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Could this be true? It's as if we've slid into some surreal zone somewhere between fanboy wet dreams and over-the-top parody. If it does pan out, I can see one immediate benefit to having Bay onboard. Nobody cares about the human characters. They just want to see cool vehicles and robots blow crap up. This is what Bay excells at. Anybody else would bog the proceedings down with lame subplots about Spike bonding with his estranged father Sparkplug, or that lameass kid in the wheelchair finding true love.


I've enjoyed most of his popcorn-flicks, and transformers wasn't much more than some popcorn fun, as long as they don't include some painful romance subplot (Ala Pearl Harbor), it should be fun to watch.


Hope this doesn't turn into another Pearl Harbor... his previous three (Armageddon, The Rock, and Bad Boys) were great in the over-the-top way, and Bad Boys II wasn't too bad. Pearl Harbor just didn't seem right, too much bonding between the characters, not enough ships being blown up and planes being shot down.


Bah you wait an hour and a half for ships to blow up and that only last for a brief 15-20 minutes....screw romance, screw subplots, this is what I wanna see!!!!



Although it is probably going to be a popcorn movie, having a decent story and dialogue definitely never hurt any movie. I'm betting that this will somehow end up as an excuse for having Will Smith spout off "witty" one-liners, bigass explosions, and to top it off, a kid-friendly rap tune by none other than Will Smith during the credits!


Well, nothing could rape my childhood like Beast Wars already has... So basically any TF is good TF, as long as there is at least a shred of continuity (unlike beastwars).


Actually, wasn't there some kind of convoluted continuity with Best Wars. I admit, it was painful to watch at times, but didn't they actually go into the original ARK in one episode?

Posted (edited)

The end of Season 2 and all the way in Season 3 they based themselves right by the Ark since they needed to protect it since it because Megatron's goal to pretty much cause as much damage to the timeline as possible so the Decipticons and then the Predacon's could be rulers of the universe.

^_^ then he changes his plans a bit and finds the Decipticon flag ship that crashed with the Ark in the ocean and oh boy was that fun!

Oh but originally, they didn't know if they wanted to have the story on Earth or on an alien world similar to the Earth....it wasn't until they came close to finishing the project that they came up with the Vok (....was that right?) with the second moon and junk....

Edited by Hikuro
Posted (edited)

A popcorn film is what it should I feel. Forget about deep meaning of life, or oscar winning performances. Fun is what this film should be about and big ass explosions and cheesy oneliners by Transformers. Megatron, tank version would be nice. That was one of the things I liked about Transformers Armada. I never cared for the leader of the Decpitcons being a simple gun. Seemed lame to me to be honest. While Starscreamer got to turn into a jet and Prime into a truck.

That Carebears comic was funny. :)

Edited by Effect

michael bay bleeeeehhhh... maybe sam remy.

you can simply throw in other directors and get a bleh feeling right away... like:

Tim Burton directing transformers

george lucas

steven spielburg

that crouching tigers flying monkeys or wahtever guy

that gladiator guy

AvP director

If everything was a popcorn flick, nothign would be memorable.

But oh well, here's hoping Tformers the movie rocks!

  al0324 said:
michael bay bleeeeehhhh... maybe sam remy.

you can simply throw in other directors and get a bleh feeling right away... like:

Tim Burton directing transformers

george lucas

steven spielburg

that crouching tigers flying monkeys or wahtever guy

that gladiator guy

AvP director

If everything was a popcorn flick, nothign would be memorable.

But oh well, here's hoping Tformers the movie rocks!

Man, I'm kinda offended you'd put , Ridley Scott, Steven Spielburg, Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, and Ang Lee with Paul W Suck Anderson. Lucas I'm just mixed on.

  Hikuro said:
The end of Season 2 and all the way in Season 3 they based themselves right by the Ark since they needed to protect it since it because Megatron's goal to pretty much cause as much damage to the timeline as possible so the Decipticons and then the Predacon's could be rulers of the universe.

^_^ then he changes his plans a bit and finds the Decipticon flag ship that crashed with the Ark in the ocean and oh boy was that fun!

Oh but originally, they didn't know if they wanted to have the story on Earth or on an alien world similar to the Earth....it wasn't until they came close to finishing the project that they came up with the Vok (....was that right?) with the second moon and junk....

In the first episode of the second season it was revealed that they were on Earth or along.

Megatron's plan was from the start find the Ark and destroy the Autobots inside but thought it was a different planet because of the second moon. The second and third season of Beast Wars were great.


Never Paul Anderson! Never Uwe Boll! Almost anybody else but those two!

Anderson had ONE movie I liked: Mortal Kombat. Res. Evil was okay but the rest I wouldn't touch with an eleven foot pole. Uwe Boll's got nothing.

I'm okay with Michael Bay since I liked a few of his popcorn movies. Mindless violence or gyrating women. Mmmmmm.....

And to complete the TF:BW raped my childhood : MONKEY!

  Jemstone said:
  al0324 said:
michael bay bleeeeehhhh... maybe sam remy.

you can simply throw in other directors and get a bleh feeling right away... like:

Tim Burton directing transformers

george lucas

steven spielburg

that crouching tigers flying monkeys or wahtever guy

that gladiator guy

AvP director

If everything was a popcorn flick, nothign would be memorable.

But oh well, here's hoping Tformers the movie rocks!

Man, I'm kinda offended you'd put , Ridley Scott, Steven Spielburg, Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, and Ang Lee with Paul W Suck Anderson. Lucas I'm just mixed on.

i didnt clump em together to say that they're all equal - i clumped em together because you can tell them apart from each other easily :p

  Hikuro said:
:rolleyes: woops! How did THAT get in there

*cough* Courtesy of David Willis


Posted (edited)

As long as I have high quality CG transformers slug it out for at least 60-75% of the movie I'll be happy.

I concur with the less sentimental stuff and who cares about the human characters. They can have their human friends, but they need to shut up and watch the fight.

I want to see like in Robot Chicken.

"We kicked Decepticon butt with only 50 human killed. A new record!"

Still wonder what Soundwave will be.

Megatron is supposed to be a tank.

Edited by Anubis
  Ladic said:
whats going to happen to Sound Wave? :ph34r:

HAHAHAHA!!! Awesome dude! I totally forgot about that. I guess he could be an Ipod, but he can't really eject anything.

Or the could set the movie in the 80s!!!!

  Black Valkyrie said:
  terry the lone wolf said:
Soundwave as I-pod sounds...interesting.

Hmm.......... may be some kind of radar.

Or he could be a PSP and eject UMD disks :lol:

  Agent ONE said:
  Ladic said:
whats going to happen to Sound Wave?  :ph34r:

HAHAHAHA!!! Awesome dude! I totally forgot about that. I guess he could be an Ipod, but he can't really eject anything.

Or the could set the movie in the 80s!!!!



For those of you who decided to bash Beast Wars because you still think the original G1 cartoon was bad.

1: Go rewatch the G1 cartoon. Seriously. Don't just watch the movie. Watch the series. At least from More Than Meets the Eye through the Ultimate Doom miniseries.

2: If you still think the G1 cartoon is good please don't take drugs this time. Go to rehab, and watch it again once you get out.

3: Once you realize your tastes as a child SUCKED you will probably want to start taking drugs again. That's ok. Just don't take them. I managed to survive the realization one of the favorite shows of my childhood blew ass. So has everyone with fond memories of the original Battlestar Galactica who blindly bashed the new series the way you bash Beast Wars. Much like the new series BSG bashers you are completely fracking WRONG and letting nostalgia get in the way of you enjoying a better made, more mature series whose success is the very reason you can even buy new products based on cashing in on your barely remembered childhood.

That's right. Those Alternators and Binaltechs wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Beast Wars.

4: Now watch Season 2 of Beast Wars and understand how your utter refusal to give the new show a chance has deprived you of what is quite possibly one of the best and smartest seasons of kid's tv ever made.

Addendum: If you think I am being a douche (which I probably am, but fudge it) because I am bashing your beloved childhood, just think about how a large percentage of this site's posters constantly do the same thing every day. You loved G1 Transformers? Well, lots of people loved Robotech. And hell, lots of kids (and adults once they got off the nostalgia trip and WATCHED IT) grew up loving Beast Wars. It started in fall 95 you know. Almost 10 years.

Oh yeah. Mike Bay doing the new one?

Team America said it best: Pearl Harbor sucked.


Amen to that my brother!

Best moments of BeastWars,

Dead of Dinobot

Dead of Optimus Primal

The return of Primal as a transmetal

The Agenda episodes

Optimal Situation

Dinobot Transmetal 2

Serie finale: Nemesis


The End of an Act

by Trey Parker

I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark

When he made Pearl Harbor

I miss you more than that movie missed the point

And that's an awful lot, girl

And now, now you've gone away, and all I'm trying to say

Is Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you

I need you like Ben Affleck needs acting school

He was terrible in that film

I need you like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part

He's way better than Ben Affleck

And now, all I can think about is your smile and that shitty movie, too

Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you

Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?

I guess Pearl Harbor sucks

Just a little bit more than I miss you...

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