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The Obi-wan ROTS saber and its little brother.


My Sidious collection is complete.


Comparison of the Best Buy Exclusive Black Smoke Chrome Sidious to the European Exclusive Bright Chrome


Posted (edited)

Various pics of Qui-gon's lightsaber prop, one pic of Darth Maul's lightsaber, Yoda, Han Frozen in carbonite, Leia's bikini, Ewok, one of the things at Jabba's palace, Anakin's pod racer, and none of that in any particular order. :p

edit: uh that's at the Star Wars Expo at the Paris Museum of Science and Industry, not my personal collection! :lol:










Edited by Sumdumgai

The ANH Vader mini is my favorite. I really like that many of the OT sabers were built out of real components. Things like the coil in the emitter of Vader's saber make the replica more interesting. I can't wait for the Luke ANH mini. I'm also really looking forward to the blaster minis.

  Hikuro said:
I saw a site that has 2nd version Ep6 Luke's FX saber.......170 dollars......wish I could get it, I really do.


MR still has them in stock on their site for $119


and Saber Vault will be restocking at $110


I haven't been to my local Borders lately, but they might still have them in stock as well.


Sabervault would probably be the best choice, MR is only selling that old 6 AA non-LED blade.

It's worth the cash, but I would so get my ass beaten if my folks even found out I had this with me not having a job or anything, I really need to get a good one but they're so damn hard to get in Oregon.


are you sure MR is selling the old EL blade one?

it says power-up and power-down effect which the new one has,

and the new one still uses 6 batteries.

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:
oh it does? I just assumed since it said six batteries......hm wonder why they did that.


i think all they did was remove the EL stuff and put in the LED electronics, if i recall correctly, it does have better sound than the original.

the original EL stuff has long sold out, it's just a way for MR to milk more $$$.

hopefully, the Collector's Editions they are coming out with don't cost too much, I'm just waiting for my Obi Wan TPM EE saber and I'm probably done with the 1:1 stuff, I bought Anakin's ROTS saber, opened it, looked at it, and said, ok, back in the box, doesn't do much for me. Why I keep buying the things, I'll never know, the only ones I like are the Obi Wan's TPM and AOTC ones.

I really wish they would do the Obi Wan AOTC in CE since the originals are hard to find and expensive. My Larbel one will hold me over until the EE gets here.

here's some of my MR stuff that I do have out:

two Obi Wan Minis, an AOTC and a ANH as first built

an artist proof Phaser, and my Larbel on an MR stand.


Edited by Chowser

:o that's pretty damn cool. I wonder if those things are as heavy as the FX ones?

I just remembered when I was like 12, I went to a star trek convention and this guy had modified his phaser from one of the toy versions. Damn it was so cool, he could turn those lil switch and it would show the power levels adjusting and made lil sounds, I liked it. He said he was working on a Triquarter.......said it cost him 200 bucks to mod the phaser, but back then I was more "I WANT!"

  Hikuro said:
:o that's pretty damn cool.  I wonder if those things are as heavy as the FX ones?

oh yeah, the phaser is heavy. i mean, i can probably whack someone upside their head and not leave a mark on the phaser. i'll say this about MR, their limited edition stuff is pretty heavy and well built. my only complaint on the phaser is that the sound isn't loud enough, and no holster :)

  Stamen0083 said:
I didn't know there was a "As Built By" Obi-Wan mini saber. That's not an Episode III?


Nope, it's an Obi-wan ANH As First Built By. MR made the LE version and mini version before ROTS. It was their guess at what Obi-wan's lightsaber would have looked like new and pristine, as it would have when he first built it.

Then ROTS came out and we got the awesomeness that is Obi-wan's ROTS lightsaber. There's some pics out that shows a comparison of the two but I don't have them on the computer I'm using. :p


I just wanted to say, and I am sure it has been mentioned before, MR FX lightsabers are awesome for power outtages. We lost our power at 6:30 this morning while I was getting ready for work, it was pitch black here in Bumbleskunk, TN but wth a few strategically placed lightsaber displays it was a purple blue and red morning :)

  Fortress_Maximus said:
  Graham said:
Nope, don't own a single Lightsaber. No plans to buy one either



Same for me. Just can't justify the costs for the MR ones.


That's what the Collectors Edition line will be for. High quality costuming prop replicas. They're supposedly going to look like the LEs, but made of lower quality material. But better quality material than the FX lightsaber handles.


Well.....you got me dabting in my head all lastnight so I had alot of trouble sleeping lol I just woke up not long ago.

TSV technically I guess doen't have the sabers in stock but said they will at the end of the year, which is just 3 days away.

So hopefully there wont be a cut off on orders and I'll be able to get mine within the next 2 weeks maybe?

.......now if you excuse me........I have to get dressed.......I got job hunting to do ;_;

  Stamen0083 said:
Is that saber still available or is it a Limited Edition? I like the Graflex clamp better than that Episode 3 thing.


It was a convention exclusive. I bought one off Ebay so I'm not sure what convention it was. I paid $40 when I bought it back in April. Looks like the supply has dried up and forced the prices up.


I got an email from the guy at TSV, he got my payment and replied that he was glad I was a returning customer :p

But now h e has my money ;_; my hard earned money oh well :p

Personally, I'm not into the mini's.....granted, cheap, inexpensive on some.....but......its so small : / its way under half the original size....I just don't see a reason for it.

I took a few pics of just swinging the anakin around, I really love the color, and when I get the Luke saber my pal is gonna flip.

One friend took a look at the pictures of my twriling and said he felt a seizure coming on.


Posted (edited)

I like the minis because I can amass a sizable collection that doesn't take up a lot of space and doesn't break the bank. An LE costs well over $300. I imagine a CE will be around $150. An FX costs over $100. A mini is a mere $35 which is a great price considering how solid and how well made a mini is.

It's funny, but I kind of think a full size saber looks a bit silly in person. The large shiny tube with all the little do dads looks great on screen but comes off as a bit odd in person. The minis, on the other hand, capture the coolness factor of what is on screen w/o striking me as looking odd when seen in person. Maybe I'm just not a fan of full size prop replicas since I prefer to gaze on a collection of replicas instead of feeling the items in my hand.

Edited by Matt Random
  Matt Random said:
  Stamen0083 said:
Is that saber still available or is it a Limited Edition? I like the Graflex clamp better than that Episode 3 thing.


It was a convention exclusive. I bought one off Ebay so I'm not sure what convention it was. I paid $40 when I bought it back in April. Looks like the supply has dried up and forced the prices up.


You can still find it on ebay. The ROTS Convention III exclusive, black smoke chrome Obi-wan mini rarely appears nowadays on the other hand.

There's also an Obi-wan ANH As First Built By Collectors Society Exclusive, where all the metal parts are gold plated.

I like the fullsize lightsabers. To each there own. Some people don't understand why others collect transforming robot toys from an old anime. I sure as hell don't get the thing about collecting coins, stamps, and bottle-caps. But hey, whatever floats you boat! :lol:

Posted (edited)

My parks graflex finally arrived.


The rest of the little peices are from Blast-Techs' ESB kit, and I picked up a extra red button from ebay. Putting this thing together was slightly labor intensive, but considering I've been wanting one of these things for the last 20 years it was worth it.

Drilling the holes for the hex screws wasn't to difficult, www.partsofsw.com has templates for the ANH and ESB configurations. But the circuit board that came in Blast-Techs' kit was a little too big - the graflex clamp wasn't closing tight enough. So I pulled out some old model saws and cut off a small chunk. Luckily the clamp covers a decent chunk of the board so if you accidently veer off a little too far chances are it won't even be noticeable.



Edited by Brewtal
  Stamen0083 said:
Wow. The Graflex looks great. Excellent choice. Glad to know the thing doesn't come with drilled and tapped holes.

How long was the turn around time when you ordered that thing?


10 months, and I had to pay up front too. There was some screw up with the online stores inventory. On another forum I've heard that it's generally faster to order directly through Jeff Parks, but with the exception of possibly a MPP, there isn't really anything else I'm interested in buying there. Much rather spend my money on a Luke ROTJ V2, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan ep4, Dooku, etc. Looks like I'm starting to get that prop collecting bug.


I briefly talked to the guy at TSV, he does carry the Luke EP6 FX and said he was going to ship mine that day.

This morning I finally got the nofitication from FedEX that I can now track my package.

^_^ although I got charged an extra 10% cause of the fact I used my Visa card, still, atleast I'm getting something not many can get themselves...........but wait who has one of these?

Or am I gonna be the only MW'er who has one?

  Hikuro said:
Or am I gonna be the only MW'er who has one?


I'll have you know that my local Best Buy just got an assload of Luke ROTJ FX sabers in. The problem is coming up with the $140 to buy one. :(

  Brewtal said:

10 months, and I had to pay up front too. There was some screw up with the online stores inventory. On another forum I've heard that it's generally faster to order directly through Jeff Parks, but with the exception of possibly a MPP, there isn't really anything else I'm interested in buying there.


Yuck. That's practically forever and a half. Where did you order it? Online store? I thought we're generally supposed to phone orders in?

I want all three replicas. Graflex, MPP, and Obi-Wan's grenade. The only thing is that they cost quite a bit of money. Perhaps a group buy is in order, but we might have to wait, what, several years?


You know I noticed something few weeks ago, saber works fine now, but back in mid December I was playing with my Anakin and I tapped it against my blanket...........................my freaking blanket and it turned itself off and back on and the sound quality went to the crapper.

Thought it was the batteries so I changed 'em out with some better ones, and sure enough same thing happened.

I don't see the defect anymore, even when I tap it against the blanket. Could of just been the way I had handeled the saber.

  Stamen0083 said:

Yuck. That's practically forever and a half. Where did you order it? Online store? I thought we're generally supposed to phone orders in?

I want all three replicas. Graflex, MPP, and Obi-Wan's grenade. The only thing is that they cost quite a bit of money. Perhaps a group buy is in order, but we might have to wait, what, several years?


www.buystarwarsstuff.com, their the online store linked to on his website. I think what also played a factor in my order taking so long initially was that Ep3 was about to come out at the time so everybody and their mother ordered one, just like me.

To hold me over until it showed up I bought a anakin force-fx. Definetly worth the money. But I'll probably get another graflex and install all the hyperdyne mods.

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