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1:48 GBP Armor: with or without a Valkyrie?

Would you buy the 1:48 GBP Armor if it only packaged with a Valkyrie?  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you buy the 1:48 GBP Armor if it only packaged with a Valkyrie?

    • Heck yeah! I'll buy it in whatever form it takes!
    • Maybe. It will depend on what Valkyrie it came with.
    • No. I'll only buy it if its just the armor.

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Actually the one pic shows the plaque under the figure with 8000 yen on it....

I want it seperate, but it;s bc/ Im in the same boat as UN SPACY, bought a normal VF-1J just because of this. IOF it came with like a CF tho, I would jump on it.


I'd like to see it bundled with a VF-1J, as I don't have a VF-1J yet. If I were to buy a 1/48 VF-1J without GBP I'd rather get the Max and Millia versions. However, I'm getting a bit worried that they won't bundle it, so I might give in and nab an unarmoured VF-1J once I can scrap together enough monies.

  Godzilla said:
I would get more valks with the armor. Why? Because I do a lot of customization especially the 2-seater project capt america is working on.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Gotta have extra valks for the 2-seaters, so why not get 'em with the GBP?


i've been holdong out on the 1J because of the GBP. i bet a whole lotta people did as well. if they release a bundle set, then i guess there are no problems as it is confirmed that they will sell a GBP separate set.

Oh, and to answer the question at hand, I think it will depend what valk it ships with. The only 1/48 scale that I own is a low-viz (that is currently in need of a BP8 replacement). I'd love to try out the GBP armor on it, but in general I prefer the low-viz in fighter mode. Therefore, I would need another 1/48 to wear the armor anyway. I'm not all that concerned about it being anime accurate on a vf-1j. whichever one looks the coolest is fine with me. If Yamato wants to make the most money, they should release the armor at first bundled with a cannon fodder 1a. The fairest strategy to the fans and their bottom line would be to release it bundleed w/ a cf and as a standalone armor at first, then after a delay they should release the cf as a standalone. that way, they'll cover all bases: the hardcore collectors w/ multiple valks, the poor collectors like me who want to get the most for their money, and the moderate fan who would just want the cf.

A tv cannon fodder w gbp would be cool. Kill two birds with 1 stone.

If they did only release a bundle, it could put the gbp out of the price range of the poorer-but-equally dedicated fans. Lets hope they release as many different combos as possible. There may be fans who have enough 1j's that they only want the gbp, but if yamato can entice the fan who has several 1j, by packaging the GBP with CF, it may boost sales of the gbp even more if fans think CF can only be had by buying this bundle. More money for yamato as they sell the bundles.

What I think:

-release bundle with 1j and release standalone simultaneously.

-release bundle with CF hoping to use the CF as an incentive for rich ppl to buy a second set of gbp. And given that new customers would view the cf as the least popular, the CF would need a vehicle to boost it's liklihood of a sale by being bundled.

-release cf by itself. This to me would be the last thing a collector or a first-time customer would buy if they wanted a naked valk. Or maybe this would be bought for those who can't afford a bundle. No point taking up space when people will ignore it amoungst the more well known valks.

-release dyrl kakizaki. Desperate attempt to milk the 1/48 teat. :D He may not be the most popular pilot but it would be bought by the collector who wants the complete skull team.

-release DX bundle with everything including a grey "weathered and smoky" 1s. jk(roy's grey tv flight suit with grey tv battle-damaged valk :D )

  haterist said:
sorry to ask this stupid question but how much is 8000 yen?

Depends what the currency exchange (yen vs. dollar) is at the time it is released or purchased.

  1 VF-1 2NV said:
  haterist said:
sorry to ask this stupid question but how much is 8000 yen?

Depends what the currency exchange (yen vs. dollar) is at the time it is released or purchased.

okay how about a guestimate?

  haterist said:
sorry to ask this stupid question but how much is 8000 yen?

It's around $80 US give or take $10.

As for me, I will not be getting the GBP armor with or without a Valkyrie. I have one VF-1S Roy, which if I get the armor for it will probably get all scratched up from the armor. And considering that I have seriously re-evaluated my priorities in life, getting a combo GBP - Valkyrie set at around $210 (figuring $130 for the Valkyrie and $80 for the GBP) is just not one of them.

  haterist said:
thank you kindly! :)

re-evaluate? that sounds like a woman talking... ;):p:lol:

Hey Haterist use this: Converter

An internet buyer's best friend. Been using it for 4 years. IN general, for me, in USD to AUD, it is always 1 cent lower when you actually pay, pushing the final amount you have to pay up too. Compare with the banks and see what they charge.

  Hurin said:
Not to be a whiney little jerk, but I wish people would put a little more time/effort into figuring out the best possible poll questions.

This poll could have definitely used the following possible answers:

  • Yes, I will buy it with a valkyrie, as long as the valkyrie is a previously unreleased one (CF, etc.)
  • Yes, I will buy it even if it comes with a previously released valkyrie (Hikaru 1J, etc.)

You get the idea.  Again, I don't mean to nit-pick, but a poll is only as usefull as the questions it asks. . .


I think the second option sufficiently addressed your concerns, friend. Regarding the usefulness of the poll, I didn't set out for it to have any particular use at all. Wasn't trying to collect any specific data or anything. I was just curious like everyone else. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
  haterist said:
  kensei said:
  haterist said:
thank you kindly! :)

re-evaluate?  that sounds like a woman talking...  ;)   :p  :lol:

Hey Haterist use this: Converter

*adds to favorites*

thanks dood! :D

No worries, saves you looking through the friggin 20 page Business/finance section in the morning paper, every morning..... :rolleyes:

Looking good so far BTW isn't it? if it was out now it would be 74 uSD! :D

Edited by kensei
  Godzilla said:
Actually, is this price really set in stone?

i doubt it. i think they purposely posted the price tag to guage the interest and to see how people feel about the price and the product.

i for one think its 100% overpriced since it lacks any of the coolness of the strike armor. i mean, atleast you can transform a valk with FP's, the GBP is nothing more than a stagnant piece that truly does nothing but stand there to be oggled at. sure its cool as hell but i can't justify paying more for the GBP armor than a set of FP armor.

  haterist said:
  Godzilla said:
Actually,  is this price really set in stone?

i doubt it. i think they purposely posted the price tag to guage the interest and to see how people feel about the price and the product.

i for one think its 100% overpriced since it lacks any of the coolness of the strike armor. i mean, atleast you can transform a valk with FP's, the GBP is nothing more than a stagnant piece that truly does nothing but stand there to be oggled at. sure its cool as hell but i can't justify paying more for the GBP armor than a set of FP armor.

However, given the fact how much more plastic there is in teh GBP than a set of fastpacks. How much does the 1/6 gbp armor go for? like 60 bucks? well now scale it up and add more detail. I can see it being that much


I thought 80ish US sounded pretty fair.... I won't be buying more than one probably anyways... seein as my goal is to have one of each type of Valk, Fokker 1S w/ Strike packs, Hikkie 1J with GBP, and a DYRL Max 1A with DYRL super armor to play around with, and of course any of the two seaters we end up getitng from Cap's mod :D

Posted (edited)

It has been a long time since my last post, but I have been lurking...

Like I said with the 1/60 armor, they should have designed the 1/48 version to be static (in other words, one toy with a non-removable armor, hence a no hidden non-transformable valk -- ie those Toynami Posable -- of course, with the intricate design of Yamato); this way, they can not only be cheaper in price, but they can look cooler and more in tone with the super-slickness of how they're represented in the movie/animation (both the 1/60 and 1/48 look... well... they look like that Garbage Pale Kid character... and yes, I understand it's never going to be the way we like it, hence, the whole purpose of this post -- static toy!). And maybe with this, we can actually display it in bad-ass stances without leg pieces popping off.

I highly doubt that they'll make these new ones sturdy... they'll probably be as unstable as those 1/60 piece of crap (I sold mine a couple days after getting it... that thing made a Toynami product look like a solid brick)...

Face it, who really wants to hide their $130+ valk in body armor (especially for those who customized them)? Yeah, the argument is "Well, I want to be able to take it apart and transform armor blah blah blah blah...")... yeah, that's 5% of the time. What about the other 95% where it's sitting on a shelf?

As it stands, I'm willing to give the 1/48 version a shot. I'll just be kicking myself later if I don't (since they keep on taking this stuff off the market). And, if it was a reasonable price, I'd like to buy one with a valk... I'm low-budget and I only own one 1/48 with super armor.... and there's no way I'm hiding a $130 cool-looking toy under more plastic....(that's like putting a Hummer kit car shell over a REAL Lamborgini)...


Edited by fifbeat

Your logic amuses me.... the point of having functional removable armor is to use it on your functional PT 1/48 variable toy... a big super posable would be kinda neat, but that's what Gashapon trading figures are for. On the 1/60 note, I happen to like mine... the only issue is the hips, but that's mostly because I need to re-clear nail polish teh ball joints anywyas...

Posted (edited)
the point of having functional removable armor is to use it on your functional PT 1/48 variable toy...

I understand that and it would be really cool if it worked (and looked) the way we want it to. But it doesn't. It only works when you're not touching the thing. And it doesn't look that good, either. In order for the 1/60 to look good, you'd have to pose it a certain way, set it at a certain angle, and by the time you did *doh*... pieces come flying off! (literally)

I'm down for whatever (armour add-ons, transformables, etc) IF they work (and they seem to have worked up to the 1/60 GBP... )...

And it doesn't have to be a boring "posable" toy... they can do more with it. Maybe have the armour come off to show off certain parts of the valk or whatever...

Like I said before, why hide a $130+ good-looking toy under armour? I understand that some of us want to be able to amuse ourselves with the realism of having the toy work just like mecha in the movie with its detatchable stuff, which is fine. But like I said, 95% of the time, it'll be eye candy.

But we'll see how this 1/48 armour holds...

Edited by fifbeat

You know... I don't understand just exactly how you guys all seem to have gotten exploding 1/60 GBP armors.... mine's only ever blown up once, and that was because I kneecapped it with a book on teh table next to me by accident and it self-destructed in mid air :rolleyes: It hasn't tipped over on it's own accord yet and I've played with it somewhat... I just don't understand what you guys do to your toys... suppose it must be the same people who broke their BP8s (I've never broken that either lol)


hey, man... all I did was bring mine in my swimming pool and threw it at my dog a couple of times. :D Nothing big. Those things should be more sturdy!

  Solscud007 said:
However, given the fact how much more plastic there is in teh GBP than a set of fastpacks. How much does the 1/6 gbp armor go for? like 60 bucks? well now scale it up and add more detail. I can see it being that much

sure theres more plastic but thats not going to drive up the price that much IMO.

the 1/60 GBP was like $30 in HK($40 US). if you paid anywhere near $60, then you got hosed my friend. :huh:

toy-wave is taking pre-orders at $69 and weighs in at 2k(according to ken's guestimate) which i think is awfully heavy and probably completely wrong.

  Chet said:
I think the second option sufficiently addressed your concerns, friend.

You are correct. I don't know how I missed that. My apologies. :(


  fifbeat said:
the point of having functional removable armor is to use it on your functional PT 1/48 variable toy...

I understand that and it would be really cool if it worked (and looked) the way we want it to. But it doesn't. It only works when you're not touching the thing. And it doesn't look that good, either. In order for the 1/60 to look good, you'd have to pose it a certain way, set it at a certain angle, and by the time you did *doh*... pieces come flying off! (literally)

I'm down for whatever (armour add-ons, transformables, etc) IF they work (and they seem to have worked up to the 1/60 GBP... )...

And it doesn't have to be a boring "posable" toy... they can do more with it. Maybe have the armour come off to show off certain parts of the valk or whatever...

Like I said before, why hide a $130+ good-looking toy under armour? I understand that some of us want to be able to amuse ourselves with the realism of having the toy work just like mecha in the movie with its detatchable stuff, which is fine. But like I said, 95% of the time, it'll be eye candy.

But we'll see how this 1/48 armour holds...

i totally understand your logic and agree with most of it but you gotta remember, theres nothing logical about the members here. :p

we are valkoholics therefore we must have them all. even if the armor hides the valk and even if it just sits there like eye candy, we must have them!

i'm an old fan so i don't really "play" with my toys as if i were a 12 year old, my stuff just sits there on a shelf and looks pretty but i'll be damned if theres a empty slot/hole in my macross collection. :mellow::lol:


That's cool.

Look, I just don't want stuff poppin' off. That's all I ask. Especially if they're high-dollar. That ain't asking for much, is it?

  Hurin said:
  Chet said:
I think the second option sufficiently addressed your concerns, friend.

You are correct. I don't know how I missed that. My apologies. :(


No problem. B))

  promethuem5 said:
I thought 80ish US sounded pretty fair.... I won't be buying more than one probably anyways... seein as my goal is to have one of each type of Valk, Fokker 1S w/ Strike packs, Hikkie 1J with GBP, and a DYRL Max 1A with DYRL super armor to play around with, and of course any of the two seaters we end up getitng from Cap's mod :D

That's almost exactly what I'm going for too. I've already got the Super 1J and Strike 1S. I'm just hoping for a 1A CF with the GBP. Then switch the 1A and 1J armors around.

As for Cap'ns mod, that depends on what VF-1's is available to buy for the mod.

  • 2 weeks later...

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