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  Jasonc said:
If you're gonna be that much of a fan, at least show somewhere that you play with the darn toys.

totally agree. i understand people wanting to collect MISB or MOC stuff but whats the fun if you don't even bother opening one? what a waste!

the only MISB collection i have is of SW lego sets but i generally buy 2 of each set so i can open one to build and keep the other one sealed for a rainy day...and even thats kind of ridiculous considering how expensive lego set are. :blink:

to each his own, but damn open something....anything....please!


The only thing I'm getting annoyed with is the constant swerves into "I bet he doesn't have a girlfriend" talk. It got old about two years ago. It was old when Triumph the Insult Comic Dog made fun of those guys in front of the theater for SW Ep2. It's not getting any newer.

And many of those who feel the need to say something along those lines are saying more about themselves than they probably care to admit. ;)


  Hikuro said:
This just hit me.....but the guy whose got all those video games and theme room and crap.......he's got a better chance at getting laid Agent One style then this geek 0_o....WAY better chance....even the Tron guy would be ahead by a needle length.

Hard to say, I know a bunch of women that are into SW, way more than are into say, TRON.

I sent that link to my GF and she thought it was cool, in a creepy sort of way.


I thought my collection was of good size.......DAMN.

I open my stuff though. I have a few closed. Mostly stuff my dad bought as extras or the recent ones I got where I had nowhere to put them.


I'd atleast like to know what a woman's reaction would be coming from this guy...me, I gotta sorta break 'em in...with the

"Well, I wanna be straight up, I got model kits" "Oh of lil cars?" "uh......sorta?"

"....planes too?" "Well......yeah kind of...." "How come your not giving me a straight answer?" :unsure: <<<<starts to get a lil nervous and begins humming the transformers theme.....


Phil Wise is a nice enough guy. and from memory he IS married, but I havent talked to him ina long time so i may be remembering it wrong.

if u go into the "other collections" area, under B for Chris Brennan; hes a buddy of mine who runs the Star wars fangroup Starwalking. im the manager of the Sydney branch. hes a good guy. and he IS married and has an adopted daughter.

he also has a full size Vader suit. Nice guy really.

As for nerds not getting any; I am and Im married, and Id bet so are many here. hell, graham has at least one child!

Still, what are message boards for if not to complain about things behind the veil of annonimity?

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Wow...a whole tread talking about me and my collection...cool.

and I didn't have to start it....even cooler. :p

Just thought I post some updated Pics from the collection.

My Collection on Rebelscum.com

and just for the record......I am married (nearly 15 years now) and I do have a social life. :D

My wife collects Plush Star Wars stuff, so you can blame her for all the Ewoks you see.

Edited by Chris Brennan
  Vermillion21 said:
Holy S---!!  What an amazing collection Chris!!



Thanks, Pictures don't really do it that much justice.

PLUS, what you see in the photos is about 40% of the collection and only covers two of my collection rooms, the third room has the large standees and helmets in it, the rest is in storage. :ph34r:



Now where's that 'I bow down before you in worship' smiley...

Awesome collection Chris.

Are you planning on making a room like the other one again?

Maybe I should look up all my old SW toys I have lying around the attic collecting dust.

  Dante74 said:

Now where's that 'I bow down before you in worship' smiley...

Awesome collection Chris.

Are you planning on making a room like the other one again?

Maybe I should look up all my old SW toys I have lying around the attic collecting dust.


I've started work on a few extra projects for the collection room, things like Stands for the Manaquinnes and new shelving units.

The third room will take the shape of a costume display area with some of the larger items on show. That way I can move stuff from the first room into the third and free space for more display cases.

My collecting has been on hold for awhile due to the production of Jedi Heritage which is a film I wrote & produced.

But now that's over, it's back to the collection room for more fun and games. :D


Chris - I have a bag of sand; sand that was actually walked on by the SW actors when filming in Tunisa during the original SW movie. Interested in buying it?



  Vermillion21 said:
Chris - I have a bag of sand; sand that was actually walked on by the SW actors when filming in Tunisa during the original SW movie.  Interested in buying it?

:p  :p  :p



Actual sand..Hmmmmmm...tempting. :p

I did see on Ebay once an auction for the lint from the pocket of Mark Hammills jacket. Seems Marks drycleaner was trying to make a bit of cash on the side.


  Chris Brennan said:

I did see on Ebay once an auction for the lint from the pocket of Mark Hammills jacket. Seems Marks drycleaner was trying to make a bit of cash on the side.

Did anyone bid on that sucker? Geez ...


  Vermillion21 said:
  Chris Brennan said:

I did see on Ebay once an auction for the lint from the pocket of Mark Hammills jacket. Seems Marks drycleaner was trying to make a bit of cash on the side.

Did anyone bid on that sucker? Geez ...



From memory it sold for about $2,000 which is just totally stupid.

Now...about this sand........................ :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Man O Man. The more I look at that, it blows my mind. Crazy stuff man. Keep collecting. This reminds me of that other guy in Hong Kong... leeme see if I can dig up the link.

At any rate, I had the SW trilogy saga once on VHS, until the damn VCR ate them all ;__;

I've heard mixed review for the collectors Trilogy.

Also, I think Danny Choo would like to meet you. It'd be nice if he popped by in his Storm Trooper suit.

Edited by Spatula
  Spatula said:
Man O Man.  The more I look at that, it blows my mind.  Crazy stuff man.  Keep collecting.  This reminds me of that other guy in Hong Kong... leeme see if I can dig up the link.

At any rate, I had the SW trilogy saga once on VHS, until the damn VCR ate them all  ;__;

I've heard mixed review for the collectors Trilogy.

Also, I think Danny Choo would like to meet you.  It'd be nice if he popped by in his Storm Trooper suit.


Send him round. :D

We're actually working on a Star Wars EXPO for 2007 down here in Australia.

We are going to feature the best stuff from the biggest collections in the country along with some actual movie props and the best FAN MADE stuff around.

So I'll have to pack up the best parts of the collection and take them along.....hope I can find a truck big enough.

The DVD versions of the Trilogy are the Special Edition versions, so if you're not a fan of the "Specky Eddies" then don't bother. Sadly I think the release of the Classic Trilogy later this year is going to dissappoint a few people to due to the lack of true widescreen. Having said that though....I'll still go and buy them. :)

Obsessive???? ME????? Never! :rolleyes:

Just cause I built a two storey house so I would have somewhere to put my collection doesn't make me obsessive....does it?

Posted (edited)
  Chris Brennan said:
Obsessive????  ME?????  Never!    :rolleyes:

Just cause I built a two storey house so I would have somewhere to put my collection doesn't make me obsessive....does it?


It doesn't. It makes you committed.

Edited by Dante74

People have suggested that I should be committed. :lol:

Funny, but I think collecting is the same no matter what you collect.

Stamps,Coins,Phone Cars,Soda Cans, whatever...the mentality of the collector is exactly the same.

The drive to collect, the thrill of the hunt, the joy of discovery, the depression of the lost item.....it's the same the world over.

I talk about collectables to thousands of people and they all can identify and sympatize no matter what it is they collect.


  Chris Brennan said:

The drive to collect, the thrill of the hunt, the joy of discovery, the depression of the lost item.....it's the same the world over.

I talk about collectables to thousands of people and they all can identify and sympatize no matter what it is they collect.


I completely agree mate!!


  Vermillion21 said:
I wonder who has MORE TOYS, you or Godzilla?



Hey now why you dragging me in to this? :p I like SW but right now I dont have many SW toys like him though I have almost every fracking video game. And since the announcements of certain macross releases, it has come to my attention somethings need to go. SW toys is one of them. If I am to continue my arms race against Kensei (sorry buddy to include in this but I need a reason so you're it. :p:lol: J/K) , budget restraints has force me to sell of my other collections that no longer interest me.


budget restraints has force me to sell of my other collections that no longer interest me.


Yeah, I hear that one.

SO...selling off collectables.......(Waves hand in air)...ummm...I'm buying. :)

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