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Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!

    • Yes, it will be another dissapointment. George just doesn't have the "force" in him anymore.
    • No, this time he WILL get it right.
    • You are crazy, both episodes 1 and two ruled!!!!!...Except for that damn jar jar (ppwwweeeezzzzzz)

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  Ladic said:

Yes but you can't dismiss the fact that Agent ONE has never been wrong.


damn, i get home from work and this thread has gone from reasoned criticism to juvenile bickering. i have to say that the cartoons are a nice touch.

seriously though, i am a fan of the original trilogy and enjoyed the prequels, but i still think that eps 1 & 2 are seriously flawed. i think a lot of the fanboy distress comes from the changes made to the special editions, not necessarily from the prequels themselves. but the prequels show that lucas is a very good filmmaker and not such a great storyteller. stilted dialogue and conflicts in story continuity between films are hallmarks of the prequels. (see my previous posts) also, i agree with others who think that he has forgotten the spirit that made the OT so much fun.

for me, TPM is still painful to watch as a film but fun to watch as star wars movie. i actually like AOTC, but the acting leaves a lot to be desired and the romance storyline lacks any chemistry. these are all things that a director or screenwriter has control over, and lucas has both roles for stars wars.

i am looking forward to episode 3, and i think that it will be a good star wars movie. but there were a lot of things that lucas could have done in the other prequels that would have made them better and ep 3 an even more anticipated film.

  Majestic said:
Two can play at that game!

But....you were already playing that game. Wait, does that mean there's two of you? Does that count as too many players on the field? I need a Ref!

Pure lollatry I tells ya! 

That's debatable. No wait...that's what you want! Another debate! Oh woe is me, Majestic has already schooled us in Debate 101. The end is nigh!

Posted (edited)
seriously though, i am a fan of the original trilogy and enjoyed the prequels, but i still think that eps 1 & 2 are seriously flawed.

Careful, the MW Lucas Thought PoliceTM will take that critique personally!

Edited by Majestic
That's debatable. No wait...that's what you want! Another debate! Oh woe is me, Majestic has already schooled us in Debate 101. The end is nigh!

I forgot, intelligent debate is frowned upon here. Thanks for the reminder! :D

But....you were already playing that game. Wait, does that mean there's two of you? Does that count as too many players on the field? I need a Ref!

I'm glad you're at least standing up for yourself this time, rather than crying and running like you did in the other Star Wars thread.

I don't think you need a Ref, you've already tapped out.

Posted (edited)

Maybe you could poorly photoshop some more comics with dramatically inaccurate license? Would that make you feel better? There there. Just don't run from the thread crying again.

In your dreams.

Great comeback. You've really got me cringing here.

Edited by Majestic
Posted (edited)

I'm couldn't give a s*** about Star Wars, I'm paying to watch Batman in the spring, I'll probably wait for Ep III on rental like every other SW film I've ever seen.

However, because while I'm only casually interested in Star Wars, being a geek predisposes me to be well versed in it by the some fluke of the universe where I like it a lot when I was in grade 6 or something.

What do I hate is wasted potential and wasted drama when you have so much potential in a franchise like this. It's not every century you get a 6-film epic.

Lucas is creating a product for mass consumption, it is a consumer and fan's right to criticize what he has produced. If you love the film, there's no need to defend it, just enjoy it yourself and relish what you believe others are missing.

Edited by ComicKaze
That should be "...affects my logic." Not "...effects my logic."

You're right about that one. There's many times where I'll make mistakes worthy of burning my English degree!

Nice catch. Oops. :p

  Majestic said:
Maybe you could poorly photoshop some more comics with dramatically inaccurate license? Would that make you feel better? There there. Just don't run from the thread crying again.

Majestic...I'm sensing some hostility in your posts. Are you suggesting that my parodies of your comic aren't photorealistic, or perhaps that my lampooning of your surliness is somehow off the mark? Why can't you just play nice like everybody else in the thread? Even Hurin isn't lashing out, and instead he laughs at AgentONE's comments in the same light that they were offered. But here you are time and again trying to goad the "dittoheads" with your smugly self-righteous backhanded insults. In short, don't be an ass.

ps. The dialog in those comics were done with MS Paint.

Majestic...I'm sensing some hostility in your posts.

Not at all. Mostly just perplexed at accusations that fly when there's a difference of opinion.

Are you suggesting that my parodies of your comic aren't photorealistic, or perhaps that my lampooning of your surliness is somehow off the mark?

I'm all for lampooning! Keep them coming, they actually make me laugh! :D

Why can't you just play nice like everybody else in the thread?

Do I need to run my posts past you for approval? What is considered "nice" to you? Are you immune to your own rules?

Even Hurin isn't lashing out, and instead he laughs at AgentONE's comments in the same light that they were offered. But here you are time and again trying to goad the "dittoheads" with your smugly self-righteous backhanded insults. In short, don't be an ass.

I'm goading the dittoheads? Who's the crowd that instantly insults the prequels' detractors (answer = you and AgentOne). You dish it out, but you can't take it huh?

In short, don't be a hypocritical moron.

ps. The dialog in those comics were done with MS Paint.

Yes, they certainly look like they were.


your posting style is quite annoying...how about that for an opinion? :D

it reminds me of another used-to-be-super-arguementive-son-of-a-motherless-goat turned not-so-bad-of-a-guy-now. :p

its fine that you don't like the prequels but do you have to complain about it over and over and over again? in every single SW thread that pops up? haven't you gotten it out of your system after all these years? or are you so hung up on GL that you can't help yourself?

seriously, its one thing to voice your opinion once, even twice or three times is cool, but over and over again is simply retarded IMHO. thats why people are giving you a hard time. its not cause you're posting your opinions, it cause you can't stop posting them over and over again.

like i said, you can complain all you want, but here are the facts....

you're going to cough up the $10 to see his movie, then another $20 when the DVD comes out, and whatever other merchandise is released before, during and after the movie. can you honestly deny this? and prove it? if not, stop your continuous bitching please.

Posted (edited)
your posting style is quite annoying...how about that for an opinion?  :D 

it reminds me of another used-to-be-super-arguementive-son-of-a-motherless-goat turned not-so-bad-of-a-guy-now.  :p

Sorry to hear that. Maybe we could have a post approval process that runs through both yourself and BSU?

its fine that you don't like the prequels but do you have to complain about it over and over and over again?  in every single SW thread that pops up?   haven't you gotten it out of your system after all these years?  or are you so hung up on GL that you can't help yourself?

If you'd bothered to notice, I've said both positive and negative things about GL and Star Wars in all SW threads. You seem to be overly concerned with my opinion - whereas you won't find me attacking yours. If my opinion riles you so much, just ignore it!

its not cause you're posting your opinions, it cause you can't stop posting them over and over again.

I'm aware that this forum is not open for debate on the SW subject, but that won't stop me from reasonably critiquing the films. Can you show me a specific instance where I've posted over and over again?

you're going to cough up the $10 to see his movie, then another $20 when the DVD comes out, and whatever other merchandise is released before, during and after the movie.  can you honestly deny this?  and prove it? 

Can you show me where I ever said I wasn't going to see the film? Have I ever said "I refuse to see the film"? No. I'm a fan of Star Wars. I've said before that I hope this one is going to be better than the preceding prequels. The trailer actually looks good to me and I have high hopes. Unfortunately I had high hopes for the previous films and they disappointed me. Hopefully this won't happen again, I'm optimistic it won't due to the impressive trailers lately.

I don't purchase DVD's, mainly because I get frustrated by their price and the duplication that occurs when months later you get a "special edition" package that negates your first purchase.

if not, stop your continuous bitching please.

Please stop your continuous attacks on those who disagree with you occaisionally.

Edited by Majestic

Haterist, don't waste your breath...er, typing. Majestic is still trying to pick a fight. And for all his accusations and finger pointing, its funny how us "dittoheads" don't seem to pick fights with any of the other detractors...I mean "realists" on this forum. People like Sundown, ComiKaze, and countless others who can't be bothered to post in this thread, have all voiced their misgivings, complaints and outright disdain for the Prequels. And yet they aren't here quoting and replying to each other. I wonder why that is. Could it be that they're not argumentative pricks? I initially replied to ComiKaze's post about how he'd have liked to see the PT go down, and yet who is it that's here slinging shite at the "dittoheads?" No, its topics like that that make Maj crawl out from underneath whatever rock he lives under and hunt for an argument. I'm sure he'll have some sort of pithy comeback for this, one thats simultaneously dripping in cynical condescension and smug self-righteousness. The question is...who cares?

:rolleyes: Get a room guys...Just like bargeing in on your parents haveing sex; your dork mateing rituals are traumatic for the young ones to witness.
Posted (edited)
Haterist, don't waste your breath...er, typing. Majestic is still trying to pick a fight.

Riiight, that's what I'm "doing". And here I thought I was posting in an internet forum! :rolleyes:

And for all his accusations and finger pointing, its funny how us "dittoheads" don't seem to pick fights with any of the other detractors...I mean "realists" on this forum. People like Sundown, ComiKaze, and countless others who can't be bothered to post in this thread, have all voiced their misgivings, complaints and outright disdain for the Prequels. And yet they aren't here quoting and replying to each other. I wonder why that is. Could it be that they're not argumentative pricks?

The other detractors have also been insulted for daring to critique the prequels, I'm not speaking for just myself in that regard.

The question is...who cares?

Indeed. If my criticism over the prequels bothers you so much, then why not just ignore it rather than trying to "pick a fight" over it?

At the end of the day, why bother getting so upset over comments that aren't aligned with your own?

Edited by Majestic

For the record, I think Majestic needs a time out. Even though he's on "my side". . . there's a point where you gotta realize that you're no longer even debating the issue anymore, but just getting wrapped up in petty BS. Majestic, chill out. You're embarassing "the cause." :lol:

But, bsu legato, this and other Star Wars threads are chock-full of your subtle and not-so-subtle demeaning comments towards anyone who even cares enough about the Star Wars movies to look at them critically and possibly compare and contrast them to each other. While you make good points, generally, those come amongst plenty of other posts (or amusing cartoons) stating that the critics are all fanboy nerds whose opinions are therefore irrelevant. So, really, though Majestic is getting irritating in his condescension, I'm not sure you're the one who should be casting stones where "condescending tones" are concerned.

This thread was going pretty well. People were being allowed to say what they wanted to say, and interesting points of view were stated. The critics had their say, the "they're all the same" crowd dropped by. . . charts were made. . . some light-hearted barbs traded. . . all was good. But now, after a respite from the inevitable, we're embroiled in petty BS again.




stating that the critics are all fanboy nerds whose opinions are therefore irrelevant

Sounds bout right to me. :ph34r:


IMHO, if you're that into SW, then you deserve to be made fun of. :D

i too am a SW fan but not to the point where i got to continuiously whine about it. i collect SW stuff(just lego) which puts me in the catagory of nerd/dork/almost-semi-fanboy but i've learned to accept it. :p

that being said, i'll bitch about ROTS when i actually see and not pre-bitch beforehand. ;)

  haterist said:
IMHO, if you're that into SW, then you deserve to be made fun of. :D

Says the guy with all the Star Wars Legos! ;)

Actually, I think most of the people I know who dislike the new movies consider themselves to be sort of "fans in exile". . . we stopped buying the stuff, stopped visiting the websites. We're all just disappoined with the wasted opportunity for something that could have been really cool. So, we've moved on to other things and don't tend to expose ourselves to Star Wars all that much. But then, when it comes up obliquely (such as in an anime discussion forum), we suddenly feel compelled to express our disappointment in the same way a lot of people around here would if M7 were brought up on a Star Wars forum.



I think my frustration stems from the fact that even in a thread apparently meant for soliciting critical opinion, the reactionary insult posts invariably continue. Now, I'm not crying "personal attack" or anything, it's just that the overly sensitive Star Wars apologists seem to be quick on the draw of insult rather than debate or intelligent, civil discussion. I don't start my comments with "OMG you're an idiot for liking Episode I", whereas this is the type of response I receive in regard to a reasoned comment. I'm not saying I'm immune from my own form of eventual mud-slinging, but let's not forget where this began: with reactionary insults being hurled at reasonable critiques.


"I found the writing to be pretty poor in the prequels, I really hope it's tightened up in the third film along with perhaps some more time spent on visual effects"


"OMG you haters need to man up and stop crying about perfection. I'm sick of your negative Lucas atttacks. Don't post if you don't love Star Wars! The effects in the original series look like poo compared to the prequels and you're not bitching about them" (A sarcastic and inaccurate reinterpretation of criticism ensues, followed invariably by the "OMG111Oneoneeleven" trend, which we all know makes you the Internet Commander of Sarcastic Comedy).

But then again, who am I kidding? I'm going to keep right on with my opinion and I'm sure to expect more of the same from the usual crowd in response. Thankfully, this reactionary passion seems to be reserved only for Star Wars. Here's hoping another trilogy doesn't come along that might cause such upset!


Thats funny, looking back at this thread things were reasonably civil (for a Star Wars thread, anyhow) until you started throwing around your "prequel loving dittoheads" flamebait. So honestly, save the pious "I just want to discuss things reasonably" b.s. for the newbies.

  bsu legato said:
Thats funny, looking back at this thread things were reasonably civil (for a Star Wars thread, anyhow) until you started throwing around your "prequel loving dittoheads" flamebait. So honestly, save the pious "I just want to discuss things reasonably" b.s. for the newbies.

Word. Having reviewed this thread... still shaking my head at Hurin and Haterist pointing out the futility of long winded no-point argument (my little ones have all grown up now! ;) )... I have to say that you just got to let it all go, Majestic.

For example - BSU and I couldn't disagree more fervently over the Star Wars franchise. I love the old, original version films and he's down with the new stuff. We'll both express our opinions and point out when the other might be wrong, and makes jokes at the other camp's expense all the time...

Let everyone have their own opinion and quit trying to "win" - it's pointless. Some people are going to agree with you, some are going to agree with him. A very select few will agree with AgentONE.

Now, can't we all agree that wookies are like, the most kickass race in the universe?

  bsu legato said:
Thats funny, looking back at this thread things were reasonably civil (for a Star Wars thread, anyhow) until you started throwing around your "prequel loving dittoheads" flamebait. So honestly, save the pious "I just want to discuss things reasonably" b.s. for the newbies.

When I said "dittoheads" it was in reference to those that attack the nay-sayers on sight, not those that advocate prequel quality. And your post is sort of an example of what I was talking about. Are you incapable of civil discussion about this subject, seriously? Ask yourself, is a constant hostile response necessary and constructive?

Also, how does being a "newbie" effect (affect?) "reasonable discussion"? Are newbies traditionally pious and reasonable?

Tell you what, since it seems to upset you so much, I'll reserve any Star Wars comments, negative or otherwise, either to this particular thread or we'll make a new one like "A Critical Review of Episode III". If new Star Wars threads appear, instead of posting directly, I'll simply link back to the critical thread..that way you or others that are miffed by dissent can avoid even looking at it and save yourself the upset.

  MGREXX said:
It's been severeal pages later of rambling. Can you two just kiss and make up already. :wub:

It's just a damn movie afterall.

I find this just hilarious. Isn't this the result you wanted? Your thread has alsted 5 pages (on my settings) and has somewhat of a flame war going on. As if you didn't know such a topic would spur this kind of an argument. Now you want us to sperad the love? Ridiculous.


Lets not start a 4th SWEPIII thread please. It is tough enough to remember who is posting what in which thread as it is.

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