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  David Hingtgen said:
Bought a mini ROTS Anakin at BestBuy today. I'd take pics, but it's raining and dark here. Maybe tomorrow. Interestingly, it's packaged "sideways"---when you open the box, you're looking at what most people would consider the underside of the saber.

I noticed that also! I got my EpIII Anakin and Obi from best buy too. I also have a Vader, Dooku, and a Jedi Luke all are .45 master replicas. I can't say enough about these beautiful little mini sabers...they just ROCK!!!



Borders and Gamestops are the only places I've ever found the MR's, and if ToysRUs are selling 150 for a MR.....than its almost 200 here.....prices are jacked up big time in Oregon for special items....a reissued Transformer is nearly 75 dollars where I found 'em.

Walmart says they have Anakin's MR for under 100 dollars on their online shop.....I was thinking of nailing that one so I can get a collection started. Than I'd like to find Mace's and after that get Luke's...than I'll have a nice collection going.

Posted (edited)

Stamen, what software/hardware did you use to make that? It looks kind of like Solid Edge or Solid Works. I've got Solid Edge from an engineering class, I might have to see what I can do with it.

Btw, I still have no clue why they even bother using clear plastic for the blades.. yeah, that looks good.. a big clear tube with glowing rings up and down it and a glowing tip. :p Why don't they at least use ridged plastic so more than the ends of the tubes catch the light? :rolleyes: Sheesh.

Honestly, I rarely buy props and replicas and stuff, but when I do I tend to go all out, and just get one of the best... ie, .. if anything, I may get the kit from the Graflex Shop. Sure, it's expensive, but if it's the only one I get, I might be able to justify it. I don't plan on getting anything without a removable blade anyway. I want to be able to clip it on my belt. :)

Edited by Chronocidal
Posted (edited)
  Chronocidal said:
Stamen, what software/hardware did you use to make that?  It looks kind of like Solid Edge or Solid Works.  I've got Solid Edge from an engineering class, I might have to see what I can do with it.

Solid Works 2K4. I've been looking for Pro/E Wildfire for a long time, too. ;-)

Btw, I still have no clue why they even bother using clear plastic for the blades.. yeah, that looks good.. a big clear tube with glowing rings up and down it and a glowing tip.  :p  Why don't they at least use ridged plastic so more than the ends of the tubes catch the light? :rolleyes: Sheesh. 

Yes! The blade doesn't even collapse all the way, so what is the point of making it collapsible?

I'm going to make a second prototype, and hopefully the blade will look better for me. Mine right now looks pretty bad when lit. Looks like an EL wire inside clear tubes. -_-'

EDIT: I'm going to save up for a Master Replica FX saber. I want to build a Vader saber, but there's no easy way to machine the emitter shroud.

EDIT Mk-II: Here's the kit I built mine out of:


Edited by Stamen0083

Just a comment for the Mace Windu FX:

More so than any other FX saber, the size and shape is greatly (IMHO) distorted to accomodate the electronics. And the coming re-release will not be upgraded (and resized/shaped) to hold 3AA's, it will still be the bulky 6AA version. It's my 2nd-fave saber (and fave blade color) but I will not buy it due to being quite "off" in shape, and having the worst blade. (AFAIK, it is done with alternating rings of blue and white LED's with a pink filter screen between--it sorta looks purple when on, but rather "ringed" and splotchy).

A Qui-Gon FX should be able to be done perfectly, since green LED's are old and common, and the saber itself is a simple and large shape.

Though I wonder why the Mace FX doesn't use purple LED's---while a good, rich purple LED costs a lot of money, the "cheap" ones (basically pink-coated-blues) should last plenty long enough, especially with how it seems 90% of FX owners duel with them anyways and knock out half the LED's in the first week. LED burnout doesn't seem an issue with FX's... Not to mention the early cheap purple LED's are more of a pinky-lavender, which is what Mace's blade is anyway---purple sabers aren't deep royal/Decepticon purple, they usually appear as a rather magenta/pink as purples go.

Or in summary: just me ranting about how a MUCH desired saber isn't done very well. :(

  David Hingtgen said:
Just a comment for the Mace Windu FX:

did your Mace FX blade look kinda splotchy when not lit?

just wondering if it isn't only me.

i've had two different ones, both looked the same.

wish they would make my a Obi-Wan AOTC FX Saber!

Posted (edited)
  RichterX said:
  mikeszekely said:
  JB0 said:
  mikeszekely said:
I had a Hasbro Vader one, but I broke it fighting with my friend in the park.  He had the Luke one...


You shold've cut his hand off. :p

Who says I didn't? :huh:

Same friend who bought the Force FX Master Replica Anakin saber showed me today that he actually home made one with some metal and rubber pipes and a chopped up windshield wiper. It was actually pretty impressive.


Can you get a picture of it?

Sorry it's taken so long (like I said, my wife has the camera with her in China right now), and sorry for the poor quality (got tired of waiting for the camera, and we tried just scanning it)... but here it is!


Edited by mikeszekely

Doesn't look terrible but sure is smuggy.

I went to Walmart.com today and found out they were all sold out on the Anakin Force FX, really pisses me off I can't find one dealer who has it! I'd do gamestop but their website says its random chance, not my cup of tea.

I'll just have to continue the hunt and I'm waiting patiently for Luke's FX to come in and I'd be REALLY happy of I ever saw Qui-gon's, or some AOTC FX sabers. A nice ROTS Obi-wan would be great too.

  David Hingtgen said:
A Qui-Gon FX should be able to be done perfectly, since green LED's are old and common, and the saber itself is a simple and large shape. 

I think the challenge with the Qui-Gon saber would be the deep cuts between the black discs on the lower end of the hilt.


Original page at Starwars.com


I was impressed by some of the FX sabers I saw for the opening day. Might have to get me one. See if I can find the one with Bad Ass MoFo on it. :p


Canadian Best Buys seem to have a limited number of FX sabers in stock now, I'm assuming to cash in on the ROTS craze. The one I was at yesterday only had a single Vader ESB left, but there was a tag on the shelf for an Anakin FX as well.

  Hikuro said:
I think Bestbuy's online store only has Vaders listed.....I'm still looking though.

Hey, Hikuro, try Spencer's. It's not the first place I'd have thought to look, but I noticed that the one at my mall is selling them.


Hmm.. you know, I wonder how hard it would be to make the shroud type seen on Vader's/Anakin's AOTC saber out of something like PVC... like indoor outdoor piping. It is a little more complex than that, but if you could cast it out of resin, or make it out of plastic, it'd probably be much easier than shaping it out of metal.


Just curious, are there new FX Lightsabers from Masters Replica? it seems like the new ones (or re-issues) use only 3 AA batteries instead of six.

Well if it is true, are the new ones more true to the original movie lightsabers as in size and dimensions?


I can't remember if they're just a tad bit bigger or smaller, but its the most accurate you'll get with something you can freely swing around.

I know they're releasing Luke's Episode 4/5 Light Saber in June or July which is just a slightly dumbed down version of Anakin's since its basically his just a lil tunning and replaced parts.


Thanks Hikuro!

I actually already have the Luke ROTJ and Vader's FX lightsabers but see people mentioning that there is a 3 AA batteries version. I know the original released ones were not exact and true to the original, mainly a little fatter hilt to equip all the electronics and batteries.


The vader FX I own is the 3 AA and its a spectacular piece of equipment. As some of you know I do some fan dubbing and a friend of mine and I were thinking of doing a small Radio play and I went and recorded the SFX from the FX saber and they recordings came out great.


I Just got my first lightsaber today. The Force FX Darth Vader. Its really a wonderfull collecters peice. the only thing i noticed is that the lightsaber is not as heavy as it was told to be in the Empire of Dreams documentary. But thats no where near enough to ruin the coolness of this thing.

Posted (edited)

My wife and I built our own. It's an original design. I made a master hilt out of PVC pipe and styrene sheet. I then made a mold of it and cast it out of an impact resistant, semi-rigid plastic. The blades were made out of some really high impact clear plastic tubing. Put a 1/2in side-light optical fiber up the middle and lit it with high output LEDs. The result was a light up light saber that you could really fight with. Unfortunately, you can really hurt someone with it too. We were pretty happy with how they turned out.

Edited by Mule

Guilty as charged...

I bought Luke's ROTJ lightsaber when the first run Special Edition VHS tapes came out.


I got an hour before I head home, I'll be stopping at the mall later so I may try my luck at a few places since its been a few weeks.


Nope nothing, even all the vader ones were gone and I even went to suncoast but it was taking so long cause some jackass kept plondering what he wanted to buy and kept looking around not letting anyone else get their crap down (only bought one damn box set of Ranma!) and ended up buying like 250 bucks worth of DVD's that were nothing but lame ass movies and concerts on DVD.....THHHHHHEEEEENNNnn he remembered he had some stuff he wanted to order just as he was about to finish.....I stood in line for 10 minutes just being BEHIND that jerk off...............................so I never got to ask if it were possible to order up an Anakin FX saber.......................but atleast I got season 2 of Ranma.


Heheh.. you know what, I just found something kinda cool... one of my roommates has one of those miniature bike pumps you can latch onto your bike frame for emergencies... well.. it's PERFECT. Well, maybe not perfect, but darn near close.. nice hand grip shape on it already, and a funny kinda nozzle end on the inflator end. Get one the right size, and it'd probably be the perfect base for a custom saber. :)

OT, but I can't believe you'd actually buy anime at Suncoast. Every DVD is like 12 bucks cheaper at Best Buy. ADV titles, for example, are 29.99 at Suncoast, 17.99 at BB.

Granted, but the Bestbuy in oregon doesn't carry Ranma anymore, infact they carry only titles that have been out since 2004 like Gundam SEED, .Hack Legend, recent DBGT movies, FMP, FMA, etc etc etc....they stopped stocking Ranma or any other regular Gundam titles since 2002......besides I only paid about 112 dollars for the second season.....that seems to be pretty close to average.

But I don't buy individual DVD's from Suncoast....I wont ever pay more than 24.99 and even if I paid 24.99 it had better been a REALLY good series or I'd be pissed.

But back in the topic....I looked around, while alot of places are holding orders, it seems they don't even get a shipment till June/July...and there's always the possiblity that they'll get a small number and go on backorder.

Might be best to get it straight from Master Replica's site cause they'll carry the most in stock from everyone else.


I don't care for the handler or licenced... what is the brightest lightsaber thing you can get out there and what is the average price?

My wife got me the Anakin/Luke Saber.

........I should kill you where you stand sir........I wish my camera worked I'd take a picture of the Vader one 0_o

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