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Brosnan is Back as Bond

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I thought the guy who did Hulk was going to be bond

He just made it on the speculation list. I like the idea of Brosnan again, but they need a more 'mass market apeal' guy. Brosnan is good if they want my parents to go to the movie, but to make some serious cash in this crazy movie business they need to get the teens to go (they spend the most at movies). Brosnan isn't going to attract the teens and younger demographic groups.

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Brosnan is good if they want my parents to go to the movie, but to make some serious cash in this crazy movie business they need to get the teens to go (they spend the most at movies).

Screw the kids. :angry:

But if not me, then Clive Owen.

Yes! My vote is for Agent One for Bond! :) I'll actually go to the theature to see that one! Although it'll be interesting to see the "love scene" with a doornob. ;)

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I'm sure if they pay him enough, he'll come back.

IIRC, it's not about Brosnan not wanting to do it. I heard he really does want to do it. But, I heard that they wanted to make Casino Royale about one of Bond's earlier adventures, and that 51-year old Brosnan is just too old. They want a younger, fresher face with more mass-market appeal.

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The decision to do Casino Royale came after the fact that Brosnan disagreed to be Bond again. Brosnan was against the idea of making James Bond: The Extreeeeme Version. Producers wanted to get someone like Britney Spears to be the Bond girl just for the name and the hype, and Brosnan wanted more of a serious tone and his idea of a Bond girl was Monica Bellucci. After one disagreement over another, Brosnan bowwed out. The new younger hipper James Bond became a result of that development.

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Brosnan was against the idea of making James Bond: The Extreeeeme Version.

I will not go to see the next bond movie if it at all becomes like XXX. Phuk the kiddiez.

No offense to people who liked that movie, but I agree that bond movies should be serious movies. Maybe just have the uber villains be a young guy or girl, that bond defeats would be a better idea this time around? But not change it into an extreme bond. Forget the teenyboppers who only go to see popcorn flicks with thier GFs, bond isn't just action only, but about the tensions and suspense. (the "omg he almost died" effect) And you just don't get that when you make an action flick. Sure you can have outrageous stunts but only when they have a sense of realism about it too. (good example are the car chase scenes in Ronin, and maybe the fighting bits in borne identity.)

No wire stunts, no unrealistic charlies angels' "suspension in mid-air in slow motion" crap. He's not a superhero. Just give us more of what we like. That was one of the reasons I couldn't stand the resident evil movie. The scene where the chic started jumping off walls to kick the dog is just so much BS. :D

I thought the guy who did Hulk was going to be bond

That would be Eric Bana. I think he'd be good. It would definately be a role that would contrast the rough character he did in the Chopper movie though. :D I think this was Bana's best stuff. If you haven't seen it yet do it. And even though this is not meant to be funny movie, like the psycho in Taxi Driver, the character is. The funny thing about him is that he is just a comedian who does impersonations and his acting ability really surprised a lot of people. Interestingly, he did not audition for the role in this movie but the real-life "Chopper" picked him to play the role off the top of his head.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Off topic here, but I too hate the Resident Evil movies!!! Where's Chris anyway?!! Biggest complaint, the monsters suck, and I like it better when the characters can only do things that real people can do (even if they are trained in military style combat defense moves and such, they still shouldn't be able to run up a wall and do a flip). So while I like the games sooooo much, I can't stand the movies. RE 4 was a bit much too, but I still thought it was cool.

Back to Bond, the same thing applies. James Bond has been trained as a spy, not a one man army!!! Does he even spy anymore? So here's praying that they get a Bond who will spy again (even though that's not really the actor's choice, but the script and the movie studio).

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Off topic here, but I too hate the Resident Evil movies!!! Where's Chris anyway?!! Biggest complaint, the monsters suck, and I like it better when the characters can only do things that real people can do (even if they are trained in military style combat defense moves and such, they still shouldn't be able to run up a wall and do a flip). So while I like the games sooooo much, I can't stand the movies. RE 4 was a bit much too, but I still thought it was cool.

Back to Bond, the same thing applies. James Bond has been trained as a spy, not a one man army!!! Does he even spy anymore? So here's praying that they get a Bond who will spy again (even though that's not really the actor's choice, but the script and the movie studio).

Coincidentally, I wouldn't mind that british guy from the first RE movie to be Bond...

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  • 5 months later...

From what I read the next movie will be Casino Royal and they going to go for a less gadget more gritty, younger Bond.

In other words they copied Triple X in Bond 20 and it stunk so this time they are going to copy Batman Begins for Bond 21.

I'm at a total lost at who that actor is. If he's playing James Bond he's all wrong for the part. He has to look like me. I was already promised the role back in 97 after Bronson leaves.

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I dunno....he looks ok, I guess. Certainly has a harder edge to him than Moore ever did. Lets hope they dye his hair first.

But now the better news. Previously we'd heard that Neal Purvis & Robert Wade, the hacks who wrote the last two dreadfull Bond outings, were scripting CR. But now it seems they've ditched them in favor of Paul Haggis.


Cdn screenwriter Paul Haggis tweaks character of James Bond for 007 film

Updated at 14:16 on October 12, 2005, EST.

LOS ANGELES (CP) - Bond. James - rougher, darker, grittier - Bond.

That's the promise Oscar-nominated Canadian screenwriter Paul Haggis made when he signed on to revamp the super-spy character in the next James Bond film, Casino Royale.

Reached at his hotel room in New York where he's directing the pilot of a NBC TV crime series, Haggis said he's excited about sculpting the iconic secret agent into a much darker Bond.

"We're trying to do for Bond what Batman Begins did for Batman," he said, referring to the feature film prequel released this past summer that explained Batman's metamorphosis.

James Bond stepped out of the 1962 film Dr. No to become an icon, spawning more than 20 signature movies and countless imitations. Now it appears it's time for a facelift.

"They had a very good script, by the writers who did the last two Bond films," Haggis said about the people who produce the Bond movies.

"But they wanted someone to tweak the character a bit. They brought it to me. I did a rewrite on it - to try and reinvigorate the character."

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They better do a mean job with the makeup and he'd better be stellar in his acting, because the man does not exactly look Bond. Of the IMDB pictures I looked through, only a few vaguely even resembled someone who could play Bond... at times he looks more like Phil Collins or Bill Gates than Bond. His head is just... way too round.

That picture above isn't too shabby though.

Haggis... the man's named after a nasty Scottish intestinal dish?


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I think there's potential. You don't want a Brosnan clone, and the series could use a little something different. His delivery as Bond could end up being an interesting difference. I'll reserve judgement until I see it. He has to be better then Timothy Dalton at least. Remember those two.

There could have been worse choices. I'm sure they screen tested him a lot and saw potential.

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I am undecided, I want to see more promotion from the studio before I form an opinion as far as the plot/movie goes... As for Craig, he looks a little too sissy for me, I would have prefered Jackman.

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Tthe Bond films are nothing worth jumping up and down about, but it's always concerning when they take the films in a new direction. The franchise - like so many these days - has been done to death. This is not to say I don't enjoy my fair share of Bond flicks, but IMO Goldeneye was the last film I recall enjoying.

Martin Campbell being attached to the film is a good start and the powers that be could do a lot worse than Daniel Craig. However, my concern lies in the pattern being created. Campbell and Craig are safe choices and quite honestly, those running the franchise are teaming these two in the hopes that what came of Goldeneye (new director with a flair for old action hero reinvention and a new, promising face for Bond) can be duplicated with another fresh start. It's committee, money motivated movie making which very rarely leads to anything creative and innovative...something the series needs in spades.

Going back to a classic Bond beginning is probably a good idea at this point in the franchise's life. I'll grant the people involved credit for at least an attempt to put a proven director behind the camera, a honestly talented face in front, and a genuine attempt to build from a solid story on the page. I hope it all works out, cause I know I'm craving another good Bond ball.

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