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Nice Phantom!

Ok, rust technique.

The secret to it is a product known as "Rustall". You'll find it any place that caters to train enthusiasts.

Basically you paint the model flat black. Then use the salt technique (do I need to explain the salt masking technique?) to mask the edges and then paint with the original color. Brush the slat off and apply Rustall #1. you may want multiple coats. For added depth paint over with flat black and repeat process.

It takes awhile to do the the result is frellin' astounding.


I thought it might be rustall. But you never know, I have seen sone excellent rust effects done with baking powder. MIG products also has a great rusting range too.


Can we get some product details on this Rustall stuff? The reults are astounding... I wonder if I could pull it off in scale on Battletech minis.... might be too small. I always do my mecha weathered properly like tanks because that's exactly what they are, bipedal tanks.


Rustall came on the market decades ago for train modelers. It can still be found in most train stores and even in the pages of FSM. As Kylwell has said its a multi step process done in layers. You dont have to use the salt method if you get the full kit for it. The salt method is just another way to add depth to the look of the flaking paint.


I'm a big fan of the salt masking technique. You could probably use it on Battle tech minis, you'd just need to be more careful applying it (say with a 5-0 brush).

The carrier for the rust is somewhat achohol based, as it eats the paint a bit. Depending on when you apply it, it can eat off the paint.

Doing multiple layers can give you the chipped and repainted look. Which is what I was looking for in this case.


Yes Rustall is simply awesome, and better yet, actually easier to apply then paint, and most any other weathering effects. Been using it for years, and found all kinds of ways experiment with it. Also it last a longtime, im on my 3rd set in only 7 years, wow, 7 years, im getting old :D

You cant screw up the aplication either, use it on any kinda model, resin does require a rough sand first though, the new rustall set comes with fine dirt which you can mix with the flat matt and black matt, both come with the rustall kit.I am not sure if the old post exists, i had pictures loaded with some rustall applied to em, but i think that was years ago here on the MacrossWorld forums, ill dig up a pic and throw in post.

i say get it, try it, about 20 bucks if i remember correctly, my last set lasted me about 2 years so far, of course i have done only about 6 models, lol. You cannot screw up with this, you want a weathered effects you will get em for sure, no matter how you put it on.



Heres 2 1/35 scale resin cast kits i put together recently. The tracked tank is a CVRT Scorpion(combat vehicle reconiasance tracked) the 6 wheeled one is a CVRW Saladin. These are a warmup for my upcoming conversion of a Chieftan MK5 tank to represent the one used in Reign Of Fire.

I will be finishing rex shortly i just felt the need to work on somethig a little simpler at the moment. Plus getting rid of these 2 boxes helps clean out my closet a little.





Here's one of 3 things I'm working on, a hase VF-0 kit. I'm trying something different this time, I panel lined the whole thing with a 0.2 marker and next I'll airbrush lightly to (hopefully) keep the panel lines. The hase kits have such great detail I want to make sure it stands out.



@Kylwell: how's that "very distressed & rusted out Zaku" coming along?? can't wait to see your technique on the whole model.

I've been wanting to do a rusted-out abandoned Zaku with battle damage, sitting half-slumped in a jungle/rainforest dio, a tree growing thru the body, little tiny monkeys playing around what's become their home for several generations... stuff like that... your technique would be perfect.


some of you asked so here it is. I have donr more work on MG Rex parts tonight. The backpack/missile launcher part. It is ready for final shaping and details. the rail gun and and radar pieces will attach to arms which attach to this. If all goes well the prototype rex should be complete by this weekend. Now that i know how all the pieces go together i will be able to make the masters in january with a higher level of detail and more refined finish than this one.




Backpack detailing DONE! Some small seams to fill and sand and its off to paint. All thats left now are the arm joints for the railgun and radar, the crotch mounted beam laser and some small markings. This beast has 14 medium range ballistic missilc launchers installed . 3 in each knee and 8 on the back unit.




  Viceland said:
@Kylwell: how's that "very distressed & rusted out Zaku" coming along?? can't wait to see your technique on the whole model.

I've been wanting to do a rusted-out abandoned Zaku with battle damage, sitting half-slumped in a jungle/rainforest dio, a tree growing thru the body, little tiny monkeys playing around what's become their home for several generations... stuff like that... your technique would be perfect.


I'm about 80% done. The most painful process is sanding all those frellin' little ppwrlead link ring things.

Well, besides the weeks of distressing plastic and adding wear & tear.


REX is now 95% done. I just have the smaller details to add tomorrow. I have assembled all the major components and he is now recognizable for the massive weapon of destruction he is.







Man that is wicked looking. Very menacing. Schaweet!


Thanks i hope i was able to capture the look and feel of the game character. Im still suprising myself with this thing. i wanted a model of it when i played MGS on the PS1 and now 7 years later i have it


My workbench is like a nonstop assembly line i swear. Now that rex is almost complete i can allot more time for these 2 beauties. The one on the left is my new Ultimate detail Strike Valk, still undergoing construction and almost ready for paint. It will be finished in the DYRL Hikaru red markings. The one on the right is my old UD Strike. I disassembled it and used the leftover fighter version parts from my new kit to make it into the fighter version. It will be wearing DYRL Max blue and represent his aircraft undergoing maintenance after his fight with Millia.





Heres the Max 1S after having the paint fully stripped off, resprayed white and the base detailint started. After the detail paint i will seal it with a acrylic clear coat, then decals, and then i will heavily distress the finish to represent the fighter after his fateful encounter with Milia. I know Max got hit around the nose area and on the front left of the "chest" plate. Ill also be adding heavy streaking to the fuselage to represent overstressed hydraulic and oil lines that had begun to leak from the tight manuvers and G forces he was pulling





Well, I went and re-organized my whole work lineup after summer camp. I am working on knocking out a whole bunch of half painted figures that have been cluttering my work area, and then I have a whole bunch of 28mm infatry units to do for various games (WM and WH40K) And I have a 1/100 scale VF-1S super battroid to do, a Banpresto CF to do, and a 1/12 scale Ride Armor kit that I am going to make more posable with the joints from a crappy Gundam Seed model that has ball joints.

Posted (edited)

Nice finish Mechleader. What color are you using for the brown base on that?

Well i got the Max 1S together. Now to start the weathering to make it look like it has been through the Milia mechgrinder and taught the grinder a thing or 2. I used the "Exposed" option for the fuselage on the nose since i plan on making some mechanics for it. So far i have just done a line wash for the details, postshading and some pastel work. Notice the blown away outer flap on the right wing. I still have a lttle more to do on the weathering but what do you think? I also put excessive scorching around all the verniers on it from the over use from all the manuvers being pulled.






Edited by HWR MKII

Thanks guys. Considering this thing WAS built as the strike option to begin with im suprised it went back together at all. This is as far as i can get on it for now the weatherng is done but i have to wait for the Ultimate Valk Ultimate decal set to get here, I ordered one from devin, He is even going to throw in a set of Skull squadron markings for the tail of this one. With the decal sheet i hae now and the one he is sending ill be able to dress both these up quite nicely.

What else are you guys working on? While these are sitting and waiting i might get my VF-0S back out and finish it :D Then ill finish decaling my SV-51 Ivanov.


Well I started both of my sets of weapons for the the Hasegawa kits after I finished the variable Super VF-1D but the Battlefiled 2 and Warcraft got ahold of me.

Posted (edited)

Almost finished my VF-0A kit! Just have to find where I left the front landing gear.. :D Got a few more little bits to stick on then its done. I thought the grey colours got a bit boring so I mixed in a few drops of blue for the highlights. Came out bluer than I expected, but no matter.

Sorry for grainy pics.. I took this in the kitchen. :rolleyes:



edit - removed crappy pics.

Edited by Guppy

Mechleader,yup that is one of the 1/48th UD valks i have im working on the other one right now.

Nice work guppy! :D I like the different take on the low Vis scheme.


Great cockpit detail! And I love the 2 shades of grey you've used to weather it.

Posted (edited)

finishing my sdf-1 for the armorama.com sci-fi capital cruiser campaign. figured they needed to see some macross represented. i have the assembly mostly done... now i gotta do some major painting and weathering.



Edited by Less than Super Ostrich

The wha wha what? Dude you're all hooked up in the modeling community, I'm jealous.

Posted (edited)

I finshed 3 kits on the weekend.. here's the first, a HG 1/100 Zaku warrior from Seed. I'll scrounge up some leftover decals from MG kits and give him some love. :) needs some paneling too.

zakuwarrior017ye.th.jpg zakuwarrior021gi.th.jpg zakuwarrior032kg.th.jpg zakuwarrior050vh.th.jpg

Edited by Guppy
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