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Like a year ago there was somebody working on it... Chris maybe? I dont remember.

Looks like he drop it. :(

I would die to see a convertion kit for the stampede in 1/48 form.


I think one member did have plans to do this. I forget who it was though, but nothing has been heard in a long, long time, so the project is probably dead.

You can try doing a search, although I suspect that it is so long ago that it might be on the old forums.



macross or not, that is just gundam phallic compensation there, i understand the buster cannon cuz it supposed to take out cpital ships or w/e, but the gatling gun? the nose cone addition? and those missles and gattling just just ad weight, shud be speed in, fire at the ship, speed out, all that other stuff will slow it down

  nightmareB4macross said:
Does anyone have more pictures of this?

Front, back, left, right, top, bottom. I have only the pics of it, in the DW and that really isn't enough.

Any help would be appreciated.

that and some pics in battroid. :)

Posted (edited)

The color scheme, IMO, leaves much to be desired. I think it would look great in "Low Vis" gray tones though.

EDIT: Not so much gray here as black, but I like this better than the standard blue.


Edited by Majestic

I've seen this valk for years. But I don't remember its pedigree. Is it from a game, or just a Kawamori doodle? What's its story?


  Hurin said:
I've seen this valk for years. But I don't remember its pedigree. Is it from a game, or just a Kawamori doodle? What's its story?


It is from the Kawamori Macross Design Works.

Posted (edited)
  >EXO< said:
It was Rob from Robthingies... he hasn't posted in ages.

rob is exceptionally busy at the moment constructing a house. Between permits, contractors, traveling, etc he put all his hobbies on the back burner. I'll ask him about the stampy next time I chat with him. If it was him then is was 1/55 scale though.

I put this old pic up in the anti armor thread but I don't have any more images of it. Got pics of other strange valks though.

Edited by kanata67
  kanata67 said:
  >EXO< said:
It was Rob from Robthingies... he hasn't posted in ages.

rob is exceptionally busy at the moment constructing a house. Between permits, contractors, traveling, etc he put all his hobbies on the back burner. I'll ask him about the stampy next time I chat with him. If it was him then is was 1/55 scale though.

I put this old pic up in the anti armor thread but I don't have any more images of it. Got pics of other strange valks though.

Hi Kanata! :) So how're ya doing? ;)

Regarding the scale of the Stapy Rob was planning to make, it was being planned in 1/48. I was inquiring about it from him a long time ago :)

Btw, any news on the shipping fee of my boxes of crap? LOL! ;)

gian7675 :)

Posted (edited)

hiyyyyyaaaaaaaa guys long time no see ,and no i didnt drop the project let me see if i snap a pic of what i have done which is almost nothing as my dear friend kanata has said i dont have the time ;)

i have been trying to do some more sanding lately but i almost dont have time to do so though.

oh and although i prefer 1/55 the projects going to be in 1/48 :D

Edited by Rob

as you can see almost nothing as this piece is far from finished also.

i did some sanding on a legarmor but as that still looks like a lump of putty

im not going to show it as yet :p

the nose armor is a bit fat but thats cuz if i would make it slimmer the lazer/lights or whatever you want to call it would nearly stick out i can still sand off a bit though but i hope i dont screwup the nice line it has now and make it to round.

all this offcourse is just my vision of this thing as of now and it still doesnt look like much. :D


Jeez, all this time, and that's all you have to show? You're making my progress on the Armored Gerwalk (which was started at about the same time) look like warp speed! :p

Keep up the good work man!


hahaha yeah ive sanded down those things on the nose armor since last showing you the pics ,thats all ive done so far :lol:

  fulcy said:
Jeez, all this time, and that's all you have to show? You're making my progress on the Armored Gerwalk (which was started at about the same time) look like warp speed! :p

Keep up the good work man!

Isnt this the pot calling the kettle black? :p I mean Fulcy, how about the armored gerwalk project? :rolleyes::p;) J/K.

  Godzilla said:
  fulcy said:
Jeez, all this time, and that's all you have to show?  You're making my progress on the Armored Gerwalk (which was started at about the same time) look like warp speed!  :p

Keep up the good work man!

Isnt this the pot calling the kettle black? :p I mean Fulcy, how about the armored gerwalk project? :rolleyes::p;) J/K.

Uhm, guess i should have noted the sarcasm in my post... <_<

  Hurin said:
I've seen this valk for years. But I don't remember its pedigree. Is it from a game, or just a Kawamori doodle? What's its story?


It was featured rather prominently in all of the Macross PC98 computer games, "Skull Leader", "Love Stories", and "Remember Me" (which also featured the VF-X4 and the VX-3). These games are available through emulation.

The SDP-01 was designed as a ship-buster, and although it's been a while since I've had these games on my hard drive (I keep them stored with the proper emulator on a CD), I seem to recall them being fairly adept at taking down scout ships and destroyers :)


I am glad to see this proyect is "sort of" alive.

I would really really really like to see it finished.

but considering how fast Rob is... that would be in 10 more years???

I hope you finish it Rob.

Too bad Yoshi left the forums and his Macross adiction, he was crazy about the STP


ow come on dude 10 years?? :lol:

ill finish my house by the end of this year most likely and then i will spend alot more time on this project .

i too hope ill finish it :D


Hummm judjing from what you have done in a year, I think 10 more to finish the armor is "conservative" :rolleyes:

Really, please keep working on that armor!!! I can inmagine how cool a STP Bat in a 1/48 scale will look!

I want recasts soooo badly.

Maybe you should talk to the wife and pospone a bit the house? Hu? :lol:

by the way, your proyect is 1.000.000x cooler than Fulcy's Armored valk, just dont tell him :ph34r:

  Sebastian said:
by the way, your proyect is 1.000.000x cooler than Fulcy's Armored valk, just dont tell him :ph34r:

OMG! :(


doh?? if i ask that to my wife there will surtainly be no more sdp project.

you know why dont you?

cuz i would be dead thats why :D:D

come on fulcy dont sweat it ,i cant help it that this stuff shines more :lol::lol:

now way that this is cooler then fulcys stuff im sure his stuff will look more pro then whatever i can make of this :lol:


Rob. I see you are a servant of that lady... just like all of us married mans.

Fulcy. Sorry, truth hurts sometimes.

So... What IF you two switch proyects??? So Fulcy can have a supper cool looking proyect like the SPT that is gonna be finished and deleivered in the next 3 years... and Rob can take another 8 years to finish Fulcy's armored gearwalk???

hu? Sounds cool he? hu?


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