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This might be old news


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Well, I changed jobs. I went from an assistant band director (out of 3 directors) to a lead band director with no assistant to help me. It was kind of crazy, so I was basically working to work and working to relax. Yuck! Things have calmed down, so my MW visits have gotten to be more frequent! :)


In Texas - the land of football and middle / high school band!!!!!!

Edited by valkyrie312
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Yep, that pic is of a very old sculpt. The sculpt has actually gone through some revsions since then (head laser angle changed, hip sockets redesigned smaller).

The revised sculpt was displayed by Yamato at a few hobby shows in Japan around the middle of last year. If you search, you should be able to find the threads with the pics of the revised sculpt.

However, for 6 months now there has been no new news or photos of this toy in any of the Japanese Hobby magazines. Also, Yamato has stopped displaying the sculpt at the last few hobby shows, which has lead many of us to suspect that they have decided to drop it from their production schedule.


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To be honest, I never heard much good response from most of the fans, whether it be us on MW or the japanese on the BBS overseas. The only reason people wanted this thing was because it was the only VF-0 toy announced. But even diehard phoenix lovers like me didnt want it.

In any case I keep dreaming and hoping bandai would make one. Hah dreams alas.

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I have given up on the toys so I went and bought the 1/72 vf-0 fighter kit from Hasegawa. By the time I get to finishing the toys will probably be out! :p

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