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I've got this class in a stuffy as hell room that's always hot. Meaning it's hard to stay awake in there, so in an attempt to stay awake, I drew this guy up.


Developed towards the end of the Eve Wars (last week of November), the Leo Custom was an improved version of the Leo. With it's large veniers, and Neo Titanium armor the perfomance of the Leo Custom was compareable to the Tallgeese and can even hold it's own against a Gundam. However unlike the Tallgeese, the Leo Custom isn't as harsh on the pilot. The Leo Custom was equipped with a Dober Gun/105mm machine gun combo on the right shoulder and a large shield with a retractable style heat rod similar to the one that would be seen on the Tallgeese III, on the left shoulder. The Leo Custom also carried the usual two beam sabers storeed in an internal rack on the shield.

At the time of the final battle between the World Nation and the White Fang there were only 20 Leo Custom units available for evaluation. These 20 units racked up and impressive kill score against the Mobile Dolls of the White Fang. At the end of the battle all 20 units emergered relatively intact. Following the war all 20 units fell under the care of the Preventers. During the Barton Foundation's attempted coup, the 20 Leo Custom units were engaged with the Taurus Mobile Dolls of the Foundation in orbit to prevent them from joining with the Serpent units already in Brussels. Following the attempted coup, the Leo Customs were locked away by the Preventers. Unlike the other mobile suits the Preventers kept the Leo Customs around, just in case...


  Druna Skass said:
With it's large veniers, and Neo Titanium armor the perfomance of the Leo Custom was compareable to the Tallgeese and can even hold it's own against a Gundam. However unlike the Tallgeese, the Leo Custom isn't as harsh on the pilot.

Ummm... the Tallgeese's abuse of it's pilot was just a rare moment of Gundam Wing properly observing the laws of motion.

High-speed changes in direction are rough on the pilot by default, because his momenteum keeps trying to carry him in the original direction.

Match performance, match pilot suffering.

Posted (edited)
  JB0 said:

Ummm... the Tallgeese's abuse of it's pilot was just a rare moment of Gundam Wing properly observing the laws of motion.

High-speed changes in direction are rough on the pilot by default, because his momenteum keeps trying to carry him in the original direction.

Match performance, match pilot suffering.

Before we start applying real world physics to a piece of fantasy, lets remember this is the same series someone used a ground combat unit for air combat. IT didn't make sence since episode 1 so why should it make sence now?

Edited by Druna Skass
  Zentrandude said:
I need to watch atleast one episode of gundam so I can sorta know what you guys mean.

basicly the tallgeese is so fast and agile that the G's injure the pilots

  Druna Skass said:
  JB0 said:

Ummm... the Tallgeese's abuse of it's pilot was just a rare moment of Gundam Wing properly observing the laws of motion.

High-speed changes in direction are rough on the pilot by default, because his momenteum keeps trying to carry him in the original direction.

Match performance, match pilot suffering.

Before we start applying real world physics to a piece of fantasy, lets remember this is the same series someone used a ground combat unit for air combat. IT didn't make sence since episode 1 so why should it make sence now?


I was just pointing out that the problem with the mech was the artists chose to briefly acknowledge physics.

  Dat Pinche Haro! said:
whoa...was the class just that boring? :p:lol::lol:

Not so much boreing, just the class room it's in (if you could call it that, it's more like a f*cking utility closet, thanks for the budget cuts Ah-nold) has zero ventilation, it's constantly hot and stale, that you just get drowsy in there no matter what.

This room is one of the reasons I stay out of AgentOne's Ah-nold thread. There no way I'd be able to keep from making it into a political thread and keep myself from bashing Ah-nold.


Wasn't the tallgeese technically just a modified Leo? They showed its Leo-head as it gets covered by that Roman-style head dress in the hangar in one scene.


if i recall the Tallgeese was a prototype that was much older, but was remarkably made for its time. i think the leos came after it but for some reason were never able to surpass it, which caused Zechs to have intrest in it

  zeo-mare said:
if i recall the Tallgeese was a prototype that was much older, but was remarkably made for its time. i think the leos came after it but for some reason were never able to surpass it, which caused Zechs to have intrest in it

But they were able to make the Tallgeese II and III and the Epyon? :blink:

  zeo-mare said:
if i recall the Tallgeese was a prototype that was much older, but was remarkably made for its time. i think the leos came after it but for some reason were never able to surpass it, which caused Zechs to have intrest in it

The Tallgeese was the original prototype.

The Leos don't perform as well because the Tallgeese was deemed far more powerful than was needed.

They were intentionally scaled back.

Posted (edited)

What I recall is that the Tallgeese in it's original form(built a number of years before the year Wing starts) was to large to be mass produced. It would cost to much and require to much power, also something that powerful really wasn't needed I think as well, so it was scaled down into the Leo mass produced version we see in the show. Tallgeese 2 doesn't appear until the very end of Wing cause by then I believe that the Tallgeese 1 was either abadoned or seriously damaged. So it was basicly an upgrade I believe to more of a match for the mobile doll mobile suits and the upgraded Gundams. Tallgeese 3 was a new suit I believe or another upgrade. I honestly always though it was just the Epyon Gundam modified to look like the Tallgeese and given the beam cannon for long range combat since the Epyon was a close range combat suit. Epyon was built by Treize long into the series.

Edited by Effect
Posted (edited)
  Effect said:
What I recall is that the Tallgeese in it's original form(built a number of years before the year Wing starts) was to large to be mass produced. It would cost to much and require to much power, also something that powerful really wasn't needed I think as well, so it was scaled down into the Leo mass produced version we see in the show. Tallgeese 2 doesn't appear until the very end of Wing cause by then I believe that the Tallgeese 1 was either abadoned or seriously damaged. So it was basicly an upgrade I believe to more of a match for the mobile doll mobile suits and the upgraded Gundams.  Tallgeese 3 was a new suit I believe or another upgrade. I honestly always though it was just the Epyon Gundam modified to look like the Tallgeese and given the beam cannon for long range combat since the Epyon was a close range combat suit. Epyon was built by Treize long into the series.


Built by the five Gundam scientists several decades before the series. Deemed to powerful and too difficult to handle for the average pilot. OZ downgraded the Tallgeese for the mass-production Leo. The Leo is basicaly a GM of Tallgeese. Tallgeese was self-detonated by Zechs when he went to recover Wing Zero.

Tallgeese II

Built by Treize from spares for Tallgeese. Supposedly technicaly identical to Tallgeese but that can be debated. Rumors range from beam cannon instead of a standard Dober Gun, to Gundanium used in the armor.

Tallgeese III

Built for Treize but the Mega Cannon and Shield weren't ready in time for the final battle against White Fang. Tallgeese III was not built by OZ and it's unknown who built it. Ends up in the hands of the Preventers. We never see it get destroyed so it's possible that Tallgeese III is the last remaing mobile suit.

Treize and Zechs are the only pilots known to be able to handle Tallgeese.

Edited by Druna Skass
Posted (edited)

My fave mechs were the virgos.

The scientists own hair styles don't even have realistic physics.

High-speed changes in direction are rough on the pilot by default, because his momenteum keeps trying to carry him in the original direction.

I bet they put that in just to make the gundam pilots seem extra special (they studied thier dna and found it wasn't human) so that only gentically modified little kids would be suited to be giant robot pilot experts.

I can now see the zentradi being similar: bodies that have been modified in some way to withstand stress. Increased bone desity so that they can ram thier fists into the chest of a valk without breaking anything. Sometimes you see a valk busting its arms through the wall of a ship with barely any effort yet when fighting one-one one with britai, the valk couldn't beat an unarmoured giant.

After all didn't the main character in Wing not die from an explosion that destroyed his gundam? :blink:

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
  1/1 LowViz Lurker said:
After all didn't the main character in Wing not die from an explosion that destroyed his gundam? :blink:

To be fair, Heero did not survive a blast meant to destroy his Gundam.

That blast was intended only to destroy the top secret technology in it. The area that detonates is the torso, head, and.. crotch. Sensors, CPU, reactor, etc. The majority of the mobilesuit is left intact, albeit in several large chunks..

Posted (edited)

Nah, you don't get it..I understand that the whole thing wouldn't be destroyed but I disagree a normal person should have survived the blast.

You see heero fully intended to kill himself in the blast. Otherwise the characters wouldn't mention: "He gave his life so others would live."

In other words, by standing so close to the cockpit he wanted to die in the blast too.

But because the kid has special tough body, he recovered from the injuries as if a normal human would recover from the flu.

They were playing around with this idea that his body was extra special, and that he could take the G forces of the gundam unlike Zex who had to train to be able to handle it, thus making the Tallgeese usable.

Also Zex mentions in the anime that his advantages (merely being skilled and experienced) against these pilots were somehow not that big advantages when you could take into consideration that thier abilities and bodies were able to make use of the gundams. (he overestimated the skill aspect of combat alone, there's also the disipline that comes in training yourself to handle a better, faster machine, and not just handle it, but master it to be able to use it at its full potential to be on a level playing ground with the kid using the gundams.)

The idea here is that the gundam can't be piloted by just anybody, otherswise they would have just mass-produces the tallgeese. Only little kids with special abilities could make use of them without killing themselves. (ie similar to the yf21 when the limiter was taken away: way too dangerous to handle if alowed to go at max speed, but the advantage of using it to its full potential can turn the tide of a battle if the odds are against you with many inferiour mechs outnumbering you.)

Not until the Mobile Dolls, which are PILOTLESS; thus eliminating the danger of killing the pilot, were the scientists able to take advantage of faster, more-manueverable mecha in combat, and one of the reasons Traize was against thier use: because it wasn't fair one-on-one combat where the opponent can respect thier rival's skill, just a way to conveniantly win wars at the push of a button - which was a way of saying "you only won because you relied on a way better weapon than me, shameless coward!" If there's no honour in fighting, soldiers would have no reason to enter combat since it's just a race to see who has more money.

These dolls were, however offset by the fact they are predictable and easy to outsmart because thier information or learning behaviour is only based on outdated past information which governs how they fight. It's just not the same as dueling a human who adapts in-realtime to the skilled opponent they are fighting against and whom expects the unexpected when he sees a extraordinary skilled ace in a good mecha. Good intuition is half the battle too, and robots ignore who it is that they fight against by not caring about the enemy pilot. This is why Zex's newer VR helmet style control system outclassed the AI-controlled mobile dolls since the human's thoughts are in control of the dolls rather than the dolls being controlled by whatever experience they've got from past battles against easy enemies. A good master-strategist who is a war fan, could learn to control the dolls in certain formations to make up for the lack of skills they would have in one-to-one. It wouldn't have been as honourable to win this way, but it gets the job done if you are severly outnumbered.

In the end Zex entered the war to fight for the people of space, (thinking only these people know peace) and Traise entered to fight for the earth. (cuz he loves flowers and nature) But they are both elitist pricks who think they are better or more important than others by looking down on us normal people as well as being hypocrits. They both have stupid ideologies that involved killing innocent people, but its a good excuse to watch mech battles anyhow. :D

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

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