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Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the new movie dissapoint us SW fans AGAIN like he did in Episodes 1 and 2!!!!!!

    • Yes, it will be another dissapointment. George just doesn't have the "force" in him anymore.
    • No, this time he WILL get it right.
    • You are crazy, both episodes 1 and two ruled!!!!!...Except for that damn jar jar (ppwwweeeezzzzzz)

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  Agent ONE said:
I feel like the guys that hate the new movies and the Special Editions are just so into SW and their memories of their SW childhood, no matter what it won't be good enough, because it slightly changes what they grew up with.  Its like the first time you catch your parents having sex... You are horrified, and you would just rather imagine they just didn't do that... BUT NOW that you DO know that, it changes the way you look at your parents.  Its just a matter of how willing you are to accept change.

But the inverse of that argument is that all you "pro-prequel/they're all the same" guys are such nostalgia-influenced fanboys that you are blind to the glaring flaws and horrible choices that George Lucas has made with Star Wars.

Oddly, however, those who think Star Wars ran off the tracks with Jedi (if I recall correctly, that came out when I was a kid and I loved it back then), go to great pains to divest themselves of this charge. . . whereas those who so lovingly defend each and every film are the ones most vocally accusing the critics of being fanboys.

I'd say that maybe it's time the tables were turned and those of us who see a host of flaws in the "newer visions" of Star Wars just started basing our arguments around the perceived flaws in the character of those defending them (losers, fanboys, obsessed, etc.). . . but here's the problem with that: It doesn't contribute anything. . .

Nothing is served by either side merely stating that the other side are merely nerdy fanboys. It's a way of avoiding having to address what the other side is saying. We should all just accept that the only reason we're here is that we're fans of Star Wars and discuss each other's opinions on the merits of what is said rather than just dismissing each other as fanboys.

  MGREXX said:
  Hurin said:
In a nutshell:

"Lucas is a genius who can do no wrong! Jar Jar ain't that bad! They're all good!" = Cool, casual fan.

"Star Wars has been on a downhill slide since Jedi." = Raging Star Wars fanboy nerd.

I think you got it the other way around bud.

That "whooshing" you're hearing is the sound of my post going right over your head.


  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:
I feel like the guys that hate the new movies and the Special Editions are just so into SW and their memories of their SW childhood, no matter what it won't be good enough, because it slightly changes what they grew up with.  Its like the first time you catch your parents having sex... You are horrified, and you would just rather imagine they just didn't do that... BUT NOW that you DO know that, it changes the way you look at your parents.  Its just a matter of how willing you are to accept change.

But the inverse of that argument is that all you "pro-prequel/they're all the same" guys are such nostalgia-influenced fanboys that you are blind to the glaring flaws and horrible choices that George Lucas has made with Star Wars.

Oddly, however, those who think Star Wars ran off the tracks with Jedi (if I recall correctly, that came out when I was a kid and I loved it back then), go to great pains to divest themselves of this charge. . . whereas those who so lovingly defend each and every film are the ones most vocally accusing the critics of being fanboys.

I'd say that maybe it's time the tables were turned and those of us who see a host of flaws in the "newer visions" of Star Wars just started basing our arguments around the perceived flaws in the character of those defending them (losers, fanboys, obsessed, etc.). . . but here's the problem with that: It doesn't contribute anything. . .

Nothing is served by either side merely stating that the other side are merely nerdy fanboys. It's a way of avoiding having to address what the other side is saying. We should all just accept that the only reason we're here is that we're fans of Star Wars and discuss each other's opinions on the merits of what is said rather than just dismissing each other as fanboys.


You guys (and yes I am generalizing becuase generalizing works) think you are somehow more artistic, or smarter, or better fans, or somehow have a deeper understanding of SW than the rest of us, BECAUSE you rip on the new stuff. Its more of an ego thing with your type, and your type is almost ALWAYS super dorks. Just about every cocktail party I go to and SW comes up, the most socially UN-adjusted hand job in the crowd has something nasty to say, whereas all the normal people just say "I love em all!"

i love how SW fanboys that claim to hate Lucas continuely talk about the man til no end.  :rolleyes: 

if you don't like what SW has become and you don't like GL, then don't join SW forums to bitch about it.

Are you saying that Agent ONE should leave Macross World because he so hates Macross 7? Because, apparently, you're arguing that some people have no place in a Star Wars forum because they can't stand TPM or some of the changes Lucas has retroactively made to his prior works.

To say that someone can't participate in a Star Wars forum unless he likes each and every tiny aspect of each and every film. . . well. . . are you sure you mean to say that?

We do agree, however. I also get annoyed when people pop into threads for fans of a movie/series, only to call them all idiots and rip on that movie/series. But that is not the case here. The explicit purpose of this thread was to gauge how many people think the third prequel will suck as much as the prior two. Obviously, that invites discussion about how much the prior two sucked. ;)


  Hurin said:
i love how SW fanboys that claim to hate Lucas continuely talk about the man til no end.  :rolleyes: 

if you don't like what SW has become and you don't like GL, then don't join SW forums to bitch about it.

Are you saying that Agent ONE should leave Macross World because he so hates Macross 7? Because, apparently, you're arguing that some people have no place in a Star Wars forum because they can't stand TPM or some of the changes Lucas has retroactively made to his prior works.

To say that someone can't participate in a Star Wars forum unless he likes each and every tiny aspect of each and every film. . . well. . . are you sure you mean to say that?

We do agree, however. I also get annoyed when people pop into threads for fans of a movie/series, only to call them all idiots and rip on that movie/series. But that is not the case here. The explicit purpose of this thread was to gauge how many people think the third prequel will suck as much as the prior two. Obviously, that invites discussion about how much the prior two sucked. ;)


No, he is saying that dorks should leave... I however define awesomeness... I am the tree from which you all grow. (except Majestic and Hurin, because they seriously lack awesomeness)

  Agent ONE said:

You guys (and yes I am generalizing becuase generalizing works) think you are somehow more artistic, or smarter, or better fans, or somehow have a deeper understanding of SW than the rest of us, BECAUSE you rip on the new stuff.  Its more of an ego thing with your type, and your type is almost ALWAYS super dorks.  Just about every cocktail party I go to and SW comes up, the most socially UN-adjusted hand job in the crowd has something nasty to say, whereas all the normal people just say "I love em all!"

Sounds like you've got an inferiority complex to me. :lol:

And, just what sort of "cocktail parties" do you attend where Star Wars often comes up?

Well, feel free to generalize. . . but you wouldn't know I'm a Star Wars fan by looking at me. . . nor would I say much to strangers about it other than: "I liked the older ones a lot. I think the newer ones were pretty bad." If asked, why, I might elaborate. . . but I'd save the real venom for my friends who actually know enough about Star Wars to appreciate it.

As for us feeling "superior". . . Yes, I do think that I'm being a bit more discriminating in the way I view the Star Wars films. I'm sorry, but I do question the tastes of someone who can repeatedly state unequivocally that there is no appreciable difference between the films. But, believe me, this doesn not make me feel "superior" to anyone and certainly doesn't help my ego.

In most cases, I really don't think it's a question of taste on your side of the aisle. Rather, I just think that you're all so in love with your carefully cultivated "cooler than thou" personas that you won't even entertain the idea that there is some heavy suckage going on in these movies. Because, if you actually analyzed a Star Wars film a little bit, that might make you a :o NERD! Oh no! Can't have that! Just keep saying they're all the same and that those who don't like them are nerds! That's the best possible solution! :lol:

  Hurin said:
  Agent ONE said:

You guys (and yes I am generalizing becuase generalizing works) think you are somehow more artistic, or smarter, or better fans, or somehow have a deeper understanding of SW than the rest of us, BECAUSE you rip on the new stuff.  Its more of an ego thing with your type, and your type is almost ALWAYS super dorks.  Just about every cocktail party I go to and SW comes up, the most socially UN-adjusted hand job in the crowd has something nasty to say, whereas all the normal people just say "I love em all!"

Sounds like you've got an inferiority complex to me. :lol:

And, just what sort of "cocktail parties" do you attend where Star Wars often comes up?

Well, feel free to generalize. . . but you wouldn't know I'm a Star Wars fan by looking at me. . . nor would I say much to strangers about it other than: "I liked the older ones a lot. I think the newer ones were pretty bad." If asked, why, I might elaborate. . . but I'd save the real venom for my friends who actually know enough about Star Wars to appreciate it.

As for us feeling "superior". . . Yes, I do think that I'm being a bit more discriminating in the way I view the Star Wars films. I'm sorry, but I do question the tastes of someone who can repeatedly state unequivocally that there is no appreciable difference between the films. But, believe me, this doesn not make me feel "superior" to anyone and certainly doesn't help my ego.

In most cases, I really don't think it's a question of taste on your side of the aisle. Rather, I just think that you're all so in love with your carefully cultivated "cooler than thou" personas that you won't even entertain the idea that there is some heavy suckage going on in these movies. Because, if you actually analyzed a Star Wars film a little bit, that might make you a :o NERD! Oh no! Can't have that! Just keep saying they're all the same and that those who don't like them are nerds! That's the best possible solution! :lol:

He types as if we read his posts.

  Hurin said:
i love how SW fanboys that claim to hate Lucas continuely talk about the man til no end.  :rolleyes:  

if you don't like what SW has become and you don't like GL, then don't join SW forums to bitch about it.

Are you saying that Agent ONE should leave Macross World because he so hates Macross 7? Because, apparently, you're arguing that some people have no place in a Star Wars forum because they can't stand TPM or some of the changes Lucas has retroactively made to his prior works.

To say that someone can't participate in a Star Wars forum unless he likes each and every tiny aspect of each and every film. . . well. . . are you sure you mean to say that?

We do agree, however. I also get annoyed when people pop into threads for fans of a movie/series, only to call them all idiots and rip on that movie/series. But that is not the case here. The explicit purpose of this thread was to gauge how many people think the third prequel will suck as much as the prior two. Obviously, that invites discussion about how much the prior two sucked. ;)


if A1 hates it that much, yeah sure he can leave here but he doesn't post crap like, "my childhoods been raped" and other "nonsensical" statements of the like. he simply points out how gay it is and teases those who say its great. :lol:

personally, i think he should save himself the headaches and avoid posting in any mac7 thread since he seems to hate it with such a passion but i think he enjoys it too much...giving people a hard time, not mac 7. :p

Posted (edited)
No, he is saying that dorks should leave... I however define awesomeness... I am the tree from which you all grow. (except Majestic and Hurin, because they seriously lack awesomeness)
He types as if we read his posts.

Hurin, It's like Agent One is proving your valid points for you. It's a win-win.

Edited by Majestic
  Agent ONE said:
He types as if we read his posts.

You know you love 'em. You can't get enough.

Now, brace yourself, this will be short. . . leaving you feeling empty inside.



Save your anger and your flames. I will no longer waste my time replying to those members that have personal issues to resolve. ;)

Good Day biotches. :lol::lol:

To the rest of you, I welcome your input.

i know better, i only read his first sentence.

And with that, the pro-prequel dittohead camp loses the remainder of its tattered credibility.

Imagine a debate class with these guys.

  Hurin said:
If asked, why, I might elaborate. . . but I'd save the real venom for my friends who actually know enough about Star Wars to appreciate it.

Oh, and this is hypothetical. I don't attend cocktail parties. That's too social for an obvious nerd like me. I'm far too busy sitting in front of the soft glow of my monitor, masturbating to pictures of Princess Leia in her gold bikini. Of course, I only had to resort to that after my girlfriend refused to continue strapping danishes to the side of her head and calling me "Han." As for a super-nerd Star Wars fan like me actually having a girlfriend. . . I plead "fluke." Actually, she's made up.

There, all those stereotypes are now satisfied. :)



I love the earlier post about prequel critics being "Star Wars Nerds" and prequel lovers as "normal".

Welcome to crazyworld! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
You're right. It's just crazy! Black is white, up is down, right is wrong....

There are no "shades of gray" :rolleyes:

Edited by Majestic
  Majestic said:
Imagine a debate class with these guys.

Jeeze, how old are you? That's it...me and AgentONE are gonna...like, wait for you after class in the parking lot.

Jeeze, how old are you? That's it...me and AgentONE are gonna...like, wait for you after class in the parking lot.

There are debate courses in college and post-graduate school, last I checked.

Ah, the threat of stealing lunch money from those with a superior argument. Maybe you and Agent One could be the new hosts of Crossfire.

The last vestige of credibility fails to pull up at the last second and disintegrates on impact... :D

  Majestic said:
There are debate courses in college and post-graduate school, last I checked.

True, but most people grow up and leave the snide condescension in high school.

Ah, the threat of stealing lunch money from those with a superior argument. Maybe you and Agent One could be the new hosts of Crossfire.

Why would we steal your lunch money? Lucas pays us insane sums to pimp his movies here, from atop our pillars of righteousness. Remember?

The last vestige of credibility fails to pull up at the last second and disintegrates on impact...   

Hell, if you say so it must be true.

Posted (edited)
True, but most people grow up and leave the snide condescension in high school.

Whose got the snide condescension, those who criticise Star Wars or those who criticise the critics with a holier-than-thou approach?

Lucas pays us insane sums to pimp his movies here, from atop our pillars of righteousness. Remember?

That would certainly explain a lot. But I doubt he'd underwrite attacks on character based on opinion. I'll give him that much.

Hell, if you say so it must be true.

Got snide condescension? Here's a joke of my own from earlier.. :p


Edited by Majestic
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