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  F360° said:

for those that uses a PC and is having problem paying this video file.


It has all the codec that you'll need.  Also set it up so that it'll use Zoom Player whenever you want to play a MKV file.  That fixed a whole bunch of problems for me when most of the Fansub groups were starting to encode in H.264 /MKV format.


I'm using this codecs and they work for me. The only thing is that since installing them I've had trouble while closing BS player and directories with video files.

Episode 3 was a nice one. At times I felt I was watching a WWII film because of all the propaganda and just the general feel of things.

Really like how they show the MSs moving and navigating around in space.

Just one thing: If this first and second generation MSs are so agile and fast, how would a Igloo Nu Gundam or Sazabi move? Would it be invisible to the naked eye :lol: ?


You know I laughed my ass off when the feddies sent a message to the zeons going "You dumbasses, we know your lil Zudah is just a piece of crap and we ain't scared! MUWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Complete with cartoony sheep voice. That propaganda > Zeon's propaganda. LOL!

I don't understand why would the MS's would body break if the engine goes too fast. Is it because it can't handle the acceleration? You'd figure the pilot would get crushed sooner then the mobile suit would break apart if that was the case.


its actually illogical that the mobile suit would break/burn due to flying too fast.

I can understand it if theyre fighting in the atmosphere, but in space, there's not even air/medium to cause friction to the surface of the mobile suit...so it cant possibly burn/break from flying too fast in space/vacuum.....ahh I just have too much time in my hands to comment on this <_<

ny way, just my thoughts



I guess you can treat it as a chain reaction. By the time the Engine overheated and exploded, all the other gizmo that was runing along with the engine was already at the point of failure. The internal explosion would then cause more explosion here and there. well, something like that.

  F360° said:
I guess you can treat it as a chain reaction.  By the time the Engine overheated and exploded, all the other gizmo that was runing along with the engine was already at the point of failure.  The internal explosion would then cause more explosion here and there.  well, something like that.


Heck...speaking of chain reactions, the drop pods colliding with each other and exploding are silly. Those things are made to fall on earth and withstand high velocities. (are they? or do they have to land in the sea?)


Just blame everything on Minovsky Physics.

But they did go a little overboard with those exploding pods (guess it was too samefull to have a bunch of balls killing everything so they had a few of them exploding on their own).


Not too mention the reentry pods could be different from the ones that go back into space..........more cost effective since all you really need is a decent frame and some tin foil to survive from the vacuum of space I think.

But don't forget one of those Komusai's rammed into those pods and poo...

As for the Zudah, If the engine overheats even in space I think it could still explode, the body just can't handle the stress from the amount of G Force used....

Looks like the GM's have a similar problem since their engines over heated and they fell apart as well.

Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
Heck...speaking of chain reactions, the drop pods colliding with each other and exploding are silly. Those things are made to fall on earth and withstand high velocities. (are they? or do they have to land in the sea?)

know what, at first, I thought those were space land mines because they explode when they collide with each other (like in Star Trek) :D . I mean really. But that's up until I saw the zakus coming out of the drop pods.....& I was like...WTF? :lol:

Edited by aaajin
Posted (edited)

If you really must drag real world physics into Igloo, the way to rationalise exploding engines would have nothing to do with G, but everything to do with heat dissipation.

In space, there is no temperature. The only way heat transfer happens is via radiation, you can't do it via convection as there is no air. Since MSs don't glow like lightbulbs, it's obvious they don't use radiation to get rid of heat. So a MS probably works just like the real life Concorde...use its fuel as coolant to cool down whatever needs cooling down, then burn the hot fuel, which actually gives you a fuel efficiency bonus.

From the MS failures we've seen, it seems like if you run the engine hard for too long, it blows up. Which this theory would cover: you're simply generating too much heat, and your fuel flow can't take away the heat fast enough to prevent the temperature of your MS from increasing to the fuel's flashpoint, *boom*.

It would also make sense with the last scene of 4x GMs pursuing the Zudah...they were still sort of ok on the dark side of the Earth, but soon as they get around to the sun side, bad things start happening. The first GM loses it not long after they get around to the sunny side, then everybody bar Captain Cadillac's MS starts blowing up.

With the drop pods going boom when they "touch" each other, well, think of it this way. An airplane can go beyond the speed of sound, but if you bump one into the other just taxiing around the airport, bad things happening. Same principle. They'r not designed to be smacked into like that, and don't forget, this is space, inertia plays a huge role, it might not look like they're going very fast or anything, but those drop pods are probably hundreds of ton's worth of weight (one can carry 2 Zakus, each Zaku's at least 80...), that's a lot of mass going around. The impact would be fairly substancial.

Edited by Dendrobius

One thing to keep in mind is that the original EMS-04 Zudah was produced to compete with the MS-05 Zaku I. This is at the very dawn of the mobile suit era in UC, so you're obviously going to have defective designs. It's no different from those old films you see on cable about weird airplane designs from the early 1900s blowing up and crashing. Quality control on an early suit like the Zudah isn't going to be up to the level of stuff from Zeta or Victory.

Posted (edited)


anyone has the sub file for episode 1? - just the sub file, I have the movie. Tried to search the subbed version on animesuki & the web but couldnt find it

Thanks in advance


Edited by aaajin

I watched episode 3 last night.. the propaganda video was awesome, and the fight with the GMs was simply incredible. I had this big goofy grin on my face thru the whole thing.


I'm telling you what, igLoo is easily some of the best new Gundam material to come out in probably the last 10 years, hands down better than anything with the SEED name attached. The CGI looks good, and the story has been very entertaining, if lacking a little character development. I really hope igLoo gets an R1 release. In the mean time, it's just a shame that we have to wait until at least April before gg gets us any of the next story arc, Apocalypse 0079.


I'm a bit disappointed personnally, I expected more 'psychology' and less 'show' but I believe IGLOO was produced for theaters therefore it makes sense that it's more a spectacular show than a story driven one.

The first episode was interesting in its way to depict that war could no longer be done in the usual way and that mobile suits were the new masters of the battlefield, but the following episodes and particularly the second tended to demonstrate the contrary (the Hildolfr's some sort of tank basically and it owned I don't remember how much MSs all alone...) I do like on the other hand how the 'new' MS design is introduced in the 3rd episode: for once, it's not an entirely new model created in a bunch of weeks but an old design cleaned up of its dust. A nice change IMO...

Basically, I've the feeling that this movie series was mainly done to sell new lines of models and toys and not to depict in more details the major events of the OYW: it left me unsatisfied despite the high quality of the 3D (which does have its flaws though, even if very minor and barely noticeable...) I really hope that Apocalypse 0079 will be more story driven with a better character development and a more consistent scenario: it's a key period of the UC era, it deserves more efforts IMO :)

  F360° said:
Can Mac users install Vobsub?  If so I can rip out the subs from the video file and you just need to place it in the same directory as your video file.  Perhap you might need to change the the extention of the video from MKV to AVI

Here's the subs for ep 2 and 3




Well, because I'm technically inept with a nice touch of aggravation <_< , I'm grabbing an Italian subbed AVI set for eps 2 & 3 - maybe I can switch out their subs for yours. We'll see.


  • 2 months later...
  F360° said:
The RAW if the new Igloo Gundam MS IGLOO Apocalypse 0079 Vol.1 just came out.

Here is the torrent link,, copy and paste the link



Nice!! Thanks

  • 1 month later...

I'm so glad Bandai is still going to do more episodes of Igloo...I really wanna see how this is all going to end for the ship that never existed :p


Not sure why this was labeled episode 4 when i saw it, but its actually a torrent of a subbed MS Igloo Apocalypse 0079 episode 1. Sorry for the confusion.

  wolfx said:
Not sure why this was labeled episode 4 when i saw it, but its actually a torrent of a subbed MS Igloo Apocalypse 0079 episode 1. Sorry for the confusion.


Sunrise restarted the numbering with the first Apocalypse 0079 episode, but it's still the 4th MS IGLOO episode.

  Syngyne said:
I get the feeling that the key to surviving the One Year War is NOT to volunteer to test things for the 603rd.


Haha.....my thoughts exactly. The 603rd is jinxed i tell ya. :lol:

Its a wonder they aren't disbanded yet. Sieg Zeon!

  • 3 months later...

I'm always on the fence about Metrovska files... they have really good quality and work remarkably consistently, but they can't be converted to anything else. I can't tell you how many things I ahve on my computer that I wish I could convert to put on my PSP to actually watch...


Anyone found English subbed AVI verisons yet?

...and don't go mentioning those *#&%#*&% MKV files... :p

At the risk of getting attacked with an Xacto knife... ;)

May I ask what problem(s) do you have using MKV files?

So far, using VCL viewer (for Windoz XP) it works OK. The english subtitles need to be enabled manually everytime you open the file, but beyond that it works fine with MKV files.


Well......I believe the issue is that I'm running a Mac and the vid skips in VLC. The codecs for mkvs aren't available for Macs, as far as I'm aware.

I even tried to extract the subs and then add them to raw or other-subbed AVIs, but I'm not that technical. :(


Hmm... what about running Windows inside of your Mac, and then using VLC viewer in there to look at the .mkv files?

I don't own a Mac, but from what I know, you can run WinXP inside of the latest Mac O/S.

Just a thought... ^_^

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