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  Evanta said:
Heard from my supplier the following 'confirmed' rumors... believe wat you will, but they should be reliable IMO.

Isn't a confirmed rumor still a rumor? <_<

Sorry, couldn't resist. :p If these are indeed true then it's great news.


The more I think about it, the LV has to be a rumor on needless hype. We all know the GBP and CF is coming. Two different versions of CF is still a rumor.

  Evanta said:
opened up my VB-6, but haven't taken him out completely, just checked for the missile covers and the peg which is supposedly backward.

The missile covers open easily now w/o glue or watever blocking, the pegs are still placed forward though.

Can I see a pic of the opening missile bay? Just want to see how much of a difference it is.

  Jin_Kune_Do said:
Yeah...so come on Godzilla, sell em LVs to me. You WILL sell your LV´s to me for 5 dollars with free shipping (waves his hand across Godzilla´s face like a Jedi)

- Jin B))

You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? Mind tricks don't work on me. Only $500. No money no deal! :p


I'd love to get a LV (came out at about the same time as tuition was due, with my luck would happen again :D ) I'd really prefer a 1J (always liked that look the best) but then I'd want a 1S and and 2 1As to finish out the flight. As for doing a different paint scheme they could go with the dark gray of the F-15E or with the lighter haze gray of the Super-Hornets, I'd like to see them kept the same color for the collector that would like to display with the 1As if changing the head was the route they went with.

  >EXO< said:
aside from the CF and the GBP I'll take the other rupors with a grain of salt. I'm not in a rush to spend my money.

thats as far as i got in reading this thread and w/o having to read the rest, i totally agree. :D

  >EXO< said:
  Evanta said:
opened up my VB-6, but haven't taken him out completely, just checked for the missile covers and the peg which is supposedly backward.

The missile covers open easily now w/o glue or watever blocking, the pegs are still placed forward though.

Can I see a pic of the opening missile bay? Just want to see how much of a difference it is.

not much difference actually, just that it's not glued down, so surgery is not needed. Can't take it out, I just shrink-wrapped the whole thing. :p

I had promised myself nt to buy a macross toy till July/Aug, but it was the last reissue piece, couldn't help it, so it'll stay in the box till I pay back the difference in my bank acct.


They don't stay out on mine, or just pop out. I still got three other VB-6s to open, but I threaded a screw when trying to put it back together again.


While we're sharing rumours, I might as well mention that I heard that there will be a 1/48 in the Angel Birds scheme. <_< Also, apparently, this rumour came from MW. :huh:

Anyway, a few people on this thread have been talking about new Koenigs coming with fully functional missile hatches. Does this mean that the Koenig has ALREADY been reissued?


Well, as long as we're making $hit up, I dreamt last night that Yamato was going to make 1/48 Elint and Ostrich, then join together with Bandai to finish the 1/55 reissues and stop by my house and make me a breakfast burrito. With cheese.


  Blaine23 said:
Well, as long as we're making $hit up, I dreamt last night that Yamato was going to make 1/48 Elint and Ostrich, then join together with Bandai to finish the 1/55 reissues and stop by my house and make me a breakfast burrito. With cheese.


Man I'm totally jazzed for that burrito, I hope it get's re-issued with spicier salsa since all the originals were snapped up by collectors.

  Eternal_D said:
the missle bay was never glued down was it? I think some ppl glued it down themselves because it wouldn't open all the way and it was loose.

Nope, it was glued down as QC problem for many of those, mine stayed up fine, just that it was kinda weird as there's no paint apps. I'm 90% sure I got a re-issue one now, as compared to a friend's 1st release.

Anyway, a few people on this thread have been talking about new Koenigs coming with fully functional missile hatches. Does this mean that the Koenig has ALREADY been reissued?

Ya, that's what I am talking about, since I already have the damn thing too. Guess Yamato decided fixing the QC problem wasn't worth hyping about.

Anyway, I'll be betting on the GBP-1 bundle rumour being true, and holding off purchase first. :p

  Deimos said:
I believed the recent monster i got is a 2nd issue with QC fixed.

Where are these missle pods???

The only QC issue i was aware of was the leg peg being the wrong way. I reversed the peg (not pegs :p) on myne and the legs atill dont come in nicely, the should of made the hips just a lil bit narrower, then it would be awesome.


I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

  Majestic said:
I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

what are you talking about?

Posted (edited)
  Majestic said:
I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

Pilot/Crew????? :o

Show pictures.

Anyway, the ONE QC thing I wanted them to fix were those tiny brittle Gerwalk/Shuttle connector pegs.

Edited by Renato
  Majestic said:
I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

NO idea what you are talking about either.

  kensei said:
  Majestic said:
I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

NO idea what you are talking about either.

Well this is how you have a pilot/crew in your Koenig.

1. take a dremel and drill out the painted silver windows in the cockpit.

2. Fish out some pocket lint from your jeans and stuff it in there.

Voila! koenig crew & pilot! AND they're removable, contrary to 'insider sources'


  eugimon said:
  Majestic said:
I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.

what are you talking about?

He's probably refering to the hinge that connects the WHOLE cockpit to the chest cavity. The hinge tends to slip under the top edge of the chest and pull the whole cockpit under... not easy to extricate the cockpit once it happens.

Crew? Removable? <- Yamato is NOT that generous with "improvements".

  Evanta said:
opened up my VB-6, but haven't taken him out completely, just checked for the missile covers and the peg which is supposedly backward.

The missile covers open easily now w/o glue or watever blocking, the pegs are still placed forward though.

WHAT MISSLE COVERS??? :blink::o:blink::blink:

Is there stuff i dont know abotu my VB-6???????

Do share thxns


Oh my god.... you're even worse FP... at least the rest of us were shocekd about a feature we HADNT heard anything else about yet :p

Seriosuly tho, there are what may or may not be pop up missile launcers located on the corner edge of the arms depending on when in the run yours is from (some have them glued down)

  Valk-1S said:
Somehow I don't think there will be two types of CF. I have mention in the CF post, so far I have seen the Japan online shops taking pre-orders as either LE or normal production. There's no single shop taking pre-orders for both types.

As for a LV, it will have to be a significant difference from the LE not to piss off collectors. Maybe a slight variation in colour and prob no panel lines and weathering, but still I don't think that will please some collectors. If it does comes out yay for us. Maybe Yamato doesn't care if they piss off the customers as since they may be coming to an end to Macross :(

And who really cares if it pisses off the collectors? Most of us believe you shouldn't have paid 300 bucks for one anyway.

My .02 cents


I agree.. if yamato comes out with a new LV variant, I'll be happy.. I'll be just as happy as when yamato released this current macross line and drove the prices of the chunky monkey down... if you want to "invest" in something, try gold. toys are for kids. :)

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