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I agree, the price of the CE stuff is a bit high. At least the LE items have some collectibility potential that justifies the price. I'll stick with my lil' sabers.


Quick question on the FX, is most of the weight in the backpack/guts?

I got to handle on at a local Target (smart move, stick on the shop floor and watch kids of all ages tear the packages apart to play with them) and it had it's guts lost/stolen/misplaced and it was really really light I felt.


A lot of the weight is the batteries actually. The blade weighs more than the hilt when empty, but adding batteries swaps that. Of course, this depends on the exact hilt design and if it's a 3-battery or 6-battery saber.


Well that's the suggested price of MR for the Qui-gon CE. It doesn't necessarily mean that the retailers will sell it for that price. If what I remember is correct, and the retailers aren't limited on setting the prices like they were with the ROTS lightsabers and stuff last year, then we'll be seeing a much lower price... Meaning I'm going shopping at The Saber Vault! :D

Duke's lucky the lightsaber didn't turn on when he was having sex with it! :ph34r:

  Ladic said:
is it true they are going to come out with darth mauls light up lightsaber this year for close to $200?


yes, they are going to sell it in halves.

basically, you buy half the lightsaber at regular price,

if you want the dual blade, you buy another one,

each one comes with a coupler, so you buy two, you have one spare coupler.

it's really going to be long i guess, i hope MR looked at the movie and noticed that the blade is a little shorter than a regular blade because the hilt is longer.

oh well, probably not, it'll just be like duct taping two FXs together and swinging the unwieldly thing around. that's not how you fight with a bo staff.

it's not that long.

sabervault should be listing them soon, they stated it got pushed back alittle though.

obiwan Ep. 3 FX is also coming out.


Hopefully e-tailers can pull the price down to around $150 or so. To me that's a fairly reasonable price for a finished resin & metal saber. Plus, when they get into blasters we might see some real savings (the Boba Fett ROTJ EE-3 was mentioned as a CE).

  • 2 weeks later...

Woah, apparently the Darth Maul FX is going to take AAA batteries! :o

Mini blasters will have a 5% run of gold chase, and a 2.5% run of black smoke chrome.

Qui-gon mini was on display at toy faire (check out yakface.com for pics). Boba Fett ESB Weathered helmet was on display. Looks like MR may be releasing those lightsaber umbrellas.

And they had up a Qui-gon CE on display.


So why hasn't anyone used light sabers in on mode instead of interior lighting?

If you unscrew the back a bit, the sound turns off, so I figure if you can hook it up to a powersupply, you could probably use sabers on 24/7. Hell, the LEDs consume less power than all the other lights in the house.

  ComicKaze said:
So why hasn't anyone used light sabers in on mode instead of interior lighting?

If you unscrew the back a bit, the sound turns off, so I figure if you can hook it up to a powersupply, you could probably use sabers on 24/7. Hell, the LEDs consume less power than all the other lights in the house.


The newer ones at least have an auto-shut-off function if it isn't handled for a certain amount of time. :p If you can get past that, then I'm sure you can have some weak blue lighting, because it certainly won't be all that great if you want to read a book...


I know its not a "lightsaber," but MR has announced that they are producing an Elite Edition Han Solo ANH DL-44. This one will not only be much more accurate than the original version, but so very expensive that only the five richest kings in Europe will be able to afford one. There's discussion on it HERE

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is a LONG thread so forgive me if this has been covered, I've seen a Luke ROTJ FX at my local spencers and a Vader at my local Best Buy, both are the 3 AA battery types are these the "good" types? which one would you guys recommend.

I figure the Vader is more accurate since the Luke has the Fat neck, any other input would be appreciated!


  Dobber said:
This is a LONG thread so forgive me if this has been covered, I've seen a Luke ROTJ FX at my local spencers and a Vader at my local Best Buy, both are the 3 AA battery types are these the "good" types? which one would you guys recommend.

I figure the Vader is more accurate since the Luke has the Fat neck, any other input would be appreciated!



Yeah, these are the good ones. Vader's, Luke's, and Anakin's are the new and improved FX version lightsabers.

BTW, I just got the Anakin FX (first one) and I gotta say it's awesome! Nothing like scaring the crap outta my wife in the middle of the night by turning it on! :D

Posted (edited)

I don't understand Star Wars fans at all.

They pay so much to get things ACCURATE to the real props when the real props were never intended to be seen up close for long periods of time anyway. They were just throwaway props that were supposed to look good for the few moments you see them.

When you handle them up close, you see it's just a bunch of kit bash and kibble that the prop makers have put together from everything from WWII guns, parts of stoves, camera flash handles, fuses, screws, nuts, bolts, calculator bubbles, random discs and wheels, sink drains, broken PCBs, WWI grenades, bits of painted wood, cotter pins, random appliance parts, model plane parts, fire extinguisher nozzles, etc.

They often look horrible up close and nothing like what you would expect to find in a science fiction universe because you really have ended up with a bunch of 20th century earth garage sale junkyard parts.

I'm sorry but I'm firmly in the camp of completely reimagining the original props and if I were to shell out that much, I'd want something that looked sci-fish with modern touches, streamlined looks, and nothing visibly recognizable to this earth. I understand that your bounty hunters and your rebels will have junky equipment but I want it to be unrecognizable future junk without silly things like cotter pins and eartly screws and bolts and stamped manufacturers names (of the original items) on them! Even the Stormtrooper rifles, I'd reimagine so they were a little more Imperial instead of British WWII machine gun looking. Add some lights, molded plastic, metal touches, etc. without eartly and anachronistic bits.

When I got my ESB Vader, I was quite disappointed to see how it so visibly just looked like 20th century junk, it still resembled the camera flash, the cheap glued in fake wire, the blatant cotter pin holding the clasp togehter, the random nonfunctional screws and knurled knobs, etc. I know there are tons of SW fans who love this prop accurate stuff but it drives me crazy. Why the hell would a Jedi keep his weapon together with a cotter pin??? Or one of those el-cheapo stamped aluminum tab levers? A light saber isn't a pop can or a caulking gun! Anow how about a design that's actually made for holding or some realistic grips that aren't stupidly vertical and originally made out of the hard painful rubber lining some prop maker got out of kitchen cabinets?

The new Han Solo blaster will be so accurate, you really do get a scope screwed onto a Mauser by a crude metal bar and giant bolts. You even get bonus parts for the junk pieces that broke and fell off the gun during early shooting and therefore don't actually appear on film! Why would you want this? The flash suppressor (fire extinguisher cap or grease gun depending on version) is held on by a bloody wingnut! I don't want a wingnut on my science fiction weapon!

This is totally crazy to me. I might as well just goto the garage and build myself a saber if I wanted something that looked so recognizably junky. I prefered Park's Saber's more futuristic streamlined models with the LEDs, etc. and I eventually exchanged my ESB Vader for a RoTS Anakin because at least that one Saber was sufficiently reimagined so that it nolonger looked like a stamped aluminium graflex flash and actually like a smooth and streamlined weapon, even with a somewhat art deco looking power switch (cheap plastic though) and other details instead of the original's nuts, screws, cotter pins, and broken PCB piece!

Edited by ComicKaze

Anyway, for those who are interested in something that actually resembles the screen-used props, MR has a new pic of the upcoming ESB Boba Fett helmet up on their blog. An early advert has the CE edition retailing for $279, with the LE up at $449.

  meh_cd said:
I've got an Anakin Force FX. It's OK I guess... not as cool as I thought it would be.


Expecting it to melt through blast doors, were you?

Posted (edited)
  bsu legato said:
  meh_cd said:
I've got an Anakin Force FX. It's OK I guess... not as cool as I thought it would be.


Expecting it to melt through blast doors, were you?



I guess my main beef was the fact that by the time I had opened it, 2 LEDs were flickering. They don't flicker all of the time, but it still bugs the hell out of me.

EDIT: Oh, and I bought it off of BN.com, so it wasn't second hand or anything. Who knows? Maybe I just got a melon?

Edited by meh_cd

I don't know how BN.com is with returns, but I woulda sent that sucker back. If not to them, then MR themselves. Master Replicas, from all I've seen, has excellent customer service for damaged goods and QC issues.



I have a force FX Luke ROTJ, Vader ESB, and a Anakin ROTS,

These were REALLY cool when I got first got them.

Now I'm afraid I'm just bored with them.

They are displayed on my wall, and I hardly even touch them anymore.

Anyone else feel this way, or do you all feel they have a high replay value?

Posted (edited)

Honestly I wouldnt want one of the screen used props, because in person a lot of them do look like ass. That's why I prefer the MR replicas, because they're a more idealized version of what we see on screen.

I often mess around with my Anakin ROTS FX lightsaber, so yeah mine has a high replay value. It's a good thing it can't cut through blast doors, or I would be stumpy like Anakin. :p:lol:

I heard some news about material changes in the Qui-gon Jinn CE lightsaber, but I have to confirm this since I haven't received the April newsletter from MR yet.

edit: unless they remake the original trilogy, there's not really a point in remaking and redesigning the OT props since a lot of people wouldnt buy them because they werent in a movie. I do prefer the Anakin ROTS lightsaber over the Luke ANH and ESB lightsaber (even though all three are supposed to be the same lightsaber, yet look vastly different if you know the design), same with the Obi-wan ROTS lightsaber.

I like the use of old stuff to create futiristic stuff. A sten-gun with crap glued on it becomes a stormtrooper blaster. A faucet handle, machine-gun booster, flashgun clamp, rifle grenade, and engine balance pipe become the Obi-wan Kenobi lightsaber (god damn I like lightsabers too much). A tommy gun and shotgun are put together in a new body to form the M-41A pulse rifle from Aliens (one of my favorite sci-fi guns and favorite movies). Well, I like the use of old stuff to create futuristic stuff when done right and done well.

But I do prefer the designs of stuff in the PT of star wars, like lightsabers that don't have boxes on them until ROTS, easier to grip handles, sleeker looking stuff. I actually don't like the look of the OT lightsabers. :p Dey ugly.

It's just a matter of taste, craziness, and money. I buy toys from 20 year old "cartoons". :p:lol: comickaze, I do see where you're coming from. consider star wars prop fans to be another branch of us crazies! :p:lol:

Edited by Sumdumgai
  ComicKaze said:
I don't understand Star Wars fans at all.

They pay so much to get things ACCURATE to the real props when the real props were never intended to be seen up close for long periods of time anyway. They were just throwaway props that were supposed to look good for the few moments you see them.

When you handle them up close, you see it's just a bunch of kit bash and kibble that the prop makers have put together from everything from WWII guns, parts of stoves, camera flash handles, fuses, screws, nuts, bolts, calculator bubbles, random discs and wheels, sink drains, broken PCBs, WWI grenades, bits of painted wood, cotter pins, random appliance parts, model plane parts, fire extinguisher nozzles, etc.

They often look horrible up close and nothing like what you would expect to find in a science fiction universe because you really have ended up with a bunch of 20th century earth garage sale junkyard parts.

I'm sorry but I'm firmly in the camp of completely reimagining the original props and if I were to shell out that much, I'd want something that looked sci-fish with modern touches, streamlined looks, and nothing visibly recognizable to this earth. I understand that your bounty hunters and your rebels will have junky equipment but I want it to be unrecognizable future junk without silly things like cotter pins and eartly screws and bolts and stamped manufacturers names (of the original items) on them! Even the Stormtrooper rifles, I'd reimagine so they were a little more Imperial instead of British WWII machine gun looking. Add some lights, molded plastic, metal touches, etc. without eartly and anachronistic bits.

When I got my ESB Vader, I was quite disappointed to see how it so visibly just looked like 20th century junk, it still resembled the camera flash, the cheap glued in fake wire, the blatant cotter pin holding the clasp togehter, the random nonfunctional screws and knurled knobs, etc. I know there are tons of SW fans who love this prop accurate stuff but it drives me crazy. Why the hell would a Jedi keep his weapon together with a cotter pin??? Or one of those el-cheapo stamped aluminum tab levers? A light saber isn't a pop can or a caulking gun! Anow how about a design that's actually made for holding or some realistic grips that aren't stupidly vertical and originally made out of the hard painful rubber lining some prop maker got out of kitchen cabinets?

The new Han Solo blaster will be so accurate, you really do get a scope screwed onto a Mauser by a crude metal bar and giant bolts. You even get bonus parts for the junk pieces that broke and fell off the gun during early shooting and therefore don't actually appear on film! Why would you want this? The flash suppressor (fire extinguisher cap or grease gun depending on version) is held on by a bloody wingnut! I don't want a wingnut on my science fiction weapon!

This is totally crazy to me. I might as well just goto the garage and build myself a saber if I wanted something that looked so recognizably junky. I prefered Park's Saber's more futuristic streamlined models with the LEDs, etc. and I eventually exchanged my ESB Vader for a RoTS Anakin because at least that one Saber was sufficiently reimagined so that it nolonger looked like a stamped aluminium graflex flash and actually like a smooth and streamlined weapon, even with a somewhat art deco looking power switch (cheap plastic though) and other details instead of the original's nuts, screws, cotter pins, and broken PCB piece!


To me, master replica's SW props look great! I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their opinions, too bad yours is wrong...... :D j/k

  Sumdumgai said:
I heard some news about material changes in the Qui-gon Jinn CE lightsaber, but I have to confirm this since I haven't received the April newsletter from MR yet.


I just found this on another forum:

From the Master Replicas April Newsletter:

Meanwhile, in other Star Wars news, Master Replicas would like to officially announce that a major change has been made to the upcoming Qui-Gon Jinn Collectors Edition lightsaber. It was previously reported that the CE would feature a cast resin body; however, since that time, Master

Replicas’ product development team has re-engineered the piece, and changed the resin to a more handsome, durable die cast metal. To purchase a Qui-Gon Jinn Collectors Edition lightsaber, please visit any of Master Replicas’ Authorized Retailers.

Diecast instead of resin makes it much easier to swallow that MSRP.


Yeah I got the MR email, it's gonna be die-cast.

Yes there are guys out there biotching that it's going to raise the quality of the CE lightsabers too much. :o I can't believe that people could get angry about a product having higher quality! They don't want the LEs value to be threatened in any way...

Posted (edited)

hey, bsu_legato, where you at?

I know you're a blaster dude, so

MR has announced Boba Fett's blaster.

i'll try to post pics.


$579 & Free Shipping!*

Collectors Society On Sale:

April 11, 2006

(9:00 am Pacific Time)

General Public On Sale Date:

April 13, 2006

(9:00 am Pacific Time)

Expected to begin shipping Fall 2006

Free domestic ground shipping. Expedited orders and international orders will receive a discount on shipping costs at checkout. Product specifications subject to change.


* Authentic weathered finish

* Machined aluminum and brass parts

* Diecast metal construction

* Injection molded plastic components

* Wooden handles

* Museum quality display case with mirrored base and acrylic cover

* Numbered plaque and Certificate of Authenticity


signature edition:

$679 & Free Shipping!*

Collectors Society On Sale:

April 11, 2006

(9:00 am Pacific Time)

General Public On Sale Date:

April 13, 2006

(9:00 am Pacific Time)

Expected to begin shipping Fall 2006

* Authentic weathered finish

* Machined aluminum and brass parts

* Diecast metal construction

* Injection molded plastic components

* Wooden handles

* Museum quality display case with mirrored base and acrylic cover

* Numbered plaque featuring Jeremy Bulloch’s signature

* Certificate of Authenticity

* Limited Edition of 1000



Edited by Chowser
Posted (edited)

The EE-3 looks great, and for what you get the price isn't actually that bad. Too bad I prefer the ESB version. Plus I'm currently broke. Well..."broke" isn't really a strong enough word for my current financial situation, but I don't want to drag things any further off topic.

Also, it looks like the CE edition has been cancelled, or at least not announced just yet. Maybe I'll at least be able to afford the CE edition of the Fett helmet.

Edited by bsu legato

Well the CE was announced at the same time as the LE and SE blaster. It doesnt mean it'll be released at the same time, said the MR rep on rebelscum a while back (it was MR Amy or Bryan). So keep waiting you might be able to pick up a Boba Fett CE and maybe you'll have the money to do it then!

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