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Anyone else have this problem?

Sometimes, I buy doubles, but not for me or the need to keep one MIB. More like, so that I can give one to the boy when he's old enough to appreciate it. He definitely wants them now, but they'd want a toothpick if displayed it on your shelf or desk, right? Kind of a fantasy that he will adore the same things you adored when grows up.

Then again, maybe he won;t in which case, i'd have two!

At any rate.. soo tempted to get 2 of the CF 1/48's cuz I know that if he ever ended up loving the yammies like I do, I'd want him to have one, and by that time, he won't be able to get it or it will cost an arm and a leg to get one... and he's not gonna have mine....


On the other hand, by that time, they may have a better one out... NAHHH!


I know what you mean Datter. But I have to be careful of Capt. Destructo, my kid, here. Even when not trying to break something he does it.

I have considered getting the Banbi's 1/55 for him as a starter to see how that works, then at the same time I am making my buys for Yammies I was gonna try my best to make a grab for 2 at a time, and hide them from him.

yesterday I came into my office, where I keep my MP's and he was touching one. hehehe, I made sure he had ample warning to lay hands off and when he wouldnt leave it alone I got him with the paintball pistol I have by the door.

Im a bad father. ;)


its not coming out til august(yeah right!) so you got plenty of time to save up for 2....maybe even 3. :p

i don't have kids but i don't think i'd let them play with my 1/48's until they get older and have more self control. if the kid is psyched on valks, he'll most likely swoosh it around until he crashes into the floor or even worse drops it down the stairs.


I got my kids the bandai 1/55 cf each. Also got them the 1/48 roy and will get them the 1/48 vf1j gbp set too. I love planes and they stare at my display case whenever they pass by it. Just trying to influence their lives. Who knows maybe they will be pilots, commercial or military, or even toy makers/inventors :rolleyes::p:D:lol: .


I'm not a dad yet...but Legos are a good option.

Keep the valkyries away from them until they're older and can appreciate their values.

That's just me...$127-$145 bones is a lot of money for inexperienced hands. Just throw that stuff in their savings account.

Then again, if you guys have plenty, anyone willing to sell one of their low viz 1/48?

Hee hee. :D


Don't kid youself Dat, you know that you, like everyone else here, want a huge air-wing of CFs to whiz aorund your room and blow up and make shooiting noises with :D I know I do!


I'm not sure that is a good idea. I remember my Dad saved some old diecast cars for my brother and I. We didn't value them at all since they were just given to us and we smashed them up. We smashed up all our toys, really. That's what boys do.

I would hate to give my boys some nice valkyries and watch them throw them into walls and such. I might give my two boys, or my girl, part of my collection someday but it won't be anything nice - like Toynami super poseables or some Gundam stuff. If they are careful with that stuff, I might let them play with some Bandai's. I wish I bought a few extra 1/55's when they were so cheap for such an occasion.


I've already bought valks for my 2 year old boy, 4 BANDAI 1/55's, a Toynami Masterpiece ROY (don't ask why!), a couple of YAMATO 1/60's and a set of 1/48 Re-ish VF-1S with FP's. I'm plan on giving him all of these in about 5 years, except for the 1/48 which I'm gonna wait until he's a little bit older. I'm doing this so that I can see him develop a real appreciation for the finer things that is MACROSS (hence, the 1/48!). I'm giving 'im the 1/55's first, 'coz I gotta let him have some fun too, and just like you guys said, those little bastards are tough and can withstand abuse from a child. I'm probably gonna get him his own 1/48 CF, but I might also wait on having to give him that :) . I just hope the YAMATO does come out with the 1/48 CF :D .

  promethuem5 said:
Don't kid youself Dat, you know that you, like everyone else here, want a huge air-wing of CFs to whiz aorund your room and blow up and make shooiting noises with :D I know I do!


No, for me, they are for display, I NEVER fly them around like a kid. Tell ya what though...

He's broken:

Masterpiece Optimus's Stack

Masterpiece Optimus Head: Lost for 2 weeks

Leg on a Rohby Recast

Tail on a Yamato 1/60

Cockpit on a Hik VF-1A 1/48

Killed 2 Banprestos (I Let em, they suck)

Broke in half 2 Toynami morphers

I bought him 3 1/55 Bandais.. and he has not been able to break them.. go figure!

I Guess deep down inside, I just hope that he doesn't care for them so there will be more for me...!


  Goshawk said:
yesterday I came into my office, where I keep my MP's and he was touching one. hehehe, I made sure he had ample warning to lay hands off and when he wouldnt leave it alone I got him with the paintball pistol I have by the door.

Im a bad father. ;)


I don't have kids yet but I think I'll be that dad as well.

my problem is 6 large cats. The runt is 18lbs and the largest 25. I'm already preping for a kid. Have the one room of the house where the door is always closed and nobody is allowed, except the wife [barely]. Keep all my collectibles, toys, and weapons there. I hear horror stories about kids throwing valks at wall... last thing I need is a rugrat playing with throwing stars or a sword :blink: .

Back in the apartment I could tell who was a bad parent and who wasn't...

If they brought a kid into it I knew they were bad. I came home to the neighbors 4yr old girl swinging around a katana unsupervised... time to move.


Well, I have my toys FOR MYSELF... and I plan to be buried with them HAHAHA

I guess I will never buy doubles just for my kid... he can play with bootlegs now and buy his own collection of hentai or whatever he likes when he grows up and have enough money to support his toys AND his daddy. :D

  Sebastian said:
Well, I have my toys FOR MYSELF... and I plan to be buried with them HAHAHA

I guess I will never buy doubles just for my kid... he can play with bootlegs now and buy his own collection of hentai or whatever he likes when he grows up and have enough money to support his toys AND his daddy. :D

lol my wife has treaten to mummyize me and place my valks in with me and have Valks etched in to the surcophagus


I recommend the Bandai valks.

I gave my then 4 year old kid a Bandai CF as an entry level valk and it's nearly indestructable....nearly.

Of course, the gunpod and heat shield were hidden from him since they would be missing in minutes.

It has neeb almost a year and there are only a few scuff marks on it (when he tries to see if it really flies) but otherwise, it's in gret shape.

Now the Yammie's will be hands off until he becomes a responsible teen. :lol::lol::lol:

  Sebastian said:
Well, I have my toys FOR MYSELF... and I plan to be buried with them HAHAHA

I guess I will never buy doubles just for my kid... he can play with bootlegs now and buy his own collection of hentai or whatever he likes when he grows up and have enough money to support his toys AND his daddy. :D

Well said! this man deserves a beer! :lol:


That's nothing. I have a boy *and* girl so I have to buy THREE of everything so they'll both have one without having to give up mine.


  Goshawk said:
lol my wife has treaten to mummyize me and place my valks in with me and have Valks etched in to the surcophagus

That'll be the way to go out man... :D

  Goshawk said:
I know what you mean Datter. But I have to be careful of Capt. Destructo, my kid, here. Even when not trying to break something he does it.

I have considered getting the Banbi's 1/55 for him as a starter to see how that works, then at the same time I am making my buys for Yammies I was gonna try my best to make a grab for 2 at a time, and hide them from him.

yesterday I came into my office, where I keep my MP's and he was touching one. hehehe, I made sure he had ample warning to lay hands off and when he wouldnt leave it alone I got him with the paintball pistol I have by the door.

Im a bad father. ;)

"Capt Destructo"... huh, now that's funny. I call my nephew, my first nephew the "King of Destruction" considering how tries his best to damage my stuff so he could have it and he also destroys his stuff too. He is very much like his mother she dosen't appreciate what they have so she breaks it and takes forever to replace it (wwhen it someone else's property) or she something new to break. :lol:

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