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Which one are you going to get?  

262 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one are you going to get?

    • xBOX360
    • Nintendo Revulotion
    • PS3
    • None
    • More than one
    • Can't think about games, Agent ONE is just so sexy, its distracting

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  Jolly Rogers said:
  mikeszekely said:
While DVDs might not be hi-def, and therefore still not of the highest video quality, DVDs still has the EDTV thing going for it, plus a DVD should last longer than my lifetime.  I don't see a pressing need to replace my DVDs, and I DO have an HDTV.  Considering that people with HDTVs are a minority, I just see there being a ton of market interest in Blu-Ray OR HD DVD... yet.

Key word being 'should'. While the manufacturers sing praise of the lasting quality of these optical discs, I already have some CDs in my collection displaying syndromes of laser rot within 10 years of purchase. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing in my DVD collection within a few years. All the low prices on DVDs gotta have something to do with relaxed QA standards, in fact I've noticed a rising frequency in bum discs I got as new releases.


While CD's and DVD's look similar they are in fact manufactured quite differently. CD's have the aluminum media layer placed on top of the CD blank. The DVD is actually sandwiched and sealed in between two blanks. This offers a lot more protection and a much longer life.

  Loner said:
I've yet to see anyone in the BD group comment on the fact that two Chinese DVD manufacturing firms have thrown their support for HD-DVD.


One of the other lesser known reasons the film manufacturers are looking to BluRay is because of the cheap replication of HD DVD...since they want piracy of DVD's to stop, this would put a huge dent in China's pirate DVD's...since it would take new equipment for BD. After weighing costs, and finding BluRay not as expensive as thought to be...it's a win win for the companies.


MGREXX, did it occur to you to actually read the articles you cited? Because, if you had, you'd notice that neither article supports the notion of Blu-Ray superiority. Both stress the same two points we've been hearing for months: Blu-Ray discs hold more, HD DVD is a lot cheaper. Except that the Blu-Ray camp is saying that their discs really aren't all that expensive, and the HD DVD camp is saying that 50GB dual layer BD-ROMS do not exists, so HD DVD actually leads by 5GB. And frankly, none of it is enough to make an educated opinion about which format would actually be preferable.

Educated opinions, though, are not your specialty. Sony's opinions are, and they're for Blu-Ray. We get that.

I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor.

Stand alone players have always debuted at prices that would have been the kiss of death for any videogame console. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Sony is jumping the gun by going with Blu-Ray for the PS3. They're using unproven tech that's going to make the Disc Read Error syndrome of the PS2 seem like a minor inconvenience. I'm also willing to bet that Sony pulls support for Blu-Ray movie playback (if they ever announced it in the first place... I only remember them saying that PS3 games would use Blu-Ray and that the PS3 would play regular DVD movies).

HD-DVD and BD aren't really "The Future" technology. HVD is the real future of disc storage.

HVD for the win.

  Gaijin said:
  JB0 said:
  Gaijin said:

They'll go where they can make money...HD DVD stand alone players will not penetrate the market as quickly as Blu Ray ones will, largely because of the PS3...whether people want it or not.

Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households."

And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch.


I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor.


DVD did.

And with the way Sony's been talking lately, it's hard to say.

XBox360 is already launching at an exhorbitant 400$(I don't consider the "core" system an option, and neitehr should you).


Sigh...Despite what happened many moons ago, with the PS2's lack of must-have titles at launch, I went ahead and preordered a '360. I blame it on the DOA4 preview with all of those bouncing....

Anyway, I chose the Core system as I don't hold much of a value for the full system pack's online gadgetry, wireless controller or DVD remote. Should I have chosen the full package for the hard drive? What else am I going to miss out on?

  JB0 said:
  Gaijin said:
  JB0 said:
  Gaijin said:

They'll go where they can make money...HD DVD stand alone players will not penetrate the market as quickly as Blu Ray ones will, largely because of the PS3...whether people want it or not.

Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households."

And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch.


I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor.


DVD did.

And with the way Sony's been talking lately, it's hard to say.

XBox360 is already launching at an exhorbitant 400$(I don't consider the "core" system an option, and neitehr should you).


DVD didn't take off until the price hit mainstream. And as was pointed out, neither HD disc will be as open to adoption by people since most people still have SD tube TV's...thus, the trojan horse.

I don't consider the 360 retard pack as anything other than allowing MS to say they launched at $299.

  mikeszekely said:
HD-DVD and BD aren't really "The Future" technology. HVD is the real future of disc storage.

HVD for the win.


The best possible outcome would be for both HD and BR come out and cause the same situation that is going on between SACD and DVD-Audio. Then HVD swoops in steals all the glory and stomps both Sony and Toshiba in the face.

  Gaijin said:
I don't consider the 360 retard pack as anything other than allowing MS to say they launched at $299.

I view it as Price Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back.

Sony's announced as "not for households" so MS announces 400, but knowing that's too high, they also announce a 300 deal. The fact that it's a complete ripoff flies right over the heads of "Average Joe" and "Mom 'n' Pop."

Sony has to AT LEAST match 300 in some fashion now. 350 if we factor in that the PS name can sell less for more. At 400, you'll see a lot of defection from Sony to MS BarginBin Deluxe Package by the ignorant masses.

  Loner said:
  mikeszekely said:
HD-DVD and BD aren't really "The Future" technology. HVD is the real future of disc storage.

HVD for the win.


The best possible outcome would be for both HD and BR come out and cause the same situation that is going on between SACD and DVD-Audio. Then HVD swoops in steals all the glory and stomps both Sony and Toshiba in the face.


Not gonna happen...but it's a nice dream.

  JB0 said:
  Gaijin said:
I don't consider the 360 retard pack as anything other than allowing MS to say they launched at $299.

I view it as Price Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back.

Sony has to AT LEAST match 300 in some fashion now. 350 if we factor in that the PS name can sell less for more. At 400, you'll see a lot of defection from Sony to MS BarginBin Deluxe Package by the ignorant masses.


Agree with that.


I think that I might wait and see what Sony brings to the table before I jump into the Next Gen consoles...besides, I have a PSP that I see is getting more and more interesting games coming out all the time.....Also, I want to see what Nintendo does with its system.


Posted (edited)

Here is my take on the whole PS3 vs XBOX360 next gen wars:

1. Microsoft launches on November 21st with the 360 for $299.00 and $399.00

2. Sony comes in out of the blue in early November and states that the PS3 will launch in spring 2006 with a single sku "deluxe" package for $299.00 causing 360 sales to go down on launch day.

3. Microsoft lights a fire under Bungies a$$ and tells them to finish HALO 3 before the PS3 launches in spring 2006.

4. SONY releases another statement around the middle of December 2006 officially announcing the PS3's launch date of March 21st 2006, which is the start of spring. This causes the 360 to have a bad Christmas and destroys Bungies chances of releasing HALO 3 in time to affect the PS3's launch date.

Think I am crazy?? Just watch.

p.s. Summer 2007, Microsoft officially cans the 360, get's out of the Hardware business and goes back to releasing crappy Windows operating systems. :lol::p

Edited by MGREXX
  MGREXX said:
Here is my take on the whole PS3 vs XBOX360 next gen wars:

1.  Microsoft launches on November 21st with the 360 for $299.00 and $399.00

2.  Sony comes in out of the blue in early November and states that the PS3 will launch in spring 2006 with a single sku "deluxe" package for $299.00 causing 360 sales to go down on launch day.

3.  Microsoft lights a fire under Bungies a$$ and tells them to finish HALO 3 before the PS3 launches in spring 2006.

4.  SONY releases another statement around the middle of December 2006 officially announcing the PS3's launch date of March 21st 2006, which is the start of spring.  This causes the 360 to have a bad Christmas and destroys Bungies chances of releasing HALO 3 in time to affect the PS3's launch date.

Think I am crazy??  Just watch.

p.s.  Summer 2007, Microsoft officially cans the 360, get's out of the Hardware business and goes back to releasing crappy Windows operating systems. :lol:  :p


Wow..only time will tell now. So what happens if the opposite happens? MS still continues support for the xbox way beyond 2007 and then release Z-box later?


The fact is, Microsoft is in this for the long haul. They will continue to support the XBox and pump money to it's advancement until they're #1. Given that they had the best system of the current generation, it's only a matter of time until all the money adds up and they take Sony's position as top dog.

Then we can complain about them releasing shitty products and ruining the game industry, just like Sony does nowadays.

Posted (edited)
  yellowlightman said:
The fact is, Microsoft is in this for the long haul. They will continue to support the XBox and pump money to it's advancement until they're #1. Given that they had the best system of the current generation, it's only a matter of time until all the money adds up and they take Sony's position as top dog.

Then we can complain about them releasing shitty products and ruining the game industry, just like Sony does nowadays.


It's not quite that easy or simple.

Sure MS can continue to loose money on the gaming sector because lord knows that Bill has DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP pockets but even the most stubborn person knows when enough is enough and just gives up...and Bill has given up on quite a few markets he tried to dominate. :D

As for the Xbox console being the most powerful? Sure, that is unmistakable BUT Sony had the games and THAT is what really matters. Unless the Xbox360 gets some more killer app games instead of relying on HALO and a few other other titles, it has no hopes of ever beating SONY.....and from what I hear, Sony's PS3 will be more powerful than the 360.


Most advanced machine + killer app games = next gen domination.

Another thing is the Japanese market. MS needs to penetrate that territory and pop their cherry because that's a KEY battlefield. Just look at the Dreamcast. It sold VERY well here but did poorly in Japan. What happened? nuff said.

Edited by MGREXX
Posted (edited)

I fear that Nintendo will always remain the red-headed step child of video game consoles until they really want to compete with the big boys. They even said it themselves "we are not competing with MS or SONY". Wimps!!!!!

They will keep making awsome 1st party titles and 3rd party developers will continue to shun them......unless they can figure out that freaky dicky controller which does have potential to be revolutionary......maybe.

Edited by MGREXX

MGREXX, the only problem with this is that your suipposition flies in the face of everything we know and have heard. My guess is that Sony is struggling with a way to get the PS3 out at $399 to meet the 360. Most people are fully aware that the $299 360 package is a joke, and I doubt Sony considers it a serious threat either. But they need to meet that $399 price tag to avoid being the most expensive console on the block, and well out of the range gamers are willing to pay for a console. If they can meet that $399 price tag, and launch with a killer lineup, they should have no problem retaining control of the market due to brand recognition.

If they do launch at more than $399, or worse yet at the $499+ some people expect, they will be at a disadvantage in both price, and being a late comer to the next generation party.

The Xbox seems to have more Japanese 3rd party support this time around, their graphics might not be as impressive as those MGS4 videos, but they're no slouch either. If they're launching in November, and it comes to light that they will be the cheaper of the two major consoles, well developers will want to take advantage of that.

As for not counting Nintendo out, I suspect they'll at the very least manage to find themselves in the same position this coming generation as this current generation. Third place in sales figures, but showing healthy profits with a stellar, albiet smaller, library of first and second party titles with a few exclusives, but overall weak third party support. Price works in Nintendo's favourite, as few will be able to afford both a PS3 and a 360, so some might turn to the Revolution as a cheap alternative offering some unique gameplay.

I'll probably grab a Revolution first as I do so little gaming at home that a larger library isn't very important to me. Of course I want to wait and see if that interesting controller works as well as advertised.

  F360° said:
check out the new drive..  BD :)


most likey a cd/dvd drive with BD markings or just an empty shell.


Nintendo consider them Newtype with the NR and Fony oops I mean Sony PS3 and MS Xbox360 Oldtypes. PS3 or not it`ll have the same QC issues like PSOne and PS2 before. Now who would wants to buy a PS console every year or two.

If MS wanna grain ground in Japan they should call it the Mazinger-Box360 :lol:

  myk said:
Sigh...Despite what happened many moons ago, with the PS2's lack of must-have titles at launch, I went ahead and preordered a '360.  I blame it on the DOA4 preview with all of those bouncing....

Anyway, I chose the Core system as I don't hold much of a value for the full system pack's online gadgetry, wireless controller or DVD remote.  Should I have chosen the full package for the hard drive?  What else am I going to miss out on?


The hard drive makes the full package. You may not think you need a wireless controller or the Live stuff, but you still need to save your games. Memory cards are $40. Not to mention that the hard drive is required for any sort of backwards compatibility. You can always buy a seperate hard drive later... for $100. So, the full package is actually like upgrading to wireless controller and what not for free.

Posted (edited)
  MGREXX said:
Here is my take on the whole PS3 vs XBOX360 next gen wars:

1.  Microsoft launches on November 21st with the 360 for $299.00 and $399.00

2.  Sony comes in out of the blue in early November and states that the PS3 will launch in spring 2006 with a single sku "deluxe" package for $299.00 causing 360 sales to go down on launch day.

3.  Microsoft lights a fire under Bungies a$$ and tells them to finish HALO 3 before the PS3 launches in spring 2006.

4.  SONY releases another statement around the middle of December 2006 officially announcing the PS3's launch date of March 21st 2006, which is the start of spring.  This causes the 360 to have a bad Christmas and destroys Bungies chances of releasing HALO 3 in time to affect the PS3's launch date.

Think I am crazy??  Just watch.

p.s.  Summer 2007, Microsoft officially cans the 360, get's out of the Hardware business and goes back to releasing crappy Windows operating systems. :lol:  :p


And you wonder why people think you're a deluded fanboy?

1.) True, except that it's actually the 22nd. You're a day early.

2.) NEVER going to happen. I'd suggest you read up on the PS3 announcements, but it seems not matter what you read all you get is "SONY RULZ!" Kutaragi has said, "I want people to think, 'I'll work extra hours to buy it' and 'Not for households' on the matter of PS3 price. At Gamestop, we're hearing $500-$700. And industry analysts are predicting that Sony will bite the bullet, suck in the losses, and eke it out for $400. Which, of course, will in no way affect the 360's launch.

3.) Robbie Bach has stated recently and publicly that Halo 3 will ship when it's ready. Microsoft isn't stupid, and they know better than to rush Halo 3.

4. The PS3 is expected to have a staggered lauch, sometime in Q2 (April to June) in Japan, and Holiday 06 in the US. Even if they did announce a March release for US in mid December it wouldn't affect the Xbox 360 launch for two very important reasons. 1.) Mid December is AFTER the 11-22 launch, so the preorders (of which my store alone has 200... which is a lot for a redneck town with two Gamestops). 2.) March of '06 is still AFTER the Holiday, and little Timmy isn't going to be happy with naught but a preorder slip under the Christmas tree.

So, no, I don't think you're crazy. Just stupid.

PS~ Industry analysts REALLY disagree with your predictions (and they're much more qualified to make such predicitions). They're predicting that the Xbox 360 will lead the next gen until 2008.

Most advanced machine + killer app games = next gen domination.

What killer aps? At least the Xbox 360 has Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, and Gears of War. All Sony's got is a few movies not indicitave of actual games, and a very old Solid Snake.

Edited by mikeszekely

Say what you may, it is you (a secret Xbox fanboy) who is in fact, the stupid one.

1. It's the 21st, not the 22nd, you idiot. If you want to get technical, it's actually the 20th. Now, get with the program!!!!

Don't believe me? See here and get your a$$ schooled:

Start of spring

2. kutaragi can say all he wants. That don't mean a damn thing and rep's usually tend to "lie" here and there to throw off the competition. It's a common business strategy.

3. Microsoft has a lot of pressure when the PS3 launches, so many analysts have in fact stated that a Halo 3 launch would make perfect sense to try and side track the PS3's launch because Ms knows they will need all of the help they can get.

4. Sony has not officially said when it's launching, so your statement is just here say. They have only given hints like "spring 06" or next year...and those are tentative.

5. That's why they will have an announcement in early November, which would make consumers stop and think about it...and even cancel pre-orders. Then in mid-December, when people are getting ready to shop for Christmas, the hammer would fall. Can you say "returns". As for little Timmy, he will not be sad because he is willing to wait for a late christmas present because he is getting a next gen PS3 and not an Xbox 1.5.....i mean Xbox 360. :rolleyes::lol:

I hope that this enlightens you, oh $tupid one.

As for the analysts, they can sau what ever they want because they are just guessing as well. Sure, they are educated and "in the know" guesses, yet they are still guessing at best....abd when have they ever been 100% right? Thank you.

Perfect dark what??.........

Kameo???? :lol:

Gears of war is the only killer app I see.

As for PS3, don't even go there because the number of killer app that is coming is too numerous to count and you can't deny that. Btw, stop calling them movies because you know that the actual gameplay will be pretty damn close to that, which, if it turns out to be 50% of that, will still look better than the 360. ;) As for snake, he may look old but the game is off the hook!!!!!....and you know that Kojimason is always throwing us off, so a young snake might still be in there. Regardless, I would rather have an old jeriatrics snake than a young snake on the Xbox who can't even handle the rain. :lol::lol::lol:


still waiting for the revolution, too much bad qc from the "big boys" for me the waste the cash on them first, plus the idea of fishing on a home system has me very interested and i hate fishing. mgs4 will be hohum, wait and see. xbox360 will not be all supreme- neither will the ps3, they'll tie up eventually.

i'd really like nintendo to snipe sony by releasing first-that would make my day :D:D:D

plus the new wifi attachment for the ds has me thinking nintendo is still where i'm going to funnel my meager paycheck. and for game titles the revolution will have ALL THE nintendo games from the last 2 decades....top that, no really top it.



teehee the first nintendo game that has a starwars title for the revolution...lightsaber duels...fanboys with toss their nachos upon the 3 sec preview clip and desperatly preorder the hell out of it

it'll sell 20 million copies in a week and make the revolution a household must have, and leave all the xbox360 and ps3 fanboys speechless and with out a comeback.EVER.

deadly serious

imagine bushido blade, house of the dead, timecrisis, any arcade shooter for the revolution...all this could be because you can't mistake the rev controller for a gun....

muhhahaah!!!! :lol::lol:

seriously the revolution scares the crap out of die hard fanboys

  MGREXX said:
Think I am crazy?? 

We think that REGARDLESS of what you're arguing.

Largely because you always argue it with blind fanboyism and completely fabricated "facts."

  Black Valkyrie said:
If MS wanna grain ground in Japan they should call it the Mazinger-Box360  :lol:


They've already got Bandai signed on for a Super Robot Wars game.


I think the revolution and Xbox 360 will be pretty neat. The revolution controller trailer was AWESOME...very ingenuitive. And for those who have not heard yet, there is a adapter or something where you plug the revolution controller into it, and it functions AND looks like a traditional hand controller. So don't dismiss nintendo just yet.

PS3 I worry about screwing up the most. The only thing I really look forward to on that is Ace Combat 6 which Namco is giving out surveys about and is saying will be online, but nonetheless even some of the stuff they say in their survey seems to farfetched and stretching the game too thin. Who knows. There will be growing pains with the first games of the next gen systems but nonetheless I remain cautious and excited. The price estimates were dissapointing for PS3. That and I do not trust Sony's quality ever since my first PS2 got a DRE. And no don't tell me and assure me that PS3's WILL be problem free. The damn thing ain't even out yet and since it is Sony we can expect problems to happen. For any company even but that DRE really pissed me off so yea understandably I am not welcoming sony's new stuff with open arms.

Now xbox 360...when I heard a KOTOR III potentially being made for it...WOw. World Air Force seems AWESOME and the recently released trailer confirms that you can fly MIG-29s, the SU-27, AND the almighty F-14. Being that the 360 is pretty powerful, I am truly excited for this game and do not expect nothing but greatness from it.(its like an evolved aerodancing but with realistic flight AND avionics UNIQUE per plane!*lfor example, each plane has different radar functions, different radar displays AND HUDS!!!*). Now this single notion alone.....that you will be able to have a decent realistic survey sim with the F-14 and its radar system and all...is exciting in itself!(and ace combat is TOTALLY different so don't even compare it).

I mean sure I love ace combat but I also love realistic sims....an frankly last time I heard, world air force was for xbox360 and not ps3. And I don't think it will go to PS3. And I could care less anyways.

Posted (edited)
Say what you may, it is you (a secret Xbox fanboy) who is in fact, the stupid one.

Maybe we have different definitions of fanboy? You seem to think that anyone who enjoys anything besides the PlayStation brand is a fanboy for that non-PlayStation console. Fact is, I've played games on more consoles that you can probably remember. The last console game I enjoyed was Genji for PS2, before moving on to the new Castlevania for the DS. There are probably few gamers with LESS bias than me. But you know what? Yeah, I'm getting (and looking forward to) the Xbox 360. It's already got games that I want, and with it's added Japanese support, will likely have many more games I'll want to play in the future. I'm also interested in the Nintendo Revolution. Yes, the controller is certainly unusual, but I'm curious to see what they do with it. Not to mention that Nintendo has solid first party games, and will likely be cheap enough to justify as a second system. And no, I'm really not interested in the PS3 yet. They've announced nothing to grab my attention, and given me nothing to go on but hype and hints of a hefty price tag. Until they announce a price, date, better games, or do something to show that the PS3 will live up to the hype, I will remain uninterested.

1. It's the 21st, not the 22nd, you idiot. If you want to get technical, it's actually the 20th. Now, get with the program!!!!

Don't believe me? See here and get your a$$ schooled:

Start of spring

We're not talking about when the first of spring is. We're talking about the Xbox 360's launch date, which is November 22nd. Not the 21st, as you claimed.

2. kutaragi can say all he wants. That don't mean a damn thing and rep's usually tend to "lie" here and there to throw off the competition. It's a common business strategy.

You know another common business strategy? Hyping your product so people will believe it's better than it really is.

In any case, the PS3 will not debut for anything less than $400.

Microsoft has a lot of pressure when the PS3 launches, so many analysts have in fact stated that a Halo 3 launch would make perfect sense to try and side track the PS3's launch because Ms knows they will need all of the help they can get.

The competiton between Sony and Microsoft will certainly be fierce. Microsoft is going to get a good head start, and industry people have suggested that an Xbox 360 price drop will help to deflate Sony's launch. They didn't start the Halo 3 thing, though. It began as a rumor floating around on the net. Gates gave it some credence when he talked about it last spring. And the analysts have agreed that would certainly help Microsoft maintain the lead they're predicting. But again, Bach just said three days ago that Halo 3 will be ready when it's ready. They're not as stupid as you are. They're not going to rush their star franchise out the door. Will it be ready in March/April? Probably not. Holiday 06? Probably. (Actually, the current rumor has Halo 3 releasing in early June).

4. Sony has not officially said when it's launching, so your statement is just here say. They have only given hints like "spring 06" or next year...and those are tentative.

Our annual Store Managers Conference, when our companies like Sony meet with us to tell us what they have in store for us to sell in the coming year, is pretty good for heresay. But remember that Sony has yet to successfully launch any of the PlayStation family simulatneously worldwide. They've given no indication that they are planning a simultaneous worldwide launch for the PS3. When they did try to do a simultaneous worldwide launch for the PSP, they were shooting for America's holiday season. They ultimately changed their plans to give American developers more time to work on launch games. When Kutaragi says spring (and he didn't say the first of spring, I might add... more recent comments have indicated Q2, which is April to June, and the summer solstice isn't until the 21st of June), everyone but you seems to get that's probably for Japan, with a holiday 06 launch in the States. The American holiday season is more important than you think.

That's why they will have an announcement in early November, which would make consumers stop and think about it...and even cancel pre-orders. Then in mid-December, when people are getting ready to shop for Christmas, the hammer would fall. Can you say "returns". As for little Timmy, he will not be sad because he is willing to wait for a late christmas present because he is getting a next gen PS3 and not an Xbox 1.5.....i mean Xbox 360.

Take it from someone who's been in retail for ages... unless Sony suprises everyone by announcing a $300 PS3 in time for holiday 05, they can announce whatever they want without causing a string of canceled preorders or returned Xbox 360s. Customers want what's here now, especially during the holidays. Sony could announce a $100 PS3 in February, and we will still be sold out of Xbox 360s until after the holidays. Even the Dreamcast, which Sony went on to devastate, had a solid first holiday. And Sony will be fighting a much tougher battle with Microsoft.

Trust me, little Timmy will be pissed as hell if he has to wait for any presents. Kids hate to wait the most.

As for the analysts, they can sau what ever they want because they are just guessing as well. Sure, they are educated and "in the know" guesses, yet they are still guessing at best....abd when have they ever been 100% right? Thank you.

I seem to recall them predicting a $400 price tag for the Xbox 360...

But that's not my point. As you've noticed, their guesses are educated... that is to say, better than your guesses. They get paid, and quite well, to research consumer spending, consumer reaction, industry trends, and all sorts of other variables, to make predicitions for investors to go on, so they really can't say whatever they want, since a lot of money rides on what they say. All you have is your rampant "SONY RULZ" fanboyism driving your guesses.

And when have we known you to be even 10% right?

Perfect dark what??.........


Both games were criticized for not looking much better than current gen Xbox games at E3. We were reminded that they were running on alpha dev kits at 25%. Several media outlets have since then got to play more recent builts running on the beta hardware. The previews have been glowingly positive for both games, with comments like "Zero is looking more and more like a proper next-generation title," (EGM) and the like.

As for PS3, don't even go there because the number of killer app that is coming is too numerous to count and you can't deny that.

Actually, I can and will deny that the PS3's killer aps are too numerous to count. You just have a hard time counting. But there is just one killer ap for the PS3 so far, and that's MGS4. Two if you count Resident Evil 5, but remember that RE5 is also coming out on the Xbox 360. All that's left are prerendered movies (not even created with actual PS3 hardware) for generic sequels to generic franchises. Killzone 2? Hope it's less mediocre than the first one. Gran Turismo 5? A prettier version of the same damn game we've already played four times... I'd be more interested in Forza 2. Although, if it's delayed as much as the previous GTs were, the PS3 might actually be affordable by the time GT5 comes out. Tekken 6? I wasn't willing to shell out $50 for the last two Tekkens, let alone $60 for Tekken 6 AND $400+ for a console. Devil May Cry 4? If it's more like DMC3 and less like DMC2, we're getting warmer, but still not enough to buy a console over. SOCOM 4? I could maybe see it moving some consoles, although I'm personally not interested. The new features in Xbox Live (most of which will be free) will likely have a lot of people playing Perfect Dark Zero, Halo 3 (which should be out by then), or Gears of War on Live instead, unless Sony comes up with a centralized online service that's up to snuff.

Btw, stop calling them movies because you know that the actual gameplay will be pretty damn close to that, which, if it turns out to be 50% of that, will still look better than the 360.

I shouldn't call a movie a movie? What the hell should I call it then? Well, I know one thing myself and anyone else who remembers the jaggies in DOA2 Hardcore that weren't in the Dreamcast version could call them: hype. And we're not buying it, either. Sony can show all the prerendered movies they want, and I have no reason to believe that the actual gameplay will look anywhere near it. And as far as PS3 games looking better than Xbox 360 games, another quote from EGM:

"If you're waiting to see if first-generation PlayStation 3 titles pack more dazzle, don't, say developers. We're told to expect a similar level of quality from PS3 launch titles."

Some other quotes to keep you happy:

"There were 10 million PlayStations 2s before we launched the original Xbox. We couldn't catch up. It's kinda like having a 30-point lead in the third quarter."

-J Allard. FYI, Microsoft hopes to move 10 million Xbox 360's before the PS3 launches.

"This is a clash of the titans, but I give the nod to Microsoft, who has billions in cash in the bank and a very focused strategy. Sony, in general, is a mess right now. They're climbing out of a hole and they need the PS3 to save their ass."

-annonymous industry analyst. Come to think of it, Sony has been doing a lot of restructuring and laying off lately. And they are putting a lot of emphasis on the PS3...

"360 great, PS3- pain in my ass."

-Id Software CEO Todd Hollenshed, paraphrasing legendary programmer John Carmack's initial impression of developing software the the next-gen systems.

"Recently, Koei CEO Keiko Erikawa commented that her company would consider shifting to another platform if PS3 development proves too expensive."

-recent Gamespot article about the PS3 price.

Edited by mikeszekely
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