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Which one are you going to get?  

262 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one are you going to get?

    • xBOX360
    • Nintendo Revulotion
    • PS3
    • None
    • More than one
    • Can't think about games, Agent ONE is just so sexy, its distracting

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  Gaijin said:
Fall won't be too much of a delay (US wise since that's when we would have prob seen it anyways).  Though launching in both US and Japan at more or less the same time has me worried.



They aren't going to have enough stock shipping regardless of when they launch. It's by design.

  JB0 said:
  Gaijin said:
Fall won't be too much of a delay (US wise since that's when we would have prob seen it anyways).  Though launching in both US and Japan at more or less the same time has me worried.



They aren't going to have enough stock shipping regardless of when they launch. It's by design.


Other reasons. ;)

  Black Valkyrie said:
I hate to say this but if things don`t go well with the PS3, it might be the next N64.


You can say that about all the next gen systems. Would be ironic if Rev is a repeat of N64.

  Gaijin said:
  Black Valkyrie said:
I hate to say this but if things don`t go well with the PS3, it might be the next N64.


You can say that about all the next gen systems. Would be ironic if Rev is a repeat of N64.


I depends since its controller is a Lightsaber :D

Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
I hate to say this but if things don`t go well with the PS3, it might be the next N64.


I think the PS3 is the antithesis of the N64. In the case of the N64, Nintendo decided to hold on to a woefully obsolete format (cartridges). If Nintendo had decided to go the CD route, the games would have bee a lot better (CD's would have given developers far more room to put higher detailed graphics, computer rendered graphic cut scenes which were the big rage, CD sound, more content in general, etc.), cost less, and many more companies would still be heavily developing for them to this day. I'm pretty sure Nintendo would have a much bigger slice of the gaming market if it had gone the CD route for the N64.

As for the PS3, the problem is they are trying to jump onto a technology bandwagon way too early resulting in developmental problems and high costs. IMHO, the use of either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD for a video game console should be held off for at least a year. The technology is too new. It's like if the PS2 was introduced in 1998 or 1999... Sony would have ran into higher costs and development issues if they had introduced such a system that soon.

Edited by Apollo Leader
Posted (edited)
  Black Valkyrie said:
I hate to say this but if things don`t go well with the PS3, it might be the next N64.


Except the N64 was highly profitable.

If Sony loses that much marketshare, they'll be posting massive losses.

They may anyways, if the PS3 launch is like the PS2 one was. At launch, and for some time afterwards, the PS2 was sold at a loss, subsidized by Sony's other divisions. Sony's other divisions aren't that profitable lately.

That's what people forget. Nintendo doesn't have near as much volume as the other companies, but at the end of the day they're posting the highest profits because their business model doesn't REQUIRE high volume to be profitable.

Nintendo systems post a profit from day 1. There's no red ink flowing at launch.

Nintendo also produces a signifigant amount of 1st-party software. That's a LOT more profitable (per unit) than the licensing fees Sony and MS are collecting from 3rd parties, and which form the bulk of their game division profits. Licensing fees for Nintendo are gravy, not meat.

Edited by JB0
Posted (edited)

Blu-Ray out on May 23rd.

With the movie players and first set of movies coming out in May, I think all signs point to fall or later for the PS3.

And it isn't just the PS3, but I just have a beef with all these new DVD formats hitting the scene already. I've been spending about 7 years building up my DVD collection and I have quite a few going back as far as 2000 I haven't even had the chance to watch yet! :p Now all of a sudden, I'm suppose to go out and rebuy my movies? I don't think so! :p With the exception of a PS3, I don't see getting any of these new players or discs for quite a few years.

As an aside, I just recently got my first writeable DVD player (a Sony model) that's suppose to be able to record to "all" writeable/rewritable DVD's (+ or -). I had a pack of Imation DVD-R's and everyone I tried, my player kept saying the discs were "dirty"... the next day I got a pack of Sony brand DVD-RW's and they seem to be working just fine! :p

Having all these many DVD formats out there is REALLY starting to become messy. :blink:

Edited by Apollo Leader
  Apollo Leader said:
Blu-Ray out on May 23rd.

With the movie players and first set of movies coming out in May, I think all signs point to fall or later for the PS3.

And it isn't just the PS3, but I just have a beef with all these new DVD formats hitting the scene already.  I've been spending about 7 years building up my DVD collection and I have quite a few going back as far as 2000 I haven't even had the chance to watch yet! :p  Now all of a sudden, I'm suppose to go out and rebuy my movies?  I don't think so! :p  With the exception of a PS3, I don't see getting any of these new players or discs for quite a few years.

As an aside, I just recently got my first writeable DVD player (a Sony model) that's suppose to be able to record to "all" writeable/rewritable DVD's (+ or -).  I had a pack of Imation DVD-R's and everyone I tried, my player kept saying the discs were "dirty"... the next day I got a pack of Sony brand DVD-RW's and they seem to be working just fine! :p

Having all these many DVD formats out there is REALLY starting to become messy. :blink:


You don't have to go out and re-buy anything. Your Blu-ray players (or HD DVD) will play DVD's fine. If you want to purchase an old movie in a high def format you can.

You don't have to go out and re-buy anything. Your Blu-ray players (or HD DVD) will play DVD's fine. If you want to purchase an old movie in a high def format you can.

...provided you have a free HDMI spot.

Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, I just don't give two turds anymore. I have a 52" widescreen TV that goes up to 1080i, and I have absolutely no intention of buying any HD disc player until the powers that be stop trying to screw consumers and understand that they're not bringing in the profits they want because they're shoveling out garbage like Bloodrayne or yet another remake of an Asian horror flick that people just aren't willing to pay for, not because people are making crappy analog transfers via component video.

  mikeszekely said:
You don't have to go out and re-buy anything. Your Blu-ray players (or HD DVD) will play DVD's fine. If you want to purchase an old movie in a high def format you can.

...provided you have a free HDMI spot.

Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, I just don't give two turds anymore. I have a 52" widescreen TV that goes up to 1080i, and I have absolutely no intention of buying any HD disc player until the powers that be stop trying to screw consumers and understand that they're not bringing in the profits they want because they're shoveling out garbage like Bloodrayne or yet another remake of an Asian horror flick that people just aren't willing to pay for, not because people are making crappy analog transfers via component video.


But you could get high-res copies of existing movies!

Like Star Wars Greedo-Shot-First-Again edition!

Seriously, I HAVE seen some places where the low resolution of DVD causes problems. Holding off until they pick a standard and get all the retardedness sorted out is a good idea, though.


You can vote with your money on the HD over analog issue...the AACS ICT flag is up to the studio. So studios that set the flag...no HD over analog...studios that don't...you use component to your heart's content. The discs will be labled as such as well.

Actually, both sides wanted to allow HD over analog but, AACS instead left it up to the studio. As of the ending of Feb, it can be taken that Fox and Disney are against setting the flag...Warner Bros is leaning towards making Component owners pissed off, and no one is sure about everyone else. Will be interesting.

  Gaijin said:
You can vote with your money on the HD over analog issue...the AACS ICT flag is up to the studio.  So studios that set the flag...no HD over analog...studios that don't...you use component to your heart's content.  The discs will be labled as such as well.

Like Macrovision on DVD, only with a label.


Some good news: Sony pictures will not set the ICT flag on their Blu Ray releases at least not until 2010. So component over analog from them official. Fox and Disney expected to be the same. Paramount no comment, Warner the same.


Actually there is gonna be problems because of the copyright protection and fair use laws. So I'd not only wait till the price dropped, but also to see if it's even gonna be legal in the US.

Besides their releases are ass! :p

BTW Gaijin, if they don't start setting their flags 'now' they maybe violating not only the DMA, but also retroactivatly the rule of change overs by 2013.

  chrono said:
Actually there is gonna be problems because of the copyright protection and fair use laws. So I'd not only wait till the price dropped, but also to see if it's even gonna be legal in the US.

Besides their releases are ass!  :p

BTW Gaijin, if they don't start setting their flags 'now' they maybe violating not only the DMA, but also retroactivatly the rule of change overs by 2013.


Ummm... not setting a copyprotect flag on your movie isn't any sort of legal issue. The DMCA doesn't say a copyright holder HAS to use copy protection. Just that if it exists, the end user can't bypass it.

Which conflicts with fair use, so it's debatable which is valid. It'll depend on the judge you get more than anything else.


Right the DMCA doesn't say it. It only states that the makers of the players have to have the copyright protection built in. And their isn't any distrubtion that won't be putting a flag on their materials because then they would be vulernable to law suits. Besides it would be bad business(in their minds) not to protect their materials. Typical HL really.

  chrono said:
Right the DMCA doesn't say it. It only states that the makers of the players have to have the copyright protection built in.

No, it doesn't. The BluRay Disc Association says that. Or the DVD Forum in the case of DVD and HD-DVD.

And it's not copyright protection, it's copy protection.

And their isn't any distrubtion that won't be putting a flag on their materials because then they would be vulernable to law suits.

WTF? How would a company not putting copy protection on their own material open them to lawsuits?

Besides it would be bad business(in their minds) not to protect their materials.

Actually, most companies don't use copy-protection.

The number of DVDs that turn Macrovision on is minimal.

  chrono said:
Actually there is gonna be problems because of the copyright protection and fair use laws. So I'd not only wait till the price dropped, but also to see if it's even gonna be legal in the US.

Besides their releases are ass!  :p

BTW Gaijin, if they don't start setting their flags 'now' they maybe violating not only the DMA, but also retroactivatly the rule of change overs by 2013.


I think you mis-understand what the ICT flags in AACS will be. JBO summed it up fairly well.


Finally found the premium 360 at retail with no markups/bundles/signup required so went and took the plunge. Looks fabulous on my 60" SXRD. I'll be waiting for some truly worthy games that stretch the envelope, but so far, so good.

I'll most likely get the PS3 as well, but so far so good. Anyone know how quick the wireless controllers eat through batteries?

Anyone know how quick the wireless controllers eat through batteries?

Too quick. Invest in that play and charge dealie.


I went old school "wired..."

By the way, I just got back from an evening of 4-player madness with Mario Tennis, Super Smash, Mario Party and some other multi-player stuff. I don't think I've had that much fun with a video game system in a long time. I still love you Nintendo... ;)

  mikeszekely said:
Anyone know how quick the wireless controllers eat through batteries?

Too quick. Invest in that play and charge dealie.


Done and done. Got it charging right now.

Toshiba Out First with High-Definition DVDs

On the same day that Toshiba unveiled a new laptop computer capable of playing HD DVD (high definition) movies, rival Sony announced that it has been forced to delay its own roll-out of the competing Blu-ray high definition gear. Blu-ray was to have been given a big push with Sony's PlayStation PS3 model, capable not only of playing high-definition video games but high-definition movies as well. Sony blamed a delay in the shipment of chips needed for the PS3. The Toshiba Qosmio G30 laptop introduced Tuesday, which can display HDTV either on its own monitor or on a home-theater system, is due to be introduced next month.



I'm not worried about the 360's 1 year head start, and neither is Sony. Most people have had a gander at the expected line-up for the '360 this year and I actually fell asleep while reading about the games. Besides, in the end blind fanatacism will keep more than enough people ready to spend for the PS and make it a grand thing...

  myk said:
Besides, in the end blind fanatacism will keep more than enough people ready to spend for the PS and make it a grand thing...


Nintendo once said the same thing. So did Atari.

Posted (edited)

I figured it was generally agreed that if fanboy-ism exists it does so with the PS camp. Because of the 360's lackluster lineup and future releases, most of the grumbling leads me to believe that people are anxious to see what Sony can do. With my 360 already sitting behind my Gamecube (doh!), I'm definitely looking forward to the 'PS also.

The bottom line is that MS's headstart doesn't mean anything...

Edited by myk
  myk said:
I figured it was generally agreed that if fanboy-ism exists it does so with the PS camp.  Because of the 360's lackluster lineup and future releases, most of the grumbling leads me to believe that people are anxious to see what Sony can do.  With my 360 already sitting behind my Gamecube (doh!), I'm definitely looking forward to the 'PS also. 

The bottom line is that MS's headstart doesn't mean anything...


I'm just saying, Sony needs to get their rears in gear.

I've been seeing the same mistakes coming from them lately that everyone else made before they fell from grace.

  myk said:
I'm not worried about the 360's 1 year head start, and neither is Sony.  Most people have had a gander at the expected line-up for the '360 this year and I actually fell asleep while reading about the games.  Besides, in the end blind fanatacism will keep more than enough people ready to spend for the PS and make it a grand thing...


Yeah myk's got a point. The same thing happened with the DC, which by the way even though it died a premature death was an awesome system with some great games. They had a one year head start on Sony's PS2, but they just couldn't maintain their lead after word got out about what Sony was offering and even more so when the PS2 actually hit.

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