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  Valk009 said:
Just had a chat with one of G-Systems supplier and apparently their mold for the 1/48 kit is exhausted and the original kit is long gone. It will take them some time to track down a kit for recast!


So is thier any possible way to get the kit at all?? If not I'm sad T_T


we got the 10 orders min so now I will wait on henry to see if he can get us the kits for 210.00 ea, that is with the 25% off of the 280.00 price tag.


Hey Jorawar, you wanna get rid of the 2nd list you posted on June 15th, may confuse some noobs...

And BROWNSFAN72 also seemed interested but just to be safe, I would PM those on that list to see if they really are still interested since it dates back to May.

  Viceland said:
Hey Jorawar, you wanna get rid of the 2nd list you posted on June 15th, may confuse some noobs...

And BROWNSFAN72 also seemed interested but just to be safe, I would PM those on that list to see if they really are still interested since it dates back to May.


Hey bro, if you know how to cancel it, please let me know or do it for me, please, Brownsfan72 im'd me and didn't want one, he got a yamato 1/48.

  jorawar_b said:
Hey bro, if you know how to cancel it, please let me know or do it for me, please, Brownsfan72 im'd me and didn't want one, he got a yamato 1/48.


Just edit your post and remove the list. Keep the good list, and any major updates, on your first post, and edit that one. Other than regular conversation, post stuff like "major update, see first post" or "list updated, see first post". That's the way the "Pro's" do it :rolleyes:;)

  HWR MKII said:
Even if i had a Yammie id still want the model. Its got so many different details compared to the toy.


Totally agree. Let him keep the Yammie, means one more UD for us modelers, where they belong :p

Posted (edited)

Eh you added me to the list twice...Logan is my old username remove it please <_<. Can we get more orders though wuts the maximum discount on the kit?

Ok a new update for the list if jorawar_b hasnt done it here it is:

1. 2x Jorawar_b

2. 2x Viceland

3. 2x JoLe727

4. 1x THOR

5. 1x totallyrobot

6. 1x godane79

7. 1x yman1437

8. 1x godane79

9. 1x Dean

10. 1x Viceland

11. 1x Ranger565

Ok the total amount of kits is 14 and the total amount of people ordering the kit is 11 ok well I think we are doing good so far. jorawar_b well it matter how many people are ordering the kits or the amount of kits being ordered counting to the amount of 15. Can we go for more maybe and a bigger discount on this?

Edited by Dean

here is an update guys:

"I need to get back to you this coming Tuesday for the exact detail.

There are two company that cast this item

The first company has metal landing gear parts, but maybe hard to get them to produce.

The second company will produce it but will not have metal landing gear part, but will have etching plates and decal.

So I will let you know when I get the information.

I just want to let you get the heads up on what we can get."


So I hope we that we can have a kit together soon and hopefully the landing gear will not become a issue.

Posted (edited)

"Hey, let's ALL post new list every time someone says they're in!!" :blink::rolleyes:

Can we quit screwing around with the damb lists?? :angry:

The list in the FIRST POST, should be THE ONLY LIST... whenever Jorawar_b updates it, he can say he has done so in a post that refers to it ("list has been updated, see first post"). We now have 3 list in a 3 page thread.... way to confuse people. Since this is Jorawar's thread, he has the lead, he should be the one updating the list in the FIRST POST. The 2nd list posted on June 15th by Jorawar, and the 3rd one by our eager little friend Dean, should be edited out of their respective posts.

And Dean, I realize you're excited about this kit, so am I, and that you're just trying to help out, but Jorawar can handle this. Did you even look at the list you posted? you have me listed twice for 3 kits total, and godane79 is also listed twice (that's Jorawar's mistake though :p;) ) so the total is actually 12, not 14. Just be patient and let Jorawar do the list whenever he gets around to it, ok? There's no rush here, and besides, even if we get the amount of orders desired, AND if either of the shops agree to cast new kits, be ready to wait several months before anything gets done and shipped out.


And for the record, I'm ok with the resin landing gear kit, especially cause of the etched parts and the quality decals (or does the other kit come with those also?).

Edited by Viceland
Posted (edited)

kk dont get pissed man Im just trying to make it easy here for everyone :( .

Should we go with the company that produces metal parts since the landing gear might break from pressure and weight since it could be a possibilitie after a whike.

Sorry if I pissed ya off Viceland :unsure: ...

Edited by Dean
Posted (edited)

Dean at this point I wouldn't be to worried about the landing gear, lets see if we can get a kit made. If the kit can be made then lets see what we can do to address problems.

I am waiting to see if the VF-1D yamato 2 seat conversion is made or not, if so, I would mind trying to see if I can use the parts to make a 2 seater VF-1.

Edited by jorawar_b

The resin gear holds up just fine, Just dont display the model in front of a window or really warm light and you shouldnt have a problem. I had a set of resin gear tavel in the back of my car from utah to florida with no problem.


Btw, I know of some member here who has recasted the metal parts for this kit and apparently still has a few sets left...so for those die-hard fans, maybe you can give him a PM B))

The member is Blackaces :p (hope you do not mine Noel, me trying to make business for you :rolleyes: )


Then I would go with option #2 and have the other companie produce the kit with decals and etc. I know its going to take time to produce the kits Im patient though my not skilled at modeling so this will give me time to buff up and learn more, doesnt mean Im going to build the kit the second I get it. Maybe after a year or two I'll start building it(Better keep it somewhere safe). But ya didnt answer the question on the discount if we can get more people for a bigger discount...

Posted (edited)

Hey guys henry e-mailed me an update on how to order the kit, I have not been given an updated on if it will be made yet.

"We are excited to bring you the news about our new model requesting system.

This is a chance to request production of an old model.

This is how it works:

There is a minimum order of 10 kit before production starts.

Once production start there is no cancellation.

A 20% deposit will be required at the time of production.

It will take approx. 2 months for the product to arrive after production have started.

You may check the order progress, or cancel any requests from your "My Account" section.

You can get started by visiting www.hobbyfan.com."

So for the rest of my fellow brothers on MW that want this, please take the time out to follow the directions of at least requesting the kit. If I can get a few more people, I will try to press Henry for a bigger discount. I have told him that if this goes well, I might be able to get more of the other kits from his web site.

Once agian, I thank everyone for helping me out.

Edited by jorawar_b

I have gotten a few e-mails on this, if you want to order a kit from hobbyfan by yourself, then go ahead, I don't know if they will give you a break on one kit.

Now if you want to get in on this group buy, you do not need to ask me for permission, just go ahead and post a response with your name and how many kits you want. Like i said before, once henry lets me know that they will be casting the kit, I have included instructions on what to do on their web site. I will also forward him the list and e-mail address of the people that are in the group buy.

So once again if you want to get in on the group buy, please feel free to leave a post and I will update the list. I welcome all on the MW forum to get in on this, this is a group project and not jorawar_b ( my name is Bob) project.

Thank you


Posted (edited)

Hey bro, just go up about three post.

"This is how it works:

There is a minimum order of 10 kit before production starts.

Once production start there is no cancellation.

A 20% deposit will be required at the time of production.

It will take approx. 2 months for the product to arrive after production have started.

You may check the order progress, or cancel any requests from your "My Account" section.You can get started by visiting www.hobbyfan.com."

Just go to there website and register for an account then go to 1/48 post and put it on your watch list and if you want just e-mail them about the MW group buy and make it attention to Henry, once I get the okay from him, then I will let everyone know and give henry a list of people in on the group buy and once I get everyones e-mail address, I will also forward them to him.

Edited by jorawar_b

When they finally get into production remember to address the problem of the right leg pieces being shorter than the left leg and the left fastpack being shorter than the right. This latest batch had severe shrinkage in those pieces. Other than that their kit was spot on :D


Hey bro thanks for the heads up, if anyone knows of other issue please go ahead and post them, I will e-mail Henry before we give him any money about all the issues and request.

Posted (edited)

Hey Bob, to expand on HWR's idea, can you check with Henry to make sure they're using an original Club-M kit to make new molds? Getting recasts made from recasts would just suck, shrinkage galore and bye bye details...

Edited by Viceland

Heres a quick pick to show how of it is. The landing gear on the left is further back than it should be. This is because the whole leg had to be shifted back to equal out the difference and make the finishde model look right when complete.


  HWR MKII said:
Heres a quick pick to show how of it is. The landing gear on the left is further back than it should be. This is because the whole leg had to be shifted back to equal out the difference and make the finishde model look right when complete.


Can you take another pic of that, only pan up this time :p:rolleyes::lol:


No order, No pay No kit. Its the way it works. If mom says NO than save up the cash for it. 30 Dolars a month for 10 months will give you enough for the kit and paints.

Posted (edited)
  HWR MKII said:
No order, No pay No kit. Its the way it works. If mom says NO than save up the cash for it. 30 Dolars a month for 10 months will give you enough for the kit and paints.


$30 Monthly I can work with that is it a possibilitiy, and plus I'm spending my own money and its still a no :( I get no control over my money <_< ..

Edited by Dean

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