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That looks so awesome man, can you please explain your technique for creating the tiger stripes?


The stripes were all done freehand. I set my compressor down to around 10-15 % and used the fine needle and tip in my airbrush. The color is Polly S German panzer dark brown. Thin the paint with a little alcohol. Using very slow draws on the airbrush just lightly trace out the stripe on the model, once a good border is established fill it in.


[attachmentid=36995]Here's something that's almost done. Just have to put some decals on.

I call this the PA-1000 Phantom. This is a kitbash of what I consider a predecessor to the QF-3000 Ghost, or maybe from right before the ghost in Macross Zero. I'm going to mark it for the UN Navy.







The finish isn't as good as I was hoping, but I tried a lot of new things on this and gained some good experience. This is the second kit I used an airbrush on. First time I scribed new panel lines, some of which are a little too deep. I also used an oil paint wash for the panel lines and that turned out to be my favorite new technique. It worked really well and was super easy! This was also my first kitbash project. I really only used one kit, but made several modifications. A NO PRIZE goes to the first person who can tell what plane this was originally. (you airplane buffs shouldn't have too much trouble figuring it out)

I look forward to any and all comments or tips!





Not Macross, but this is what was finished just ahead of the Phantom.

It's an Ambassador class ship from Star Trek. My brother and cousin play a Star Trek RPG and this is their ship; The U.S.S. Triumph. I'm going to submit this to the SSM gallery so hopefully you can see more pictures there if you're interested. ;)




Nice ambassador. Was that the clear cast yamaguchi or was it the Ent C kit?

I also like your AI drone, what did you use to make it?

Posted (edited)

Thanks! The Ambassador is the Ent-C from the 1/2500 scale three ship set. I used custom decals from PNT models. Once they finally arrived they were great. The biggest pain for me on the kit was trying to get all of the windows to be evenly filled with white or black paint. Didn't wholly succeed, but it's almost impossible to freehand them!

I'll give a few others a chance to figure out what I used for the drone before I tell. ;)

Edited by jardann

Ahhh, you sliced up a "Ford" (F-4D) Skyray! One of my favorite 1950's carrier planes next to the Cutlus. It looks really good though! That's still a very modern looking airframe, especially with your modifications. - MT


You're right MT! It was an old Airfix Skyray kit that I chopped up and modified. Was it the shape of the wings that gave it away for you? The hardest part was cutting off the raised spine and rudder and then reapplying the rudder as the twin tail surfaces and getting them to blend in. I'm glad you like it! I think it will look pretty good on a flight deck next to some Valkyries. :) Hopefully when I get some more valks built it will provide some variety.

HWR, I take your statement as a big compliment! I'm always impressed with your models. I'm really happy with the way the Ambassador turned out. I have to say that the PNT decals really help. The secondary hull sides are almost completely covered with decals to represent the panels and windows. The saucer is what took some patience, lots of careful masking and some luck! :p The only decals there are the stripes around the edge, the lifeboats (little yellow squares) and the registry. I got pretty tense painting all those little windows on the saucer! :wacko: It's right about 8" long. I sent in some pics to SSM for the gallery over there, so hopefully next Friday you should be able to see some more pics of it. If it gets accepted.

Thanks again guys. I think the drone will have a more Macrossy feel after I get some decals in place. But I think it should fit in nicely.


It's the wings! The split vertical stab was just confirmation. From the thumbnail shot I thought it was "the flying Dorito" at first. The I saw the intakes on the sides and took a second look. Happy decaling! - MT

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry been busy. Got to rebuild 1/2 of a rescued 1/48 Millennium Falcon, Drilling out hundreds of windows on a 1/1400 Enterprise E and i have a son due any day now.


Working on my Ghost for the Boneyard project



Posted (edited)
  Kylwell said:

Working on my Ghost for the Boneyard project

Boneyard project??? sounds suspicious, but whatever that means, seems that you have already spent some time superdetailing my little kit. Can´t wait to see this one progressing! :)

Edited by honneamise

I've been working on a VF-11B, made (almost) entirely of surplus or reject casts. The goal is to have it done in time for a show in 3 weeks.

Wish me luck :unsure:


  Valkyrie said:

I've been working on a VF-11B, made (almost) entirely of surplus or reject casts. The goal is to have it done in time for a show in 3 weeks.

Wish me luck :unsure:

Good luck! Break a...er... wing?

  Valkyrie said:

I've been working on a VF-11B, made (almost) entirely of surplus or reject casts. The goal is to have it done in time for a show in 3 weeks.

Wish me luck :unsure:

Doesnt look too bad to be reject castings.


Hey Valkyrie, aren't you forgetting your tugger? You gotta finish it! - MT

Posted (edited)

Guess what I´ve been working on over the last weeks.... these are some of the smaller parts

Edited by honneamise

Heres is my really long term, Labor of love project. A 1/48 scale Millennium falcon. The small revell falcon is there for size reference.

This is all i have of it. everything you dont see i have to scratchbuild. Fortunately it sizes out perfectly to the FMMF for dimensions so i will be using the FMMF to get base measurements and then convert those to 1/48 scale.



Posted (edited)
  honneamise said:

Guess what I´ve been working on over the last weeks.... these are some of the smaller parts


I'd heard about that project from John a few months back, but I've been keeping my mouth shut :lol:

Can't wait to see it finished!

Edited by Valkyrie
  HWR MKII said:

Heres is my really long term, Labor of love project. A 1/48 scale Millennium falcon. The small revell falcon is there for size reference.

This is all i have of it. everything you dont see i have to scratchbuild. Fortunately it sizes out perfectly to the FMMF for dimensions so i will be using the FMMF to get base measurements and then convert those to 1/48 scale.

Man that is a big Falcon, what is there looks like a very detailed model, what is not there looks like a lot of work. Very unusual parts breakdown! Is /was that thing available as a garage kit?

BTW the Revell Falcon actually looks decent in your pics, but AFAIK it has the same side panel proportion issues as the old Ertl kit. Did you change that or is it just the photo angle?

  honneamise said:

Man that is a big Falcon, what is there looks like a very detailed model, what is not there looks like a lot of work. Very unusual parts breakdown! Is /was that thing available as a garage kit?

BTW the Revell Falcon actually looks decent in your pics, but AFAIK it has the same side panel proportion issues as the old Ertl kit. Did you change that or is it just the photo angle?

The BIG Falcon is the remnants of an old SMT kit. It really isnt supposed to exist. Very few of them got out to the public before Lucasfilm gave SMT a CND notice. It will be close to the same size as the 32 inch filming model but will have the detail of the 5 footer. I have already started gathering the appropriate scaled greeblies to correct what is wrong with the large kits sidewalls.

The smaller falcon was actually modified by Bar over on SSM. He has left it with me for a repaint. After he saw my FMMF he wanted me to repaint the RG one similar to that.

Posted (edited)

In progress:

Millia figure from the 15th anniversary Bandai 1/100 kits. Not sure on the scale but the figure is 2 3/4 inches tall. Things were going well until I decided the purple was too dark and tried to lighten the colour. This was complicated by all the masks being removed just before I noted the colour difference. My attempt to lighten (dodgy light spray of white) faired poorly and now the surface is speckled. Ouch.

I'm hoping that a light purple wash plus some purple pastel will rectify most of the hiccup :)

There are still a few more spots to tidy up with the paint brush (in case you notice things like the touchup required on the right bicep/shoulder line). I'm about 60% done on the figure.


IPB Image

IPB Image

Edited by cowie165

I forgot to add, the hair will be finished lighter. The forest green is more of a base to be followed by drybrushed park green.

Ok here's a few Wehrmacht soldiers I'm about to insert into my first diorama. It's a 1/72 WW2 setup. I'll probably post a few pics when I'm done. The kits are done, just need to finish the MDF base.

IPB Image

IPB Image


The ertl issues were overall detail being soft/wrong and sidewall height. The revell issues are some details wrong and sidewall height.

The 1/48 falcon was mastered by Alfred Wong and sold through SMT models before they went under. This is the model that caused the infamous CND order from lucasfilm. There is no possibility of it EVER being reissued as far as i know. The only drawback of the 1/48 i can see is there is TOO MUCH detailing on the sidewalls and on the rear engine deck. I will be using a dremel to remove the details then ill reinforce what i need to and redetail using the best greeblies that match the 5 foot model or scratch building what i need. I will also need to scratch up all the main fuselage recessed detail bays and the mandible sidewalls.


Good to know, thanks! I'm only just learning what SW kits are available - the common brands are AMT/ERTL and MPC, right? MPC is usually preferred?

And it is very surprising to hear you'll be removing detail! Very unusual. I guess too much detail is distracting from the finished piece?


  cowie165 said:

Good to know, thanks! I'm only just learning what SW kits are available - the common brands are AMT/ERTL and MPC, right? MPC is usually preferred?

And it is very surprising to hear you'll be removing detail! Very unusual. I guess too much detail is distracting from the finished piece?


Basically the detail that is there is wrong and theres too many greeblies. So ill have to remove all those and replace them with the proper details. This in some cases will result in not as much detail being put back on but what will be on will be more accurate than what was removed.

Also all the StarWars kits are MPC kits. MPC was bought out in the mid 80s by AMT ERTL.


nice milia .. pity about the deep purple (good band though)!

here's my (arguably) completed Dom. he says hi very succinctly!

diorama in process ... using the newspaper + hydrocal plaster method. my first time ever, any tips anyone?




  cowie165 said:

Good to know, thanks! I'm only just learning what SW kits are available - the common brands are AMT/ERTL and MPC, right? MPC is usually preferred?

And it is very surprising to hear you'll be removing detail! Very unusual. I guess too much detail is distracting from the finished piece?


The finest Star Wars kits are the Fine Molds. All in 1:72 scale which makes then on the tiny side. SSM has some upgrade kits available for the earlier kits.

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