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Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!

    • Yes, it will be another dissapointment. George just doesn't have the "force" in him anymore.
    • No, this time he WILL get it right.
    • You are crazy, both episodes 1 and two ruled!!!!!...Except for that damn jar jar (ppwwweeeezzzzzz)

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Posted (edited)
  Hurin said:
If there's a respected independent review I'm much more open to reading it


There is no such thing as unbiased journalism. So your search for ever-elusive proof from an "independent review" will be fruitless. Those that you look to for proof are biased themselves. This guy puts it best.

We both need to shut up now. Feel free to rant away. I'm done (and not a standard Hurin-esque "I'm done until you piss me off again and then I'll write two more pages". . . I'm really done).


Thanks for the interesting article. I don't think an independent review is outside the realm of possibility. I've been hoping for an overarching set of media representatives to address these very same issues in a public forum (with a wider audience than college campuses), but we likely won't see that anytime soon.

Glad to hear you consider yourself done with this subject. Feel like I was ages ago! :p

Now, back to the merits and pitfalls of Star Wars, kids! (BTW, what ever happened to the "Star Wars Kid"?

Edited by Majestic
  Agent ONE said:
In a way YOU are like this also. You type what iritating people think. You are like the the oposite of me. You exisist BECAUSE I exist... I am your Father .

What a pathetic attempt to generate another tagline for your signature!

  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:
In a way YOU are like this also.  You type what iritating people think.  You are like the the oposite of me.  You exisist BECAUSE I exist...  I am your Father .

What a pathetic attempt to generate another tagline for your signature!

Son... Don't make me destroy you.

  Agent ONE said:
  Hurin said:

A1, first, you're being a jerk by intentionally injecting politics into this thread in yet another attempt to throw it into mayhem.  But you're always a jerk, and so many love you for it (oddly). . . so we'll let it slide.


Ah! Terrible! I've never been a jerk. I just type what normal people are thinking.

In a way YOU are like this also. You type what iritating people think. You are like the the oposite of me. You exisist BECAUSE I exist... I am your Father .


  HWR MKII said:
A1 ! good on steaks and on Macross World. :D

I aim to please!


And within seconds. . .

Brian R. - Hruin - is my son.

He was so excited over his own wit, he stumbled all over himself and typoed it. :lol:

  Hurin said:
And within seconds. . .
Brian R. - Hruin - is my son.

He was so excited over his own wit, he stumbled all over himself and typoed it. :lol:

You say it like its a bad thing. So my awesomeness is predictable! Sue me!

  Agent ONE said:
You say it like its a bad thing. So my awesomeness is predictable! Sue me!

Well, only predictable because it's recycled and contrived. Poor Sketch, is he now disowned? Will we have to fight in a near-future arena for your affection as our father?

Am I in your will now?!? Will I get a lifetime supply of body-oil and a house full of full-length mirrors and gay porn when the hemhorroids you have from all that weight lifting finally burst and you bleed to death from you butt?


  dejr8bud said:

A1, your gay douchebag games are gettin' old.


I think you want me to be gay... That’s what you are saying, isn't it? I am sorry I can not have homosexual relations with you. Agent ONE is God's Gift to WOMEN.

  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:
You say it like its a bad thing.  So my awesomeness is predictable! Sue me!

Well, only predictable because it's recycled and contrived. Poor Sketch, is he now disowned? Will we have to fight in a near-future arena for your affection as our father?

Am I in your will now?!? Will I get a lifetime supply of body-oil and a house full of full-length mirrors and gay porn when the hemhorroids you have from all that weight lifting finally burst and you bleed to death from you butt?


Why is it when someone feels beaten they must call the other "gay" because thats somehow like an "end arugment" insult or something? I don't get it.

Don't worry Sketch is still in the will. You will just have to learn to share.


so like i was saying, this new movie is going to rock. :huh:

as much as i find this back and forth funny, take that shiet somewhere else and start your own thread on who puts the "G" in gay. :rolleyes:

  Agent ONE said:
Why is it when someone feels beaten they must call the other "gay" because thats somehow like an "end arugment" insult or something? I don't get it.

No, you obviously don't get it.

Where did I call you gay?!?

You read male fitness/body building magazines, right?

Whether you use them for arousal or not. . . those are pretty universally understood to be gay porn. Most people who buy those magazines regularly aren't buying them for the workout tips. Sorry, it's true.

But I'm sure you just read them for the articles! :lol:


  Agent ONE said:
  dejr8bud said:

A1, your gay douchebag games are gettin' old.


I think you want me to be gay... That’s what you are saying, isn't it? I am sorry I can not have homosexual relations with you. Agent ONE is God's Gift to WOMEN.

Like I said... gettin' old. Go push buttons somewhere else and grow the fart up.

Sorry... I ain't gay and nor do I care if someone is gay. I've been married to a woman for almost 3 years.

  dejr8bud said:
Sorry... I ain't gay and nor do I care if someone is gay. I've been married to a woman for almost 3 years.

It's that sort of defensiveness that he was hoping for. The proper response is:

"I'm not half as gay as the guy who f--ks me!"

Anyways, A1 has gotten his way. He couldn't make any decent arguments past the initial page or two. . . so he came back in to wilfullyl and thoroughly derail it. I'm obviously also reponsible. My apologies.


  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:
Why is it when someone feels beaten they must call the other "gay" because thats somehow like an "end arugment" insult or something?  I don't get it.

No, you obviously don't get it.

Where did I call you gay?!?

You read male fitness/body building magazines, right?

Whether you use them for arousal or not. . . those are pretty universally understood to be gay porn. Most people who buy those magazines regularly aren't buying them for the workout tips. Sorry, it's true.

But I'm sure you just read them for the articles! :lol:


:lol: touche! :lol:

thats one for hurin.

  haterist said:
so like i was saying, this new movie is going to rock. :huh:

as much as i find this back and forth funny, take that shiet somewhere else and start your own thread on who puts the "G" in gay. :rolleyes:

I'd like to get back on topic but Douchebag One won't shut the f)uck up.

Ya the new Star Wars Movie will be great....hopefully.

Posted (edited)

Here's an interesting, if not a little dated, article on "Star Wars" vs. "Star Trek", including some interesting themes perceived by the author:


"Just what bill of goods are we being sold, between the frames?

Elites have an inherent right to arbitrary rule; common citizens needn't be consulted. They may only choose which elite to follow.

"Good" elites should act on their subjective whims, without evidence, argument or accountability.

Any amount of sin can be forgiven if you are important enough.

True leaders are born. It's genetic. The right to rule is inherited.

Justified human emotions can turn a good person evil."


Edited by Majestic
Posted (edited)
You only say that because you're a Filthy Luca$ Apologist™.


I'm actually hoping for a much better third film as well. I'm optimistic this one will deliver where IMO, the others didn't.

On a sidenote: I heard there's a line forming outside the Chinese Mann theater in Hollywood, yet they aren't planning on showing the movie. Huh?

Edited by Majestic
  Majestic said:
On a sidenote: I heard there's a line forming outside the Chinese Mann theater in Hollywood, yet they aren't planning on showing the movie. Huh?

Its part of the "Never give up, never think things through" aspect of fandom. Lets pray these people won't reproduce.

  bsu legato said:
  Majestic said:
On a sidenote: I heard there's a line forming outside the Chinese Mann theater in Hollywood, yet they aren't planning on showing the movie. Huh?

Its part of the "Never give up, never think things through" aspect of fandom. Lets pray these people won't reproduce.

What happened to the ones who were lining up at the wrong theater?

  bsu legato said:
Its part of the "Never give up, never think things through" aspect of fandom. Lets pray these people won't reproduce.

You know, bsu legato, when you pull Kent Brockman lines out of your butt like that, I almost wish I didn't hate you so much. :p

Posted (edited)
Salon in general, and David Brin in particular, have long been rabidly Anti-Lucas for years. I can't see that article being any more enlightening than watching monkeys fling their own feces at each other. This is a prime example of Hurins "bias in the media" thesis.

The article was written in 1999, so it can't really amount to being all that anti-lucas, since I don't think Salon, bias against SW or no, has been around for that long (since before 1999 or before the prequels).

The intent was to talk about the content of the article, but we're used to your dismissive behavior in terms of SW criticism. But remember, this thread has been bookmarked for just such criticism, so you're certainly free to avoid the thread if you're only going to continue the dismissive routine.

Edited by Majestic
  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:
Why is it when someone feels beaten they must call the other "gay" because thats somehow like an "end arugment" insult or something?  I don't get it.

No, you obviously don't get it.

Where did I call you gay?!?

You read male fitness/body building magazines, right?

Whether you use them for arousal or not. . . those are pretty universally understood to be gay porn. Most people who buy those magazines regularly aren't buying them for the workout tips. Sorry, it's true.

But I'm sure you just read them for the articles! :lol:


Never bought one in my life. They are designed to sell worthless suplements, nothing more. All of my research is done with the various sports medicine journals.

  Majestic said:
The article was written in 1999, so it can't really amount to being all that anti-lucas, since I don't think Salon, bias against SW or no, has been around for that long (since before 1999 or before the prequels).

Back when I actually read some of the SW board, I followed some links to various articles on Salon. Brin in particular has long hated SW, long before the PT. There was one article when he tore a strip off of the OT, up one side and down the other. He even takes issue with the concept of "the force" itself! (Brin is more of a Technophile, and won't contennance any mystical McGuffins) But he didn't stop there. He went on to make some rather over-the-top personal attacks on Lucas himself, which I thought was a tad unbecoming for a fellow genre writer. But in his mind, I'm sure that he hardly sees Lucas as anything resembling a "peer." Hey...that's something you'd have in common with Brin!

The intent was to talk about the content of the article, but we're used to your dismissive behavior in terms of SW criticism. But remember, this thread has been bookmarked for just such criticism, so you're certainly free to avoid the thread if you're only going to continue the dismissive routine.
You never seem to have a problem dismissing anything remotely pro-PT. Pot...kettle...? But hey, if you want to quote some particulars from Brin's articles then go right ahead. As objectionable as you may seem, you're not half as argumentitive and condescending as Brin is in his rebuttals to SW fans (gleefully reposted on his web site for all to see).

From the above-linked article:

And yet, in "The Phantom Menace," Lucas wants us to gush with warm feelings toward a cute blond little boy who will later grow up to murder the population of Earth many times over? While we're at it, why not bring out the Hitler family album, so we may croon over pictures of adorable little Adolf and marvel over his childhood exploits! He, too, was innocent till he turned to the "dark side," so by all means let us adore him.

To his credit, Lucas does not try to excuse this macabre joke by saying, "It's only a movie." Rather, he holds up his saga like an agonized Greek tragedy worthy of "Oedipus" -- an epic tale of a fallen hero, trapped by hubris and fate. But if that were true, wouldn't "Star Wars" by now have given us a better-than-caricature view of the Dark Side? Heroes and villains would not be distinguished by mere prettiness; the moral quandaries would not come from a comic book.

Don't swallow it. The apotheosis of a mass murderer is exactly what it seems. We should find it chilling.

I remember thinking exactly that, that the portrayal of a young fun-loving Anakin was extremely chilling, considering the monster he later becomes. I wonder if Lucas purposefully presented it this way or if his intentions were simply the "unfortunate hero on a bad path" - hinting at the propspective Hitler that could be latent in anybody.

Back when I actually read some of the SW board, I followed some links to various articles on Salon....

I wasn't aware of Brin's venom in regard to Lucas, as I haven't been privy to his particular articles. It will be interesting to see if my abhorence of the prequels is on par with his own. We may indeed have something in common there!

You never seem to have a problem dismissing anything remotely pro-PT.

And where would that be exactly? Can you link me to the multiple occaisions where I did this?

But hey, if you want to quote some particulars from Brin's articles then go right ahead.

Sure thing, see above. Feel free to contribute to the discussion on the themes he brought up, maybe we could actually get this thread going again!

As objectionable as you may seem, you're not half as argumentitive and condescending as Brin is in his rebuttals to SW fans.

Sorry to hear you consider me objectionable. Here's to a brighter future and friendlier MW threads, eh?

  Majestic said:
I remember thinking exactly that, that the portrayal of a young fun-loving Anakin was extremely chilling, considering the monster he later becomes.

lets not forget, the monster goes back to the light side.

the SW saga is about the rise and fall of darth vader. how would you write a story of someone who starts out good, turns evil, then goes back to being good?

he has to show all sides of anakin/vader in order to convey the story.

if anakin just started out evil and stayed evil, the story wouldn't be half as interesting don't you think?

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