmost respect, and admiration for the fairer sex. After all, my wife is a "chickie", and she digs Sawyer. You'll have to pardon my occasional sexist jibe, I have a wife and two daughters, so I live in a constant sea of estrogen. Sometimes, I just gotta lash out.

Besides, you have to admit that you are probably in the minority amongst the female Sawyer fans. Most of them probably just think he's dangerous, brooding, and OH SO dreamy!! ;)


My wife set the Tivo after all!. I watched the scene just now, no real action, just Charlie and Claire talking about Danielle on the beach before Danielle steals the baby.

I can post a transcript of the scene if anyone's interested.

Edited by Mechamaniac

Well, to counter all the girls who think that Sawyer is "Dreamy" I will tell you that I think that Claire is "DREAMY!!!" Love the accent! I could not tell that she was Australian from her earlier appearance on Roswell.




Ok, wait a sec... I thought the engine blew up because that dude got sucked into it. One could assume that the "stealth superman" actually pushed him into it, but this scene as shown wouln't work because it's too far away to have pushed him during the previous scene.


Swayer isn't dreamy, and the girls who think they are should lay off the crack <_<

He is lame as hell, because he makes himself seem like some tough mofo when he actually isn't. He tries too hard and thats where his coolness factor drops like a rock in a pond <_<

And Claire isn't dreamy, but she is undeniably cute... more then the other 2 girls. The Korean lady isn't too far behind :)

  twich said:
Well, to counter all the girls who think that Sawyer is "Dreamy" I will tell you that I think that Claire is "DREAMY!!!" Love the accent! I could not tell that she was Australian from her earlier appearance on Roswell.

She is very attractive. But the accent and her character do kinda make me expect her to run around screaming, "A dingo ate my baby! A dingo ate my baby!"

  the white drew carey said:

Ok, wait a sec... I thought the engine blew up because that dude got sucked into it. One could assume that the "stealth superman" actually pushed him into it, but this scene as shown wouln't work because it's too far away to have pushed him during the previous scene.

is it me or that part of the engine that blows off looks like a giant metal smoke ring? justs looks odd.

  Blaine23 said:
  twich said:
Well, to counter all the girls who think that Sawyer is "Dreamy"    I will tell you that I think that Claire is "DREAMY!!!"  Love the accent!  I could not tell that she was Australian from her earlier appearance on Roswell.

She is very attractive. But the accent and her character do kinda make me expect her to run around screaming, "A dingo ate my baby! A dingo ate my baby!"

This made me laugh really loud LOL :lol:

  haterist said:
  twich said:
I will tell you that I think that Claire is "DREAMY!!!"  Love the accent!


"the things i would eat out of that girls ass"....

but you're already so full of it!



ARG!!! Locke and Boone go out to find Vincent.... and they find Claire? WTF! >.<

Screw spoilers! Someone tell me what the hell is going to happen because I seriously cannot wait another week to find out :angry:


spoilers. they get found but hurly is still curse and the rescue ship wreaks into another deserted island where they find a dutch lady armed with the same m1903 rifle. and the black thing from the other island is a grey one on this island.

Posted (edited)
  Zentrandude said:
spoilers. they get found but hurly is still curse and the rescue ship wreaks into another deserted island where they find a dutch lady armed with the same m1903 rifle. and the black thing from the other island is a grey one on this island.

That makes about as much sense as saying that Jack wakes up to find himself in Party of Five, Charlie turns into a hobbit, the black dude is the pilot of a hover craft trying to save humanity from killer machines, Locke is the head of the millenium society (whatever that freakshow was called) and the korean dude is a telepath and the first officer in the Excalibur. :lol:

Edited by Abombz!!

Okay, so I missed a bunch of shows and caught the finale, is the monster that sucked the previously crippled guy underground a machine? It really sounded like chains being drawn around a cog of some sort...

Posted (edited)

heh abombz the show its self doesn't make sence. Im still trying to figure out how 40 people survive on the island without no sign of getting mass amount of food. sure they had shown locke killing boars for awhile then he stops after him and boone find the metal now opened portal to hades. Also you got the seemingly super fast growing garden the japanese woman planted and her husband seems to only feed the main cast from what I get from what arnts said about him. Like when arnts said to hurly why he hasn't lost weight :) makes you wonder if the group going to eat him the next season, he can proly feed the 34 people left for a couple weeks.

Edited by Zentrandude

Nanotechnology = monster? One of the official-but-ficticious web sites seems to suggest there's a connection.

Driveshaft Web Page

Also, here's an amusing .gif I found that shows how the monster really came to be on the island. It doesn't repeat, so you may have to refresh the page to see it.


  • 5 months later...

yah, you need to get into this show!! This is one bad@$$ show that you'll enjoy!!


I watched the extras on the DVD and it looks like the LOST logo (the white floating letters) were originally suppose to be made up of the black smoke. I guess they changed it so they wouldn't give away something. It's all over the place. It's on the scripts, on the director chairs and other stuff.


Well, it's nice to know the Tailies story now, although I think they did a very bad job of trying to direct our suspicions on Nathan (name similar to Ethan) because the first time I saw Peace Corps guy, I called him out as the mole. I figure an ex-Peace Corps person would fit in perfectly with the Dharma Initiatives schemes.

At least we know that Shannon is dead and gone, let's see if Sayid will curb his anger. I'm hoping that they don't try to recreate Jack/Sawyer tension with Anna Lucia/Sayid.


Do we KNOW that Shannon is dead though? I say it only seems 99% certain... but if it IS an island full of nano-robots that strive for balance maybe they'll repair her. Hey, it happened in Jason X....

Personally, i think telling the "tailies" story is just a convenient way to stretch things out forever. "Look, we're starting the show all over from another group's perspective. We're going to go back in time to when the plane crashed again so we almost will never have to answer any questions!"

I'm losing my patience with this show.

  the white drew carey said:
I think it would've been dragging it out if the tailies got a bunch of episodes instead of just one.

I guess Shannon is dead because they said it in the preview for next week.


There is word that Maggie Grace wanted to go into movies, so this is a convenient way to write her off. Also...saves money from calling Ian Somerhalder (Boone) back for her flashbacks...

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