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hey guys, would anyone know where I can buy said anime? i want to buy the whole thing on DVD, now correct me if i'm wrong: it consists of 4 episodes plus movie? is this right :unsure: ? i've seen some sold on ebay, i would prefer not to buy through ebay. Perhaps one of you might know of an online store which might sell it. thanks!

Posted (edited)


It is actually a three part OAV that has been re-edited into a movie. The only legit R1 DVD release of it is the US Manga Corps part 1 DVD... they never brought out parts 2 or 3 though... or the movie. They did bring out dubbed and subbed VHS of all three parts though.

If you are hard up for just DVD and only DVD then your only option is the bootleg. Give me a sec and I'll find you a link to a place that sells them.

Edit: GO HERE ----> DVDs for the only Area 88 DVDs there are.

Edited by JsARCLIGHT

thanks JsARCLIGHT, man alive, that was quick! :) do you happen to own a copy of it? Bootleg one. Just curious as to the quality. I'll end up ordering it anyways since I HAVE to have it.. :lol:

I did buy the R1 release of it, but it's only the 1st part.


I'm a die-hard Area 88 fan and I do have the bootleg. It's a typical bootleg, video and audio quality are decent enough but the subs are lacking in spots. If you are like me and are hard up for anything Area 88 on DVD then this is sadly your only choice for the whole show. It's not like the boot is terrible or anything... if you know the "gist" of the story going in and the character's names then you should be able to make it through the boot subs with no real confusion.

Posted (edited)

I loved Area 88. Wish they would release the rest. They won't though, as I emailed them and they said they never would.

Edited by Gaijin

As do I! I really enjoyed Area 88. Watched it years ago, a friend passed me some bootleg tapes full of anime. This one stuck. Now i'd love to have it on DVD. I really enjoy anime based on air combat/ground combat using aircraft. ( area 88, Macross ) Do you guys watch any others which use this theme?


I love that series - I've got the whole Viz comics run. If I ever get as rich as bill gates I'll buy the rights and finish off the series. It's always been like a faint itch I can't scratch that I never found out how it ended..


Is the "movie" cut any different from the individual volumes, storywise? Also, I understand that the story concluded itself quite definitely in volume 3 of the OVA. Did the comics carry a different story or something?

I like the way the OVA ended. Very dark, sad...


"North Africa... Area 88 is a bitter, blood-stained battlefield.

The front line's front line.

Even the simple luxury of walking on the runway is dependent on the graces of Allah.

But we abandoned God and shook hands with the Devil.

We are the mercenaries of Hell."

Area 88, my favorite anime.. well next to SDF Macross & DYRL at least.

As I understand it there are only three OAVs, Acts 1-3. The first two are pretty much standard OAVs, the last one is more like a movie, it might have been a movie, I'm not sure. I have the second and third Acts on LD, got em cheap when the format was being abandoned in favor of DVD.

As someone mentioned the first Act is available on DVD, the other two you can get on VHS if you don't want unreadable subtitles. The second OAV had horrible dubbing and I don't think the last one was dubbed at all, so they'll most likely never be released.

The OAVs are a lot darker than the comics as I understand it, more realistic.

Area 88 also has a great soundtrack, the first one covers Acts I and II, the second covers the third, I have both. I think the BGM is better in the last Act, but the Vocals are outstanding in I and II, three of the songs are sung in english by Derek Johnson and are just great songs, full of soul. The rest are sung by MIO. The soundtracks are right up there with Yamato and the original Macross IMHO.

I heard a rumor that the OAVs (at least the first two) are edits of a TV series, but I've never seen an Area 88 TV series available anywhere, plus all the music from the CDs is in the OAVs, so I kind of doubt this... or at the very lest it was a very short TV series.

You can also see Area 88 influences in Striker Fighters Project 1, a flight sim. You play a mercenary in a fictional middle eastern country flying good guy (western) jets against bad guy (combloc) jets. Sound familiar?

  majortom said:
I heard a rumor that the OAVs (at least the first two) are edits of a TV series, but I've never seen an Area 88 TV series available anywhere, plus all the music from the CDs is in the OAVs, so I kind of doubt this... or at the very lest it was a very short TV series.

No. They were always OVA. Just looking at the animation you can tell. If it would have been on TV it wouldnt have had all of the nicer effects and color.

  • 1 year later...

I have yet to see the whole animation, i have the entire Manga set and used to love playing the arcade game however. is the anime any good i have always wanted to see it?

  zeo-mare said:
I have yet to see the whole animation, i have the entire Manga set and used to love playing the arcade game however. is the anime any good i have always wanted to see it?

You have the Viz comics ? Lots of amazing stuff not seen in the OAV is covered in the comics.

If you haven't seen the original 3 part OAV you don't know what are missing. Its a great show even though it does contain a few silly mistakes. Go for it.

There is also a recent 14 episiode new tv series which is a bit blend compared with the old OAVs.


Have you guys caught the new 14 episode version? I enjoyed it. Music was good too.

are there any models/kits of the planes available in North America?, i saw someone post something about this a while back, but it was a Japanese site.

Posted (edited)

hmmm....based on the n14 episode tv series i know that Hasegawa released a 1/48 F-8/F-14 combo set that comes with a DVD. And i notice that a 1/48 F-5E is also going to be sold. A far cry from the good ol days when virtually every kind of plane was released including the YAL 747!

Still prefered the older series, more colorful planes and a Saki that actually flies.

Edited by hellohikaru

There are 2 things I dont like about the new series.

The CG planes and the music.

The music is just uninspired and the CG planes dont have the feel or emotion in the animation that the old OAVs had.

Posted (edited)
  MilkManX said:
There are 2 things I dont like about the new series.

The CG planes and the music.

The music is just uninspired and the CG planes dont have the feel or emotion in the animation that the old OAVs had.


That is what I would say about Macross Zero!

Edited by Myriad

The problem with the tv series was more that when they (understandably) cut down the over the top melodrama of the OVA, they took it too far and killed most of the drama completely.

Shin came across as little more than an emotionless automaton. Even the episode where his first plane was shot down, had next to no emotion, no reaction to it or anything when that should have been a devestating event that set his goal of returning home back.

Mickey was about the only character that got any development at all.

I'll still be buying it on dvd when ADV put it out. Sure the CG wasn't great, but you can't expect it to be outstanding on a tv budget and time schedule. They didn't exactly have six months to make one episode Macross Zero style. I loved the soundtrack as well.

Posted (edited)

You can find them http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/GoodsDetails_e.a...rt=0&ItKey=Area 88&app_url=KeyReference_right_e.asp HLJ use to carry them but there are gone now i think.

Based on the pictures i think they don't quite match the ones in the show. For example where is the "00" markings on Kazama's Crusader. Might as well print the decals yourself.

Take a look at the area 88 kits in this page


Much more colorful then the Hase ones but not sure where you can find them.

Edited by hellohikaru
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Got the NEW OVA release DVD from Best Buy today. Finally. Watching now....looks like act 1+2 were edited together as one part and act 3 is on disc 2. Report on more later...

  MilkManX said:
Got the NEW OVA release DVD from Best Buy today. Finally. Watching now....looks like act 1+2 were edited together as one part and act 3 is on disc 2. Report on more later...


Yeah I was wondering why it said that it was a two part OVA when it was three parts. Picked my DVD up on Sunday.

So Milk, does part 3 look worse then part 1 and 2? That's the way the Manga Corps tapes were like (colors were much darker). I don't know of the original footage was like that to begin with or if Manga Corps screwed something up.

  David Hingtgen said:
Wha, the original OVA is finally released on DVD in the US?  I was just AT Best Buy...


IT was released according to ADV on 7/25/06 but I had to keep checking www.bestbuy.com to see when my local one would have it in stock.

  Apollo Leader said:
  MilkManX said:
Got the NEW OVA release DVD from Best Buy today. Finally. Watching now....looks like act 1+2 were edited together as one part and act 3 is on disc 2. Report on more later...


Yeah I was wondering why it said that it was a two part OVA when it was three parts. Picked my DVD up on Sunday.

So Milk, does part 3 look worse then part 1 and 2? That's the way the Manga Corps tapes were like (colors were much darker). I don't know of the original footage was like that to begin with or if Manga Corps screwed something up.


So far I think the Video is great. I think this may be a straight transfer from the R2 since it has a rather lengthy and very cool interview with Shintani. I just finished both discs and it was so good. I forgot though how un-nearving[sic] it is near the end.

Loving my old school anime tunes also! That and the still great looking all hand drawn fighter scenes. Damn. Those animators must have busted their tails on this show back in the day.

Posted (edited)
  Caufield said:
As do I!  I really enjoyed Area 88.  Watched it years ago,  a friend passed me some bootleg tapes full of anime.  This one stuck.   Now i'd love to have it on DVD.  I really enjoy anime based on air combat/ground combat using aircraft. ( area 88, Macross )   Do you guys watch any others which use this theme?


Here's my choices:





Edited by Excillon
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

IPB Image VS IPB Image

CPM Area 88 OVA (Left)

+ Uncut Original Release Act I (Uncut Act II on LD and VHS only)

+ Very Cheap (as little as $1)

- Unremastered Video & Sound Quality

- Medicore Subtitle Translations

- No Extras

- Inferior Cover Art

ADV Area 88 OVA (Right)

+ Stunning New Video & Audio Transfer

+ More Accurate Subtitle Translations

+ Superior Cover Art

+ Extras include Interviews and Documentary.

- Acts I and II combined to form movie with changes made (see below)

- Here are the changes made when Acts I and II were combined into a movie:

3 seconds of music changed right at the end of Act 1 Opening Credits which can be detected instantly when the Unicorn logo flashes and makes a ping sound.

2 minute Scene omited where Kanzaki is having a conversation with Ryoko in a cafe in Tokyo. Important since it expands the two characters.

Scene where Ryoko and her father (president of Yamato Airlines) talk about her marriage has been brought forward into Act 1 before Shin is shot down in his F-8 Crusader. This scene was always part of Act II especially since it was even included in the preview.

3 minute credits and preview removed from Act I. The credits were a montage of pictures from Act I playing to the music used at the end of Act II's credits. The preview which used poetic narration also helped expand the atmosphere and emotion in Area 88.

3 second scenes in Act II omited when a soldier steps into a trap in Vietnam.

I couldn't detect any more changes in Act II however it's possible some more minor changes were made. I will confirm when i locate and buy the LD for Act II.

Act III is completely the uncut and the same as all previous versions. Only Acts I and II that were combined and edited for it's theoretical release in 1986. It's a mystery to me why they chose the movie version to remaster, maybe the masters were in better condition, who knows? Hopefully in the future they will remaster the original release format as well.

Conclusion: Buy both dvds for completist sake since ADV is remastered yet misses 1 vital scene, few minor ones and the poetic credits and preview.

Edited by Area88
  Area88 said:

IPB Image VS IPB Image

CPM Area 88 OVA (Left)

+ Uncut Original Release Act I (Uncut Act II on LD and VHS only)

+ Very Cheap (as little as $1)

- Unremastered Video & Sound Quality

- Medicore Subtitle Translations

- No Extras

- Inferior Cover Art

ADV Area 88 OVA (Right)

+ Stunning New Video & Audio Transfer

+ More Accurate Subtitle Translations

+ Superior Cover Art

+ Extras include Interviews and Documentary.

- Acts I and II combined to form movie with changes made (see below)

- Here are the changes made when Acts I and II were combined into a movie:

3 seconds of music changed right at the end of Act 1 Opening Credits which can be detected instantly when the Unicorn logo flashes and makes a ping sound.

2 minute Scene omited where Kanzaki is having a conversation with Ryoko in a cafe in Tokyo. Important since it expands the two characters.

Scene where Ryoko and her father (president of Yamato Airlines) talk about her marriage has been brought forward into Act 1 before Shin is shot down in his F-8 Crusader. This scene was always part of Act II especially since it was even included in the preview.

3 minute credits and preview removed from Act I. The credits were a montage of pictures from Act I playing to the music used at the end of Act II's credits. The preview which used poetic narration also helped expand the atmosphere and emotion in Area 88.

3 second scenes in Act II omited when a soldier steps into a trap in Vietnam.

I couldn't detect any more changes in Act II however it's possible some more minor changes were made. I will confirm when i locate and buy the LD for Act II.

Act III is completely the uncut and the same as all previous versions. Only Acts I and II that were combined and edited for it's theoretical release in 1986. It's a mystery to me why they chose the movie version to remaster, maybe the masters were in better condition, who knows? Hopefully in the future they will remaster the original release format as well.

Conclusion: Buy both dvds for completist sake since ADV is remastered yet misses 1 vital scene, few minor ones and the poetic credits and preview.

Ok so I wasnt wigging out. I knew there were some weird things done to Acts 1+2. Not a dealbreaker though. Still one of the best US DVD Anime releases to finally hit!

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