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  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:
I wonder if theEnd eventually get repaired and upgraded too?


Probably.....i think that TypeZero and theEnd are somehow linked to Eureka and Anemone respectively. TypeZero evolved because it has Renton and Eureka piloting it in sync....and theEnd.....maybe Dominic will get into it with Anemone later on.

Imagine the possibilties of kinkiness with theEnd's cockpit. :lol:

Theory: Since Eureka and Anemone is somewhat like messengers for the Corallians to better understand the humans, Eureka seems to be one who proves that humans are friends whereas Anemone is one who proves that humans are enemies and should be eliminated. So theEnd might really be a key to destroy the world whereas the TypeZero would allow Corallians and Humans to coexist.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I got the feeling too, ever since the black version of the nirvash made its apearance. There are always mecha that are one-of-a-kind (and have an evil clone for a good excuse to see some fighting) in these kind of shows. :D

And the whole Renton's daddy being the saviour of the world thing at the start is a big hint that renton becomes the hero and saves the world using the robot in some way. (but of course he is sensitive and all that so is reluctant at first - otherwise we wouldn't be watching the show since there would be no excuse to see some fighting :D)

So theEnd might really be a key to destroy the world whereas the TypeZero would allow Corallians and Humans to coexist.

Yeah I get the feeling the surfers broke away for a reason and sympathise with the aliens so something like that isn't out of the question. The aliens can be bad but have good people amoungst the mass majority, and the humans can be bad but have good people amoungst them too. So the surfers are the faction that wants peace and love and all that. In Aquarion for example, the military decide to take matters in thier own hands and fight the dark angels exploiting the human as guinea pigs, while the aquarion comes in to save the day cuz it's got the special uber powers. I suppose something similar will happen in this. :D

Same thing in rahxephon: the mulians were not bad guys since the main character was half and half so it was inevitable they would conclude the show with a merging of both sides..

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  Graham said:
For those of you that are interested, the new Shoji Kawamori Design Works Book features 2 page of color Eureaka 7 artwork and 16 pages of black and white lineart.



Graham, is there any good lineart of the Gekko-go/other ships that shows stuff like the launch ramps/landing gear etc?

As for the END, It'll be reapired certainly but I don't think it will be upgraded. Dewey has allready lost interest in it and Anemone.

I do think that there will be some kind of new GF mech for the upgraded Nirvrash to fight on slightly more equal terms.


I don't think Dewey lost interest in theEnd and Anemone. More like he wants to inflict as much pain and angst as possible to Anemone so she can go back to her friends and say "Humans are our enemies....lets destroy them all" to lure them out of the scab coral.


That's another way of looking at it, I thought that Dewey was just concentrating on his kids now.

That does make sense though but neither Anemone nor Eureka has communicated directly with the coralians.


Man , Ep32 was awesome !!!

The nirvash spec2. is really nice , it makes the nirvash look more menacing , and the flying mode puts that pinch of macross nostalgia to the whole show , reminds you whos in charge of the mecha. B))

And so the plot thickens , the characters grow , the mecha own , can´t get enough E7 now.

  Raptor said:
E7 is TEH WIN.

I've watched 47 episodes so far...

It's sad there's only two eps left (although the last one will be one-hour long).


Yeah your finishing it up now and it'll come out nearly a full year after be telecast. <_< Bastards! Gods I hope they don't totally screw up the dub. 'Cause I'm getting tired of hearing half the cast of Goddannar in most of the anime I get. :rolleyes:

  UN Spacy said:
Episode #33 is OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More Spec Two madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click ME!


YOU LIE! There's no spec 2 madness! <_<

This episode seems to be a turning point for most of the characters from gekko state.

I didn't like, but KINDA liked how Holland finally got down from his high horse. It was sudden, but man, there goes all his cool bad-ass points they've been keeping on him.

I wonder who that new monk/pope guy is.

Posted (edited)

He seems a lot less uptight though. I don't see why he should be the leader when the little kid is the one saving the day half the time! :D

Renton should be the leader of Gekkostate. :D

He is the one with the Uber mecha

his dad was the hero who saved the world

His gramps worked on the original alien robot.

All those surfers need to give him more respect FFS especially when he first got on the plane with them and said how disapointed they were when they finally met renton and found it was just a little kid. It's the fact that its just a little kid and that he is able to beat these elite pilots with his super powers that is helping them survive. So obvious what's going to happen at the end: they will need the uber mecha to rescue everyone from dying. The alien robot only chooses certain people to do all those super moves else it is just a normal machine.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

T'was very cruel but I'm glad they didn't release it in one huge bunch. I like my Eureka Seven in short yet sweet doses.


Is this becoming anyone elses favorite series of all time? IMHO it's got everything that one could want in a MEGA POPULAR anime.

  UN Spacy said:
T'was very cruel but I'm glad they didn't release it in one huge bunch. I like my Eureka Seven in short yet sweet doses.


Is this becoming anyone elses favorite series of all time? IMHO it's got everything that one could want in a MEGA POPULAR anime.


It has long since reached that stage for me and I've seen loads of the good old classics.


saw a commercial on [AS], they're gonna be airing it on the 15th at midnight....


48 was pretty good. Too bad my trip to Japan was only for a week, making me miss the final 2 episodes. I hope my friends that went don't spoil it for me if they happened to watch the final two.

I hate to admit it, but I saw episode 48 witout seeing the episodes between it and 32, so I was a bit confused by what happened.


Where's the Macrossworld E7 fans? This is the greatest series in a long time.

Episode #35 is out!

Grab it HERE!


It seems pretty inevitable doesn't it, Holland will buy the big one and Renton will take over as leader in the future hence his voice sounding so old in the bandai us trailer.

btw, second soundtrack is out now, loads more great background music on disc 1 and some hit and miss techno on disc two.


I just caught the first episode on cartoon network and immediately recognized kawamori's designs. The mecha action was really awesome! The comments on page one were right on when they compared E7 to FLCL, but what is cool is its FLCL with Mecha! Can't wait for the next episode. :D Any online retailers in the US sell this toy?!?!? :blink:

  realdeal said:
I just caught the first episode on cartoon network and immediately recognized kawamori's designs. The mecha action was really awesome! The comments on page one were right on when they compared E7 to FLCL, but what is cool is its FLCL with Mecha! Can't wait for the next episode.  :D Any online retailers in the US sell this toy?!?!? :blink:


The transforming figures, mangas and the game are all coming to the US pretty soon so I'd just keep your eyes open at your comic shop. ;)


35 was awesome. But Eureka freaking out is really making me annoyed. >_<

  Fort Max said:
  realdeal said:
I just caught the first episode on cartoon network and immediately recognized kawamori's designs. The mecha action was really awesome! The comments on page one were right on when they compared E7 to FLCL, but what is cool is its FLCL with Mecha! Can't wait for the next episode.  :D Any online retailers in the US sell this toy?!?!? :blink:


The transforming figures, mangas and the game are all coming to the US pretty soon so I'd just keep your eyes open at your comic shop. ;)


Thanks for answering my question. I'm actually glad the E7 toys aren't out in the US yet since Yamato has gouged me this year by releasing all their 1/48's out so close together. :angry:

Posted (edited)

Wow episode 35 is action packed. I love all the flashy missile swarms and how they artfully dodge them on the surf boards.

Kinda wish this was the level of animation in SDF: macross for each episode! :D

The uber mecha doesn't do anything fancy or anything on the scale of a dragonball-level of destruction in this ep though. :D

You know that bald guy? He kind of reminds me of the bald guy who use light in dragon ball. This guy has like telekinetic powers though instead.

Looks like there is big rivalry between the two bros to save the world. Will one die in a sensless Guld-like sacrifice?

I'm actually glad the E7 toys aren't out in the US yet since Yamato has gouged me this year by releasing all their 1/48's out so close together.

everyone always whines about thier bank-account/wallet screaming like a battered wife beaten by an abusive husband who won't change. :D "Just one more..promise I won't spend it all on toys, I will change once I get this.." The 1/48 reissues, the LV variants, the garland, the upcoming vf0, the reissue of masterpiece convoy etc Now is not a time to be adding to the shopping list.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

Oh wow!

I didn't think that a dub could make my ears feel like they are bleeding. Within the first 10 minutes I've felt like they've made no attempt to get close to the orginal VA's and to make it far worse the voices are Micheal Jackson soft nearly all of the time and whoever was directing them totally failed to bring out the required acting from the VA's to reflect what the visual emotion was. I've heard better voices from the "Golden Girls". This dub is probably THE worst dub I've ever heard. It's not possible to give it a grade of any type beyond 0 ala F.

Only voice so far that is kinda 'ok' reasonable is Hollands, go figure somebody who gets less air time gets a better voice. Renton's voice is a very poor selection it only sounds good when the character is yelling(WTF!), and Eureka's is nearly as bad being entirely the wrong tone! Talho's voice is slightly better then Rentons grandfather's but it lack's in something. Matthieu is another mis-cast(hello how about some accent here!). I'm shivering in fear when it comes to the other characters though. Gods only know what they have done for Moondoggie! ;)

The CD's are aureal heaven though and both the T-shirt & manga are fairly nice.

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